Excerpt from product page

I know what you want! You’re looking for a way to make money that doesn’t involve a lot of hype or false promises. A way that takes the minimum amount of time to learn, is easy to implement and gets you into a money-making position in the shortest time possible.

Guess what!!!

In the time it takes to read this message you could take advantage of an area of business that is worth


by using a money-making method that is so simple...

...a 10 year old child could do it!!!


That’s right; if you’re looking for an ethical method of making money that is quick and easy to learn, can be done from home or office, part-time or full-time, doesn’t require a College or University degree, is inexpensive to get started AND recession proof… the answer may be closer than you think!

Hi there,

My name is Rick Aitken and I’ve tried just about every money-making idea and scheme there is.

Some were so far-fetched they would never work in a "month of Sundays” or took ages to set-up with no guarantee of success. Others worked but would take months if not years to make any decent money.

If you’ve been in the same situation then I know exactly how you feel!

I’ve tried blogging, affiliate schemes, arbitrage, online auctions and article writing… you name it and I’ve probably done it!!!

Now I will admit that I have had some success with some of these but they all took time to see any real results.

I was always on the lookout for something that would give me results in minutes or hours rather than weeks and months and took the absolute minimum of time to learn and implement.

It took a while but I eventually found it… I call it…

"The 10 Minute Cash Builder”

Before I go on let me tell you a little about myself.

Mine is not a "rags to riches” story… in fact it’s quite the opposite.

No doubt you have read tons of stories about someone discovering some amazing wealth secret whilst being in a state of poverty.

How they had to sell the family cat just to put food on the table or… how they had lost everything and were living in a public washroom on the wrong side of town.

When I discovered what I would like to show you I already had money in the bank, a very nice house and a car that some could only dream of driving let alone owning.

My wife and I were able to go on some fantastic holidays abroad and bills were not a problem.

And it’s because I take time to research and experiment with existing and new ideas that has put me in this enviable position.

I never pass on any money-making ideas to anyone else until I’ve fully tested, refined and actually used the ideas myself. That way I’ve done all of the hard work for you and I’ve made all of the mistakes so that you don’t have to!

Never rely on one source of income

A very wealthy man told me years ago that I should never rely on one source of income and that the path to financial freedom was to have several sources of income so that if one were to dry up then there were others to make up the shortfall.

Now he wasn’t talking about owning several multi-million dollar corporations but a few little money-makers that would make life more bearable.

Now I do realise that some of you reading this may be in a position where daily finances may not be ideal and this is where I would love to help you:

· To ease the financial stresses of everyday life

· To be able to enjoy life without the worry of when the next bill is due

· To keep your family safe and secure

· To put away a college fund for your children

· To supplement your retirement fund

· To purchase things you really wish

· To have that luxury holiday, dream car or whatever

· To take charge of your life

I discovered a way to make a substantial income from an area of business that already existed but by using a FREE WEBSITE that I overheard about and is available to almost everyone on the planet; make a huge difference to my income and my life and that of my family.

So much so that I make part of my living from this area… and so can you!!!

And it’s so simple that:

· You don’t need a fortune to get started

· You don’t need a College or University degree

· You don’t have to study for months

· You can learn this in a couple of hours

· You don’t need a business

· You don’t need a website

· You don’t need expensive software

· You can do this from office, home or even an internet café

· You can do this as a hobby, part-time or full-time

· You can do this anywhere in the world even on holiday

· You can do this to pay off debts

· You can do this to supplement or pay off a student loan

· You can do this to add to your retirement planning

· You can even do this during a recession with success

· You could use it to buy the things you really want

· A 10 year old child could do this!

In fact it’s simpler than listing an item on eBay or building a profile on Facebook... and look at how many millions of people do that every day!

"I’ve heard it all before!”

Now you have probably read something like this before and thought, "Here’s another one where I’ve heard it all before!”

I too have read similar messages claiming the same and I know what it’s like where you are promised the Earth only to find that it’s the same old rubbish that takes months to learn and doesn’t deliver.

Or that you buy a course for a fortune only to discover that that you have to invest more money for other parts of the course you weren’t initially told about. Then you have to spend even more money just to set things up with no promise of any success.

"Yes I’ve been there!”

