A bold promise from an acclaimed natural healer….
“Stick out your tongue, look me in the eye, and I can tell you – in just a couple of minutes – what ails you … and often, what to do about it,” says this natural health practitioner.
“And now, I can show you how to do the same for yourself, your family, your friends, and others.”
Over nearly a decade, more than 3,000 men and women have turned to this woman to find out what’s wrong with their health and get it taken care of.
She adds: “Now, in our NEW home study program, I can show anyone … both laypeople and practitioners … how to evaluate what’s gone wrong in the body – theirs or other people’s -- so you can quickly identify and remedy health problems … often in days!”
Get a handle on your health – before you visit your health care provider. Free yourself from obsessive health worries. Accurately monitor the health of you and your loved ones – in minutes. Know what’s wrong so you can take swift action to restore optimal health. Add this powerful health evaluation method to your practice if you are a physician … chiropractor … therapist … or natural health practitioner.
Dear Health-Conscious Friend:
Do you … or your loved ones … ever worry about your health?
Are you conscious of feeling less than your best – and concerned about what seems to be making you feel ill?
Have you ever wished you could assess your own aches, pains, and upsets at home – and be able to learn how your body can heal itself naturally?
If so, I have some good news for you.
My name is Tina Taekema, and I have been an active natural health practitioner since 1999.
But in 2007, after a horrific car crash laid me up for months, I began to expand and accelerate my study in natural healing with a vengeance.
My goals were understanding the root causes of my pain, lack of mobility, and infirmity – as well as ridding my body of these ills.
To make a long story short, I became an expert in 3 ancient but related disciplines – kinesiology, tongue-ology, and iridology – that allowed me to understand sickness in my body at a level my doctors did not.
Gradually, when people I knew learned of my self-aided recovery, they asked if I could take a look at them using these same simple but incredibly accurate health assessment methods.
Before I knew it, I had opened a full-time consultancy in these 3 healing arts – and to date, I have analyzed well over 3,000 clients – helping them understand how their body may be malfunctioning, guiding them to wellness resources like supplements and clinics, and in general putting them at ease. That’s right: when you know what’s going on in your body, you tend to be less scared and more clear-headed about treatment.
But here’s the best part: I also found I had a natural flair for explaining kinesiology, tongue-ology, and iridology and teaching others how to do it.
Now, I have published a multimedia home study course, Mirror of the Body. It shows you how, in just a few minutes, you can accurately assess the health of any person – both yours and other people’s – with a quick and easy visual inspection, right in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Is my Mirror of the Body health assessment training right for you?
Who would want to learn my simple yet incredibly effective health assessment methods?
You. Why depend on a hard-to-get health appointment when Mirror of the Body can almost instantly give you a clear picture of the health of every organ and gland in your body? Health worriers. With my training, hypochondriacs and others who have frequent health concerns can check themselves and their family as often as they like to reassure themselves that all is well – and take swift action when it is not. People with chronic illness. Mirror of the Body lets you check up on your health at home, giving you an update on your body’s condition and function whenever you want it – whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, whatever – freeing you from constant worry. Health practitioners. My health evaluation system is incredibly useful to health practitioners and medical professionals from chiropractors and osteopaths to massage therapists and nutritionists. You’ll be able to learn so much more about your client’s condition than you ever could before – faster and easier, too.
What Mirror of the Body can do is empower you to accurately assess health – yours and other people’s – using proven techniques that analyze the condition of all the body’s organs and glands … based on simple visual inspection of the eyes, tongue, and muscle testing.
Say “Aaahhhh….”
Why do health professionals ask you to stick out your tongue and say aaahhh?
Because the color and shape of the human tongue reveal volumes about their patient’s health!
Here’s why: Our bodies are finely balanced. When there is an imbalance, visual color and contour changes takes place.
The ancient art and science of analyzing the function of glands, organs, and the rest of the body based on looking at the tongue is called tongue-ology.
What’s great about tongue-ology is:
It’s not invasive. It’s done with visual inspection. The changes in color and contour of the tongue are, with practice and my guide, fairly easy to spot. You don’t need medical training other than my program to master.
