Excerpt from product page

Discover The Secret That 
Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres & Beyoncé 
Use To Achieve Tremendous Success And Outstanding Achievement In Their Lives
Instantly & Effortlessly - Even If You Don’t Have Their Money Or Fame

WARNING:  What I’m about to share with you is not for everybody. If you’re okay with living a boring 9-5 life… if you believe success is only the result of hard work or for the lucky few... or if you believe finding love and happiness is something that only exists in fairy tales… stop reading now.

This letter is for those who are sick & tired of being unhappy and wants to finally take control of their own fate and start living the life of their dreams NOW!

First off, I want to tell you I know exactly how you feel right now.  You graduate high school or college.  You get a job.  You get married.  You have a couple kids.  You buy a house.  

You think you have it all…

Then the bills start piling up.  The weight starts coming on.  No matter how hard you work, you can never seem to get ahead.  You’re stressed out all the time.  You worry about being able to pay for your kids’ school.  You’re crammed into a house that your family outgrew years ago...


Yet, you see other people who seem to catch all the breaks.  

They always fly first class.  They are in great shape, despite have 10 to 20 years on you. They wear the finest designer clothing.  They always look happy and in love. 

Life just appears to be so easy and fun for them.

So you ask yourself, "Why not me?"

So you start searching for ways to improve your life. 

You may have even tried programs in the past, but have been disappointed by the results. 

It’s not your fault.  

Most programs may help you figure out what you want out of life, but they don’t rewire your brain to instantly take action and pursue them. 

Some programs even make the promise that listening to their CD while you sleep will somehow make all your dreams come true.  

Let me ask you something...

Have you ever gone to sleep broke and woke up a millionaire?

Me either!

You are not alone.  Not anymore. 

Because I am going to share with you the REAL secret that will bring you the wealth, love, happiness and success you’ve been craving.

But first, I should tell you who I am and how I discovered this secret.

My name is Kevin Mosansky and right now I absolutely love life! 

But it wasn’t always this way for me. 

You ever heard the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”? Well, that was me…no, not the teacher…I was the STUDENT. 

You see when I was 25, I met a guy who would not only end up being one of my greatest teachers, but would soon become one of my closest friends too. 

His name is Joe. Ordinary name…but Joe is no ordinary guy.  Some of the things he's capable of seem almost magical. 

But it's 100% REAL.  

I’ve seen some of the biggest skeptics (I was one of them) in awe of him and the things he’s able to do.

On a warm Saturday morning in July I pulled up to the park to take his class for the first time, but as I got out of my car, I noticed something unusual.

I could only see a single body off in the distance. 

Was I early? Nope. I was right on time. I continued walking towards this person and as I got close I figured this must be Joe, who at the time was meditating under a tree. 

“Is this your class?” I asked. 

He slowly opened his eyes, smiled and said softly, “No. It’s yours.” 

That was how I met Joe.

It was during this time period that I was going through what I considered to be the darkest period of my life. 

I was filing for bankruptcy. 

I hadn’t gone on a date with a girl in 2 years and the last girl I was with cheated on me repeatedly, but I pretended it didn’t bother me. 

I was close to 200 pounds overweight and I had pushed away any friends I had at the time with my negativity. 

Every day was the same for me. 

I would work in my tiny square cubicle. Then drive home in my square car. Make myself a square microwaveable dinner. Watch my square TV. Sleep on my square bed. Just waiting for the day to finally be put out of my misery and placed in a deep square hole. 
From day one, Joe was always pushing me to start meditating but I just never saw the point. 

"How is doing nothing going to solve any of my problems?"

I considered myself a realist and a very practical person. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So the idea of meditation just didn’t make any sense to me at the time and I never did it.

Then one rainy night in October, I hit a new low point. 

After being fired from a job I didn’t even like, I did what most people do when they want to forget about their problems…I drank…A LOT! 

Only this time, the drinking didn’t mask my problems or concerns, it seemed to enhance them. Soon my problems got so big, that I felt there was only one thing left to do. 

I grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills and poured every single one into my hand. I just stared at them, for what felt like an eternity. Then something unusual happened. 

The pills started to change shape. 

