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Got Caught Cheating?

Affair Repair Is The Absolute Quickest Way To Fix Your Broken Relationship and Get Your Love Back

*Also Learn EXACTLY What To Do If It's Already Too Late

Hi, my name is Seren,

First, I want to make a confession.  I did a VERY stupid thing.

My girlfriend caught me cheating.

She found my profile on a very well known online dating site that I'm sure you've heard of recently (it's been extremely newsworthy as of late).

Though I got caught, fortunately, I was able to undo my mess and I've taught many other folks how to do the same.

If you’ve also ever experienced the pain, the embarrassment and frustration caused by doing something you know was foolish, and whatever you did tore apart your relationship, and you want to know the sure fire ways to fix it then you’ll want to pay extremely close attention to every word on this page.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to figure out what to do now that your relationship is either on the rocks or completely over?

Do you feel like your loved one should give you a second chance to make things right?

Are you tired of feeling like, although you know you did something wrong, it doesn’t warrant them leaving you?

How can they? 

You've been through so much together.

Maybe you feel like they’re just overreacting or maybe they’ve jumped to the worst possible conclusion, when you know, in your heart, that you love them.

You understand what you did was stupid, and maybe you were just “messing” around, looking at stuff, right?

Do you feel like you’re being too harshly penalized, like the punishment doesn’t quite fit “the crime”?

Are you afraid of losing your scorned lover forever?

Do you feel scared that, no matter what you say or do, you can’t figure out how to get them back?

Maybe you’ve tried reasoning with them or apologizing, but they're just no listening to you.

They don't want to hear you.

You’ve talked to their friends and family to try and get them to side with you or at least get your message to your lover in hopes that they’ll listen to someone they still trust to convince them to come back to you.

Do you fear that in their rush to jump to a hasty conclusion, they’ll make a drastic decision to get back at you that could potentially cause way more, irreparable, damage than they might realize?

Yes, what you did was stupid, but it could have been worse.  

You love them.

You want to be with them.

Does it make you mad at yourself that you did a stupid thing and not only did you let your lover down, but you also let yourself down?

You know deep in your heart that you still love your scorned lover.

You know you want to be with them, but they won’t even give you the time of day.

And although you know you love them, want to be with them, and you recognize what you did was stupid, but the bottom line is you two deserve a second chance, right?

If only you knew what to say or do to fix your broken relationship.

How do you restore the lost trust, mend the broken heart and patch things up to restore everything back to the way it was before this stupid incident occurred?

I Was In Your Same Situation

You are exactly where I was not too long ago.

During a rather dismal point in my, then, uneventful relationship, me and the girl I was with were simply not doing too well in our relationship.

Though we lived together, our relationship was just growing stale.

We weren’t really hanging out together, anymore.

We didn’t have fun together.

In fact, we didn’t do much together to indicate, to anyone looking at us from the outside, that we were a couple at all.

Frankly, our relationship was boring.

We acted like roommates.

And not even close roommates at that.

Not quite wanting to break up, and not really knowing what else to do, I simply looked for a distraction from my reality.

I didn’t want to go out and meet other women, but I did fantasize about it.

I sort of felt like Chevy Chase in that movie “National Lampoon’s Vacation” where he constantly fantasized about other women, but that’s about all he could do because he was in a very committed and married relationship with his wife.

Now, I wasn’t married, but I was with a woman I was committed to.

I was simply bored and looking at digital alternatives.

As strange as it might sound I thought “looking” online was the least bad alternative.

It Didn’t Feel Wrong At First 

I was simply “browsing” and I had no intention of taking any of it any further than that.

I set up a half assed profile on one of the more popular dating sites just to see what was out there.

I didn’t even complete every part of the profile for goodness sake.

If I were planning on cheating or doing something more than I had, it was quite possibly the world’s most lousy attempt at cheating ever.

I used one sentence fillers (and half of them were incomplete sentences).

I used a crap picture.

I didn’t even complete the “what I was looking for” part correctly.

I really and truly just wanted to see what was out there.