What I would like to show you already exists and has been written about hundreds of times before but IS a genuine money-maker… the difference is that I have discovered a "Game Changer!”

This worldwide money-making area is worth around

4 Trillion Dollars… A DAY!!!

"And YOU can be part of it too!!!”

That’s right you can be part of it too. And to put your mind at ease IT’S NOT:

· An MLM scheme

· A pyramid scheme

· A mail order scheme

· A poker system

· A Horse racing scheme

· Any kind of gambling scheme or system

In a moment I’ll tell you what it is but I have to ask you a favour and promise me that you will put your prejudices aside and read on.

Blows previously written guides "out of the water”

I ask this because what I would like to show you has been written about before but you will admit though that sometimes something comes along that blows all of the previously written guides on the same subject "out of the water” and gives that subject massive credibility.

I have read dozens of books and publications where the supposed author had obviously copied someone else’s material and had missed something out or didn’t really understand the subject he or she was writing about.

Or the author had filled the guide with technicalities that only he or she could understand with the result that the reader lost interest.

Possibly even that they hadn’t explored other aspects of the subject and had missed the very thing that almost guarantees success… or that they hadn’t been thinking "outside the box!”

Here goes…!!!

I want to show you a method of trading on ONE specific area of the Stock Market that almost everyone can relate to and take advantage of for easy and large profits.

You can do this:

· With no previous experience

· Without a College or University degree

· At home or in an Internet Café

· Without lengthy study periods

· With limited funds

· As a single parent

· As a student

· As a senior citizen

· As a hobby, part-time or full-time even if you’re unemployed

· Anywhere in the world even on holiday

· Even in the deepest global recession with success

Hopefully you are still interested and will continue reading.

For those of you that are a little sceptical and are tempted to "click away” let me tell you a quick but true story.

A long time ago I worked as a Financial Consultant for a savings and investment company.

One of our consultants left the company for whatever reason and all of his clients were passed on to me.

On one occasion I had to visit one of those clients to introduce myself but also to present that client with a cheque from one of his products that had matured. The cheque was valued at around £56,000 Pounds (approx. $89,000 Dollars).

On the particular day that I visited the client a friend of the client had visited unannounced and was present when I presented the cheque.

"What on earth is this all about?” asked the friend.

"Oh I started a little investment plan about 10 years ago and it’s just matured” replied the client.

The agitated friend immediately retorted, "We’ve known each other for more than 10 years; WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS!!!”

The answer from the client was, "I didn’t think you would be interested!”

An opportunity to make your life richer

Now imagine if you had lost-out on an opportunity to take advantage of something that could potentially make your life richer… because you weren’t interested!!!

So; what I would like to show you as I said has been written about before probably hundreds of times. However some time ago I overheard a conversation about a FREE WEBSITE that completely changed the way that I made money from this area of business.

I discovered a way to make my money faster and more consistently than ever before… that’s when I decided to write "The 10 Minute Cash Builder”.

I realized other people could be successful too

After trying out the method using that FREE WEBSITE that I had overheard about and having consistent success I realized that other people could do the same, even people that had no previous experience at all… possibly even YOU!!!

As I have said before you can do this:

With no previous experience

Regardless of your previous or current career or educational background; even if you’re a "High School Dropout” you can do this and be successful.

Without a College or University Degree

You don’t need any special qualifications to get involved and you won’t have to start reading the Wall Street Journal or the Financial Times either!

Without your own business or website

You don’t have to have your own business or website to get involved as everything already exists online. You just "Log-in” and start making money!

At home or in an Internet Café

You can do this working from your home or office. All you need is a computer with Internet access. Even if you don’t have your own computer you can do this from an Internet Café.

And you won’t have to sit in front of your computer for hours on end either. In fact… using the FREE WEBSITE I will tell you about you can actually plan ahead; which means you can actually plan your trading around your normal daily or weekly routine... even better!

Without lengthy study periods

I know what it’s like to get started in something new and have a certain amount of studying to do. It can drag on and on for weeks sometimes months and can feel like you’re never going to get into a money-making position.

With "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” you can be in a money making position within a couple of days… maybe even sooner!