They no longer looked like pills to me. They now looked like all the faces of people I would be leaving behind. 

The REALLY weird thing was that some of the faces I saw were people I didn’t even know. Some of them were people I met later on in life and some I still have yet to meet.

Obviously since I am here, writing this to you, I didn’t take the pills. 

Now I would love nothing more than to tell you that after that night, my whole life changed and I never thought about taking those pills ever again. But that simply wouldn’t be true. 

Ever since that night I had planted a very dangerous seed in my mind and if it hadn’t been for Joe finally helping me pull those weeds of negativity from my brain, I know I would not be writing this here today.

He gave me exercises to do that caused a complete paradigm shift in how I viewed the world. 

He showed me how to manifest things into my life, FOR REAL. 

He showed me how to not only control my emotions, but how to use them to serve me, instead of enslave me. 

He got me to realize all the things I had always been capable of, but just didn’t know how to put them into action to create real results.

He showed me the power that anyone can achieve to create anything they want in life.
And from that day forward…

I started to adopt the mentality he has, that I refer to as…

a Miracle Mind!

I’m telling you, it’s been life changing! 

It’s been amazing and in a moment, I want to show you how you too can develop your own Miracle Mind – and in the process get anything and everything you want in life.


I finally understood everything! (And if I have my way, you soon will too. You’ve GOT to know this stuff.)

The Miracle Mind System doesn’t require tons of hard work. 

It doesn’t take years to master. 

It doesn’t take loads of effort in the traditional sense of the word…

All it really takes is understanding and applying the principles I’ve laid out for you.

Just imagine...

If you did what you want, when you want, with who you want.

No more working at a job you hate. No more worrying about bills. 

No more unnecessary arguments with your partner about things that don't even matter.

No more living paycheck to paycheck.

Life is easy now. No stress.  No hassles.  No concerns.

Who wouldn’t want that?

But it gets even better. Way better.

Here’s what’s even more important and makes everything else looks small in comparison…

With The Miracle Mind System, it’s WHO YOU BECOME in the process that’s most important.

Something almost magical happens when you stop letting your life, your partner, or your job, run you.

Having a miracle mind allows you to stop letting others or even society control what you want. 

You stop caring what your friends and family think. (At first, this might upset them. Then the truth will set them free. And it will set you free too.)

With Joe as my mentor (along with a few others I met along the way while on my path) I was able to put together an amazing system and now I want to share my discoveries with you for the first time publicly.

This incredible life-changing program is titled…

The Miracle Mind Now System: 

How to Release The Real Magic Within

The Miracle Mind Now System is the first program ever designed to forever shed yourself of… 

Trying to live up to other people’s expectations Having negative expectations about the future Feeling upset about the decline in your current relationship Competing for anything in life…job, money, whatever…unless YOU want to, on your terms, by your rules Feeling stressed out over bills Allowing your subconscious mind to sabotage you from getting what you really want. (What’s the point of telling the universe what you want if your subconscious mind stops you from receiving it?) Pretending in any way, shape or form in order to please someone else Feeling anxious in “high pressure” situations (“pressure” is really an illusion created by how we choose to look at things anyway) Having mental blocks in moments when you need to come up with a solution in a hurry Feeling useless because you’re not as good as someone else at something FEAR!

Well all that comes to an end right NOW!

With The Miracle Mind Now System, all that self-defeating, self-paralyzing behavior goes away forever.

“What’s inside the Miracle Mind Now System?”

With The Miracle Mind Now System, my goal is for you to be 100% detached.


Because usually being too attached to things gets in the way of our own personal happiness.

It is said in a book written by Lao Tzu, back in about 500B.C. called “The Tao Te Ching” (which a lot of people refer to as “the wisest book ever written) that “only one thing is certain in life – that everything changes. People who know this and tap into it, moving peacefully with the natural course of change can be very successful.”

It’s when we’re totally in the moment, lost in the flow is when we are truly free.

As in free of attachment.

We don’t care how we look or act. 

We don’t care how we come across. 

We don’t care what other people think. 

We don’t even care about the outcome or whether we reach our goal, because when we lose ourselves in the moment, that’s when we do our best work. 

