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Dear Friend,

If you’re tired of how you look and feel…  And you want a simple, tried and tested way to get into your best shape…

And you want a proven way to stack the odds of a longer, healthier and happier life in your favour…

Then keep reading to discover why today is your lucky day.

I’ll explain by sharing a little of my story with you:

How a man of 40 became stronger, fitter and healthier than he was in his 20’s.  And how thanks to science you can do the same

I think you’ll be able to relate…

Turning 40 I looked at myself in the mirror and I had to accept I didn’t like what I saw staring back at me.

My belly was bloated and I looked 6 months pregnant.

It was really at odds with my skinny arms and legs.

Long story short I didn’t like how I looked or felt.

And I know a lot of men and woman reach the same point.

Maybe you’re one of them?

You look at yourself in the mirror and feel the same kind of despair I did.

But most people quickly look away, distract themselves and keep denying the stone cold truth staring them in the face every day.

Denile isn’t just a river in Egypt!

But there are a few – of which I think you’re one – who decide enough is enough.  Something’s got to change and you’ve got to change it.

If you’re like me when I finally made the decision to change, you’ll find yourself facing a huge pit of uncertainty about what to do next.

I mean, clearly you can’t keep on doing what you’ve been doing – you know that’s not going to help get you back into the best shape of your life.

So what do you do?

Well, you’ll be pleased to know I’ve spent the last 4 years answering that question and the ZEN+ Home Study Course is result.

Let me explain…

Why it’s the most Natural – and Healthy – Desire in the World to Want to Look Your Best

It’s the most natural and powerful drive for you to want to look and feel good.  There’s nothing shallow about it whatsoever.

You’re hard-wired to do it.

How come?

Because the survival of the human race depends on attracting a mate and to be blunt… Making baby’s to continue the species.

There’s a reason the health, vitality and fitness industry is a booming multi-billion dollar a year business.

Because it taps directly into this primal desire you have to look good and feel great.

Problem is though, as a result there’s a huge ocean of materials and products to choose from.

Take dieting as an example.

I just did a search on how many diets are there?  One of the search results was a Wikipedia page titled: List of diets.  Loading it up I counted 98 different diets.


No wonder trying to find accurate and helpful advice on something as simple as what to eat quickly turns into overwhelm and if you’re like most people…

Overwhelm leads to giving up and doing what you’ve always been doing.

And doing what you’ve been doing has got you into this mess.  Continuing to do it only leads further into despair.

So you’ve got to be stubborn as a mule to find out what works if you’re going to do this on your own.

Because as I began my own expedition to find a solution to my bloated, weak and not attractive to me body… I quickly ran into many road blocks and obstacles.

But luckily for you, I love to do research.

When I start out on a new interest I’m like a dry sponge soaking up everything I can lay my eyes and ears on.

As I dug deep into the subject of looking great and feeling good, I quickly dismissed anything that didn’t have a stack of repeatable scientific evidence backing up the claims it was making.

And when I found something that passed this first litmus test I then tested it on myself.

Through plenty of self-experimentation and wrong turns I quickly discovered there was no single lifestyle key to looking great and feeling strong, fit and healthy.

Ugh, ugh.

Turns out there are 4 and they are:

Zest for Life – These lifestyle tools help you to deliberately turn off your overstimulated fight or flight reflex and turn on your underutilised – but vital – rest, repair and build mode. Exercise for Life – These lifestyle tools work in harmony with how your body has evolved over millennia and will get you strong fit and healthy.  And keep you strong fit and healthy well into your 80’s. Nutrition for Life – These lifestyle tools help you to give your body the nutrition it needs to keep all the functions of your body ticking along in peak condition.  If you want to know what your body will look like tomorrow, simply look at what you ate today +: Mindset for life – Rigorously tested self development tools to help you get rid of stinking thinking, overcome feeling stuck and help you to build a strong mind that helps you to keep going when the going gets tough.

Or ZEN+ as I call it.

All of which can help you to live a longer, healthier and happier life.

And get you into great shape at the same time.