With limited funds

When I first mentioned the Stock Market earlier on in this message you may have been thinking, "I don’t have any money to invest it’s not for me!”

With "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” you don’t need a fortune to get stated and I have a way that I can show to get started for very little. So little in fact that you could even borrow the few funds it takes to get started.

As a single parent

Are you a single parent struggling to make ends meet to bring up your children? "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” is also designed with people in mind on a tight budget and with a lot of commitments.

As a student

Are you a student with a student loan to repay? You could ease the burden of a large student loan to repay whilst still studying or trying to get started in your chosen career.

As a senior citizen

Is your retirement fund not giving you the lifestyle you’re used to when you were working? When you only have a limited income it can be difficult to make ends meet; even worse if you had to retire due to ill health.

You can take advantage of "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” to make your retirement more comfortable.

As a hobby, part-time or full-time even if you’re unemployed

If you have some extra time on your hands why not start a hobby making a little extra cash to supplement your present income.

Are you in between jobs? Why not make life easier whilst job searching.

Anywhere in the world even on holiday

The beauty of "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” is that you can make money even on holiday. Most hotels nowadays have some sort of Internet Service which means that you could be making money even whilst you soak up the sun or enjoy that cocktail. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection... simple as that!

Even in a recession with success

The world has recently gone through one of the worst global recessions in history. Whilst many were losing money there were others making a fortune.

With "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” you can still make money even in the worst global climate… and it’s easier than you might think!

You can be in profit within 10 minutes!

So why did I call it "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” you might ask?

Well that’s simple.

By using information from a FREE WEBSITE; I can show you how you can place a trade and be in profit within 10 minutes!

It only takes a couple of minutes to set-up and implement and "Hey Presto!” 10 minutes later you are "In the money”.

Better still; I know where to place my trades days before and I know exactly what my profit will be even before I place my trade!

And I can show you too!!!

How amazing is that?

And let me remind you that you can do this:

· With no previous experience

· Without a College or University degree

· At home or in an Internet Café

· Without lengthy study periods

· With limited funds

· As a single parent

· As a student

· As a senior citizen

· As a hobby, part-time or full-time even if you’re unemployed

· Anywhere in the world even on holiday

· Even in a recession with success

Look at these graphs. They show a financial "Event” in the Currency Markets in October 2015 at 1:30 pm.

Even to the untrained eye the first graph would appear to be good news for someone because the line on the graph is going in an upward path.

The second and third graphs however would appear to be bad news for someone as the line on the two graphs are going down… right again.

In actual fact all three graphs indicate bad news for someone and in the case of all three examples it was bad news for the US Dollar.

In all three cases the US Dollar was LOSING value against another currency.

At the same time another currency was GAINING in value against the US Dollar.

Understanding this is the key to making a lot of money... even in the worst global economy… and it’s simpler than you might think… even a 10 year old could do this!

So it was good news for some and bad news for others. Understanding and recognizing what is going on here is one of the keys to making a lot of money and is very easy to understand with even the tiniest of training and yet is another key to making a fortune even in the worst global economy.

I don’t expect everyone to understand these graphs but basically in these examples the US Dollar lost value against another currency.

To briefly explain; many of you reading this message will have travelled to another country where that particular country had a different currency than the one that you reside in.

If you reside in the United Kingdom for example and you travelled to the United States of America you would have gotten only so many US Dollars for every Pound Sterling. This as you probably already know is called the "Exchange Rate”.

And of course when you return from your trip abroad and have some currency left over; when you convert it back to the currency of the country you reside in you hardly ever get the same rate back.

This is usually because there are fees and commissions to be paid in order to change your money back.

Sometimes there may have been some sort of financial event elsewhere in the world that had an effect on that countries currency that you where exchanging meaning that you got even less than you were expecting.

So back to the graphs; in the first example the Euro GAINED in value against the US Dollar hence the line on the graph going up (notice the highlighted blue area in the table beneath the graphs).

In the second example the US Dollar LOST value against the Japanese Yen and in the third example the US Dollar LOST value against the Swiss Franc hence the line on their respective graphs going down.

Now it takes great skill to predict what is going to happen to a particular countries currency even before it happens… but guess what!