That’s when we’re happiest.

Some people call it…

Bliss, Paradise, Enlightenment, Heaven

…whatever you want to call it.

I’m telling you, having a miracle mind doesn’t get any better than this.

Yes, we cover mindset and strategy. But we also talk about implementation and application.


The 4 most common areas that negativity comes from (understand this and it won’t be able to run your life anymore) One EASY question to ask yourself whenever you’re feeling doubtful about your own abilities (using this will build a “First Class” level of confidence) Learn the #1 regret of the dying so that you can avoid ever letting this affect the quality of your life ever again Introducing a NEW simple 5-step method to turn your goals into reality so that you’re never left wondering “What do I do now?” How to structure your week focusing on only what you love to do and who you love to do it with so that you start enjoying your life starting NOW One little trick that Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry and Beyoncé use to get so much stuff done, while still keeping balance in their lives Why and HOW daily journaling is one of the keys to setting yourself up for success (most people don’t show you the right way to do this) Do you beat yourself up for even the smallest things? Here's how to stop that right now (it's easy) How to take “risks” while remaining carefree as a kid so that your nerves don’t sabotage you 2 little words you are probably using when making a decision that is KILLING your chances of ever being successful Validation: The #1 secret to ensure you get the best validation so that you can feel great about your accomplishments What “worry” really is and how you can throw it away forever so that you can feel a real sense of freedom when making decisions in your life How to create a solid “Five-Star” vision of your future... and start to bring it into reality Why you haven't been TRULY successful yet and how to live up to the huge potential we both know you have Why it’s KEY to create a vivid, tangible vision of your ultimate success and now – if you can see it and feel it, you can GET it. The REAL reason why it's going to be easier for you to get to 100K/mo income vs. 10K/mo The ONE WORD that if used properly will cause an UNLIMITED amount of resourcefulness in your life to help bring the right people or things you need to get stuff done (hint: it’s not “please”) How to let new habits work FOR YOU. Doing this triggers more wealth, better health and amazing relationships automatically with little effort on your part How a few common sayings that were thrown upon you, earlier in your life unknowingly “programmed” you to live a life of mediocrity (once you learn these, you can change them into a powerful fuel to get you where you want even faster) Imagine the feeling of total power and control you'll feel when you know exactly how to dramatically influence the results in your life, for the rest of your life How to wake up in your highest success-attracting state and stay that way all day long The body language trick I STOLE from some of the greatest minds to make the world treat you the way you deserve to be treated A simple trick that “plugs in” a powerful new default setting to magnetize anything you want at will Discover the hidden key to your built-in behavioral patterns. Control this and you unlock total mastery in your life How your actions and emotions can sculpt the results you get in life. Money, relationships, success, whatever you want, it all starts with this 3 EASY methods for meditating if you’re a newbie, categorized by your specific personality type (this alone can save you months or even years of struggling with meditation) Ever know what you're supposed to do but still DON'T do it for some reason? I’ll let you in on one of the BIGGEST reasons why you let procrastination get the better of you and how to finally take control of it The #1 secret to making your heroes your own personal mentors so that you can generate their results in LESS TIME. The BIGGEST missing ingredient “The Secret” isn’t telling you about in order to make the law of attraction finally start working for you NOW! Imagine not even caring about what you get or achieve in life, and just doing what you want, the way you want…the way it pleases YOU. (And if it pleases others, well all the better!)

A lot of times we’re our own worst enemy. 

We hesitate, when we know we should take action. 

We “settle” when we know we deserve more.

Yet here’s the fascinating thing:

If it was so easy to stop being attached to things, if you could just stop it by snapping your fingers, you would have already done it, wouldn’t you?

That’s why I created The Miracle Mind Now System

Because I’ve discovered losing yourself in the moment, doing what you want without asking for permission or second guessing yourself every step of the way, attracting the things you really want in life towards you while eliminating the things that you know are not aligned with your purpose here on Earth takes some instruction, training and guidance.

Just like my mentor guided me, let me guide you (and it’ll take a lot less time and effort)

Before I decided to launch this product to the public I thought “Well I know this helped me create a lifestyle that 10 years ago I could only dream of…but how do I know it will do that for everybody?”

