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Eat Anything Your Want, Lose Weight And Keep It Off!

Break The Diet Chain Forever!!!

Ready to eat anything and still lose weight?

[Purchase Now! - $30.00]

“Discover The Simple Fat Loss Secret that Frees You From Restrictive, Starvation Diets And Helps You Lose as Much Weight as you Want... While Eating Anything You Want!”

Learn how you Can Eat All the Foods You Love... While Burning Fat And Getting The Lean, Slim, Slender and Sexy Body You've Always Wanted…

Dear friend,

If you’re ready to lose all the weight you want... while you're able to eat everything you want, you'll have to read this important letter.

Hi, my name is Skye Clark and I'm a certified personal trainer and Sports Nutrition Specialist.

In the report below... you'll find out how I was able to lose 65 pounds of unwanted fat... getting in the best shape of my entire life.

But get a load of this... I lost 65 pounds WITHOUT having to give up any of my favorite foods like cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, and cookies.

Heck, I lost weight even while eating my favorite candy: Skittles. The most amazing thing was.... I lost all of this weight while actually doing the opposite of what all the so-called diet gurus tell you to do.

You know... things like eating every 3 hours, eating 6 small meals or snacks a day, only eating protein and veggies, or restricting and avoiding all of your favorite foods.

That's right, none of that BS ever helped me to lose any weight in the past. So when I finally realized those things didn't work, I figured it was time to change my approach.

And you can imagine my surprise and happiness when I found out I could lose unwanted weight, and KEEP IT OFF...

All while eating what I wanted!

The reason this works is backed by science. I'll show you exactly what I mean in a moment.   But once I figured this out... the weight started just falling off me, and I was finally happy in my own body.

I was no longer wearing baggy sweat pants or clothes just to hide my body. For once, I was proud to show off in my brand new bikinis that I never felt comfortable wearing before!

I was losing more and more weight than I ever imagined, all while enjoying pizza, cookies, cakes, and juicy hamburgers.

I'd eat a couple of slices of pizza and think to myself how most chronic “dieters” feel trapped, just like I did. Yet, ever since I started eating this simple way, the weight just fell off me...

And without even trying!

I thought of how these chronic dieters would LOVE to do what I was doing... which was losing a ton of weight while actually eating anything and everything I wanted!

That's when this motivation of mine started... wanting to help other women to do the same.

As I saw the scale weight keep going down... as I noticed my lean washboard abs coming through when I looked in the mirror, when my clothes started getting looser and my energy levels skyrocketed... I knew this was something I should help other women with.

After all, I had tried losing weight like most women do... using restrictive diets, lots of exercise, and other things that make you feel miserable. And worse, you starve yourself, work out for hours, and yet you step on the scale and notice it doesn't budge hardly at all.

So, when I learned the science behind what I'm about to show you... it was the fastest and easiest way I had ever lost weight in my life.

In such a short time, I was watching the scale weight fall. I was watching my clothes get looser while I felt better, with a lot more energy. I was eating all of the foods I had missed out when dieting... things like pizza, burgers, fries, cookies,

And yes... I Even Ate Skittles!

But as I continued to eat these things, I'd step on the scale, see my weight go down, and think “huh... what's going on here”.

I was losing weight fast, yet feeling amazing. I had more energy than ever, I looked healthier than ever and people said I looked like I was 20 years younger. And the truth is, I FELT 10 to 20 years younger.

I noticed that I had the body I did when I was in high school: Lean, toned, fit, and athletic looking. And all from eating what I wanted.

That's when I knew those diet gurus and weight loss gimmicks were full of it. Here I was, getting rid of restrictive diets and getting rid of hours of exercise. Yet the weight just fell off.

I was eating more of the foods I loved and enjoyed... eating what I wanted. And soon, I was in the best shape of my life. Better yet, I was doing the exact opposite of what I thought I had to do, and what most women feel they have to do.

After all, chances you felt like I did in the past, before I learned the truth. You start out strong... you gain a head of steam and start to diet hardcore, and also work out as often as you can.

You feel like this is THE time it will finally come together for you, and that you'll lose weight and keep it off.

Well, you HOPE this is the time. You start to diet since everyone says “that's” what you HAVE to do. So, you get rid of favorite foods and get rid of treats.

So for the first week, it seems fine. You even see a pound fall off the scale weight. But then...

The urges and cravings kick in

You're eating so little... you start to get withdrawals from avoiding all the foods you really enjoy.

But it gets worse. Since you're determined to stick it out this time, you start reading different books and magazines on diets and nutrition. There's just one problem. Every one of them tell you to do something different. They all have different rules you're supposed to follow.

So, before long, you're not only confused about the best way to lose weight... now the cravings and urges you get from starving yourself and restricting your favorite foods... now those are REALLY making you hungry.

Always counting your calories down to the exact number gets really old and tedious. Just thinking about it becomes overwhelming.

What can you eat? How many calories can you have? What foods should you avoid? What if you go over your totals a bit for one meal, do you shave it off the next. Seriously, it gets tiring!

It’s exhausting trying to stick with a diet, like a full time job. Not to mention, it's impossible to enjoy “real life” where your friends invite you out for a few drinks.

