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[ Healthy Food Made Easy]

A Practical, Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

Click below for a short (2 minute, 40 second) audio that summarizes the Healthy Food Made Easy program.

Healthy Food Made Easy sets forth a practical way to adopt and follow a healthy, whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet that is designed to:
(1) Protect you from the diseases most likely to kill you,
(2) Extend your life, and
(3) Help you achieve and maintain your ideal weight.

We live in an amazing time.

For millions of years starvation has been a deadly threat. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, almost 75% of London children died before the age of 5. Since ancient times people had to spend their waking hours in a desperate struggle to find or grow enough food to stay alive and to keep their children alive. Hunger was a constant concern for young and old.

Today the overwhelming majority of children in industrialized countries live to be adults. For the first time in history, overeating kills more people than starvation. Even in poor countries death from overeating and the diseases of overeating is becoming a greater problem than starvation. For the first time in history people in countries with market economies have access to a virtually unlimited supply of readily-available foods, thanks to an amazing system of production and distribution from the mechanical reaper to frozen fruits and vegetables.

Not only is the supply of food abundant, the typical U.S. household paid a lower percentage of their income on food in 2011 (11%) than in 1984 (17%). Yet in spite of all the low-cost food that is available, all is not well with the modern diet.

The standard American diet

The majority of people in the United States, and increasingly people throughout the industrialized world, eat what is often called the standard American diet. According to 2014 data from the USDA’s Economic Research Service, the calories that U.S. citizens consume come from the following foods:
1)  Processed foods—foods with added sweeteners, added fats or refined flour (57%)
2)  Animal foods—beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, milk, yogurt (32%)
3)  Plant foods—vegetables and fruit, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, whole grains (11%).

The majority of the diet that most people in the United States eat is made up of foods with added sugar or other sweeteners, added oil or other fats, refined wheat flour or other refined grains and added salt. Another large portion of the U.S. diet is animal foods including meat, eggs and dairy. A healthy, whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet eliminates most processed foods and limits animal foods.

An epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes has engulfed the industrialized world and is now rising rapidly in developing nations. The work of T. Colin Campbell, Dean Ornish MD and others points to the modern diet of processed and animal foods as the cause of obesity and of the chronic diseases that plague industrialized countries.

A whole-food, plant-based diet vs. the Paleo diet

A WFPB diet offers a radically different way of eating by eliminating most processed foods and restricting animal foods to a small and occasional part of the diet. T. Colin Campbell, an author of The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health summarizes the optimal human diet: “Good science tells us the optimal way to eat is what I call the Whole Food, Plant-Based (WFPB) diet. … The WFPB diet consists of whole foods—that is, foods as close to their natural state as possible. A wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds make up the bulk of the diet. It includes no refined products, such as white sugar or white flour; no additives, preservatives, or other chemical concoctions, which our bodies were never programmed to recognize or digest; no refined fats, including olive or coconut oils; and minimal—or, better yet, no—consumption of animal products, perhaps 0 to 5 percent of total calories at most.”

A WFPB diet makes losing weight and keeping the weight off much easier than unhealthy diets like the standard American diet and the Paleo diet. Diets that advocate eating large amounts of animal foods such as the Atkins and Paleo diets may succeed at short-term weight loss but seldom at long-term weight loss. A controversial YouTube video (Low Carb vs. Plant-Based) contrasts the appearance of leading animal food and plant food advocates.

In recent years nutrition scientists have accumulated a mountain of convincing evidence which shows that a WFPB diet may prevent, arrest and in some cases even reverse the diseases most likely to kill us: cardiovascular diseases, cancers, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and high blood pressure.

Heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women in the United States. There is now convincing evidence that a processed food diet of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods promotes obesity, atherosclerosis and heart disease. There is also convincing evidence that plants are a safer source of protein and fat than animal foods which may contain unhealthy amounts of protein, saturated fat and cholesterol.

A WFPB diet has been used successfully by Dean Ornish MD, Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. MD, Joel Fuhrman MD and others to not just arrest but to actually reverse the atherosclerotic plaque in arteries. A diet high in animal foods, such as the Atkins or Paleo diet, has never been shown to successfully reverse atherosclerotic plaques. Dr. William Osler said many years ago that we are only as old as our arteries. The evidence is clear that the best way to protect your arteries is to eat a WFPB diet.