How it works: different sections of the tongue change color and contour in response to the condition of various glands and organs throughout the body:
With Mirror of the Body, you can watch me assess clients with many different conditions on video. And each course module comes with a PDF workbook with photos and text. This serves as a permanent quick reference when you want a refresher or to double check your findings.
The course is loaded with real photos showing the tongue colors and contours to look for. You learn how to assess the health of specific organs and glands based on changes in color and shape to the corresponding areas of the tongue. Review these images, read the text, and you too will be able to assess a person’s health just from the color and contour of the tongue.
In the course modules covering tongue-ology, you will discover:
The color which when found on the left side of the tongue indicates that the pancreas is negatively affecting the stomach, duodenum, or spine. When the person you are assessing has a yellow tongue, is that in any way related to urination? The answer may surprise you. The 4 sequential changes in tongue texture and color that are a huge warning flag of serious deterioration in health. Why tongue examination is not useful if the person sticks her tongue out for more than 15 seconds. It’s crazy, but when you have stomach or small intestine problems, the tongue often swells up and displays these colors. Why high-powered executives are susceptible to red patches on the top of their tongue. Having trouble conceiving? This ugly tongue color can tell you the reason why – and, it’s one you can correct. 6 ways to uncovering bleeding or inflammation based on assessment of the tongue. The 8 shades a tongue can turn and the health conditions behind each. Master the 3 essential steps to assessing health by looking at the tongue. This tongue color is an early warning sign of gall bladder disease. What poor bowel function or insufficient blood supply will do to your tongue. And more….
Using Mirror of the Body to assess health through tongue-ology is as easy as 1-2-3:
Step 1: Examine the tongue by following our simple instructions. Note color and shape changes and their location. Step 2: Look in the photos until you find a tongue with similar color and contour. Step 3: Read the text to understand the underlying physical problems causing the tongue to change color and shape.
And it’s that simple. In just a couple of minutes, you can get an accurate assessment of your health and the health of your loved ones at home, at zero cost! You don’t need a degree, license, certification, or any other legal approval to practice tongue-ology. No special equipment, either.
Look me in the eye for an instant health assessment
There are two major areas of the body where color changes reveal clues to health. The tongue is one; the other is the eyes. The art of assessing health by looking into a person’s eyes is called iridology.
By looking in the eye, you can see conditions such as heart or thyroid weaknesses as well as changes like diminished core energy or liver stress. All you have to know is what to look for. And Mirror of the Body is packed with photos showing all the color changes possible in the whites of a human being’s eyes -- with explanations of the causes for each.
For instance:
It’s a shock to see orange in a person’s eyes. But if you do, here’s what it means. Purple in the whites of your eyes is also abnormal, but you can get rid of it when you stop consuming this popular beverage. Look for this unusual color pattern in the whites of their eyes when you think a person may have anemia. If you see brown in the iris of your eye, here’s the likely reason why. Green eyes may look lovely, but what causes them to turn green is not. This change in eye color could indicate tumor growth in your body. An unusual color pattern that shows up in the eyes when a person is healing following an injury. If a person is infected, here’s what you’ll see when looking in his eyes. Build-up of toxins in the bowel makes the eyes turn this color. And other eye colors and patterns … and the health conditions they indicate are likely present.
Again, you don’t need to be a licensed health practitioner to use iridology to assess people’s health. And no special equipment either. Just practice, the collection of eye photos, and the explanatory text for each you get in Mirror of the Body.
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The third powerhouse technique for health assessment
Once we assess a person’s health based on the color and contours of the tongue and eyes, we test with a third method -- advanced kinesiology, also called Shen Ti.
Kinesiology assesses a person’s health by moving various parts of his or her body and then observing the subject’s reactions.
When our bodies cannot adapt to stress or illness, the muscles reflect the stress in the central nervous system. This stress creates specific muscle patterns. In Mirror of the Body, I teach you to detect these muscle patterns by moving different parts of a person’s body in different ways.
According to the Ontario Kinesiology Association, kinesiology “applies principles of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, and psychomotor behavior to improve health function and performance.”
Many prestigious universities teach kinesiology courses. These include Columbia University, George Washington University, Syracuse University, and Texas A&M.