But you still want to maintain some sense of normalcy in your life and you don't want to be seen as a social outcast, so you head out with friends. But while they're digging into burgers and fries... you're picking off the croutons from a salad, fearful they'll go straight to your hips

Either way, it becomes so overwhelming

And because it soon becomes so restrictive and you're starting to STARVE and feel miserable, you give in a bit more.

And then a little more... until you're right back at square one. You tell yourself “okay, I'll REALLY start this next week”... as you gorge on cookies, donuts, or chips.

But let's not kid ourselves... not only will you gain any weight back you may have lost on this short term diet... you won't be able to stick with it now, next week, or next month.

No matter how well your intentions are when you set out, no matter how much “willpower” you think you have, it's just impossible to stick with any kind of starvation, restrictive diet where you have to give up your favorite foods. It's impossible... our brains are wired for happiness.

And let's face it, eating tasty, delicious foods can give us a lot of happiness. So, if you cut those out and restrict yourself too much... you WILL hit a point where you feel deprived. You will feel like you're restricting yourself too much and you become miserable.

What do most people do? They try to stick it out. But since will power is a very limited thing...

You can't “will” yourself into staying with a diet

Willpower doesn't last long term, it's a limited resource in limited supply. After you hit about 3 weeks on a very restrictive diet... willpower goes out the window and before you know it, you're eating more junk than you normally would.

And you're also well on your way to gaining all the weight back. Believe me, I know because I've seen it happen to me, time and time again.

Not only that, but many women I've since helped lose a lot of weight... they also go through this same predictable cycle of setting out with good intentions, but then real life hits you and you're back eating the kinds of foods that make you happy.

And remember that... if something makes you happy, you're more likely to stick with it.

If something makes you miserable or feeling deprived, you're more likely to avoid it.

Well, I've just given you the #1 tip when it comes to setting up your life so you can lose weight not just in the short term, but for good. The biggest key I can give you is... you MUST set up your life so you ENJOY what you're doing.

If you do anything you can't stand... how long do you think you can keep that up? A week, two weeks... three tops?

This is why diets won't work for you

It's because they're set up to fail, you can't lose weight and keep it off with a diet that makes you feel miserable.

Yet million-dollar marketers, weight loss companies, diet companies, and fitness companies will continue to lie to you, so you buy their next big weight loss fad, gimmick, supplement, pill, or program.

They need you to believe that they hold the answer, and that it's a pill, powder, or DVD. It's how they make money. If they gave you the truth and showed you what really worked to lose weight and keep it off, at one point they won't need you anymore.

And that means they lose money...so instead, it makes more financial sense and profits to give you instant, low hassle fad or gimmick answers that cost just $39.95. Once you buy it, use it, and find out it doesn't work... they have another product waiting for you to buy.

The only thing getting lighter is your wallet or purse.”

It's a scam and a downright shame. Yet money talks and these companies don't want you to figure out a simple, proven, easy way to lose weight and keep it off without relying on them and their products. Do that and you won't need them anymore... so they try their best to keep you believing that the answer to losing weight is in their infomercial.

And time and time again... thousands of women who fall for these lies end up right back where they started... which is confused, depressed and weighing more than before.

But Losing Weight DOESN'T Have to Be Complicated!

If you're anything like me, you often wonder why you can usually figure out a lot of other areas in your life and get where you want to be

But for some reason... losing weight remains complicated and out of reach. Well, if you feel that way, believe me, you're not alone. I completely get where you are, because I've been there too. And YOU are the reason why I’m writing this page.

I want to share the story of how I was able to figure out the simple key to easy weight loss... to the point where I was able to lose all the weight I wanted, while eating anything and everything I wanted. No hardcore diets, restrictive eating, or hours of exercise.

Once I learned about this simple formula... I enjoyed fast, convenient weight loss. And it was easier than anything else I had ever done.

Better yet, this one simple weight loss strategy made it so easy to stay on track and keep losing weight without counting calories, watching portions, or other complicated dieting rules.

For once, something simple not only worked and gave me back control... it gave me back my life and the feeling of pride and confidence I had been missing for so long.

And since I've uncovered this almost magical method of losing weight faster and easier... I've spent my time helping other regular, average women... just like you, enjoy the same kind of amazing results and freedom that comes from breaking the chains that diets can leave you in.

Like I said, almost no one knows about the method I'm going to show you...

Because it's kept hidden on purpose

The big fitness companies who sell you treadmills, sneakers, DVDS, or exercise machines don't want you to know that losing weight can be this easy... and not take any of their gadgets.

And I know for certain that diet industry won't tell you this stuff. They want you thinking that the secret to fat loss is with their pills, powders, supplements, fat burners, and other things that have been packing store shelves... yet most countries are at their all time heaviest.

Seriously, if something is supposed to actually work... we shouldn't be at our all time heaviest. In fact, it should be the opposite... with more diet products and gadgets being sold now, than at any point in the history of time, wouldn't it make sense that we'd be in the best shape ever?

Seems to me that if any of these gimmicks or fads really worked.... we wouldn't have a country here in the US that's over 60% overweight and/or obese! So, something's not working.