I knew this was going to happen 4 days in advance and was able to place winning trades and make a lot of money using a FREE WEBSITE that I overheard about…


I was able to do this using the methods I can teach you in "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” and by using a FREE WEBSITE that I overheard about… you don’t have to be a genius to be able to understand this… once again a 10 year old child could do this!

The risk is almost zero

Now I don’t blame you if you think that investing on the Stock Market is very risky. I thought it was too but because I was so interested I made the effort to learn as much as I could. This learning gave me the confidence to do my own trading and in such a way that the risk is almost zero.

And it’s because of this learning that I have come to the conclusion that the problems that other people have experienced and lost money through is because of a lack of education in the areas of investing.

One the most common misconceptions about investing and any form of speculation is that the investor needs a fortune to start and has to tie-up their hard earned cash for years… NONSENSE!!!

You can start with a tiny amount

Using the information that I can teach you in "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” you can start with a tiny amount and realise your profits in minutes rather than months or even years.

You don’t have to put your money into the Stock Market to make a fortune

That’s right; it’s another popular misconception that in order to gain from the Stock Market that’s where your money has to go… NONSENSE!!!

You can take full advantage of movements within the Stock Market without having to commit yourself to tying up your money in an area controlled by someone else.

You can take advantage of these movements yourself by working around the outside in an area completely detached from the markets themselves… much safer!

So how much can you make!

First of all the area that I speculate in has high returns with minimal risk.

Have you ever wondered how banks and other financial institutions can guarantee their returns to you regardless of the financial climate; in good times or bad?

That’s such an easy question to answer. It’s simply that they (the banks etc.) make an absolute fortune for themselves using YOUR money and only give you a very small percentage back… the percentage they guarantee to give you.

Banks have massive reserves but only give you 2-3%

If THEY make a loss they have made so much money from past deals with YOUR money that they have a massive amount of money in THEIR reserves.

So when the areas that THEY have invested YOUR money in make a loss they are still able to pay you from THEIR reserves.

It’s possible that the banks and others are making 20%, 50% and maybe even 200% on YOUR money but only giving you back 2% to 3%.

To add insult to injury you may have to wait 12 months or longer to realise this small percentage whereas they may even be making these profits on a daily basis... not fair!!!

Get closer to the big gains that the banks make in a fraction of the time

If you are happy with even only 3% on your hard earned money in 12 months (or longer) then that’s fine but wouldn’t it be amazing if you get closer to the kind of percentages that the banks and others are enjoying but in a fraction of the time?

Now it’s fairly common knowledge that when times are good then any investment you have will generally increase. In other words you will have a gain and have more money than you started with… excellent! However if there is a loss then it only follows that you will have less money than you started with… common sense really.

With all forms of investment there is always an element of risk. The trick when investing is to find a way to limit or reduce that risk.

Anyone considering investment of any kind can easily get lost in the minefield of agents and brokers all eager to take your money and convince you that they have their investor’s interests at heart.

I have been able to reduce the amount of risk in the trades that I do because of the area that I trade in and the free tools that I have found and use all of the time. These are the tools that I will be sharing with you in "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” with nothing left out.

Regardless of the global economy you can still make money

So basically what I’m saying here is that regardless of what the worlds’ financial position is; good or disastrous; you, yes YOU, can still make money… and I’m going to show you how!!!

I can say this this with confidence because what I am going to show you does not involve you having to put your money, and it doesn’t have to be a lot, directly into those financial markets themselves but rather working around the outside… which is infinitely safer!

So if you were to give your cash to a bank for instance they may only guarantee to give you a return of 2 to 3% annually.

That’s great if you already have a fortune and can wait for a year to get your profits.

The area that I speculate in can give me returns of

68% to 85% in only

10 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"WHAT… 85% IN 10 MINUTES!!!”

Yes; you did read that right; as much as 85% in as little as 10 minutes… hence "The 10 Minute Cash Builder”.

I’m able to achieve returns like this because of the area that I speculate in. And it’s not an area that is only known to a select and privileged few.

This area is available to everyone but very few are aware of it.

High returns are common

These high returns are common and the timescales are flexible. I don’t recommend it but these sorts of returns could be achieved in a little as 60 seconds!!!

So how could that translate into money?

If you were to speculate $25.00 on a return of say 85% you could get a return of $46.25.