And I’ve collected everything I’ve researched, tested and discovered over the last 4 years and put it into the ZEN+ Home Study Course for you.

Here’s what you’ll find in the ZEN+ Home Study Course

The image below is a mind map showing you exactly what you’ll find in each of the different membership levels of the ZEN+ Home Study Course.

Now the first thing you’ll notice is… It’s a pretty big picture.

So if you’d like to open it up in a separate window, where you’ll be able to zoom in and explore it in more detail, simply click on the picture below and I’ll do that for you.


Small Changes Over Time Lead To Big Changes


Don’t let the volume of material on the mind map overwhelm you.

Because when you become a ZEN+ member, the very first page you’ll be sent to is The ZEN+ Wheel.

This tool will allow you to quickly and easily pinpoint where you can benefit the most from the ZEN+ program.

That’s where you’ll start, you’re not expected to take on everything at once.

But at the same time, the ZEN+ Home Study Course is so comprehensive it is…

The only resource you’ll ever need to look and feel great for the rest of your life.

Here’s exactly what you get in each membership level

There are 3 different levels of membership available with the ZEN+ Home Study Course.  To help you decide which level best meets your needs and requirements I’ve outlined in full detail what you get in each level.


Bronze Level Membership

Installing the ZEN+ Habit into your daily life:
The ZEN+ Wheel – Helps you to quickly and easily identify which of the 4 keys of ZEN+ you’re best to start working on first.  So that you avoid being overwhelmed and quickly start to see the benefits of ZEN+. 30 Days of ZEN+ – I’ve set up an email autoresponder sequence which for 30 days will send you 4 tips. 1 Zest tip, 1 Exercise tip, 1 Nutrition tip and 1 Mindset tip.  All designed to help keep you focused on developing a ZEN+ lifestyle – One Day At A Time.
Use the tabs on the table below to see exactly what’s inside each of the four modules that make up the core of the Bronze Level Membership:



Zest for Life contents: Discover the 4 tools that will help you develop a new zest for life and give you more energy.

1) PERFECT Qigong – The art of enhancing your body’s natural flow of vital energy.
The PERFECT Qigong System made up of: 80 page PDF 45 minutes of videos 7 minute Guided meditation MP3 Two vital tools to speed up your results 3 important bonuses
2) Meditation – A tool for stilling the mind
The UMC (Ultimate Mind Calmer) – Description and a 2min 43 second video teaching you this simple and powerful meditation technique.
3) Mindfulness – The non-judgemental focus of attention on an experience as it occurs.
The Inner Journey – A simple tool to increase mindfulness of your body.  Includes a 6min 53 second MP3 guiding you through this journey. The Be Here Now Tool – Helps you to keep your focus on the only place the matters… The here and now.
4) Fantastic Sleep
You’ll discover exactly how sleep works Why it’s so vital to your health and vitality 9 Simple Tips to help you get it

Exercise for Life contents – Discover the kind of exercise your body has evolved to thrive on.  Give it these 4 things and you can create a stronger, fitter body.

1) Walking – This kind of exercise is easy on the body and proven to benefit your health.  Most people simply don’t get enough.

2) Heavy Lifting – Builds strength and strength is vital if you want to remain independent as you grow older.  I’ll share with you:
4 Reasons why developing strength is vital to an active life 5 Simple and powerful callisthenic exercises you can do to build strength.  The best thing about them is you can do them in the privacy of your own home.  No expensive gym fees, no expensive and useless gizmos that end up collecting dust and no fancy equipment required.
Using ‘Chains’ and ‘Links’ I’ve made it so no matter what your age or current level of fitness you’ll be able to find somewhere to get started.  Once you’ve got a green light from your doctor if necessary.

