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Free Report of 10 Fats for Fat Loss

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Revealed: A Science based way of eating more helps registered nurse lose 60 pounds and 8 dress sizes just days before wedding dress shopping... All while eating brownies, pasta, and even bread

Did you know every woman was born with a natural fat-burning metabolism? 

However, modern education of nutrition, greedy supplement companies, and the diet industry have forced this metabolism dormant.

As long as this metabolism is turned off, it will be impossible to lose weight permanently,
No matter how many diet methods you try.

But if you switch this natural, fat-burning metabolism on, you will FINALLY see the results you've been searching for.

Better Yet. You will see them FAST.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to show you today. If you read this short story to the end, I will provide you with everything you need to start burning fat today! 

Hey. I'm Lori.

I’m a nurse that was taught modern nutrition is the key to losing weight. I was young and gullible, so I believed everything they said. 

I mean, they wouldn’t teach me false information. Right? 

After I graduated nursing school and got a job, I got engaged. Setting my wedding date quickly, I realized I only had one month before I had to pick out a wedding dress.

I refused to let my weight define me, especially on my wedding day.

So I decided to try the dieting method I learned in nursing school, hoping it would be different from all the others. Sure, maybe I lost a couple pounds. But I was starving, sick of bland food, and I quickly stopped this mundane diet. I just didn’t believe this was the only way.

So I dug a little deeper and did some research.

I couldn’t believe the modern world was not only condoning these so called foods but actually suggesting it! 

I was appalled.

Why in the world should I eat “food” filled with fake, man-made ingredients and toxic chemicals?
That should NEVER be in food!

I was determined to find a solution. I decided to take a real or whole foods approach but there was still so much conflicting information out there. After trying them all, I found that each diet plan had some component that seemed to be holding me back. That just wasn't going to cut it for me. 

Then a Light Bulb went off in my Head!

What if I just created my own nutrition plan and left out all the drawbacks?

BAM! 60 pounds gone!

You might be surprised, but everything I’ve included in my nutrition plan is backed by 100% proven scientific and medical research.*

I’m going to show you a simple plan that automatically turns on your dormant metabolism, resulting in fast and safe weight loss.  

You don't have to count calories You don't have to replace a meal with a shake You don't ever have to go hungry You don't have to ever eat food that tastes disgusting You don't have to step foot in a gym ( I didn't)

This breakthrough discovery helps any woman of any age or size turn on her dormant metabolism to finally start burning belly fat.

Just keep reading, and I’ll reveal it all!

But before I go any further, let me take you back to the reason why I had to lose weight in the first place.  

I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. I kid you not when I say I was already pushing 200 pounds and wearing a size 14 in the 5th grade. 

(That’s me with all my friends. They’re the same age as me.)

Fast forward to college, I gained the freshman 30, not the freshman 15.

I got about 15 pounds of it off in about 3 days, but I was eating less than 800 calories per day, half of those calories coming from a sandwich. 

I stayed “full” off of coke and water. My blood sugar took a hit, and I was becoming pre-diabetic. You know what I’m talking about if you’ve ever gotten so hungry and felt like you were going to pass out if you didn’t eat right that second. 

It took me less than a week to gain it all right back plus some when I had to start eating again. 

So I tried going to the gym. But it seemed like every time I went, someone always made fun of me. Naturally, I hated working out with people around and quit.

Then I met Tommy, who is now my husband. He somehow knew food was the way to my heart. It didn’t take long for me to start carrying around at least 20 extra pounds. I like to call that “love weight.”

Then I went to nursing school. My stress level went through the roof, and I’m a comfort eater. 

BAM. 40 extra pounds. That’s what eating a pan of brownies a day will do for ya. 

After I finished nursing school, Tommy and I got engaged. 

Now, it’s every girl’s dream to look beautiful and thin on her wedding day.

 That was my breaking point. 

Based on the wedding date we set, I had one month to lose the weight in order to get a dress in time for the wedding. 