The truth has been kept hidden from you for so long, because of all the financial incentives to sell you the next greatest pill, potion, gadget, or machine. The simple fact is, you can't and won't lose weight with regular, traditional diets or exercise.

Diets have failed you time and time again, and will continue to fail you. And like I said earlier, restricting your calories and food intake to the point where you're always miserable... how is that supposed to be a long term approach?

If we strive for pleasure and happiness, how in the heck will we stay on a diet that makes us miserable? And how will we STAY on it, so that the weight stays off and doesn't come back.

This explains why LESS than 2% of all dieters are able to keep the weight off for more than a month. It's true, not even 2% of the dieting population are able to lose weight and keep it off.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that those numbers aren't great, and that you'll never, ever get the kind of body you want if you think that dieting is the answer.

Thankfully, what I learned with my own trial and error, and then with helping hundreds of women lose weight and keep it off, is the same exact thing I'll share with you in this article.

See, I'm going to prove to you that the endless cycle of losing weight... then gaining it back... losing weight... then gaining it back... it's not your fault.

Like I said, you've been lied to, again and again, by magazines, TV infomercials, and so many other companies who have a long term, financial stake in keeping you overweight.

Diets don't work and will NEVER work…

Why? Well, when you limit the amount of calories you eat... 2 big no-nos happen. First, if you limit your calories greatly... your body will automatically sense famine and starvation.

So what will happen is, your body will actually slow down its metabolism to conserve energy, and your body will HOLD ONTO any stored fat you have.

It does this as a defense mechanism. See, if your body senses a lack of calories and possible famine due to the sudden reduction in your calorie intake.... it will stop burning calories and instead, will slow down your metabolism and hold onto stored fat, to use for energy in case.

This is why diets will literally cause you to stop losing weight and actually cause you to hold onto your stored body fat. Low calorie restrictive diets is the single fastest way to stop all fat loss from happening in your body.

But that's not the only bad thing that happens when you diet. When you start a diet, you think you can make it through with just willpower and discipline. You tell yourself you can do this... and the truth is, you CAN. Well, for a week or so. When you run out of will power and discipline… you find yourself back at square one. Often times you gain more weight because..

You end up eating more than
you normally would!

Had you just given yourself the freedom to eat a little bit of your favorite foods here and there, so you felt like you weren't starving or restricting yourself... you could stick with it.

But no, once you decide that it's all or nothing... you can keep up the discipline and willpower for a week or two.. .maybe even 3 if you're really mentally tough.

And of course, soon you hit a brick wall, decide you can't do this anymore, and the urges and starvation kicks in... you feel so deprived, you eat 5 times the amount you normally would. Which is why you end up dealing with rebound weight gain...often weighing more AFTER a diet than you did before.

Look, no matter what kind of weight loss plan you use... it has to be one that you can stick with for good, and follow it forever. Because that's what really matters, right, having long term success? If something helps you lose weight but doesn't help you keep it off

What's the Point of Yo-yo dieting
or see-saw weight gain?

Look, the only thing that really matters is your long term results. You want something you can stick with and keep seeing weight fall off until you're at the weight you want to be.

Then, you want something that will be easy enough to follow and stick with, that keeping the weight off just naturally happens. It's easy, because it doesn't take a ton of effort, will power, and discipline.

So, let me give you the absolute truths when it comes to weight loss. First, you have to find something that you can stick with, and that won't have you feeling restricted or deprived... because you WILL hit a point where you feel “I can't starve like this anymore.

Again, we're human. We seek pleasure and try to avoid pain. It's what we do. Well, if a really restrictive, starvation diet makes you feel pain, do you really think you'll keep at it long term?

Of course not, even if you lose a few pounds at first, over time it becomes too restrictive and too painful. You probably already know that. But, here's the part where I refuse to lie to you like all those other marketers or weight loss infomercials. To lose weight... it doesn't take a pill, powder, exercise gadget, or supplement. Simply put, to lose weight...

You have to burn off more
calories than you take in

That's right... you have to create a calorie deficit. You have to eat below the calorie totals your body needs in order to lose weight. If you're always taking in more calories than you burn off, your body will simply store those extra calories as fat.

This is how we pack on unwanted weight... it's simply from eating more calories than we're burning off. But as I showed you, what most people do is try to reduce their calories WAY too much, too fast, and that causes your body to hold onto stored fat, as a defense mechanism.

The trick is knowing what your level of daily calories your body needs each day, just to maintain your current weight. But you don't want to maintain your current weight... you want to lose weight. So, you have to take your daily calorie needs and get below it.

However... as you probably know, counting calories is a pain in the butt. Just like dieting and restricting calories isn't something you want to do long term, neither is counting your calories.

It soon becomes a pain, always having to count your calories.

But thankfully, I learned that you don't have to do this everyday. There’s a simple strategy that allows you to stay below your personal daily calorie needs WITHOUT needing willpower, discipline, calorie counting, or giving up your favorite foods.

And using this simple strategy will help you lose all the weight you want, help boost your energy more than ever, and help you look and feel 10 to 20 years younger!

