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“Why” Prepare For Survival

                                                   Preparing For Survival

On its most basic level, life is about survival and reproduction. When we look at the majority of the animal kingdom, that’s what they do. They try to survive their environment and natural enemies and crate more of their kind to carry on after them.

As humans, our lives are more complex. We rarely think of survival in modern times, with our lives focused on more complex issues. A large part of that is that we have created a lifestyle and infrastructure that takes care of our basic needs. In other words, we don’t think about survival all that much, because the basic necessities of survival are pretty much on auto-pilot.

That doesn’t eliminate the need for those basic necessities. They are still there. It just means that we don’t have to focus on them all the time. However, should our modern infrastructure fail, we would be back there with the cavemen, focusing all our time and energy into the basic needs for survival.

The Basic Needs for Survival

What are those needs? You’ve probably heard that lovely bit of poetry, saying that the basic needs of survival are “food, clothing and shelter.” While I’ll have to agree that all of those things are needed, I would also have to take exception to that list. It doesn’t provide all of the basic needs. If all we had were food, clothing and shelter, we’d all die.

The actual list should be:
Oxygen Homeostasis Clean water Cooked food
You’re probably wondering what that homeostasis is on that list. I don’t blame you. The first time I saw that word, I had to look it up. Literally speaking, homeostasis refers to maintaining balance between independent elements. In the field of survival, that is understood to mean maintaining the body at the right temperature (not too hot, not too cold) for survival.

Two of the elements in that bit of poetry exist for that purpose; clothing and shelter. Clothing really isn’t there to keep us all from dying of embarrassment, it’s there to help hold in our body’s heat, keeping our body temperature where it should be; otherwise known as homeostasis. There’s one other thing we use for homeostasis, that’s fire. Mankind has used fire for millennia to cook our food, purify our water, to provide us with light and most importantly, to keep us warm. So, if I were to add a fifth item to that list, I’d say, fire.

Making Sure You Can Survive

So, in order to survive, we need to make sure we have those four or five items. That raises the question, if you were dumped in the woods, without anything, could you survive? For most of us, the answer to that question is no. Even trained survival experts would be challenged to survive in the woods, starting out with nothing. Mankind is accustomed to using tools to help us survive, so we would need some basic equipment in order to ensure our survival. What equipment, the equipment necessary to provide for those necessities.

Survival consists of two parts, knowledge and equipment. Having the right supplies can make a difference as well, as a supply of food will keep us from having to search for food, but in reality we can find food, if we have the knowledge and equipment to harvest it from nature.

In order to survive, we need to make sure that we have the right equipment and are trained in its use. Having the world’s best hunting rifle and standing in a herd of deer won’t guarantee that we are going to eat dinner. We have to know how to use that rifle, how to kill the deer and how to prepare it to make it safe to eat. Otherwise, we could be standing there with everything we need and still die of starvation.

Prepare Now, Survive Later

This is why preparing is such an important part of survival. Those who learn the skills, buy the equipment and stockpile the supplies are those that are most likely to survive. On the other hand, society is filled with people who are expecting that someone else will take care of them. If a disaster happens, they expect big brother government to come in and take over, giving them everything they need. Excuse me for saying so, but that sounds rather childish to me. I thought adults were supposed to be able to take care of themselves.

The modern prepping movement is made up of people who have decided to be children no longer. They have realized how dependent on the government and the infrastructure we are, in order to survive. Rather than continuing to depend on Uncle Sam to take care of them in an emergency, they’ve decided to take care of themselves.

So, what does that really mean? Basically, it means having the knowledge, equipment and supplies necessary to survive, no matter what happens. If a natural or man-made disaster occurs, these preppers aren’t worried. They’ll make it just fine, even if their neighbors don’t.

You see, survival is more about preparation, than it is about what you do in the moment of emergency. On the most basic level, primitive man hunted to have food. When he came home with a deer or buffalo, he was prepared to eat (a necessity for survival) for the next several days. Looking ahead, primitive man knew that winter was coming, so he learned how to preserve some of that meat, so that he would have something to eat in the winter. He also cut firewood to keep himself warm and made a coat out of some animal’s pelt to keep himself from freezing. All of this was preparing to survive.

In that sense, prepping is about going back to the ways of our ancestors. Rather than being dependent upon the infrastructure, we see it as a convenience. Put more simply, rather than being dependent on the grocery stores so that we can eat, we see that as a convenience as well. If the grocery store runs out of food, only those who are prepared will be able to survive.


Preparing increases your chances of survival, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about being locked out of your home in the wintertime, riding out a hurricane or an EMP attack, all require some preparation to survive. If the situation is grave enough, such as in an EMP attack, only those who are prepared are going to be able to survive.


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