I thought I’d look, maybe get some cheap thrills looking at some of the photos of users and maybe that would somehow spark a fire in me to get more physical with my girlfriend.

I didn’t, initially, see what I was doing as cheating.

Of course, in hindsight, I can see how what I was doing would have made her mad, though because I would have been angry if the shoe was on the other foot.

So What Happened?

So, how exactly did I get in trouble?

Well, my girlfriend saw my profile on the site while, one day, perusing through my computer’s URL history.

The thing is, she wasn’t spying on me or anything, in fact, she just asked me if she could use it to look at a work document.

So, I let her.

I didn’t think anything of it, and like I’ve already said, it wasn’t like I even gave me recent dumb actions any real thought because I didn’t see myself as cheating.

Well, the problem was that while typing the url of the site she was trying to get to, she uncovered the history of the URL to the site I had setup that profile.

I know...it was a total bonehead move.

The worst part about it was not that I had a profile on the site (although that was pretty stupid to start with), the thing was that I had gotten a few private messages from other female users of the site.

That bit sent her over the edge.

So, now I was in trouble.

How Do I Get Myself Out Of This Mess?

Once she confronted me about the problem, I turned beet red.

I was shocked and embarrassed.

I immediately tried pleading with her, “it’s not what you think.”

“It’s not what it looks like.”

All of that to no avail.

There was no way I was getting myself out this problem that easy.

She was angry.

I tried mitigating the severity of the situation.

I said things like “I was just looking” and “it’s not even that serious.”

All of that was falling on deaf ears.

Frankly, saying that sort of stuff was probably the stupidest thing I could have done and, perhaps, it might have even added fuel to the fire.

What a bonehead.

I was digging myself deeper and deeper into my own grave with each word.

She would have none of it.

In a fit of anger, she stormed out of our apartment and went to go stay at her friend’s place.

My inside’s were crushed.

I felt completely empty inside.

I felt like a complete idiot, and I knew once word got out to friend’s and family, I’d be humiliated.

My next thought was just feeling so bad about how my girlfriend was feeling.

I know she was feeling hurt and betrayed.

That made me ball up and cry on the floor.

I stayed that way for hours.

And over the next few days, I just went about my day like a zombie.




I could hardly eat anything (but I did drink more than usually, including during the week).

Over the next few days, my then ex got in contact with me because she wanted to discuss getting her belongings.

She was moving out.

That small window of communication gave me the hope I needed to try and make everything right.

So, What Did I Do?

I did the one thing that most folks wouldn’t think about doing to get myself out of this mess.

Later on I’ll tell you how to find out what that one thing is, but for right now, just know that I bought myself time.

Time to make amends.

Time to fix the relationship.

Time to reignite the love we had and make our relationship better and stronger than it was before this stupid incident had happened.

And, I want to tell you how you can do the same thing.

I’ve Helped Others As Well

Over the next few weeks and months, I had shared my story with some close friends during some of our get togethers.

At first it was just a “good story” to share with the fellas that I’d thought was worth telling, but I discovered that in sharing that story I had struck a few nerves.

I learned that a lot of my friends were having similar problems in one way or another that were causing tremendous acrimony in one way or another in their relationships.

In fact, I didn’t know it at the time, but part of the reason some of the guys wanted to get together in the first place was because they were struggling in their relationships.

Some of them had actually gone and done things that were far worse than what I had gotten in trouble for.

Stupid things.

Selfish things.

Insensitive things.

Unforgivable things.

And of course, they were all in different types of relationships.

Some were married.

Others weren’t.

Some had kids out of wedlock.

Others were going through another mixed family divorce.

It was a nightmare.

Anyways, whenever I shared my story, a lot of the guys were asking my advice on what they should do to make up with their lovers.

They wanted to know if I had any secret tips, etc.

What I Forgot To Tell You

After my own personal relationship fiasco, I became extremely interested in psychology and persuasion.

I learned everything I could regarding getting “your ex back,” the science of influence, persuasion and dating psychology.

Now, of course, when I had gone through my own little ordeal, I had only very superficial knowledge about any of this stuff.

