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Fuzzy photos? Fly-away birds? Let me help you capture a perfect photo of any bird!

Hello, my name is Patricia Dubery-Smith. Since you’re visiting my website, you’re probably a bird enthusiast, just like me. I’ve always enjoyed taking photos, but a few years ago, at an age when most people are thinking about retirement, I began to take my bird photography seriously. In fact, it became a bit of an obsession! It was an excuse to get out into nature (and get away from housework!). Now I spend most of my time outdoors, camera in hand, capturing images that once I only dreamed about. And others agree – in recent years my photography has won a swag of awards, commendations and competitions.

I particularly enjoy the challenge of photographing birds – they are such tricky little creatures! They are one of the most difficult animals to photograph – small, quick and they don’t stay still. Getting the perfect shot in a natural setting is really hard. As well as experimenting with what I was doing, I searched for information to help me perfect my technique. I talked to photographers, I read books, I searched the internet. And while I found some useful information, I realized that much of what was helping me get great photos were things that I worked out myself. I didn’t find them anywhere else.

Thanks to all the competitions and awards I’ve won, I now have the privilege of going on photo shoots with acclaimed photographers. And I’ve been able to sell my photos, particularly my bird photos. In fact, my first bird calendar was so popular it went to a third print run!

People keep asking me how I take the photos I shoot. So I put together this website to help them achieve the same results. You might call me selfish, but I’d rather be out there in the bush taking photos than answering questions.

So, if you’d like to know more about how to take great bird photos, please introduce yourself below and I’ll give you my top tips on getting the best bird photos possible.



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The Steps How to Capture a Perfect Photo
of Any Bird



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