I’ll show you how to do it in a minute. But first, I want you to think of back in school... when you studied the early years of life, and of man, and the caveman days.

Let me ask... have you ever heard of fat cavemen or women millions of years ago? Probably not, right? They were known to be lean, toned, and never overweight.

And sure enough, you can bet the key to weight loss is embedded in our DNA. It's true, the gene for STAYING lean is something we all have and can use to our advantage.

See, I learned that obesity and being overweight was NOT caused by genetics... but entirely by diet. In fact, cultures that STILL rely on a diet like our ancestors are...


See our ancestors didn't eat every day. They couldn't... they ate when food was available.

So, only during those days where a hunt was successful was there protein to eat. The fact is, our ancestors would go days without eating... because they didn't have food.

And yet, they were lean and fit... not overweight or obese like 60% of the US. 

I’d be willing to bet they didn’t discipline themselves or give up certain foods. In fact... they ate anything they could, when they could get it. For most of human history... there has ALWAYS been a natural cycle of calorie consumption. This kept our bodies lean and in balance.

At no point did we ever have an over-abundance of food at our disposal. Quite the opposite, really. Calories came in cycles. Some days if the leaders had a successful hunt and kill of an animal, the food, protein and fat content was high and abundant.

On the days where nothing was gathered, and hunting didn't produce any meat or fish... calories were s low and hard to come by. And even today... human communities in remote places still follow this natural cycle of high and low calories. Researchers who visit these communities discover people who are lean, fit, and healthy compared to the constantly overfed people in the modern world. Listen: your inner chemistry and biology is pretty much the same as our ancestors.... meaning a lean, fit body is in our genes. You were NOT genetically meant to be overweight. Our genes haven’t had time to adapt to the over-abundance of food we have today.

Your body still craves the natural cycle of higher and lower calories. And since discipline is not the answer to losing weight... maybe using similar methods that our ancestors used...

And That Holds the KEY to
Weight Loss

And that’s why you struggle to lose weight in these current, modern times. You're trying to avoid certain foods you enjoy... you're trying to get rid of certain foods that offer plenty of calories and energy and fats you need... but you're trying to get rid of them completely

Well, once you do that... the feelings of deprivation and doing without will kick in, because the fact is, we as humans were never meant to deal with daily discipline and deprivation.

Instead, you just eat when you could, and continued on your daily life. It's true, your genes are actually hardwired to go without food for short periods between times. Like our lean, fit, slender ancestors... you were meant to cycle calories and eat them in waves... .alternating between times of plenty, and times of nothing.

And that’s what’s missing in the modern diet... and it's why over 60% of the Earth's population is considered overweight or obese. Most people eat when they get up... and then eat every few hours. And because of this constant feeding, your body is always trying to store this excess and extra calories, just like the extra junk you have goes into storage closets.

Well, when you're eating every 3 to 4 hours... you're giving your body more calories,

So it goes to work storing all the excess as fat

That’s why we’re fat. That’s why losing weight is so complicated. And this is why you end up gaining all the weight back and more. That’s why you need to shift from eating every 3 to 4 hours... to eating like your ancestors did... because it's in our genes!

If you want to finally keep the weight off, you will need to set up your eating patterns like our ancestors ate, which is in cycles and waves. Some days, you had more than enough, so you could eat all you wanted. Other days, nothing.

See, when you're eating all the time, you're conditioning your body to expect food at the time. So what happens when you don't eat on time, or eat as much as you normally do (by dieting)

That's right, you get hungry, right? And when you’re trying to diet, you'll automatically feel hungry all the time because you're suddenly not eating as many calories as you programmed your body into eating.

But if you were eating like our ancestors... you'd be hungry once or twice a week for a short amount of time and the rest of the time you’ll feel full and satisfied. And unlike you do now, when you're dieting... you'll never be thinking about food or when you can eat again. That's what restrictive diets can do to you...

They have you constantly thinking about food

Wondering when you can eat again, and always wanting to eat something because you're hungry all the time.

But imagine if you only ate once in a while, and you could eat anything you wanted, and never had to count calories, worry about fat totals, or any of that. Wouldn’t that be freeing? Better yet, what if you were no longer hungry, even though you only ate sporadically.. and you were losing more weight than you ever imagined.

As you're eating once in a while, and yet never feeling hungry or deprived... the fat is falling off your body constantly, and you soon find your clothes feeling looser. You suddenly find yourself with more energy than ever, and you literally feel like you're 10 to 20 years younger.

Within a short time, you can't believe the weight you lost... you step on the scale and you're blown away by how much weight you lost, while still eating anything you want.

You get compliments from your friends and family about how great you look, you're now going shopping for new clothes and a new bathing suit to wear at the beach.

And this entire time you're not hungry at all...

Each day, you look in the mirror and swear you've lost another 5 pounds. The great thing is, all of this is possible, because I've done it and so can you.

When I started using the calorie cycling method I’m about to show you... I started seeing more weight loss happen before my very eyes. In fact, I lost more weight in about a month than I had in an entire year before.

I felt like a huge weight was lifted from my back and shoulders... because I finally found something that worked, and that wouldn't have me feeling deprived or starving. And the crazy thing is… as I continued on this calorie-cycling phase...