Here are the 5 exercises I’ll show you:
ZEN+ Squat Chain – 5 diagrams, 5 sets of clear instructions and 5 videos with a running time of 12mins 23 seconds to make certain you know what you’re doing and why. ZEN+ Push Up Chain – 7 diagrams, 7 sets of clear written instructions and 7 videos with a running time of 17mins 28 seconds to make certain you know what you’re doing and why. ZEN+ Pull Up Chain – 7 diagrams, 7 sets of clear written instructions and 7 videos with a total run time of 20mins 07 seconds to make certain you know what to do and why.
These are the core 3 exercises.  When you’re ready I’ll show you two more:
ZEN+ Leg Raise Chain – 7 diagrams, 7 sets of clear written instructions and 7 videos with a total run time of 13mins 03 seconds to make certain you know exactly what to do and why. ZEN+ Bridge Chain – 6 diagrams, 6 sets of clear instructions and 6 videos with a run time of 16mins 59 seconds to make sure you can do all of the exercises safely.

3) High Intensity Training (HIT) – Your body has evolved to benefit from short, quick, sprints.  HIT is nothing new, your ancient Homo-Sapien ancestors were doing it 250,000 years ago.  In this module I’ll share with you:
The science backing up how short bursts of intense exercise can give you better results than normal exercise The dangers of traditional aerobics exercise. The benefits of HIT A simple way to safely practice HIT A 5min 34 second video demonstrating how you can do HIT I’ll answer the question: Is HIT dangerous?
4) Sitting Disease – We’ve changed from a civilisation that stands up and moves around a lot to spending most of our waking hours sat down.  This sedentary lifestyle habit is causing serious harm to your health.    In this module I’ll share with you:
The evidence proving sitting down too much is hazardous to good health How you’re natural instinct to rest when you can is harming you A simple way to overcome Sitting Disease 7 Examples of quick and simple activities you can do to overcome sitting for too long A 2min 11 second video demonstrating one of my favourite ways to break up long periods of sitting

Nutrition for Life Contents – In this section I’ll share with you what I’ve found from 4 years of researching the science and the facts behind healthy eating and nutrition.  My approach to healthy nutrition is based on 4 essential principles:

1. Avoid processed food – Easier said than done these days.  If you want to be healthy you need to focus on eating Real Food.  In this module you’ll discover:
What exactly is Real Food? What’s behind the sharp increase of obesity over the last 25 years 5 great reasons to eat locally grown food
2. Eat less, less frequently – From a nutritional viewpoint your body is only in one of two states:
Fed – Eating and storing calories Fasted – Not eating and burning calories
It cannot be in both.  In this module you’ll discover:
7 proven benefits of fasting – If you could put these benefits into a pill you’d be a zillionaire in no time. 3 tried and tested fasting protocols – Hey, I believe in practicing what I preach.  I’ve tried all 3 and I’ll share my findings with you.  Including the one I still practice today. Hara Hachi Bu – A saying attributed to the Okinawans who used to have four times as many centenarians than in the UK or the USA.  But thanks to the invasion of the modern western diet, Okinawan parents have started to outlive their children.  A chilling prospect you want to avoid.
3) Eat more good fat – Contrary to what you might believe fats are essential to your continued good health.  Problem is your probably eating too many of the bad fats.  In this module you’ll discover:
Why fat is essential to health The Good, The Bad and The Ugly when it comes to fats
4) Eat more vegetables – It’s hard to say exactly why vegetables are so good for you.  But it’s one of the few facts that nutritionists seem to actually agree on.  In this module you’ll discover:
Why you need to eat a rainbow The benefits associated with different coloured veggies

Plus = Mindset for Life Contents – Mindset is the cherry on top of the ZEN cake.  Because your body is linked to your mind, mindset isn’t just mental.  The amount of quality rest you get, your fitness and what you eat all have a profound impact on your emotional state.  In the ZEN+ Homes Study Course, you’ll study each component separately, but like your body… They’re all interconnected.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

