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[Alpha Training Content] [I Am Alpha] [My Story] [How You Act Versus Who You Are] [Section 1: Strategic Self Development] [Attraction Is Not A Choice] [Inner Game] [CONFIDENCE – Developing External Traits] [Diet & Exercise] [Vitamins & Supplements] [Section 2: Tactical Self Development] [Building Eye Contact Confidence] [NLP Understanding Reality] [Rapport – It is all about “Clicking”] [NLP – Calibration] [Language Pattern Development] [Pattern Interrupts & Embedded Commands] [Subliminal Learning – Building Alpha Through the Subconscious] [Section 2: PART 2 Tactical Self Development] [3 Questions To Elicit Seduction Values] [YOUR LOOK – Dude, It’s Time To Shower] [Social Proof And Why It Is Catnip To Hot Girls] [Cocky & Funny] [Negative Hits – A Way To Open Her Eyes] [Section 2: PART 3 Tactical Self Development] [The Approach] [Phone & Text Game] [Shit Test] [Compliance Test] [How To Challenge Women & Increase Attraction] [Remove The Pedestal] [The System – Fastes Path To Sex] [Powerful Interactions] [Alpha Laws] [Categories] [30 Seconds of Alpha] [Ask The Alpha] [Culture] [Demonstrate High Value] [Dating] [Feminism] [Frame] [Remove The Pedestal] [Sex] [Student Views] [Contact] [Pages] [Thank You] [How To Challenge Women & Increase Attraction] [About Us] [Join] [Life Coaching] [Reviews]

Alpha Training

[]I was an average guy, with average looks and average dating ability. After my devastating divorce, custody battle and $8,000,000 dollar bankruptcy, I decided I was going to master attracting and bedding women.

I spent 15 years trying every system made. I bought every program I could find. I went into the real world and practiced, and I found several little known secrets that rapidly increase sexual desire in the female.

These are “sexual” triggers and when you display these traits, you automatically turn her on. She can’t help it, it is just how she is designed.

In this course, you are going to find all of the Primary attitudes, behaviors and techniques to increase sexual attraction. The more women you can have, the higher your Alpha and social standing.

I have also stripped out all of the crap. What you wear, how much you make, how tall you are, or what car you drive have LESS to do with sexually turning on women than ANY of the attitudes, behaviors and techniques I teach.

To help you rapidly change your behavior and become a more confident and sexually powerful male I have also included more than 36 hours of pre-recorded subliminal programs (If you bought them all it would cost you around $180 or more). This is the same type of training our military pilots also use for drone training missions.

Of course we included all of the techniques you could ever use to make her wet with desire for you.

Couple the attitude with the techniques and you will never want for the company of females again.

DO NOT think of this information as the basic dating or game knowledge. You are better off thinking about this course as if it were life training. You will get a taste of everything that works with women but the focus will be to retrain your subconscious mind in such a way so that you naturally interact with a woman in a way that increases her desire for you.

Inside [Alpha Training] you will discover:

How To Build A Massively Confident Personality
Understanding and Creating Body Language That Radiates A Sexual Alpha Man Through Calibration and Mental Programming
How To Open Any Girl In Any Situation
Understand How A Girl Feels Social Interactions and Learn To Display Higher Value

Learn Exactly How To Overcome Any Obstacle
How To Interact With A Girl To Increase Sexual Attraction
Build The Life Of the Sexually Dominant Man
Learn Seduction Patterns, Pattern Interrupts and Embedded Commands To Shorten The Time To Sex


And Much, Much More…




NOTICE TO FEMALES: Unless you are a lesbian, save your money. This site is geared to helping men become Alpha, not teaching women how to Attract Alpha. The NLP, confidence, diet, training and subliminal sections can help you in life and business, but are not focused on training women to attract dominant men. Feel free to email with any questions. AlphaX@Pipubs.com

You are going to learn exactly how to open, talk, and seduce a woman by focusing on your mental belief system. My training is intended to help you understand and grow your:

Attitude – How you see yourself in the world

Behavior – Your interactions with the world

Technique – Strategies and tactics in the world

Conscious – The aware focus of your mind

Subconscious – The robotic autopilot function of your mind

This is all hard hitting information that can save you YEARS of trial and error or study.