Atherosclerosis and heart disease are not just a theoretical or potential risk. Autopsies of American soldiers in the Korean and Vietnam wars and autopsies of many young people who died of auto accidents or other causes have found that the great majority of people over the age of 10 who eat the standard American diet have clear, visible evidence of atherosclerotic plaques. For the great majority of people in industrialized countries, heart disease needs to be arrested and reversed rather than just prevented.

A WFPB diet can not only arrest heart disease and promote weight loss but can simultaneously combat a wide array of other chronic diseases. Michael Greger in his excellent new book How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease shows how a healthy WFPB diet may help combat our most lethal chronic diseases including:
(1) Heart disease including the leading killer, coronary artery disease;
(2) Lung diseases including lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma;
(3) Brain diseases including stroke and Alzheimer’s;
(4) Digestive cancers including colorectal, pancreatic and esophageal;
(5) Infections;
(6) Type 2 diabetes and overweight;
(7) High blood pressure;
(8) Liver diseases including alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic liver disease and viral hepatitis;
(9) Blood cancers including leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma;
(10) Kidney diseases including kidney stones and kidney cancer;
(11) Breast cancer;
(12) Suicidal depression;
(13) Prostate cancer;
(14) Parkinson’s disease;
(15) Iatrogenic causes, death and disability caused by medical care.

Since Hippocrates said “Let food be your medicine” around 400 BC, scientists have conducted a great deal of research to determine the healthiest foods. Convincing evidence points to a WFPB diet as the diet most likely to allow us to lead fit, active lives for as long as possible.

Even the United Nations advocates a WFPB diet. A 2002 joint report of the World Health Organization and the United Nations titled Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements, after years of consultation by leading nutrition scientists from around the world, recommended a plant-based diet:  “Populations should consume nutritionally adequate and varied diets, based primarily on foods of plant origin with small amounts of added flesh foods. Households should select predominantly plant-based diets rich in a variety of vegetables and fruits, pulses or legumes, and minimally processed starchy staple foods. The evidence that such diets will prevent or delay a significant proportion of non-communicable chronic diseases is consistent. A predominantly plant-based diet has a low energy density, which may protect against obesity.”

There is no longer serious dispute among most knowledgeable experts that a WFPB diet protects against the leading chronic diseases and provides an effective way to lose weight, increase energy and extend life.

Why diets fail

Many dieters fail to adopt a healthy diet and achieve long-term weight loss.  A 2005 study (Wing et al, Long-term weight loss maintenance) found that only about 20% of overweight people were successful at losing 10% of body weight and maintaining the loss for over one year.

On the other hand, a 2007 study reported in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine which analyzed data from the huge, ongoing National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) was more optimistic, finding that a majority of dieters were able to maintain at least a significant part of lost weight for at least a year.

Whatever the exact percentage of successful diets, it’s clear that adopting a healthy diet and achieving permanent weight loss eludes many dieters.

Why do so many diets fail?  Four plausible reasons: (1) Ineffective motivational strategies, (2) Eating the wrong foods, (3) Complicated diets, and (4) Inconvenient diets.

(1) Ineffective motivational strategies

Commitment to a healthy WFPB diet can be fragile.  In time temptations and social pressures can shatter the strongest resolution. To maintain commitment there must be a sustained, ongoing program which reinforces the benefits and advantages of a WFPB diet until the diet becomes routine and habitual.

The Healthy Food Made Easy program lays out a practical way to stay motivated. It also describes additional motivational strategies which make permanent adoption of a WFPB diet much easier.

(2) Eating the wrong foods

The usual weight-loss advice is to eat less and exercise more. Trying to eat less of the processed and animal foods of the standard American diet is doomed to failure. The key is eating the right foods (a WFPB diet) and avoiding the wrong foods (processed and animal foods).

