Attention: Sleep-Deprived Moms and Dads...
Dead-Tired Mom Tries 32 Ways To Get Her Defiant Toddler To Sleep Through The Night ... ALL Of Them Fail Miserably ... Then, On A "Hail Mary" 33rd Try, She Put Together A Simple 3-Step Process That Finally Got Her Toddler EXCITED About Bedtime And Sleeping Like An Angel For 12-14 Uninterrupted Hours Per Night, Every Night, Like Clockwork!
Now she wants to share her fast and easy 3-step toddler sleep plan with you! Read her letter below to discover how you can quickly get YOUR sleep-troubled toddler snoozing dreamily through the night just like she did!
From: The desk of Stephanie Allen
RE: Getting much needed sleep for you and your toddler.
Dear Friend,
My name is Stephanie and the first thing you should know about me is that I’m not a doctor.
I’m not a baby sleep specialist, either.
I never studied anything health or baby related in school. And, in fact, the only thing I consider myself an “expert” about is…
I Think I Know How Almost Any Parent In America Can Get Their Toddler To Sleep All Night, Every Night - Without Defiance, Without Crying, And Without Tantrums - Using Just 3 Simple And Easy Steps.
I know… because I did it.
And I did it without tears, complicated night time routines, or spending any money at all.
Here’s what happened:
The first year after my daughter was born, she was a GREAT sleeper. She slept all the time! We had no problems getting her to take naps and we had no problems getting her to sleep at night.
My husband and I thought we had the perfect baby...
Then, out of the blue, she quit sleeping!
Literally, out of nowhere, she was waking up 10, 15, even 20 times per night.
This went on for 8 months.
Not sleeping affected her behavior and her mood. She had a diminished appetite, was constantly cranky, and would throw a window-rattling tantrum at the drop of a hat.
I, too, was always exhausted, moody and easily agitated. (And you know the old saying... when mommy ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!)
The lack of sleep was turning our lives upside down.
I was also very worried about how it was effecting my daughter's health.
You see...
A Toddler’s Growth And Development Can Be
Damaged If They Don't Get Enough Sleep.(1)
I read about studies from prominent Universities and trusted organizations like the National Sleep Foundation (2) that showed how lack of sleep can definitely inhibit a child's ability to grow and develop to their full potential.
And, according to the world famous Cleveland Clinic (3), there many additional side-effects like...
Irritability/mood swingsDepressionHyperactivityDecreased attention spanAggressionMemory problemsPhysical accidents
And it’s not just the child who suffers. The mother is also at risk(4).
Studies have found that mothers of babies and toddlers with sleep problems are at higher risk of depression(5). And a mother suffering from depression may not be able to be emotionally available, sensitive, and responsive to her child, day in and day out.
Plus, lack of sleep for the mother can lead to accidents, serious health problems, lack of sex drive, premature aging, forgetfulness, weight gain, impaired judgement and an increased risk of death!(6)
Needless To Say, I Was Pretty Freaked
Out And Worried About All Of This!
So I asked my friends if they had any suggestions or advice on how I could get my daughter to stay asleep.
I was told to try sleep sound machines, baby massage, baby sleep cds, “crying it out”, using a sleep schedule, and even a few popular baby sleep books from
For two solid months I tried every different suggestion that was given to me!
In total, I tried 32 ways to get her to sleep.
But none of them worked! Lucy was still NOT sleeping through the night.
At one point I even went to our Pediatrician. She told me that “it’s just a phase and your daughter will eventually outgrow it.”
This made me feel a little better. But then, after another month of her not sleeping, I knew this was NOT just a “phase” she was going to outgrow any time soon.
I Couldn’t Wait Any Longer. 32 Tries And They All Failed. I Was
Desperate. I HAD To Do Something To Get My Daughter To Sleep!
So as a last-ditch, "hail mary" attempt at getting my toddler to sleep, I knuckled down and started researching like a crazy person.
I spent hours gathering information from every child sleep book, DVD, seminar, blog, journal, video, and newspaper I could find.
I spent entire days on many different forums where parents discussed what they had done to successfully get their toddlers to sleep all night.
I ended up with more than 73 pages of handwritten notes.
It was nuts! I felt like I was back in school doing research paper (only I was working for my toddler's health and my sanity... not a letter grade!)
I went over the notes again and again - eliminating most of it - until I had whittled it down to a mere 15 pages.
I Organized All Of The Powerful Toddler-Sleep Information I Discovered Into A Simple 3-Step Process That I Knew I'd Be Able To Follow Every Night Even Though I Was Dead-Tired, Exhausted, And Walking Around In An Intense "Brain Fog" From Lack Of Sleep.
I was pretty proud of myself for putting it together... however... I still had NO idea if it was going to work.
So... imagine my shock and surprise when the first night after using the 3-Step Plan, Lucy fell asleep in just twenty-five minutes and only woke up twice during the night!
The second night, Lucy fell asleep in just twenty minutes and only woke up once!
Then... the third night of using my new 3-Step Plan...
Lucy Fell Asleep After Just 5 Minutes And Slept
For 12 Hours Without Waking Up Once!
I was blown away! Completely flabbergasted that it had worked so quickly...
SO flabbergasted in fact, that I wasn't quite sure if my 3-Step Plan had worked ... or if it was just some lucky coincidence... or just a flat-out fluke.
I honestly had trouble believing that it could really be that easy. I kept thinking... could I be missing something?
But then... on the forth night, the same thing happened. She slept all night! She didn’t wake up once…
On the fifth night, the same thing… she slept all night again!
My skepticism started to turn into belief!
Lucy has now continued to sleep, uninterrupted, for 10-14 hours almost every single night, for the last 3 years!
The Simple "3-Step Plan" I Created Worked! And It Worked FAST!
My 3-Step Plan had not only saved my daughter’s health but my health and sanity as well.
I thought I'd go CRAZY if I didn't start sleeping. Going without sleep for 8 months straight is something that they'd do in a movie to torture James Bond!
But it wasn't a movie... And I really felt it. As I'm sure you do, too!
That's why I can't recommend my 3-Step Plan enough.
It REALLY works!
And because of its almost shocking effectiveness, and because I know how much you're suffering, I've decided to share it with you.
I took the 3-Step plan, added a few tips, some do's and dont's, jazzed it up a bit, and put it all together into a fast and easy to read digital guide that you can download and read right now.
I even gave it a title based on the fact that it took me 33 times to get it right!
I call it...
The 33 Toddler Sleep Plan: 3 easy steps to getting your toddler sleeping
every night like clockwork without a single tear or tantrum!
Image is for visualization only. The guide is downloadable.
I know, it's not that snappy. I'm not much of a creative type