Some of what I learned about later, I had never even heard of before then.

Basically, what had worked for me, initially, was not the best strategy recommendation for some of the situations going on in my friends lives.

However, with 20/20 vision in hindsight, I did make a few recommendations to friends that did work.

Some of them worked surprisingly well.

Some of the advice I gave them, I had never heard about through conventional means, or in other words, some of the stuff I was recommending they try was only found in some obscure psychological reference books.

This was not your average “tabloid” magazine advice.

This was deep psychological stuff.

Some of it had been used by some of history’s most famous and some notorious leaders in the past.

Some of it was considered manipulation, and a lot of it teetered on dark or taboo stuff, but it was effective, nonetheless.

It was undeniable.

Guys that had flat out cheated on their spouses were telling me that the recommendations and strategies that I had given them had completely restored their relationship.


Before Teaching You This Stuff

I know what it’s like to feel guilt for doing something wrong.

You probably, so badly, might want to make things right.

Like me or any of the other people I helped repair their lost relationship, if your love leaves because of something you did wrong, your first inclination is probably one of the following reactions…

You’ll either:

Deny you did anything wrong to begin with while trying desperately to plead your lover to believe your innocence, digging yourself deeper and deeper into your own hole.You’ll try hard to make light of the whole situation, trying to make it seem like they’re simply overreacting.You might try to throw it in their face, make it seem like it was their fault, which doesn’t do anything but make your situation worse.You might just break down crying, while begging your love not to leave you for whatever stupid thing you got caught doing wrongOr maybe you try something else that simply does not the intended effect you desire but instead pushes your lover even further away from you faster had you done something else.

I know this first hand because I’ve been there.

I’ve also helped so many others who were in the same situation.

It Could Have BackFired, Badly

I’ll be the first to admit that what I initially attempted could have easily backfired.

It was probably so counterintuitive that I’m reluctant to admit that it can probably be considered a bonafide secret.

It went against all knee jerk reactions, ever.

Now, of course, it worked for me, and it also worked for others, as well, but not for everyone.

So, I ended up coming up with a few alternative ideas that my friends could try and fortunately, when you combine or string these together, they are virtually fail proof.

The key to getting your loved one back is not one tactic or strategy.

It’s knowing a few different things, and then combining them together.

Now, you could stumble around trying to figure all of this out on your own, like I did, which took me months to uncover, but why?

I’ve already stumbled through all the hard work for you.

I know what works and what doesn’t.

All of the strategies I know have been contained in one easy to read guide for you and any other person that wants to instantly fix their relationship.

Why Does This Work So Well?

Every other resource out there will try and have you believe that the secret to fixing your relationship is some sort of one off magical incantation or secret psychological phrase that tries to hypnotize your lover into staying with you.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The truth is you do have to know a bit of psychology and you do have to employ a few tractics in a certain way.

However, if you learn these fairly obscure (almost secret) concepts, then there is a high chance that you will fix your relationship before your love is gone for good.

If you take the time to absorb the psychological lessons and actually employ the strategic concepts, you’ll feel like you have mind control powers.

And to a degree, that will be true.

Learn the counterintuitive response that gets better reactions than lying, but doesn’t make you seem like a desperate wimp (desperation is repulsive).Discover the “little” lie approach that actually might be a bit taboo for some, but is a legitimate and strategic way to back away slowly out of a big lie*Note: this one is not recommended for the truly innocent.
Realize the hidden power of composure and acceptance of the situation. This psychologically disarming reaction coupled with this specific strategy will instantly take the fire out of their emotion.Find out whether or not saying sorry, or one of these 6 plausible reasons why are more effective and appropriate responses.Find that you can still throw it in their face, but use one of these 5 psychological reversals to get the appropriate response you’re after that can get them right back into your arms.

Here's What Others Had To Say

How Do I know This Will Work For Me?

I could sit here and tell you until I’m blue in the face that this works, it’s worked for others and so on, however, the proof is really in the testing.
You won’t know if this stuff works, unless you learn them and give the strategies a try.