I wasn’t getting bulky, and I was looking slimmer in the mirror and to the people around me every day. 
The best part is I was eating more, delicious food while losing weight than I ever had in my whole life while being fat. 
It’s been 3 years since I started living this way, and I’m eating even more now. And I haven’t gained a single pound back!

The real truth is, what the world has been teaching you about fat loss has not only prevented you from losing weight but also made you gain more.

But its not their fault.

The curriculum utilized today is from the 1960s and 1970s. It’s just simply 40+ years behind.

These 3 mistakes are the main lies
holding you back.

#1 Restriction

People believe the less you eat and the longer you workout, the more belly fat you will lose. But in actuality, these actions make you fatter.

It may seem to work at first, but then the body becomes stressed and says, “I’m starving.” Your body thinks food is not available and holds on to belly fat and stores even more to survive. 

The solution:  When you start feeding your body, it realizes food and nutrients are available and begins to use your belly fat for an energy source. 

The result= your body fat disappears!

#2 Eating Perceived Healthy Foods

Food such as granola, fruit, whole grains, good carbs, and anything labeled “sugar free” are supposed to help you lose weight. Right? Nope. Wrong. 

Let't take fruit for example. Yes, fruit can have many benefits, such as high amounts of anti-oxidants, but their high amounts of sugar stores as fat. 

Yes, it is a natural fruit sugar, but this still turns to fat in the body.

Foods are also being labeled as “heart healthy” or “gluten free” on the front of the product to make you think you’re being healthy, but most of the time, it’s food that is filled with fake ingredients. 

The solution:  I’ll provide you with everything you need to identify truly healthy foods, so you can activate your dormant metabolism and start burning belly fat. 

#3 Eating All Fats make you Fat

People actually believe that all fat will be stored as fat in the body, or it will clog your arteries or raise your cholesterol. But that’s not completely true. 

Only rancid fats and vegetable oils will do that. 

The solution:  Saturated fats are essential to turning on  
your secret metabolism

For example, coconut oil and grassfed ghee are medium chain triglycerides, which closely resemble the structure of your own belly fat.

Your body will use these fats for fuel instead of storing them. 

What’s even better is your body will start using your belly fat for fuel once it uses all the fat you’ve eaten because of how similar they look!

These false modern teachings are the reason you’re not getting the results you deserve and the reason your belly fat won’t budge.

Which is why it’s not your fault those other programs were never successful.

It’s NOT because you’re too fat. It’s NOT because you didn’t go to the gym. It’s NOT because of your age. It’s NOT because you ate too much.

It’s because the modern view of nutrition has taught you wrong!

Like I said before, it's not their fault.

They’re required to teach you nutrition based off of old research.  

Instead, to get the fat-free belly you desire, you need a new approach.  

One that utilizes the latest research to
activate your dormant metabolism.

You need an approach that can be easily incorporated into your daily life WITHOUT sacrificing your taste buds and you need to see results FAST so you can  keep your motivation alive! 

Imagine how amazing it will feel to visibly see the pounds disappear week by week!

You’ll even sleep better and have more energy to actually LIVE every day!

Best of all, you’ll finally see real results, never having to swing back into a yo-yo diet or feel guilty about your weight again.

I’d like to introduce you to KetoPaleoGenic. 

KetoPaleoGenic is the fat loss plan that will activate your dormant metabolism and burn stubborn belly fat faster by eating abundant amounts of tasty food and never having to step foot in gym. 

Remember how I told you earlier I tried a few different methods that seemed to be holding me back? Well the *Ketogenic and Paleo diets* are the two diets that most closely resemble what I believe in. However, they both still contain a few components that I don't agree with. Taking out those components, merging them together, and adding in new cutting edge research, you've got KetoPaleoGenic.

KetoPaleoGenic can work for you no matter your: 
weight  age genetics  ability to work out or even if you’re on the verge of giving up your dreams of being skinny.

Just read for yourself.

Hi I’m Jan H. I'm 55 years old. I have 4 children. And after doing exactly what Lori did, I lost 25 pounds of belly fat, all while eating more.