I became less and less hungry!

The method I’ve been talking about is something called Intermittent Fasting. It's the one thing I've used to lose more weight, and keep it all off... faster and easier than any other method.

With intermittent fasting... you eat a reduced number of calories. The principle is simple... most people find it easier to stay on a diet in which they can eat whatever they want most of the time. And it works!

In a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, those doing intermittent fasting lost 1.5 to 3 pounds per week. Another study found that non-obese subjects lost up to 3% of their body weight—and five percent body fat—after intermittent fasting every other day for 22 days.

See, you lose weight by eating less calories one day (“fast day”) and anything you want the next day (“feast day”)—alternating until your weight-loss goal is reached.

Not only does this make it easier for you to make progress and adhere to the plan, it's also incredibly effective from a hormonal perspective. It's been shown that periods of fasting help you control ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and improve insulin sensitivity. It's true, intermittent fasting lowers Blood Sugar: an important factor in preventing insulin resistance...

Which is why and how it helps to burn body fat

Wouldn’t you love to burn stubborn body fat while still getting to eat delicious foods every week and a big dinner every night? Do you want to do it without becoming a slave to scales and calculations? Imagine looking and feeling ten years younger. How much that would improve your social life?

If you're like most women I've worked with, you want to achieve the slim, slender body that you've always dreamed of, but don't want to suffer through extreme diets and workouts.

You want to enjoy life and losing weight... without having to obsess over dieting and exercise. You want the sleek and feminine body without having to give up your favorite foods.

Well, the good news is.. . Intermittent fasting is NOT tough, especially when you have my inside secrets. When done properly... it becomes a simple yet effective way of life. Hunger doesn't get worse but instead... hunger comes and goes in waves that are easy to manage.

So, if you've struggled to achieve the body of your dreams, but have been frustrated by the lack of results... that's all about to change for the best.

If you have ever felt down on yourself because you've tried special diets and endless cardio, but you're not achieving the body you've been promised... again, that's about to change for the best. Or if you feel deprived when your favorite foods aren't allowed on one of those fad diets and you feel confused by the contradictory information... that too is about to change.

Because I'm going to introduce you to the “Fast Fat Loss” program... where you can eat plenty of delicious foods you enjoy (like pizza) and still have that lean body you want.


Introducing “Fast Fat Loss”- The Faster, Easier, More Convenient Way to Lose Weight & Keep it off

It's easy to follow... in fact most people say it's by far the easiest diet plan they’ve ever tried when it comes to burning ugly fat. Better yet, your hunger disappears very quickly... allowing you to stick with it while the weight just falls off.

After two weeks of fasting, hunger on fast day disappears for most people. And you won’t even want to overeat on feast day. My personal results, along with my clients, show that this program is a perfect formula for fast, steady weight loss...

Without the nonstop deprivation of every-day dieting.

What's more, in the Fast Fat Loss program, I'll show you how adding can help you lose twice as much weight. It's true... those who go on an intermittent fast and exercise lose twice as much weight, on average, as those who only fast.

Not only did I lose more weight than anything else, I didn't have togive up the foods I loved. I enjoyed having the freedom to pick and choose anything I wanted to eat and still know I was going to lose weight.

Not having to give up all my favorite foods, not having to count calories, and not having to rely on will power and discipline was like a thousand pound weight lifted from my shoulders.

Finally, I had a simple, prove way to lose as much weight as I wanted... and do it in a way where I could keep it off for good. That's right, I was able to get rid of the endless cycle of weight loss and weight gain. I was able to lose weight and keep it off ... and it was easy, convenient, and low hassle. Oh, and delicious, too, since I didn't have to give up any of my faves. It allowed me to ditch the restrictive diets that would leave me feeling deprived, depressed, sluggish, and cranky.

Now I finally was able to enjoy a continuous loss of weight, enjoy more energy, have less cravings, and get that lean, bikini ready body I’m so proud of these days.

And it will do the same for you too, like it has for many of my clients I've been working with. All you have to do is use the simple nutrition cycles I'll show you how to eat with, and before you know it... the weight will be falling off you faster and easier than anything you tried before.

No restrictive diets, no calorie counting, no small portions, no giving up your favorite foods!

This Is The Key To Long Lasting Weight loss

You'll never have to give up your favorite foods for good, so you don't have to try and stick it out with willpower or discipline. Since you can literally eat anything you want... there will be no feelings of deprivation... which means this is a long term weight loss solution that will work for you, just like it has worked for millions of our ancestors over the thousands and thousands of years.

Intermittent Fasting works because once or twice a week I stop eating for a specific preset amount of time... depending on my goal and how much body fat I'm looking to lose.

It's so easy to follow. Better yet, you never go a single day without enjoying a normal meal. Again, this works because just think back to your ancestors and their natural cycles of high and low calories. Really that’s all you’re doing when you do intermittent fasting.

And the best part of this simple yet powerful weight loss strategy is, you may think these brief periods without food will have you feeling tired, hungry, cranky, and just plain miserable.

But Honestly, it’s the TOTAL Opposite!