The foods on a WFPB diet are high in fiber, water and nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals). Bulky foods with fiber, water and nutrients activate stretch receptors in your stomach which tell your hypothalmus that you are full and should stop eating. Processed foods usually have little fiber, little water and few nutrients. Animal foods (meat, eggs and dairy) have no fiber, few antioxidants, no phytochemicals and few nutrients compared to plants. Processed and animal foods may create a constant state of toxic hunger leading to overweight and type 2 diabetes.

Compare a large apple with a small cookie or a piece of white bread.  Each may have about 100 calories. The apple has fiber, water and nutrients which will help satisfy your hunger until the next meal.  The cookie and bread have little fiber or water and few nutrients.  They will do little to activate stretch receptors or tell your brain to stop eating.

(3) Complicated diets

Authors who advocate a WFPB diet often propose meal plans with a great variety of meals that change every day. This makes it difficult for many people to keep all the required foods on hand and prepare the meals. The National Weight Control Registry, a major study of strategies for maintaining long-term weight loss, has found that adopting a meal plan that stays the same day after day makes it much easier to eat a healthy diet. Once the habit of eating healthy whole foods is established, new foods and additional recipes should be added for greater variety.

(4) Inconvenient diets

Another reason that adopting a healthy diet may fail is that proposed WFPB recipes and meals are often not sufficiently practical and convenient. For a WFPB diet to be adopted and followed, it must be able to compete with the standard American diet for ease and convenience.

Processed convenience foods and restaurant meals make eating almost effortless. What can be more convenient than a bag of candy or cookies or chips?  You just open it, eat however much you want and put it in the cupboard, ready for snacking whenever you feel hungry. Like the sale of convenience foods, restaurant sales have increased greatly in recent decades. What could be easier or more convenient than a pizza from a pizza delivery company, hamburgers and fries from a drive-through restaurant or a full-service meal from a traditional restaurant?

Many people believe that eating a healthy diet requires spending a good deal of time shopping for produce that may quickly spoil, preparing and cooking meals and cleaning up afterwards.  Authors who advocate a healthy diet often provide recipes that require a good deal of time to shop for, prepare and clean up.  They often fail to provide recipes that take full advantage of two of the greatest culinary inventions of the modern age: microwave ovens and frozen vegetables and fruits.

It can be hard to stick with a healthy, whole-food diet when time is short and less healthy but much easier alternatives exist.  People sometimes feel that they have no choice but to eat the unhealthy way they do.

How to adopt a healthy diet

The Healthy Food Made Easy program describes a practical way to adopt and follow a healthy, WFPB diet. The program includes: (1) Effective motivational strategies, (2)  A healthy, high-fiber diet, (3) A simple, unvarying diet, and (4) A very convenient diet.

(1) Effective motivational strategies

The program sets out a series of effective motivational strategies for adopting a WFPB diet, the most important of which is a simple, entertaining, step-by-step program of reading, audiobooks and videos that makes it much easier to adopt and follow a WFPB diet until it becomes automatic and habitual. Most of the books, audios and videos will be available from a well-stocked public library. A few of the books are reasonably priced (e.g., on Amazon) and their purchase is recommended.

This motivational strategy is not based on willpower or inspirational slogans. Rather it is a learning program which over a period of days and weeks reinforces the benefits of a WFPB diet and makes it much easier to adopt a healthy diet that can revolutionize your health and energy and make losing excess weight possible and permanent.

(2) A healthy, high-fiber diet

The Healthy Food Made Easy kickstart diet focuses on foods that are high in nutrients and fiber and low in calories including vegetables, fruit, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, vinegars and spices, and as much water, tea and coffee as you wish. The foods are chosen to be protective against chronic diseases. They are also chosen to be high in fiber, water and nutrients to allow hunger-free weight loss for people trying to lose weight.

(3) A simple, unvarying diet

The Healthy Food Made Easy daily meal plan remains the same each day for the duration of the 28-day kickstart program. By simplifying your daily meal plan and keeping it constant you don’t have to think so much about food and upcoming meals. Food decisions become routine and effortless, resulting in less worry, less stress and more peace of mind. Whether you need to lose weight or not, the idea is to rearrange your kitchen and food supply so that eating the same healthy foods every day is simple, quick and convenient and, after several weeks, automatic, routine and habitual.