In one clinical study, 88 women with breast pain were treated with kinesiology. After 2 months, about 60% of the women said the diversity, duration, and frequency of pain was cut in half or more.
In another study, kinesiology was used to treat 24 participants who had swelling of their lower limbs. The result: significantly faster reduction of the swelling in the thighs.
Together with tongue-ology and iridology, our advanced kinesiology training gives you everything you need to assess health – yours or other people’s – at home. Without a medical degree. Without a license. Without specialized medical equipment.
For instance:
Sylvia, a young lady, was not feeling well. She was always tired and had no energy. Sylvia went to her doctor four times, but he said he could not find anything wrong with her. Using the methods I teach in Mirror of the Body, I analyzed Sylvia and found she had hidden pneumonia. After a week on a herbal program, she felt great. Jack, a teenage boy, complained of abdominal pain. Tests showed there was nothing. Using tongue-ology, iridology, and advanced kinesiology, I found an abscess on the bowel. After 3 months on a strict diet and herbal supplements, Jack’s pain was completely gone. Helen, a young mother, came to me with lower back pain that mystified her doctor. With Mirror of the Body as my guide, I found her kidney ducts were blocked. Within a week of going on a herbal program, Helen was doing well. Lori, a mother of four, could not lose weight. I found the cause to be her pancreas. On a herbal program I recommended, Lori lost 22 pounds in 90 days.
Assess any health problem – quickly, easily, and painlessly
In Mirror of the Body, you will discover:
The 9 early warning signs of problems of the pancreas. 12 signals that your gall bladder isn’t healthy. Why your teeth turning brown isn’t a dental problem – and what it says about your health instead. The 4 major causes of a weakened immune system and how you can easily eliminate each. What’s causing those tiny fluid-filled bubbles on your tongue and how serious is it? Why you should never stick out your tongue during an exam for more than 15 seconds. The change in appearance on your tongue that signals formation of a lung fibroid or cyst. Stick out your tongue. If it veers to the left instead of straight, this is what it means – and what you should do. Why drinking too much alcohol can turn your tongue blue. An easy way to detect an excess of acid in your body Your dentist wants you to have white teeth. But if your teeth are too white, that could be a problem. Here’s why. The 4-part “color show” in your eyes that signals rapid deterioration of your health. The color changes in your eyes and tongue that show if you’ve been over-exposed to radiation. 3 things to do immediately if you or someone else in the room is having a stroke. 5 early warning signs of bladder infection or other bladder problems. Why poor night vision may indicate accumulation of toxins in your liver. How to perform accurate health assessments -- with nothing more than a flashlight, digital camera, and magnifying glass. 7 early warning signs of chronic fatigue. What causes acid reflux and heart burn. Best dietary supplements to take for a swollen prostate gland. If you have these 3 symptoms, have your cholesterol levels checked. The 6 early warning signs of circulatory problems. Are your feet cold? And is your skin pale? Here’s what could be the problem. And much, much more….
Mirror of the Body is the first and only home study course that teaches both laypeople and health practitioners the art and science of tongue-ology, iridology, and kinesiology as an integrated approach to rapid health assessment.
A true multimedia program, Mirror of the Body combines high-quality video instruction and demonstration that show you exactly what to do and how to do it with a set of PDF manuals for quick and easy desktop reference.
You master tongue-ology, iridology, and kinesiology with Mirror of the Body by:
Watching the streaming videos online on your PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile device as often as you like. Your low one-time tuition fee gives you lifetime access to all video lessons. You print the manuals so you can instantly reference any procedure or symptom without having to watch the video module on it again. You practice on yourself, friends, family, neighbors. They’ll appreciate getting accurate health assessments. And you may just find yourself basing a thriving private health practice on Mirror of the Body, much like I did!
A note on how and when to use Mirror of the Body to assess the health of you or someone you know
It’s important to note that practicing tongue-ology, iridology, and advanced kinesiology as taught in Mirror of the Body should be done in conjunction with visits to your health care provider – and not in place of them.
You can and should use tongue-ology, iridology, and advanced kinesiology to get an instant reading on the health of your body’s organs and glands. They can rapidly clue you in to your body’s health after a quick visual inspection right at home. Result: better health care, greater peace of mind, more control over your own wellness.