Remember: you’re NOT on a regular diet. And yes, when you do regular diets, you DO feel hungry all the time because you're drastically reducing your calorie intake for a long period of time. So with traditional diets... you're bound to feel hungry, starving, and deprived.

And that's why regular diets don't work. Unlike traditional diets when you're CONSTANTLY hungry... with intermittent fasting, instead of being hungry ALL THE TIME... you'll only feel hungry once here and there until your body starts getting used to it.

By then... the weight is starting to fall off and you're loving how you look and feel! And more importantly... you’ll be FREE from hunger the rest of the week, free to eat whatever you want. You'll be losing weight faster and easier than anything you've EVER done before!

This method of eating has helped thousands of women lose weight – in fact take a look at the successes I've posted here of the women I've helped in my private Facebook group.

Look at their results... I'd love it if you were my next success story. I have no doubt you can... just like all these other regular women who put their faith in the program, and made it happen.

If You Can Stay Busy and Deal with Hunger for 8 Hours....

You WILL lose more weight in less time than anything else you've ever done or will ever do. And the best part is... it will not only fall off your body, it will STAY off since you're not dealing with restrictive, starvation diets that keep you feeling deprived. Those never work, because in a short time... you give in to hunger because it's too painful to keep going.

Simply doing intermittent fasting eliminates the need to diet now or in the future. And you'll still lose all the weight you want while you have more energy and you look and feel younger!

And during the fast... if you stay busy like I do, with work, chores, house cleaning, or any other thing that passes the time... the hours will fly by and you’ll barely notice you're hungry. In fact, I feel more energetic, more clear headed, alert and productive on the days I fast!...

You Don’t JUST Lose Weight... You Keep it Off!

Because I wanted a solution to losing weight, without dealing with the traditional diets that had failed me time and time again, I set out to learn about intermittent fasting.

Not only has it helped me lose weight and get my bikini body back in less time... its been the only thing that has helped me to keep it off and control my weight.

It's true, and even as a fitness pro and certified trainer... I used to battle with my weight, and with my feelings toward food. There were times I felt like I'd never solve my battles with food.

Even when I was 10% body fat... I'd hide under baggy clothes because I felt like I was fat.

Intermittent fasting changed my life forever, to the point where I no longer had troubles with food or my weight. Before I knew it... I went from hiding my body to LOVING how I looked in a bikini. Intermittent fasting finally gave me freedom from the long term struggle I had with food.

The more I researched intermittent fasting, the more I realized how it helps you lose weight. It increases your fat burning hormones while controlling your hunger hormones...

So You Don't Get Overwhelming Hunger Cravings

Remember how I said it's in our genes and DNA. Well, it's true that we have fat burning and hunger-controlling hormones, just like our ancestors did.

Because there would be times where they didn't eat... their bodies had hormones that helped with times of feast and famine. So, you can be sure that you have the same tools and resources for burning fat and controlling hunger that our ancestors had.

It's simply because of our convenience culture and lack of physical movement that more of the population is overweight or even obese. Throw in the fact that much of our food has been genetically altered in some way, and you have a recipe for fat-storing.

Thankfully, when you follow the rules of intermittent fasting like I'll show you in my program “Fast Fat Loss”... you'll learn how to work with your body's natural fat-blasting DNA so you...

Lose all the weight you want!
Increase powerful fat burning hormones Decrease stress hormones like cortisol that cause you to hold onto fat. With less cortisol, you can burn belly fat in less time Increase your hunger-controlling hormones, so you're not craving any junk Enjoy more energy, clear thinking, concentration, and focus Keep your insulin balanced so you don't have wild swings that cause you to hold onto fat. This balance of insulin helps with faster and easier weight loss You'll look and feel 10 to 20 years younger.
In my program “Fast Fat Loss”... I'll show you WHY Intermittent Fasting if done right, offers you lasting fat loss. In fact, after reading this program... you can throw out the traditional dieting rules and finally be able to eat what you want and still watch the fat just fall off.

You'll never find a more simple, step-by-step guide for losing fat and keeping it off, without dieting or any starvation. Although it’s the opposite of what the weight loss, fitness, and fat loss industries try to sell you on... this is going to be something you can use long term...

To keep the fat off!

Intermittent Fasting... when using the steps in my program, is the fastest way to lose weight, the easiest way to keep it off, and most convenient way to control hunger and weight forever.

Again, my solution to weight loss goes as far back as your ancestors. There have been times of feast and times of famine. And we were all equipped with the genes and DNA to handle the longer periods without food, and the period where our ancestors had plenty.

And throughout these times, our ancestors remained lean, slim, and slender... because their bodies and DNA were equipped for these cycles and waves of calories, and then no calories.

This same way that our ancestors ate to stay lean and healthy is how your body still works today. The only thing that has changed is we eat junk, sugar, fats, and other foods all day long. We don't exercise like our ancestors had to. As it's a recipe for being overweight.

But if you go back to how our ancestors ate, with intermittent fasting, you'll boost your fat burning hormones, you'll boost your hunger-controlling hormones, and you'll suppress the stress-boosting hormone called cortisol, which is directly responsible for holding onto unwanted belly fat.

