3-Legged Stools, Elephants, and You Webinar
- What Success is REALLY all about!
by Cevin Ormond, "The Master of Self-Leadership"
Too often you are sold the story that life is what happens to you. Think about all the important events in your life: graduating from college, getting married, having kids, and working in your profession.
You are conditioned to view these and many other life events as what happens to you and to believe most of these are things over which you have no control.
You glide through life by going to work and spending time with friends and family because it’s what you think people do.
You don’t pay attention to (or even know!) why you do it! (sound familiar?)
Now's your chance - to FINALLY figure it out, understand what to do, and create the success and life you have been dreaming about!
Sometimes you experience success, other times you experience failure. This is the cyclical nature of life.
Most people view successes and failures the same way – as things that happen to you.
Because this is the case, many people with this mindset believe that they are not in control of these events.
This type of thinking sometimes does result in some success. Most often, however, it results in failure.
Success and failure do not just relate to your business but also to your personal life.
How many times have you heard someone say, “I could have made a killing at this but my boss was too much of a pinhead to realize how great of an idea I had”? Or: “I guess the plan was for me to have a difficult child who doesn’t listen to my directions”? (Maybe you've even said them yourself - I know I have!)
These are statements of people who believe life is what happens to them. Often, they struggle balancing their personal lives and their professional lives. They find no empowerment and they fight, without success, as if constantly battling the never-ending waves crashing upon the shore.
Is this you? Are you as tired of this as I was? Are you ready to do something about it...something different...something that will actually work?
Now imagine this scenario: you are in control!
You’re in control of your professional life.
You’re in control of your personal life.
Will bad things happen? Yes, sometimes.
Will good things occur? Absolutely!
It sometimes appears that there’s no difference between the lives of someone who has the mindset of being in control versus the mindset of being controlled.
However, nothing could be farther from the truth!
There is a way to gain a mindset of control, and feel empowered to, as Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change we wish to see."!
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How do I know this is true? Because Cevin Ormond’s system known as The 3-Legged Stool and Elephant Leadership Model is proven to hold the results to changing your life - finding that elusive balance while feeling in control and empowered to do anything and be anything!
Of course, the name of this Webinar invites questions. What does a 3-legged stool have to do with leadership, controlling your fate, etc.?
These are unique concepts that, when employed, will yield fantastic results...And you can't find this information anywhere else!
Let’s examine the stool for a moment. A three-legged stool can’t stand easily on its own if the legs are not equal in length and strength. If you’ve ever milked cows you know this to be true!
Yet that's how most people try to run their businesses and their lives...and then they wonder why things aren't working like they had hoped!
Cevin’s system provides the answer for this. It employs different functions for each of the legs. One leg is the technical leg, another is management, and the last one is leadership. Independently, these legs are somewhat functional. When working together harmoniously, these legs provide the balance you need to pivot into success in your professional life...and he shows you how this is done!
And guess what – this doesn’t just apply to your professional life, but your personal life as well!
These concepts – especially leadership – have many different components, similar to an elephant. There are tusks, the tail, legs, and the trunk – all of which are integral to the elephant’s being. The brilliance of this webinar is Cevin’s description of the stool’s interaction with the elephant and how that impacts your life.
How does this help you? Well, with knowledge comes power. With power, comes control. With control comes the belief that through your mindset and actions the world is at your feet instead of you being at the mercy of others and events.
Applying these ideas to your own life will enable you to systematically remove all the limits that are holding you back from the success and significance you are looking for!
The best part of Cevin’s webinar – this is not just some hokey system invented to cash in. Cevin lives it. Employing these strategies for 30 years has resulted in success beyond his wildest dreams.
Cevin’s specific area of expertise is Self-Leadership. He provides the tools needed for you to be empowered using his 3-legged stool and elephant models to bring abstract ideas to life, create concrete understanding, and to use those tools to create amazing success. As an internationally recognized Speaker, Author, Coach, and Trainer, Cevin’s expertise in Self-Leadership literally knows no political boundary!
With the “3-Legged Stools, Elephants, and You” webinar, you can rest assured that one of the world’s foremost experts will provide you the tools you need to achieve better harmony with your career, business, and life while improving productivity, professional satisfaction, and enhanced physical and emotional well-being.
Over 300,000 people in 10 different countries testify to these results!
You can't learn these ideas anywhere else - they are truly unique and incredibly powerful!
Cevin’s revolutionary techniques allow you to harness your inner leader and unleash that power to benefit your life in so many ways.
Don’t wait to achieve that dream because it will not happen to you without help!
Get the tools you need to be successful now!
Go make it happen by ordering the “3-Legged Stools, Elephants, and You” webinar today!
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Full Video Webinar - Value $99
Full Audio Webinar (Downloadable) - Value $29
Downloadable PDF Transcript - Value $14
Total Value of $142
Limited Time Offer: All this for Only $7.97!
Only $7.97!
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