That’s your original $25.00 back plus $21.25 profit!

A $50.00 speculation even at a return of 68% could give you a return of $84.00.

Ramp that up and for a speculation of $100.00 on a return of 85% you could get a return of $185.00!

Go mad at $1000.00 on a return of 68% and you could pull in a profit of $680.00!!!

And it’s possible to achieve these profits in only 10 minutes… and even in the deepest recession!!!

And let me remind you once again that you can do this:

· With no previous experience

· Without a College or University degree

· At home or in an Internet Café

· Without lengthy study periods

· With limited funds

· As a single parent

· As a student

· As a senior citizen

· As a hobby, part-time or full-time even if you’re unemployed

· Anywhere in the world even on holiday

· Even in a recession with success

Even better still, you can be in a position where you can place several trades on the same day and several trades a week!

Make a substantial living from just two trades a day

Now I know that you can make numbers add up to anything but let me show you how you could make a substantial living from just two winning trades a day over a 5 day period.

If you were to achieve 2 winning trades day on an 85% return at $25.00 each you could make $42.50 multiplied by 5 days could give you a total profit of: $212.50.

$21.25 x 2 x 5 = $212.50

If you were to achieve 2 winning trades day on an 85% return at $100.00 each you could make $170.00 multiplied by 5 days could give you a total profit of: $850.00.

$85.00 x 2 x 5 = $850.00

So for a modest $25.00 outlay twice each day for a week you could be better off by just over $200.

And for only 20 minutes of work a day!!!

Of course ramp those figures up and you could make considerably more but still for only a few minutes of work a day!

Just for fun; if you were to consistently make around $200 extra a week you could be earning an extra $9600 a year!

And of course if you were pulling in around $850 extra a week you  could be earning an extra $40800 a year!!!

What would you do with all that lovely extra cash???

Holiday, new car, wedding, retirement fund… it would be up to you!

Trade on pure profit from previously successful trades

And the beauty of this method of making money is that it only takes a few winning trades to put you in a position where you are trading on pure profit from previously successful trades!!!

And another thing...

Foreign Exchange is here forever!

That means that unlike some "Fads" that are here one day and gone the next; Foreign Exchange will be with us virtually forever. So you can be sure that this is something that you can almost depend upon for years to come giving you a long-term method of making money.

Once again let me remind you that you can do this:

· With no previous experience

· Without a College or University degree

· At home or in an Internet Café

· Without lengthy study periods

· With limited funds

· As a single parent

· As a student

· As a senior citizen

· As a hobby, part-time or full-time even if you’re unemployed

· Anywhere in the world even on holiday

· Even in a recession with success

Now if all of that sounded too complicated… it’s not!

The methods will become "second nature”

Once you’ve studied the "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” and put things in place you will find that over a short time the methods will become "second nature”.

You will find that you don’t have to refer to "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” because you will know exactly what to do.

You will know exactly what to do because of the way that I have written and structured this guide. And I’ve done it without boring technicalities and jargon that no one can understand.

For example do you know what a "Fibonacci Calculator” is or what "Retracement and Extension Percentages” are; do you know what "Pips” are or what "Bounce-back” means… and do you really care!!!

"The 10 Minute Cash Builder” has been written to help you get into a money-making position as quickly as possible without tying you up in a language that you can’t understand.

I’ve made all of the mistakes so that you don’t have to!

Remember I never pass on any money-making ideas to anyone else until I’ve fully researched, tested and refined the ideas myself. That way I’ve done all of the hard work for you and I’ve made all of the mistakes so that you don’t have to!

Sure there are several other tools available to help you have more success with your trades. Unfortunately a lot of them are either software that you install on your computer and/ or require some kind of payment… usually quite high!

A lot of these software tools have some kind of algorithmic method of placing automatic trades.

Personally I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 foot pole!!!

Don’t misunderstand me here there are some of these tools that are genuine but they still have the same inherent problem in that they are not 100% accurate.

The FREE WEBSITE I use doesn’t involve algorithms that "hit or miss” or special knowledge or even Voodoo Magic either. You just go to the site and make a simple decision based on what is displayed.

You don’t have to be a genius to understand what is displayed either; in fact as I have said before a 10 year old child could do this … and so can you!!!