It's true, stress hormones like cortisol work to boost your body fat as a protection mechanism.

The stresses of every day life, which packs on belly fat by increasing your cortisol levels... is just one reason why more and more people are overweight these days. And the worst part is, traditional "dieting" actually forces your body to stress out...

Which causes you to hold onto belly fat!

Add to that the lack of exercise we get because of the convenience of modern life these days, and the junk food most people eat... again, it's a recipe for being overweight.

Plus, the fact we're eating more grains and sugars than ever, often times 5 to 6 times a day... that can actually cause more weight gain. By eating that often... your sending your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster of releasing insulin and glucagon.

Too much insulin in your body, due to constant eating, causes the excess sugar to get shuttled as fat into your cells. Your body can’t burn fat when your insulin is high. It’s a hormone that signals your fat cells to store more fat.

In fact, when the pancreas suddenly has to release increased amounts of insulin to deal with increased blood sugar, it backs off on its production of glucagon. The result?

Fat burning is STOPPED!

Stopping this blood sugar roller coaster is the key to getting rid of your spare tire, muffin top, or love handles.

And researchers have found that when it comes to our genes... we're not much different than our ancestors. Back in the early days... our ancestors ate only when food was available. You were NOT genetically meant to be overweight.

With intermittent fasting you learn in “Fast Fat Loss”... your insulin levels will drop to one third of regular levels, so your glucagon allows you to burn fat at a faster and easier pace.

“Fast Fat Loss” will help you eat more of the foods you love, while you lose more weight. In a very short time... you'll see a difference in the mirror. You'll FEEL the difference in the way your clothes fit and you'll look leaner.

And you’ll feel more energetic. Your friends, family, and co workers will all be asking for your secrets... because they will notice the positive changes too.

The “Fast Fat Loss” program will give you the freedom to eat what you want, and not have to give up your favorite foods, ever. And at the same time, you'll notice faster and easier weight loss than anything else you've ever done.

Remember... our ancestors dating as far back as the cavemen and women naturally experienced cycles of feast and famine, and this constant wave of calories and lack of calories kept their bodies lean all year long.

And they were able to STAY slim and slender without having to worry about today's constant stress, cravings and binging and purging, or food struggles that are caused by modern diets.

No roller coaster ride of losing weight and gaining more. No constant struggle to stick with a diet that leaves you hungry, craving certain foods, and feeling miserable.

With “Fast Fat Loss” you can eat anything you want

And still lose all the ugly fat you want... WITHOUT the stress and anxiety of starvation diets, restriction, feeling deprived, or calorie counting.

You can eat MORE of all the foods you love and still stay below the weight loss calories that will keep you thin.

That’s the magic of “Fast Fat Loss” , it's why you never have to suffer through another diet in your life, and it's why you never have to count another calorie.

In a very short time, you'll see the difference in the mirror, as you look leaner and slender. Your clothes are looser, you have more energy and you feel more bounce in your step. You have more energy, you feel more clear headed and alert... so you're much more productive.

Each week you're following “Fast Fat Loss”... you'll see your weight drop another 3-5 lbs. And the longer you're on it, the easier it gets. You feel less hungry as you lose more weight. In fact hunger will soon be a thing of the past, while cravings and urges for junk disappear.

You'll really see the difference in a month... when you go to put on the same clothes you normally wear and step in front of the mirror. Suddenly, your clothes seem to be hanging off you... so you know it's time to shop for new clothes that are form fitting and more revealing.

No more hiding your body in baggy clothes... you can't wait for summer and bikini season to come around, because you can't wait to show off your new slim and slender body.

Better yet, you can enjoy all of this without giving up your favorite foods. With “Fast Fat Loss”... there are no forbidden foods that you have to stay away from. You can enjoy all the foods you love, and even use favorites to reward yourself for a job well done.

And now, you can plan on attending parties or going out with friends, family, and co workers, and not have to worry about ordering a salad or sitting there not eating.

With “Fast Fat Loss”...

You can start to live again!

You can enjoy the same kinds of foods that other people do, but you'll be losing fat!

As you're hanging out with friends and family, enjoying the social life you used to worry about because of dieting, now you can live a life free from worry because of frustrating diets.

Because you get to enjoy all your favorite foods while you limit your hunger to only one or two brief periods a week... you can plan on having a much more active social life, and enjoy going out with friends and family, without worrying about the whole “I'm on a diet” thing.

You can enjoy all your faves, and lose weight at the same time. It's such a life-changer!

Pancakes, pizza, burgers, fries, or my fave... Skittles, you can eat the foods you love because you finally have the freedom. With this program, you don't give up anything you love, and yet you'll still lose unwanted weight, faster and easier.

ORDER NOW And You'll Also Receive These
Gifts, Worth AT LEAST $198.97, Absolutely Free!

FB group for support, quick start guide, detox guide and goal setting guide.

Monthly Membership site- access to workouts, recipes, tips, support

Coaching calls

Holiday and special event survival guide

You Don’t Have To Decide Today...

Because I'm sure you want to make sure this program is right for you, I want you to try “Fast Fat Loss” on me, at no risk at all.