As you’ll sooner discover, you really have no risk whatsoever.

If you decide to click the buy button, download the PDF and read the material and decide this isn’t for you, no worries.

You can simply ask for a refund within 2 months.

You have 2 long months to give these techniques a try.

If you can’t learn anything useful from the material you’re gaining access to then you deserve to get your money back.

With all that being said, I want to let you know about…


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Just $37

Affair Repair is a No Fluff, No Filler, No B.S. hard psychology laced E-Book (in PDF format) that will give you all the obscure (some would say secret), taboo persuasion and mind trick strategies you need to keep keep your love from leaving you for good or get them to come back if they have.

Alot of the information in this book comes from various fields of research that others have never considered could be repurposed for a person's love life.

Some of these strategies use simple yet extremely powerful reverse psychological tactics.

These same tactics and methods are the ones used by some of the world’s top lawyers to consistently win court cases, as well as by some of the world's most notorious con men.

These are concepts and strategies used to quickly gain trust, accelerate rapport and get people to do pretty much whatever you might want.

Now, I must tell you, I’m strongly opposed to people with bad intentions getting their hands on this information.

It’s quite a slippery slope, going from getting caught cheating to being a manipulative S.O.B. that’s going to use this information to get back the one you love only to do it all over again.

If that’s you, just, please…

Leave now.

I’m putting this out there to help those that genuinely want a second chance.

They know what they did was wrong, but they just want the tools they need to be given a second chance.

If you want to make right the wrong that you’ve done or that your soon to be ex thinks you’re guilty of and you know in your heart that if you had a second chance you’d make it work then this is for you.

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn when you get inside the members area and download this EBook:

You get 5 high level conceptual strategies that you can easily understand and use to make your own, tailor to your own way of speaking to quickly fix your relationship, fast.You’ll learn the “Framed Fib” method that is devilishly useful to get the object of your affection to reconsider what they saw and have reason to second guess if you were really guilty to begin with.You’ll discover the plausible excuse that would only make sense if your relationship timeline is a little fuzzy to begin with, which could easily make sense if you use it in the right context.Discover the difference between misdirection and redirection.  Learn which one to use if you’re guilty and which one benefits you most if you are innocent.You’ll discover some very powerful psychological redirection tactics to use that actually make a great deal of sense, with examples of it having happened to others in the past.Learn this sneaky tactic that’s not so much a tactic as it is an “act” that you can easily playoff.  Use this if you want to maintain a powerful frame while seeming cool, calm and thoroughly collected.Figure out exactly which “why” to give that makes absolute sense and should work nicely with any of the suggested methods.If you want to learn how to completely rearrange the context of your argument and make your ex feel like the guilty party in this situation...that’s what you’ll learn about here.And, of course, there is much, much more!

The Complete Arsenal Is Yours - Also Inside The Members Area

Bonus #1 “Breakup to Makeup” Complete Video Training Course

I want to make sure you get the maximum value possible out of this offer.

So, if you take advantage of this offer right now I’m also going to include exclusive members only access to this completely complimentary video training course.

This is complete training that teaches you Instant Strategies To Reverse The Breakup Process, Get Your Ex Back And Restore Lost Love and Trust.

How does this differ from the “Affair Repair” Ebook?

7 Complete Training Videos

Video #1

Video 1: Overview

In this brief intro we'll cover why take this course, in what situations is it ideally suited to work, why it works and whther or not this will work for you.

Video #2

Video 2: Start Where You're At

Here we'll start with a very powerful exercise that will allow you to get clear on your objectives and help you sort out emotions from logic so that you can form an effective game plan to get back your ex.

Video #3

Video 3: Your Keys To Influence

These are the critical hot button factors you need to understand in order to be effective at getting your ex to see things your way.  Learn these and you will understand what makes people tick.

Video #4

Video 4: How To Influence

Once you know what their triggers are, in this module you'll learn exactly how to put those triggers to use.  These invisible tactics will have your ex wondering why they're compelled to come back.