What you need to understand about mindset What you need to change if you want to change the results your getting A personal example of what happens if you don’t The Mindset Tool Kit – 15 of the simplest and most powerful tools you can use for making positive changes to your mindset.  Including: What Can’t Be Measured – Why you must measure your progress is you’re serious about what you want. How To Get Rid of Bad Habits – Discover the one thing guaranteed to get rid of a bad habit. Top 5 Regrets – Discover the top 5 regrets of the dead and the dying and make sure you don’t shift off this mortal coil with any of them. An Important Exercise – This simple exercise can help you to radically change your view on ageing. Climbing The Wrong Mountain? – A simple story teaches the importance of making sure you’re on the right track. Right Choices – Life is full of choices, discover how to access your internal GPS unit to make sure you make the best ones for you. Self Esteem – Discover what everyone should know about self-esteem, yet so few do. Teaching Tale – A story about a King who discovers a very important lesson.  A lesson you’d be wise to adopt too. The Power of Acceptance – Acceptance is a powerful tool for living a happier life.  Yet most people misunderstand what it means.  Here’s the full story for you. Motivation You Can Rely On – Discover the 5 tools scientifically proven to help you keep making progress towards your goals.  And 5 tools which won’t.  You’ll be surprised what the research shows. A Blueprint For Success – Here’s a simple 3 step blueprint to help you succeed at whatever you choose to do. Harness The Power Of Your Inner Super Hero – This simple tool will help you to boost your confidence and feel ready to give your best… In just 2 minutes. Take A Knee – Whilst danger is real, fear is a choice.  Here’s a simple tool to help you focus when the brown stuff hits the fan.  It’s how peak performers in any arena access their talent, training and skill in tough situations.  Now you can too with this simple tool. HALT – The next time you find yourself feeling unresourceful, use this diagnostic tool to work out why and then quickly take the right steps to resolve it. Gratitude – Discover why this is perhaps the most powerful daily practice you can adopt. Social Connection – Some researchers claim loneliness is as harmful to your health as 15 cigarettes a day.  We all differ in the amount of social contact we need, but make no mistake you need it.  And if you struggle with social interaction, I’ll share the one social skill you need to learn, and don’t worry… I’ll make it really easy.


Silver Level Membership

Upgrade to Silver Membership and you’ll get access to everything I mentioned in Bronze plus:

Click on the tabs in the table below to discover all the extras you’ll get as a Silver Member:

[Qigong][SMEF][Sleep Solution][Inner Game][Stress Solution][Sitting Solution][Callisthenics][Look Great Naked][The Vault]

Shaolin 18 Exercises – This set of Qigong exercises was created to be a less expensive version of the Shaolin 18 Lohan Hands.  Interestingly I’ve found people who practice it gained just as many health and vitality benefits and because this set includes Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan forms – in some cases they got even better results.

In this module you’ll discover:
21 web pages of written instructions 60 videos with a running time of 2 hours 28 minutes and 27 seconds More pictures than I can count
All designed to make it as simple as possible for you to learn this health promoting Qigong set.

I’ll also share with you 5 ways to practice the set depending on what results you wish to emphasis.

Self Manifested Energy Flow or SMEF – Qigong can be practiced at many different levels.  In this module you’ll discover how to:
Practice 3 Qigong exercises that can help to overcome ’empty’ illness – Illness where the cause or symptoms are not clear. How SMEF differs from Dynamic Qigong Practice it safely Written instructions Photo instructions A 2minute 02 seconds video showing you how to do it.

The 28 Day Sleep Solution – The real key to energy is rest and the best way to get it is with great sleep.  Trouble is few people know how to get fantastic sleep any more.  In this module you’ll get:

Access to my stand alone 28 Sleep Solution program – I sell this information product separately for £40.  But because sleep is such a vital part of the ZEN+ project, I’ve included it in the Silver Members area of the ZEN+ Home Study Course.  Work through it and you’ll discover:
The 3 vital lessons learned from 28 days of the Sleep Solution (Page 02) How to use the Sleep Solution program to get best results (Page 02) The Sleep Pledge – Creating and sticking to a sleep routine (Day 01) The 30 MWO – Allowing yourself the flexibility of the 30 Minute Weekend Option (Day 06) The Goldilocks approach to sticking to your Sleep Pledge (Day 21) Why you must re-frame how you view sleep (Page 05) Clock-watching and how to beat it (Day 05) The importance of sleeping in the dark (Day 03) A simple technique to amplify the effects of progressive relaxation (Page 14) Effects of exercise on sleep (Day 13) Why you need to ban electronic gadgets from your bedroom and 30 minutes before sleep (Page 10) How being committed to Progress and not Perfection makes it easier for you to succeed (Page 10) The benefits of taking a nap (Day 16) The amount of sleep you need (Page 04) The problems associated with sleep deprivation (Day 11) The different stages of sleep and what they mean (Day 10) Your bodies internal clocks and how to harmonise them (Page 19) Using Lavender to help you relax and improve your sleep (Day 20) The value of Emptying your Tank (Day 19) Why you might need to experiment with your caffeine consumption (Page 32) Three ways to get to sleep when sleep proves hard to find: The Mind Dump (Day 09) The simple path to sleep (Page 22) The 5 by 4 Be Here Now tool (Page 22) How those closest to you can benefit from your good sleep habits (Page 46) Why a lack of sleep can be linked to depression (Page 35) The value of making right lifestyle choices (Page 37) Where to find the best sleep equipment (Page 40) The Sleep Pledge Chart (Page 44) Comments, Questions and Answers. Including: The dangers of laying in Do you need less sleep as you get older? How good habits benefit those around you How to overcome activities that pull you off course The question you need to ask yourself on a regular basis Does going to bed earlier result in better quality sleep? Why you should experiment with your sleep Knock on effects of creating a good sleep habit Dealing with disruptions What to do if sticking to The Pledge is too hard for you Everything you ever wanted to know about naps The truth about habits no one else will tell you: Mind The Gap! A list of other products you might find beneficial to a happier, healthier and longer life.
You’ll also get full, clear instructions on how to work The Sleep Solution in order to get maximum results from it in minimum time.



The Inner Game of ZEN+ – In this vital, short presentation, you’ll discover the three characteristics of the Romans you need to adopt if you want to succeed with ZEN+

The Stress Solution – Not managing the stresses and strains of daily life effectively can make it impossible for you to truly experience your best health and vitality.  So in this module you’ll discover:
A quick ‘Are you stressed’ test The very real health consequences associated with stress What stress is The best solution I’ve discovered in over 20 years for managing stress Why it works so effectively How to deliberately turn off your overstimulated: Fight or Flight response and turn on your underutilised: Rest, Repair and build mode. The benefits of this tool 4 other powerful tools proven to effectively manage stress Why you can’t and shouldn’t want to get rid of stress in your life

The Sitting Solution – I touch on this issue briefly in the Bronze Members Area.  Here, in Silver we go much deeper into what’s being called Sitting Disease.

In this module you’ll discover:
6 Health dangers linked to sitting too much The research into sitting disease – All the way from the 1953 Lancet Study, to the work of NASA scientist Dr Vernikos and to the present day findings of Professor James Levine, director of Obesity Solutions at the Mayo clinic. 8 powerful and tested solutions for breaking your sitting addiction An important caveat

Callisthenic Routines – In the Bronze Members Area I give you access to and instructions for 5 of the best callisthenic exercises on the planet.  Along with a number of progressions you can follow as your strength increases.  Here in Silver you’ll discover:
The 3 things you need to focus on to build massive strength – Building strength is different to increasing stamina or getting bigger muscles. 3 of the best strength building routines: Deconditioned, Starting Strength and Intermediate.  Designed so that no matter what your current level of strength is or how long it is since you last exercised you can get started on building strength safely. The best way to warm up for your strength building callisthenics practice

How To Look Great Naked – Remember there’s nothing shallow about wanting to look great.  It’s written into your DNA.  In this module I’ll share everything you need to do if you’re serious about getting into the kind of shape you’re happy to show off.