After a healthy diet becomes routine, you should add variety to your diet by adding new recipes and by adding or substituting different vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, nuts, seeds and spices.

(4) A convenient diet

The Healthy Food Made Easy program provides a simple, convenient way to make healthy meals fast and easy—easy to shop for, easy to prepare, easy to clean up. Fresh and frozen foods are quickly combined and microwaved, making preparation and clean-up extremely quick and easy. A single bowl and spoon are all the tableware needed for most meals.

What the program includes

The Healthy Food Made Easy program is a 49-page PDF.  PDF stands for Portable Document Format. PDFs allows documents to be delivered easily over the Internet using the free Adobe Reader. If you do not already have the Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can install a free copy by visiting adobe.com or googling “adobe reader”.

The PDF is divided into 3 parts. Part 1 is a 13-page introduction that includes the following headings: introduction … warnings and disclaimer … the standard american diet … atherosclerosis and cancer … a whole-food, plant-based diet … is animal food healthy? … why diets fail … a satisfying diet … making healthy food easy … limiting variety at first … an inexpensive diet … a low-salt diet.

Part 2 is 18 pages and titled Staying Motivated. Part 2 describes an easy, practical, sustained program of reading, listening to audiobooks and watching videos to learn about and reinforce the benefits and importance of adopting and following a WFPB diet.

In addition to the learning program, other motivational strategies are also discussed including an excellent free online food journal, regular medical checkups, hypnosis and aversion therapy, a competitive weight-loss program, a low-cost social support club and many other proven strategies that make adopting a WFPB diet much easier.

Part 3 is 18 pages and titled Food and Exercise. Part 3 provides clear, detailed instructions for setting up and implementing the 28-day kickstart Healthy Food Made Easy meal plan. Pictures and descriptions of the frozen foods, produce items, nuts and seeds, beverage items, spices and other recommended foods are provided. A spreadsheet lists meals, foods, serving sizes, calories and nutrient breakdowns, stores, product prices and costs per serving.

The daily cost of the diet is very affordable, about $7 per person. Recipes are detailed for each of the five meal bowls on the program. References to outside sources provide online videos with reasons for including some of the program’s foods. A section on exercise describes studies which show that even a low-intensity exercise program provides great health benefits.


Change your diet for good

In countries around the world an epidemic of obesity, type 2 diabetes and chronic disease has followed the adoption of a diet of processed and animal foods. A huge financial burden for the countries afflicted, shortened lives, disability and incalculable personal suffering have been the result.

Healthy Food Made Easy provides unique and radically simple motivational strategies including a program of reading, audiobooks and videos to help people adopt and follow a WFPB diet. The kickstart diet itself is radically simple and convenient requiring only a few minutes each day to assemble, heat and clean up.

The Healthy Food Made Easy program has a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied for any reason you are entitled a full refund on request.  Your purchase is backed by ClickBank’s guarantee of quality customer service. Healthy Food Made Easy LLC and ClickBank will be happy to help you if there is any problem with your purchase.

Healthy Food Made Easy can be contacted at support[at]healthyfoodmadeeasy.com. ClickBank can be contacted at 1-800-390-6035 during business hours (Mountain Time) or through Live Chat at ClickBank.com.

Try this program. Read the 49-page PDF. Follow the step-by-step motivational strategies. Implement the 28-day kickstart program. If you are not thrilled with your results, your money will be promptly refunded. Act now. You have much to gain and nothing to lose.

The total cost of the Healthy Food Made Easy PDF is $20.00. Click the link below to bring up a secure ClickBank order form.


The goal of the program is to show people an easy way to adopt a new way of eating that can revolutionize their health and their life. If you have any questions you can contact us at support[at]HealthyFoodMadeEasy.com.

If you’re not ready to buy the Healthy Food Made Easy program at this time, please send us your email address so we can contact you in the future and try to convince you of the benefits of our program. We won’t share your email with anyone. We won’t contact you often and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. If you send us your email, we’ll immediately send you a short, free book report on what we believe to be the 2 best books to read if you want to adopt the healthiest WFPB diet. To receive this free report type in your email address and click the ‘Send me the free report.’ button.

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