So I created a small, private Facebook group with people from all over the world to try the system out themselves…and the results were better than I imagined.

Just look at what some of them had to say…

“Kevin, the Miracle Mind Now System pulled me out of a six year slump! Looking back on it now, I can’t believe that I would spend 50 weeks out of the year, working at a job I hated, just waiting for those 2 brief weeks of vacation time to actually enjoy my life. As soon as I started going through your program, almost immediately I felt happier. Everything about my life changed. Now I have a job I actually enjoy! Thanks to your system I can actually spend more time with my family, doing the things I love. Now every day is like a vacation. My husband said he hasn’t seen me this happy in years!”
- Jessica from New York

“Unbelievable! After I went through this training, I decided I wasn’t going to settle for being miserable anymore. Within weeks of putting your advice into practice, my feeling of low self-worth had totally evaporated and my confidence soared. I started dating again. I was able to manifest new clients. My creativity went through the roof and I was able to come up with new ways to start my own business. My friends have noticed a dramatic change in my outlook on life. Even my mom has said it is a huge relief to her to have her daughter back. Thank you for sharing your system, I owe you a massive debt of gratitude.”
- Nancy from Australia

“Kevin, for the first time in my life, I feel able to accomplish anything I want in life. After being unemployed for almost a year now, I have finally got a job! My family and friends are so happy for me. I realize now, I was holding myself back. But never again. Thank you for everything you have done.”
 - Alex from Georgia

“I love this system! It’s so straightforward, easy, and true. Living with this miracle mind now lifestyle has been such a huge paradox. On one hand, you detach yourself from all outcome, expectations and fear. And on the other hand, you rack up these amazing results and achievements. I’m so glad I got your program. You’ve taught me an entirely different way of living.”
- Drew from Texas

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done? I feel like I can take on the world! Seriously, after your training I know I’ll ever be the same again. People have already started to notice – in a good way. It feels amazing going after the things you want and yet not caring about the outcome, especially when you still get the outcome! It’s a total paradigm shift. I now have is a plan for my life. Now I bounce out of bed each morning determined to make the day great, instead of before when I used to dread the alarm in the morning! I honestly have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure I am not dreaming!
- Jamie from Canada

“I gotta be honest, I was a little skeptical of your system at first. I had tried similar stuff and read “The Secret” but my life was still the same as it always was. I couldn’t figure out if I was doing something wrong or if it was all just BS. After just listening to your overview of what the system was, I realized that my negativity was rooted in my subconscious, and it was keeping me from the success and happiness I yearned for. Miracle Mind Now turned that around. I started enjoying work, enjoying my relationship, ENJOYING MY LIFE. I’d always wanted to write a screenplay… and I finally did it! For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m achieving my purpose.”
- Eileen from California

Take a second to imagine what it would be like to live the rest of your life with total abandon. 

Imagine being able to effortlessly attract wealth, love and happiness to you.

No longer will you stress out about paying bills.

No longer will you let fear run your life.

No longer will you allow other people’s expectations of you determine how you choose to live your life.

Imagine having everything you ever wanted. Your big house… Your rocking body… Your dream car… Your perfect soul mate… Your ideal life.

Wouldn’t that make you feel truly fulfilled?

Well you can feel that way, and The Miracle Mind Now System will help get you there.

Now, the people in the group were so impressed and excited with their results they thought this program was easily worth at least $1,000.

But I decided not to have you pay that.

NOT because it isn't worth it...

But because I want to make sure we get this breakthrough program into the hands of everyone who wants to break free from the self-imposed shackles of self-limitation.

That’s why during this introductory launch, you can get The Miracle Mind Now System, not for $500…not for $300…not even for $100.

That still wasn’t good enough for me. When you order now, as in RIGHT NOW, you get this life-changing program for just $9

Just $9 Today

What's My Sneaky Reason For Practically Giving Away This Amazing Program... ?

It's simple really... I want to WIN your trust 

...because I know that once you start using this system and see the incredible results from it, you’ll keep coming back to me for more.  