Hello my name is Cathy K. I am 58 years old. I’ve had a significant weight gain from steroids and back and knee injuries until I changed my lifestyle and started the program. Within 5 months I lost 50 pounds.

But before I tell you what KetoPaleoGenic is, let me tell you what it is not. Unlike every other diet plan you’ve tried, KetoPaleoGenic won’t:

leave you feeling bloated and sick on your stomach after every meal restrict your food or calorie intake. You’ll never again go hungry just because you’re losing weight. keep you drooling over your favorite “forbidden” foods. You can still eat them! use all your energy to burn fat. You’ll actually have more!  give you quick, fat loss success only to snatch it right back

You see other diets works against your body, preventing you from achieving your fat loss goals no matter how dedicated you are. You constantly feel restricted, making it impossible to permanently stick to the diet. You’re emotionally drained, fighting the self-control battle all day long.

But when you activate your dormant metabolism by giving your body the nutrition it needs, your body is finally free to destroy all that excess fat! You might be skeptical, but let me explain to you how it works.

The foundation of your success is eating enough quality food that will set you up for burning fat all day long, every day.

First of all, you absolutely MUST eat enough fat. You’ll never get a fat-free belly without eating a full-fat diet. The key is eating the right fat.

Next is protein. I’m not talking about a protein shake. I’m talking about high quality meat. The key is knowing which meats are beneficial.

You could’ve guess veggies are next. But you may not know that all veggies are not created equally. Some are full of carbohydrates and will not help you with your fat loss goals.

And I saved the best for last! Eat as much as you want!

You may not be able to eat much at first, but after the first 3-5 days, you’ll probably notice yourself feeling hungrier. 

That’s your dormant metabolism finally waking up! Your body is now out of survival mode and in fat burning mode.

Your body is loving all the nutrients it’s been craving all along, saying “Give me MORE!” Listen to your body and EAT! That’s the key to burning excess belly fat. Never again feel guilty about eating a lot! Feel proud and embrace it!

I’ll show you exactly what fats, proteins, and veggies are absolutely crucial for your fat loss success in a moment.
But after your first week alone of KetoPaleoGenic, you’ll already feel different. 


be losing inches off your midsection sleep better get more energy  feel overall happier be full and satisfied be building habits that will start to become automatic

And because you’re not going hungry, you’re eating delicious food, and it’s simple to do, you’ll keep doing it! That’s real results for life, my friend.

You don’t have to spend hours in the gym. You don’t have to give up the food you love. I’ll show you how to make the same foods you crave extremely healthy for you. And I’ll show you how to make the foods you think taste bad actually taste good. 

You’ll look forward to eating every meal.

But before I go any further, I need to be honest with you.

If you’re looking for some yo-yo diet to lose all the weight, only to return to eating like you are now, this is not for you.

If you want a pill to do all the work for you, then this is not for you.

KetoPaleoGenic is for women who are tired of all the weight loss lies and want real answers and real success. 

All you need is an email. I’ve done all the research and work for you. I’ll show you exactly what to eat in order to achieve your fat loss goals.

I’m convinced it is my purpose to show every single woman it can be done. And it’s easy. Therefore, I want to make sure everyone can afford it.

Because you’ve taken action and ignited your fire for fat loss, I want to give you more than just KetoPaleoGenic.

I’m going to give you a very special bonus worth $47 completely free. Ready?

1. A 2 week meal plan, full of beginner and easy to cook delicious recipes
2. The corresponding recipes for the 2 week meal plan, otherwise only available in my cookbook
3. An organized grocery list, categorized by sections to save you money and time

These meal plans consist of food you’ve actually heard of and would want to eat. And you eat something different every day. No more boring and flavorless salad every meal. 

And best of all, these meals each contain the essential nutrients to activate your dormant metabolism. 
You’ll be eating such delicious food, you’ll almost forget it’s healthy for you! 
You’ll know exactly what you’re eating that week too, leaving no room for failure and setting you up for success.
You’ll be burning fat all day long, simply because you ate these meals full of the nutrients your body craves to burn fat. 