Video #5

Video 5: Things To Avoid

Sometimes learning these strategies lead to a feeling of omnipotence.  Thinking you know it all can have serious negative consequences.  You want to avoid these at all costs or risk lots of unforseen problems.  Skip this module at your own peril.

Video #6

Video 6: Communication

When you have a difficult ex, sometimes it's hard to actually start the conversation.  These communication strategies can allow you to get the conversation going when they don't want to talk to you.

Video #7

Video 7: Reversal

These are some more strategies to help you effectively deal with your own emotions and unexpected responses to your efforts with you ex.  This is meant to help you objectively look at the entire chain of events that brought you to this point. This is the bigger picture.

This course gives you the resources, strategies, psychology and tactics you need in order to get your loved one back after they’ve left you.

This is ideal for you if:

Your Ex has already made up their mind to leave youYou’ve tried everything taught in the Affair Repair Guide but none of it workedYou want more advanced and powerful psychological tricks to help you get your ex backYou want a better and deeper understanding of your relationship with your ex so that you’ll have a stronger connection to them when they come back.And much much more - ALL INCLUDED!

Bonus #2 “Instant Redemption” Complete Video Training Course

Now, what do you do if there is no possible way they’ll come back to you?

What if whatever you did was so wrong that they’d probably do something terrible to you if they had the opportunity?

What if you’re so riddled with guilt over your breakup, you know every reason why they wouldn’t get back with you, and you agree with them, but still have a hard time getting over the guilt.

How does this differ from the “Breakup to Makeup" Course?

6 Video Training Modules

Video #1


This is a high level overview of everything you're going to learn inside the training modules.  This is to help you not only gauge the bigger picture, but to help you figure out the steps you need to get yourself back to where you want to be emotionally.

Video #2

Module 1: One Foot Out

Once you understand your relationship is over, now it's time to learn how to fully divorce yourself from it, emotionally.  This is conceptually easy to understand but hard to actually do.  This module will make it easy.

Video #3

Module 2: Accept Change

There is an old proverb that you might be familiar with: "The only constant in life is change."  Change is often difficult to accept and hard to adapt to. If you're the type that finds change hard to deal with, here, you'll discover how to make it easy.

Video #4

Module 3: Trick Yourself

Weirdly, your own mind and instilled beliefs prevent you from getting passed an emotional barrier.  In this module you'll discover 5 ways to obliterate those mental barriers using very simple but powerful mind tricks.

Video #5

Module 4: Meaningful Distraction

If you're unhappy, it's most likely because you're reliving past events.  If you're anxious, you're most likely worried about a future event.  To be happy be present.  These are ways to do it.

Video #6

Module 5: Put Out Good

Would you do a little bit more if it meant restoring your self worth and integrity?  These are some small ways to increase your cosmic karma points that can help signal to the universe that you are worthy of receiving good things.

How do you redeem your self esteem and self worth?

How do you get rid of guilt?

How can you quickly move past this situation so that you can get back to being the person you were before the relationship ever ended?

How about getting back to the person you were before the relationship ever happened in the first place?

Wouldn’t you like to learn how to do that, quickly?

Well, now you’ll get the complete training necessary to make that a reality.

Imagine being able to very quickly getting over your ex, getting over your breakup and restoring your self worth in less than 30 days.

Doesn’t that sound better than spending the next weeks, months or years sulking, feeling depressed, not knowing if life will ever get better for you again?

Don’t you want to learn the secret skills to restoring your own happiness and self worth?

Wouldn’t it feel so much better knowing that if you can’t get your ex back then at least you can get that person out of your mind for good?

Of course, it would and now you’ll have the complete training course that will show you how.

Ok, So How Much Is All This Going To Cost Me?

So, let’s recap what you’re getting.

The Affair Repair EBook Training Guide

This training give you all the obscure and secret persuasion and mind tricks you need to keep your angry lover from leaving you if he/she is thinking about it and getting your relationship back on track.

Bonus#1 “Breakup To Makeup” Complete Video Training Course

You get 7 Complete Videos that make up this course, which cover every psychological trick, tactic and strategy you’ll need to instantly work on reversing your the breakup process, which is especially useful to you if your ex has already made the decision to leave you.