In fact… you can try “Fast Fat Loss” for 60 days at no risk to you at all. If at the the end of 60 days you don't feel that this is the fastest and easiest way you'll ever lose weight, you don't owe me a dime. I’ll happily give you a no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% refund.

I want this to be your one and only program you ever need to lose weight, I don't want you to diet ever again. I want you to have freedom and peace of mind. I don't want you to ever worry or struggle with your weight or some restrictive diet. I want you to enjoy your life, and have the ability to eat what you want, and yet still lose weight.

I want you to enjoy your life, your food, your family and your friends. That can be hard to do if you're always dieting or worrying about what you can and can't eat. You don't need to deal with a diet that just adds more stress into your life. If you can keep your mind off food for a few hours, this will be the fastest, easiest, and most convenient way you have EVER lost weight. Not only that, but you'll keep it off, too.

No more worrying about traditional diets, no more worry about counting calories, none of that.

“Fast Fat Loss”will be the one fat loss system you can use for a lifetime...

It's the anti-diet weight loss program that works!

You'll be able to enjoy food with friends and family, and love your life. You won't have to worry about diets, cravings, urges, starvation, or feeling deprived.

Because I feel this is the one weight loss program that ANY woman can use, and it will be faster, easier, and more convenient than any diet you've ever tried and failed with... I want to get this into as many hands as possible. So because of my mission to keep helping as many women as I can… I refuse to let finances be the reason you don't grab this program.

That means that you will NOT be paying the retail value of this program today. Your total investment today, which includes the program and the bonuses, is now only 1 payment of just $39. That's right, for a limited time you can get the entire Fast Fat Loss program for just $39.

In all honesty, that’s less than the price of a coffee each day for 30 days. Thankfully you're getting this just in time to make the new changes you want for yourself, this New Year.

Because of that, I want to offer you this one time special, where you can grab “Fast Fat Loss” to have a simple, easy, and powerful weight to experience weight loss happen even faster.

You’ll get a running start this new year, and you'll be able to lose the unwanted weight that's been bugging you, you can start the new year with a bang and enjoy working towards a new and improved you... and you won't have to worry about starving yourself with a diet.

The thing is, if you're not 100% happy with your body or where you are right now... the only way to change is to try something different, something you're not doing now.

And that’s what I want for you…

That’s why I wrote this for you. It's better than all the other so-called “solutions” you’ve tried before… because it's not a diet that restricts certain foods you love.

With this program, you can enjoy food on your terms… and eat what you want and still lose all the weight you want. No diet pills, overpriced supplements and packaged weight loss meals, or dangerous fat burners. No more awkward social moments of “being on a diet” and having to explain yourself to friends and family... so you'll love having a fun and active social life.

And finally, where every other weight loss diet can work and help you lose weight in the short term but you end up gaining all the weight back once you fall off the wagon, “Fast Fat Loss” will help you to lose weight faster and easier, and help you keep it off.

So don’t put this off any longer. Sometimes, you have to say “Yes” and make the change. If you keep saying you’ll get to it “tomorrow”... just realize that for many people... tomorrow ends up turning to next week, then next month, and soon it's next year, and nothing has changed.

That’s not what I want for you, and I know it’s not what you want, either. That’s why you can get started risk-free today and start losing weight in the fastest and easiest way you've ever had. No diets and no getting rid of the foods you love.

The “Fast Fat Loss” program can literally help you get the slim, slender body you want... faster, easier, and without any diet and without giving up the foods you love.

So what do you say... act now while it's fresh on your mind, and let's make this new year the best every for you... where you can finally enjoy a new YOU, where you're enjoying the slim, slender, sexy body you want... but without dieting or giving up your favorite foods. Click the button now to make it all happen...


Yours in health

~ Skye Clark

P.S. It’s my mission to get this into more hands.. and show you that succeeding at weight loss doesn't take any pill, potion or gizmo. The truth is, this is a simple way to lose weight and keep it off forever, without dieting and without giving up the foods you love.

Remember, our ancestors ate this way, and we've evolved to eat according to these natural cycles and waves of feast and famine. So it makes sense that going back to your roots allows your body to naturally lose that unneeded fat quickly and easily.

And it doesn't take spending big bucks on the latest pills, potions, or supplements. It doesn't take hours of exercise, or the next workout plan or DVD. And you certainly don't have to suffer through the constant, everyday hunger of traditional “dieting”. With this program... you can enjoy food, eat what you want, and still lose all the weight you want to lose.

I promise, this gives you a simple way to lose weight, and also maintain your weight. Unlike traditional diets where you lose weight, get so hungry from restricted eating that you pig out and eat more than you would... gaining all the weight back and then some.

So not only will you lose weight, but you'll keep it off for good.

And better yet, since it's digitally downloaded online, you can get started now. No shipping fees, no delays, no waiting to get started. So click the button now to make it all happen...

The choice is yours. You have tried the “miracle” diets. You may have even lost some weight. But then you have gained it right back again! It’s time to get off the roller coaster.

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Please contact Skye skyeclar [at] gmail.com with any questions or concerns with your purchase.


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