Meals like pizza, tacos, gumbo, chicken alfredo, and sloppy joes!

Still with all the great flavor you taste buds desire, but now packed with all the nutrients your body and metabolism need. Best of all, you don’t even have to be good at cooking. If you can read and follow a recipe, you’ve got it made. 

 I’ll walk you through it step by step. No master chef training required. And don’t worry, you won’t be spending hours a day slaving away in the kitchen. These meals can all be made in about 30 minutes or less!

Don’t worry about what you’ll be eating when those 2 weeks are done. I’ll be emailing you my PERSONAL meal plan that I’ll be eating for the next 2 weeks. You heard that right!

A 2 week meal plan with grocery list emailed to you every 2 weeks!
You’ll have absolutely everything you need to activate your dormant metabolism and burn off the stubborn excess fat. 

No room or excuses for failure.

I want to make sure every woman has access to this amazing system, so I will not charge you anything close to what I’ve invested to discover these fat burning secrets. Your success is far more important to me, and I truly mean that.

KetoPaleoGenic will eventually be sold as a hard copy book. However, after the cost of materials, printing, and shipping, the cost will be around $49 per copy. 

But I know there are a group of women out there who are just like me, desperately ready to change their life and get that excess fat off. You shouldn’t have to wait 2 years for a book to be published. 

So I’m doing a digital pre-sale before it’s even available in a hardcopy. 

I’m practically giving it away at the supper discounted price of $19. 

You can have instant access to everything you need to activate your dormant metabolism today and the momentum to get you started strong! 

However, once the hard copy gets published, I will be forced to increase the price to close the gap between the digital and hard copy price. So take action today to take advantage of this huge discount! 

Seriously that’s less than a month of gym membership, a session with a nutritionist, or dinner for 2 eating food that will only add to the problem.

Now I’m confident you will experience tremendous success and will be happily please with KetoPaleoGenic. And if you experience any bumps along the way, I’m here for you, ready to answer any question you may have. And I mean me personally.

However, if for whatever reason you didn’t lose the excess belly fat you should have while giving it your best, just send me an email anytime in the next 60 days, and I’ll issue you a 100% refund. No questions asked. That’s how confident I am in this system.

So you’re getting instant access to everything included in KetoPaleGenic and the bonuses:

A detailed breakdown of food to activate your dormant metabolism (main product) 2 week meal plan Recipes for the meal plan Corresponding organized grocery list

Remember, now you know why all the other fat loss methods you’ve tried didn’t work. They were actually working against your body to keep your metabolism dormant by feeding you empty nutrient foods, limiting your food intake, making you starve, making you eat low fat, and just overall making you miserable.

Now it’s your responsibility to make a change. You have the information in your hands to seriously change your life. You can now quickly burn off that excess fat to get the body you deserve.

So act now and join me. I promise I’ll be there for you every step of the way. And it’s far better than the alternative of changing nothing and getting fatter.

Just picture yourself looking in the mirror over the next 4 weeks. You’ll be able to visibly see your belly fat disappearing, you’ll have more energy, and you’ll be bursting with a new self-confidence. 

You’ll feel empowered by the new you. Imagine being able to look at the new you 

One Year

Two Years

Three Years Later

So join me and let’s make the new you a reality. You owe this to yourself.
It’s time to end the overweight struggle. You deserve a body you can be proud of every day. Life is too short for you to keep living the way you are now. 

It only leads to:
low self-esteem
and sadly chronic health issues. 
Take a stand and make a difference by turning your whole life around. You’ll thank yourself for it.

Take advantage of this limited time offer, and let me show you the path to fat loss success today. 
Click the "add to cart" button to activate your dormant metabolism today. 


Have a question? No problem. I’ve probably already answered it for you. 

What is this, and how does it work so well? Fast Fat Loss for Life activates your dormant metabolism by eating MORE food and WITHOUT stepping foot in a gym! It specifically works by feeding your body the essential nutrients you need for your body to burn fat, preventing it from storing excess fat. This is the fastest and easiest method for you to burn fat without ever going hungry again! 