Put simply; it would be a bit like doing a crossword puzzle and going to the back page to look at the answers! Easy as that!

"Special offer coming up”

So what does it cost to get involved bearing in mind that this fantastic money-making method:

· Is accessible to everyone

· Is so easy a 10 year old could do it

· Is inexpensive

· Works!

· Can earn a fortune

· Is recession proof

Remember; I’ve tried almost every kind of money-making method, plan or scheme there is as I told you before.

Some were absolute rubbish and would never work. Some were OK but would take an eternity to implement and show very little gain for the effort involved.

Others would cost a fortune and would be out of reach for most people. Believe it or not; I know of a training course in the United Kingdom that costs £89,000 (approx. $142,000)!!!

So; bearing in mind that you could make substantial gains from your first couple of trades the cost of "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” is a mere... $97.00

That’s for the full course supplied in a downloaded PDF format. Here's just a small selection of subjects that you will learn:

· How the Stock Market works

· Understanding the "Options”

· Selecting the right tool for the job

· Opening a trading account

· Selecting the right "Trading Platform”

· How the "Trading Platform” works

· How to speculate with a very small budget

· Maximizing your money for big profits

· The "Game Changer” – the FREE WEBSITE that takes your trades to a new level of success

· Making accurate trades

· Road testing with "Dummy Trades”

· Example trading scenarios

· Making easy money in a disasterous market

· And more…


So how can I justify this price?






Now I know that’s a pretty bold claim but let me just say this…


As I have already mentioned; I’ve tried just about every other money making method and scheme there is and most if not all required weeks if not months to see any convincing results… some didn’t work at all!

Over the years I've more than likely spent thousands on products that failed to deliver after months of hard work.

In fact I recently purchased a guide for over £560 Pounds (around $890 Dollars) on a similar subject and I only got as far as the second page. It was full technicalities that even I couldn’t understand!

Within the "10 Minute Cash Builder” there is a chapter entitled "Road Testing with Dummy Trades”.


And within minutes of reading the information in this chapter; you will be able to see how this could work for you and how you can test this method WITHOUT committing yourself to using "real” money.


You will be able to see right in front of you how this method could definitely work for you... and all in a matter of hours and days rather than weeks or months.


Not only that but… I will also take you through example scenarios so that when you are in a position to trade with "real” money you will be more confident in doing so.



  To get immediate access to your copy of

"The 10 Minute Cash Builder” simply:

[>>> CLICK HERE <<<]

You will be taken to a site that is 100% safe

Now I know that there will be a few people reading this message that will still be a little unsure; especially the ones who have no previous experience of speculating or are on a tight budget but will still wish to get involved… so here is my personal guarantee.

So there we have it.

What an absolutely brilliant way to make extra cash, a substantial living or a great part time hobby that is easy to do; uses existing websites, does not involve lengthy study or a College degree. A way to make money quickly and ethically and can still earn money in the worst global economy and is backed by a solid guarantee.

You probably won’t find an easier or quicker way to make money consistently anywhere plus I’ve included all of my strategies to make your trades more consistent and profitable; and once you become more experienced you may find that you develop a few of your own successful strategies.

Order "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” today for a mere $97 Dollars and you could be on your way to changing your life forever and in a way that you never thought possible with such an easy way to make money.

Get immediate access to your copy of

"The 10 Minute Cash Builder” simply:

[>>> CLICK HERE <<<]

You will be taken to a site that is 100% safe

Thank you and may I wish you good fortune,

P.S. Remember this method of making money is so easy anyone can do it and with NO previous experience. You don’t need a College or University Degree; you don’t have to give up your present job and it’s easy to learn and you can do this from almost anywhere in the world and… IT’S RECESSION PROOF!!!

P.P.S. You can be "In the money” within 10 minutes even during the worst global economy and enjoy high returns with the minimum of risk. I’ve made all the mistakes so that you don’t have to and brought you a way of making money that is so easy a 10 year old could do it.

P.P.P.S. You can test "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” for 60 days and if for any reason you are still not convinced; "The 10 Minute Cash Builder” is backed up by a solid money back guarantee.

Got a question... why not [CONTACT ME]


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