One single credit hour at Harvard is $4,538. That is $1,134.5 per month over one semester.

For a fraction of that cost I am going to teach you exactly how to rapidly retrain your mind to become a magnet for women. That includes hours of subliminal messages to easily reprogram your mind. Not just dating habits, but money, wealth, sales, health, plus building confidence, approaching, flirting, talking and any other skill you need to become Alpha. Some of this information is worth millions simply by what changes it will bring in your life.

What some students have said:

Hey man,
I stumbled across your website a couple of months ago somehow (ROK?). After reading through some of your articles I realized you had some good advice which was clearly explained with no bullshit or fluff (like any good engineer’s written work). Anyway, a friend of mine, as of a few weeks ago, was a college virgin. My other friends and I had tried to get him laid but we just couldn’t figure out WHY he couldn’t. I told him about your site and he starting digesting the “Laws of Alpha” and all of the other free content you have.

So now two months later and I’m getting weekly texts from him detailing his recent, sexual escapades. Whenever I stop by facebook I can count on seeing a new picture of him with a new, attractive woman on his arm. He’s banged three girls in the past six weeks or so. I spoke with him the other day and he told me you’re website’s changed his life.

I’ve always considered myself pretty good with women but as of late he’s pulling hotter ass than I am. A few minutes ago I said f**k it and signed up for your member content. Looking forward to seeing where it takes me.

You’ve accomplished through sharing your material what my friends and I couldn’t accomplish in all of high school. That’s enough of a sell for the broke ass college student I am.

Thanks for helping out my boy,


Thank you Sir, for your time and response. I Will upload a body picture soon, I’m feeding off this curiosity I have for this lifestyle. I’ve always felt drawn to it and interested. I find myself yearning for this in a boyfriend or relationship, but have never seemed to find it.
Thank you again,


Thank you. You answered one of my questions on yahoo answers about “how to get my ex back”. At first your advice seemed mean. Girls couldnt be like that. But something in your writing really started making me think. I tried a few of your text and it worked perfectly. I still wanted to rush in, but I made myself hold back to let her chase me. Last night I sent her the system text you have. Within a couple of hours we were having sex. I can’t believe how fast she responded. I know I still have a lot to learn, but thank you.


It works.

the book has improved the way i has improved how i handle my
situations with women even at work not just with women i find attract
and wanna close , its really priceless and i enjoy it greatly .thanks

Hi again, Thank you graciously for your feedback and insight. EVERYTHING you mentioned is 100% accurate and true. I believe my conscious hasn’t caught up to my subconscious. My conditioning has made it difficult at best to embrace my dominance and sexuality, I’m coming through the other side slowly. Like you mentioned, I’m letting go of the “go along, to get along” mentality and it’s frustrating because everyone, especially women have been trained to bitch men out and test to get what they want even if that’s not what the respond to emotionally and sexually. It’s funny because you said I should look at those test as a sign of attraction and that she’s just testing my armour and I do, I’m totally unreactive and little amused. It’s the dialogue in my head that goes “really, why are you making this so hard when you and I both know you want me.” Just last weekend I slept with twins (not together but same night) and one resisted and when I took the other sister it totally raised the first sister’s attraction which I knew it would and be easy. My old self would have felt guilty for my attraction, believing I should only be attracted to one. I’m having a rather difficult time accepting women throwing themselves at me, it just feels a little uncomfortable coming from a place of chasing and pursuing. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and my female energy is slowly letting go of the resistance to the “one” and accepting that every girl is the one…in this moment and that’s okay. lol It really is hard to see things as they are as opposed to what we feel it should be. Thank you for helping to lift the veil. Much gratitude.
Miss K


Lastly, this product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18
years old.



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