Fast Fat Loss for Life is for women who have tried everything and just can’t seem to get the results they desire. If you’re ready to burn belly fat by eating a bunch of food and not having to workout, you have found your answer! 

What will I need in order to be successful? 

1. Hearty appetite and an abundance of food 2. Desire to be lean 3. Positive mindset 4. An email to stay plugged in to my encouragement 

How long before I see results? You will even notice yourself becoming hungrier by about day 3! I HIGHLY encourage you to take a before picture so you can visibly see your success week by week. This keeps your motivation alive! 

What if I have a lot of weight to lose? Or what if I only need to lost 10 pounds? 

Great! This will work for you no matter if you only have 10 more pounds to lose or you need to lose 100+. Once you turn on your dormant metabolism and get your body working for you instead of against you, your excess fat will disappear, no matter how much is there! No matter if you’ve tried everything else! 

Can I be as successful as you were at this? Will it be as easy for me as it was for you? 

Absolutely because I started right where you are. I am presenting the program as though I was just starting out without overwhelming information. I wanted the fastest results, so I am making sure you are getting those results by giving you the best way. 

Can I really do this if I can't cook? 

Yes, because everything is already done for you! The recipes are easy to follow along with step by step instructions, making sure your food tastes good to you so that you eat more of it and lose more fat. 

I'm busy with two full time jobs and a life to live. How much time will this add to my day? 

Girl, I am busy too. Being a full time labor and delivery nurse, cook, and wife, there isn't much time to spend on long meal prep. You are going to spend time cooking and/or eating food anyways, so you might as well replace it with fat burning food. No time lost that way. And plus, you don’t have to spend extra time in the gym trying to work off those calories you feel guilty about! 

Will this program work for someone older? 

Absolutely! Two of my best clients are in their late 50s. Your body is never too old to get in optimal health and burn belly fat! 

What about rebound weight gain? 

Once you start KetoPaleoGenic, you’ll be eating such delicious food, without going hungry, that you’ll continue on the program! That’s permanent results! And even if you mess up occasionally, your body is programmed to be in fat burning mode that you should not experience any major repercussions. 

However, if you completely stop following KetoPaleoGenic, your body will return to its current fat burning mode, and you will gain your weight back. 

How long will it be only $19? 

There is no way to guarantee how long the price will only be $19 since this is a digital pre-sale. Once I start publishing Fast Fat Loss for Life, the price will unfortunately have to go up. 

Will anything be mailed to me or billed to me after I order? 

Nope. This a one -time buy, no recurring payments. Access to everything will be emailed to you digitally to the email you provide. You won’t have to wait for your copy to come in the mail! You’ll be able to get started right away!

What if the program doesn’t work for me? 

You’ll get a complete refund. Just send me an email, and I’ll issue you every penny back. I just want the opportunity to prove to you and every woman that it works, and it’s easy!

Will I experience the flu like symptoms that sometimes comes with Ketosis? no. These issues come from extreme versions of abrupt induction of ketosis*. We have taken this into careful consideration so that you will enjoy the new way of eating. 

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P.S. - if you're just not sure ask yourself are you ready to improve your life and end the guilt after each meal? Click the button to get a sneak peak at some of the delicious foods we eat.

NOTE: KetoPaleoGenic is a downloadable nutrition program. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the program and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. You will get access to a media library that will be filled with free content and recipes along with your order. If you need assistance on anything, you can contact us at [[email protected]] ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is your ability to follow through. There is no such thing as a Magic Cure. Your effort will determine your results. For the people who have medical conditions talk with your doctor before you begin any new weight loss program or change in your diet. The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.


Scientific Resources

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2716748/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3945587/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17583796 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17522610 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19209185 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23414424 http://www.ketonutrition.org/ http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/type-1-diabetes-guide/what-is-ketosis  http://www.webmd.com/menopause/news/20160403/paleo-diet-may-help-older-womens-hearts-waistlines  http://www.webmd.com/diet/a-z/living-low-carb

KetoPaleoGenic @ 2016



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