The vital measurement you need to take before you start What you must understand about obesity – With the media screaming about the obesity epidemic and the situation getting worse, the accepted way of thinking about obesity isn’t working. An alternative theory on why you get fat – Armed with this information you’ll know what to do to get rid of unwanted body fat.  Tip: Good fats in your food don’t make you fat. A 1 hour 27minute 50 second presentation given by Gary Taubes author of Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It to the boffins at Google. The demonization of fat in food – Why good fats don’t increase bad cholesterol or your risk of heart disease. The concept of parking lot science and how it applies to nutrition The big problem with science – It’s the way science is reported in the mass media.  Whilst science moves on quickly, always updating, improving and changing.  Media, government funded agencies and public opinion doesn’t. How the Saturated Fat –> Increases cholesterol –> Increases risk of heart disease theory came into being and why it’s incorrect. Why it’s too much of the wrong food making you fat and not good fats. What are the wrong foods? A chilling tail that demonstrates the destructiveness of a rapid change in lifestyle choices.  How the inhabitants of Nauru suffered when they swapped from natural foods to shop bought processed foods.
At the end of this presentation you’ll be given a call to action based on the 6 steps I’d follow myself if I looked in the mirror and wasn’t happy with what I saw staring back at me:
Start from where you are Focus on the process not the event Easy does it Keep going What isn’t measured isn’t managed Patience isn’t just a virtue it’s essential
I’ll cover these 6 steps in enough detail so you’ll to know exactly what to do if you want to look great naked.


The Vault – This is where you get access to all the best bits from the first two years of my in print newsletter.   If you were to buy these today it would cost you £720.  But as a Silver Level Member you get access to them as part of your membership.

Here’s 22 subjects I cover in the kind of detail and attention I’ve become known for:

The Truth About Getting What You Want – Based on over a decade of teaching I’ve observed three obstacles that stop you getting the results you want.  Here they are and how to overcome them. The Most Important Instruction I Ever Received – Discover what it is and how you can benefit your ZEN+ practice with it. How To Become A Good Qigong Teacher – I spent 11 years teaching Qigong only, here are some of the most important lessons I’ve learned along the way.  If you want to teach anything you need to know them. The True Secret of Immortality – A super short and sweet lesson I found in the most unlikely of places… The Graveyard! The Most Precious Commodity You Own – Discover what it is and witness the experiment that shows just how little of it you have left.  I hope this lesson changes your view on this commodity forever. 5 Steps to Successful Content Creation– Whether you’re righting a book, giving a speech or teaching something, if you want it to be a great success and of great value to your audience… You better make sure you cover these 5 steps. The Ultimate Qigong Trouble Shooting Guide – When I’m working with a client to help them discover why they’re not getting the results they want from their Qigong practice, these are the 18 places I look… Qigong Healing Techniques You Can Share With Others – Over the years I’ve been asked by clients if there are any Qigong healing techniques they can use on their friends and loved ones.  In this lesson I’ll share 4 with you.  Along with two videos that make it super easy for you. Benefits And Restrictions Of A Spiritual Practice – This lesson came about after an interesting conversation with a Yoga practitioner and a Qigong teacher.  If you want to deepen your spiritual practice I think you’ll find this lesson of great value. Sources of Serenity – This is a tool I use every single day to keep me moving forwards.  In this lesson I explore it in great detail to help you get the most from it in the shortest amount of time.  Because this tool is deep… A 5 Step Formula For Success In Anything – I know, that’s quite a claim.  But check this short lesson out and I think you’ll find I make good on it. Pain Relief With Tuina – Tuina is one of the 5 main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  The technique I’ll share with you in this lesson is a powerful, drug free, solution to managing pain.  NOTE: Not suitable if you’re pregnant. The Dangers Of Being A Carer – If you’re one of the millions of people world wide providing unpaid care to a sick or disabled family member.  You must read and apply the principles in this lesson. The Mega Mind Dump – This is an incredibly simple yet powerful technique to help relieve the pressure of feeling overwhelmed.  Use it and be amazed at how much freer you feel.  You’ll even find a 19 minute video explaining how to do it in full detail. What’s Your Why? – This boxing match is considered by many to be the biggest upset in sporting history.  Discover what it is, the vital lesson it reveals and the benefits you can get if you apply it to your own life. Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Gut Health – With probiotics and gut health becoming increasingly more popular, I spoke with an expert scientist on the subject and share all my findings with you.  No punches pulled and no stone unturned in this lesson. Proven Paths To Happiness – There’s a lot of scientific research on happiness.  In this lesson I’ll share 9 scientifically backed positive actions you can take to nurture your happiness.  I’ll also share a cool story and bad a joke.  What more could you want? Escaping The Self Improvement Trap – Whilst there’s nothing wrong with identifying and seeking help to improve certain areas of your life.  Just don’t get sucked into the self improvement lie I did that you’re broken and need fixing.  Full details in this important lesson. The Secret Of Eternal Youth – How a Noble Prize winning scientific discovery in 2009 may hold the key to immortality.  But in the mean time you’ll also discover 4 Ageing Well tips to help keep you in peak condition. The Lost Art Of Contemplation – Discover a simple way to focus your mind and keep it open to receiving new information.  If you like meditation you’re going to love this. 6 Proven Ways To Improve Your Brain Power And Memory Skills – Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need to have been born with a good memory and a powerful brain.  These are skills you can develop.  And in this lesson I’ll share 6 ways you can tune up your own brain power. Why You’re Not At The Mercy Of Your Genes – What do you do if, you’re like me, and there’s some serious junk floating around in your gene pool?  If you look at your ancestors and see a life cut short by sickness and disease is there anything you can do to avoid your genetic destiny?  Turns out there is, discover the cutting edge science on this subject and why you’re not at the mercy of the genes you inherited.