Bonus#2 “Instant Redemption” Complete Video Training Course

Here you’ll be able to access 6 Complete training videos that will teach you how to restore your self worth, get your ex out of your mind, get over any feelings of guilt for doing anything wrong and 

show you what you need to restore your happiness if there is no possible chance of getting your ex back.


You’re not going to pay that much if you act on this offer, right now.

If you look carefully at the entire contents of the package that you’re taking advantage of, you’ll notice that each one covers different stages of a breakup.

Why bother waiting until your relationship is over, going through and experiencing the pain breaking up causes and trying to find the answers to your inevitable questions on your own?

With this package, you’ll have everything you need to preemptively deal with your stark situation before it’s too late.

So, for that reason, I’m making this a complete no brainer.

Right now, you’re taking advantage of a very limited time bundled package version.

You won’t pay for each course individually.

In fact, I could charge you $67 and that would make this a screaming deal, right?

But, I don’t want you to think about this…

If you want this package, act right now, hit the buy button and You can have everything listed today for just one payment of……….

Just $37

What Aren’t You Telling Me?  

Listen, just buying this material is not going to make you some sort of magic mind control mentalist or something.

That would make you a manipulative jerk.

While this stuff can easily be repurposed by someone who is looking to be deviant, that’s not what this is about.

The idea is to learn the psychological concepts you would otherwise have to search for on your own, reading hours and hours of books, searching through tons and tons of blog posts and sorting through mountains of articles to arrive at what has been distilled for you already right here.

People do stupid things and make mistakes.

It’s natural.

If you don’t learn from your mistakes, and you keep repeating them over and over then that’s bad.

You most likely arrived at this page because you truly love the person that you’re trying to keep from leaving you, you’re trying to get them back or you’re trying your hardest to redeem yourself from your stupid and unfortunate mistake, right?

That’s what you’re here to learn and that’s what this package is going to teach you how to do.

Not be some kind of manipulative sadist.

You don’t want to trick your loved one into getting back with you just so you can hurt them again, right?

But you do want to learn the most effective and fastest ways to make things right, correct?

That’s why you should get this.

No other reason.

The Affair Repair Rescue Your Relationship
Package is 100%


I know you want to do everything in your power to save your relationship...

No matter what mistake you've made, no matter what stupid thing you regret doing or have been accused of doing, you want to know the right words to say.  

You want to know just what you can do, just what words to use to keep your relationship together or get your ex back.  

You also want to redeem yourself.

You want to get back your dignity...your integrity....your self worth.  

You know this is the right training for you and you deserve to give it your best shot.

You have a full 60 days to go through everything.

Take your time.

Learn the right words.

Learn what to say.

Learn what to do.  

If you can't save your relationship, get your ex back or get yourself worth back after learning everything this package has to offer...then you must demand a refund.

And I'll gladly give it to you.

No Questions, and no hassles.

This is undoubtedly the BEST training you could ever have access to in order to learn all the secret little psychological tricks you can muster to get your lover back.

Order Now

Special Offer - Only $37

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*Get Instant Member Access - Guaranteed!

Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to helping you inside the members area.



P.S. Remember, this low price isn’t going to last much longer.

If any of the words on this page resonate with what you’re currently experiencing in your relationship, then you will most likely benefit by taking advantage of this offer.

If your intuition is telling you it feels right, then you should go ahead follow your instincts.

It’s the right choice and you deserve to know how to fix your situation.

The tools are right here, at your disposal, waiting for you to use them.

With our 60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee you absolutely nothing to lose.
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P.P.S. If you’re still not sure, just ask yourself one question.

What will happen if you don’t buy this?

What if there is something you could have done differently that you might have learned in this course that could have dramatically impacted the outcome of your current situation for the better.

Would you be angry with yourself?

Is there something you could have done to make things better but you failed to learn?

Why risk it?

If you don’t, will things just get better on their own?

There is no need to guess.

All the answers you need are right here.

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