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The courseware will be delivered via compressed download link which will be provided immediatly after purchase to the e-mail address used during purchase. The compressed file will contain several PDF and video files which will require decompression software as well as Adobe Acrobat and a video player. Detailed instructions will be provided after purchase, but we recommend downloading this content to a PC or Mac.
Praise for Mirror of the Body and Tina Taekema
“Wow! All answers I’ve been looking for! This course is amazing!”
--Ricki D.
“The Mirror of the Body outlines everything one would need to get to the bottom of any health concern. You really do get the exact answers. It’s just that simple.”
--Brandi T.
“Tina’s testing is 100% accurate and she will find what’s going on in your body. She has helped me heal poor functioning of internal organs and her herbal remedies have worked in a matter of minutes or hours.”
--Dawn T.
“The experience I’ve had with Mirror of the Body has had a huge impact on my health and well-being which has led to a very positive effect on my quality of life. I was amazed at how Tina can analyze my body and be able to tell me exactly what the majors are. It has kept me healthy, slim, and given me the energy to keep up with my grandchildren.”
--Betty B.
“I went to the ER with severe abdominal pain. Tina through her testing determined what the problem was and suggested what to do to remedy it. I did as she suggested, the pain is gone, and I feel better than I have in a long time!”
--Dave B.
“I had been sick for 2 ½ years with abdominal pain, cramping, and always being tired. Through Tina’s testing and the herbs she suggested I take, my condition improved week by week. Today I am in optimal health, thankful every day for the work that Tina is doing.”
--Eric V.
“I am just in awe that Tina was able to analyze exactly what was wrong with my body. Through the nutrition that Tina recommended, my health has improved dramatically.”
--Lori M.
What does it cost to become a tongue-ology, iridology, and kinesiology expert or practitioner?
There are many training options available to natural health practitioners and health care consumers on assessment and analysis – some costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Earning a college degree in kinesiology from Texas A&M, for instance, costs over $9,800.
But becoming skilled in the art of visual health inspection with Mirror of the Body won’t cost you $9,800.
Now, with Mirror of the Body, you can master tongue-ology, iridology, and advanced kinesiology in the comfort and privacy of your own home – all for just $137.
And that’s what you pay only if you agree Mirror of the Body works! If not, your cost is zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Because of our …
100% money-back guarantee
We’ll send you the links for the Mirror of the Body online course and your exclusive password as soon as we hear from you.
When you access your videos and manuals, watch my demonstrations online. See how simple and easy it is to learn volumes about your health just by checking the tongue, eyes, and basic muscle testing.
Then, you decide. I am betting you will find Mirror of the Body the most exciting, innovative, and useful health assessment and maintenance tool in your home or office medical reference library. And that you wouldn’t part with it under any circumstance.
But if you are not 100% satisfied with Mirror of the Body, just let me know within 60 days for a full refund. And you can keep the print-outs of all the manuals free – just for giving Mirror of the Body a try. That way, you risk nothing!
One more thing….
With the rising cost of health care, people living longer, and 44 million Americans without health insurance, medical attention is becoming almost a luxury – when it should be a necessity.
And the longer you have a condition, the worse it can get – and the greater the risk of your illness progressing beyond the point where it can be cured.
Conversely, the earlier you spot potentially serious health problems, the far greater your chances of successful treatment and complete recovery.
That’s why health-minded people like you are taking my Mirror of the Body home study program: they want to monitor their health on a much more frequent basis that their annual check-up. If they are worried, they want to lay their fears to rest right then and there. And if a condition is developing, they want to know early, so they can take swift corrective action before it becomes more serious.
With Mirror of the Body, you will be able to quickly, easily, and accurately assess health – yours or other’s people – right in the comfort of your own home, in minutes, with no license, degree, or special equipment required. I guarantee it or your money back.
If you have any questions before purchasing, please use this form to contact us:
So what are you waiting for? To use Mirror of the Body risk-free for a full month on us, just click here now:
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Tina Taekema, Author, Mirror of the Body
P.S. Remember, I promise you will find my Mirror of the Body course the most valuable investment in your health you will make this year. If you do not agree 100%, just let me know within 60 days for a full and prompt refund. You can’t lose!
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