 Gold Level Membership


Select Gold Membership and you’ll get access to everything I mentioned in Bronze and Silver plus some very important upgrades.

Click on the tabs in the table below to discover the extras you’ll get as a Gold Member:


[Consultation][Direct Contact]

As part of your Gold Membership you get a complementary 30 minute consultation with me.  You can use it for whatever you want, but my advice is to make sure you’ve got something ZEN+ specific you want me to help you with.  You won’t want to waste this opportunity.

When your ready for your consultation simply let me know via the special Gold Members contact form and we’ll arrange a suitable time to talk.

As a Gold Member you’ll be given access to a special contact form which will give you direct contact to me to ask all your ZEN+ questions as they come up.

Unless I’m travelling I aim to reply to all Gold Member emails within 24 hours weekdays and 48 hours at weekends.


Which is the Best Membership Level For You?


Bronze Membership
Installing the ZEN+ HabitThe ZEN+ Wheel30 Days of ZEN+ZEST:The PERFECT Qigong System – 80 page Pdf + 45 mins of videoMeditation – The UMC, Guided meditation and Inner JourneyMindfulness – Everything you really need to know about itFantastic Sleep – How to sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed and good to goEXERCISE:A report on the benefits of walking and why you need to do itCallisthenic’s for Strength Building – Includes 1 hr 20 minutes of video tuition over 35 videosHigh Intensity Training – Explanation telling you what it is and why to do it.  Plus a video showing you how to do it safelyNUTRITION: Full details on the 4 principles of healthy nutrition I recommend:Avoid processed foodEat less, less frequentlyEat more good fatsEat more vegetablesMINDSET:The Mindset toolkit: 15 of the simplest and powerful tools you can use to make a positive mind shiftThe importance of social connection and the one technique you need to master to mingle like a professional.Bronze Membership is best for those who want to get an idea of what ZEN+ is all about and want the basic tools needed to make a great start.
[Buy Bronze Membership]