And the fastest and easiest way I know to get YOU to TRUST ME is to give you my most powerful system that work for dirt cheap. 

It’s a win/win proposition... wouldn’t you agree?

But remember, this price will not stay this low for long, so act now and take advantage!

Your order is 100% totally secure.

I’m so confident this program will change your life that I’m offering you a full 60 days to try it out RISK FREE.

Go through the complete program, read the material, listen to every audio and then experience the incredible, life-transforming effects on your mind, your career, your romantic life as well as probably your bank account.

If for ANY reason, you decide this program is NOT for you, simply contact my team at any time in the next 60 days and I’ll immediately refund every cent of your investment immediately.

And trust me, this IS an investment. You better believe it.

You’re investing in yourself and in your future.

So buy today for just $9 before you lose the opportunity to get it at this ridiculously low price.

But that’s not all. Download TODAY and you also get…

Miracle Mind Now Meditation Music

This is the perfect companion, if you struggle with meditation. This audio has beautiful, soft and soothing music & sounds of nature to help relax your conscious mind and put you in a peaceful state.

Underneath, the tracks are layered with Alpha and Theta waves to help clear the signal from your subconscious mind directly out into the universe, so you can help attract the things you want even faster.

For your convenience it comes in 3 versions; 10 minute, 20 minute and 60 minute.

Planting Your Seeds: How to Take Your Passions and Grow Them in to Money Trees!

This is stuffed with highly targeted tips and techniques to stuff your wallet with passive income – so you can practically grow money on trees.

Taking the Wheel: Attain True Control of Where Your Life is Headed by Getting in the Drivers Seat

This guide tells you everything you need to help you realize not only where you are in life, but more importantly how to get where it is you truly want to go.

These bonuses are yours FREE, when you download today!

Remember, this price of $9 dollars could go up at any moment.

You don’t want to spend years of pain and suffering like I did.

So, the way I see it you have 2 choices…

Option #1

You click away from this page

You ignore that little voice in the back of your head that says “Yes, I want this. Let’s go for it!” Ignore that deep impulsive desire that wants you to click the button below and make that change.

So you continue living the way you are now and decide to…

Go back to looking for acceptance and approval from people Go back to watching life pass you by as you stress out over money Go back to watching your relationships fall apart Got back to living your life by someone else’s rules and standards Go back to letting your goals and plans slip away Go back to feeling unhealthy, unhappy, and unfulfilled

You can do that if you want.

But I’ll bet, since you’ve read this far, you KNOW there’s more out there for you.

You KNOW there’s a far better life just waiting for you around the corner.

A life where you get to make the rules...

Which Brings Us to Option #2…

Take one small but significant action today... click the button below... and watch the incredible impact it has on the rest of your life.

Download The Miracle Mind Now System and start manifesting happiness, positive relationships, and financial success.

Experience what it feels like to live life WITHOUT constantly having to be attached to everything, looking for approval, having to ask permission for what makes you happy.

Try to avoid cracking a smile from all the questions you’ll get from friends, family and coworkers desperate to learn how you’re able to do the things you can, while making it loos so easy too.

I believe, once you go through the program and apply the information there’s no going back for you. ..
There’s no going back to a life of regret and desperation to break free... There’s no going back to sucking up to the boss, management or teachers... There’s no going back to feeling stuck, living your life in a prison of your own making...

Now is YOUR chance to live your life as you see fit with all the respect, freedom, cars, money, success that comes with this system.

Imagine finally taking that luxury getaway you’ve always dreams of and hearing these words come out of your mouth, “Money’s no object” and actually meaning it! Imagine waking up early, getting pinged for various Starbucks meetings, lunches and dinners with people coming to you looking for your help. Imagine looking in the mirror and absolutely loving the reflecting staring right back at you. Imagine reconnecting with old friends, dear friends, friends you haven’t seen in a while, making big plans to get together in the future...

One of the biggest things that successful people have that others don’t…is they EXPECT to be successful.

When they see opportunities, they take them because they know that making decisions and taking actions that support that decision are the keys to success.

This is one of those moments for you.

This is your opportunity to start living the life of your dreams now.

Download The Miracle Mind Now System TODAY!

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