Silver Membership
Best Value, Includes:
Every single thing in Bronze plus:+ The Shaolin 18 Exercises Qigong Set – 21 web pages of tuition, 60 videos with a run time of 2 hours and 28 minutes+ Self Manifested Energy Flow – Video and written tuition to help you master this method of Qigong valued for treating illness.+ The Sleep Solution – Full access to my 28 day program designed specifically to help you harness all the benefits of fantastic sleep.  I sell this product alone for £40.+ The Inner Game of ZEN+ – Three vital characteristics of the Romans that can help you to succeed with ZEN++ The Stress Solution – It’s vital you know how to manage the stresses and strains of daily life.  If you can’t, it’s impossible for you to experience your best health and vitality.  This section reveals everything you need to know.+ The Sitting Solution – I touch on this subject in Bronze, but in Silver we go into this subject much deeper so you can easily avoid the dangers of what’s being called ‘Sitting Disease’.+ Callisthenics – In Bronze I show you how to progressively practice 5 of the greatest callisthenic exercises ever invented.  In Silver I’ll give you three simple strength building programs, designed so no matter what your current level of strength is or how long it is since you last exercised – you can get started on building strength safely.+ Look Great Naked – It’s hard wired in your DNA to want to look your best.  The survival of the human race has depended upon it.  In this module I’ll share everything you need to know to get yourself into the kind of shape you’ll be happy to show off.+ The Vault – Silver would be a great resource if it only contained what I’ve shared with you so far.  But The Vault takes it to a whole different level.  You’ll gain access to 22 of the best bits from the first two years of my in-print newsletter.  If you were to buy the back issues of these today, it would cost you: £720.  But as a Silver member you get access to them for free.Silver Membership will best suit those ZEN Beasts who are serious about stacking the odds of a longer, healthier and happier life in their favour and who’re prepared to put in the work required.
[Buy Silver Membership]

Gold Membership
Only For The Serious
Everything in Bronze and Silver plus:Consultation – 30 minutes 1-2-1 time to get personalised help with any aspect of ZEN+Direct Contact – As a Gold Member you get direct written access to me to ask all your ZEN+ questions Coming Soon

My ‘Bend Over Backwards’ Guarantee

What now?


Now you know what you’ll find in each level of the ZEN+ Home Study Course, it’s time to choose which is best for you.  And remember you’re covered by my ‘Bend Over Backwards’ 100% money back guarantee.

So all the risk is on me.

Simply click on the button below to buy the level of membership appropriate for you.

To choose BRONZE membership:


To choose SILVER membership:


To choose GOLD membership:

Coming Soon

Once you’ve completed your payment through Clickbank, you’ll be taken to a page where you’ll complete your membership.  Then you’ll be able to access all the information relevant to the membership you’ve chosen.


My name is Marcus Santer and I’ve been teaching people just like you how to live healthier for longer since 2003 when I first started teaching Shaolin Qigong.

In the years that followed I:
Taught Shaolin Kung Fu Became the Chief instructor in the UK of an international school of the Shaolin Arts. Taught workshops in many different countries Wrote 5 books on living healthier for longer Qualified as a Progressive Callisthenics instructor
And a whole lot more too.

I don’t share this with you to show off or brag.  Simple to demonstrate that when it comes to getting you into your best shape and stacking the odds of living a longer, healthier and happier life in your favour…

I can help.

I’ve seen too many people over the years suffer the consequences of poor lifestyle choices.

Things like:
Loss of independence Early death Unnecessary pain and illness
And I want to do all I can to make sure you don’t become one of them.

But when all’s said and done…

The final decision is yours.

Become a member of the ZEN+ Home Study Course today and I look forward to sharing what everyone ought to know about getting into their best shape and stacking the odds of living a longer, healthier and happier life in their favour.

In fact armed with the information I’ll give you, you’ll be ready to start yourself on a lifetime of strength, health and vitality.

Whatever your age.

Bye for now




Marcus Santer

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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Note: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a “typical” result is. The harsh truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. You are the main element of your success! I personally have used the information in the ZEN+ Home Study Guide to build the kind of body I’m happy with and to become stronger, fitter and healthier than I was in my 20’s.   I’ve also worked with individuals, some who have shown even greater success. They worked hard, and earned their results. As with any exercise program, obtain the consent of your doctor before the initiation of any physical training program.” Note: Upon purchase, you will be given instant access! This is a virtual product, that can be conveniently accessed anywhere with an internet connection. No hard product will be shipped.

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