Daily Purification
Recover Your Health & Vitality
Online 30 Day Detox Program
Designed & Hosted By…
Dr. Alexander Haskell, ND
Erin Fall Haskell
Dr. Alexander Haskell
Dr. Haskell is a licensed physician in the state of Utah and has been in practice for 30 years. A graduate of The National College of Natural Medicine he operates a full-time purification clinic fostering the restoration of health and the correction of illness through nutrition, various detoxification therapies and intravenous protocols.
“We simply provide what the body, mind and spirit require to heal…Nature Cures!”
Erin Fall Haskell
Erin is an Author, Speaker, Divinity Worker, Researcher and Non-Denominational Minister, referring to all philosophies, religions and spiritual practices. She is also trained in Maieutics, a Greek Oracle Process, by which she assists others to birth their truth. Furthermore, she has her 9 rites in Shamanism and is a teacher of the Laws of the Universe, Divine Principle and Consciousness.
Our 30-Day Detoxification Program
“Look, it’s really simple…no matter what you are suffering from,
if you get the toxins out of your body and you give it plenty of rich organic juices,
you’re going to feel alive again.”
Dr. Haskell
Nature Cures!
We each possess an inherent wisdom which has the miraculous capacity to restore our health.
This is the foundation of our 30 Day Detoxification Program.
The approach to recovery is simple…
Become more in tune with our innate wisdom Provide the body with a rich supply of nutrients Decrease the body’s burden of stored toxins Become educated about environmental toxins Minimize our exposure to these toxins
Become Knowledgeable
Our online 30 Day Detoxification Program is completely digital.
The key to your recovery is education and implementation.
Discover the best juice formulas for nourishing every cell of your body and brain Which detox therapies you can use to produce immediate benefits How to improve your internal & external pathways of purification What are the 10 most insidious toxins found in your home Know how to choose chemical free alternatives Discover the health benefits of juice fasting and how you can do it safely All supplements are not the same. Use food based, not synthetics Learn the indications of when lab testing might be needed
Our Unique Online Detox Program
In our online digital library, which you have access to at any time, you will find the following.
Over 20 digital ‘Flipping Book’ modules covering every aspect of purification and environmental toxins
Each module was written by Dr. Haskell and contains…
Clinical cases The biochemistry and physiology of purification Personal stories Practical suggestions for implementing a daily practice Embedded videos of other docs and professionals to further expand your knowledge and understanding.
Improve Internal Pathways of Detoxification
Learn Low Glycemic Juice Formulas For Blood Sugar Dysregulation
Learn The Best Type of Sauna & How To Sauna Safely
Improve Liver Metabolism & Gall Bladder Detoxification
An Experiential Curriculum
This is far superior to any other online course that’s ever been available.
It is designed to be experiential.
You will certainly learn a great deal from the modules but it’s through your personal experiences of purification that has the potential to change your life.
We also host live weekly webinars for our members as part of our community forum.
This is not a monthly subscription but a single fee for joining our purification program.
Just Click To The Right Of Any FAQ To Open Folder
What does your purification program offer?
This is a 30 day Purification Program.
You will access to over 20 Flipping Book instructional modules, 9 MP3 recorded conversations between Dr. Haskell and Erin Haskell and four live open-mic webinars. Each webinar covers a particular purification topic with plenty of time at the end to answer personal questions.
We teach the underlying causes of illness which Hippocrates said were the starvation of cells and tissues due to a lack of nutrients and the body’s total burden of accumulated environmental toxins.
We teach the use of low-glycemic organic juices which immediately begin the recovery and rejuvenation of every cell of your body and mind.
Several instructional modules provide important information on insidious environmental and chemical toxins found mostly in the home; EMF’s, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, plastics and formaldehyde, molds and spores, cleaning solutions, cosmetics, radon, fluoride and more.
Instructions include discovery, avoidance and removal along with safe alternatives.
Other modules focus on purification including the external (saunas) and internal (liver, gall bladder & gut ecology) pathways of detoxification. These are covered in great detail.
You will more deeply understand and trust your innate wisdom which wishes more than anything to restore your health.
During the purification most people pass through a period of detoxification as toxins exit cell storage sites. We cover simple therapies to assist the body with eliminating these toxins as quickly and easily as possible to reduce what’s termed a ‘healing crisis.’
Deep within the Purification Program we have two primary objectives….
The first is to help you to recover your health and the second is to sustain it… this is our motivation and our hope.
What is meant by digital modules?
All digital modules have been written by Dr. Haskell and cover a wide variety of purification subjects. They have been artistically designed and formatted using the software Flipping Book.
Because they are all digital Dr. Haskell selected and embedded specific educational videos from physicians and specialists in order to add even greater value.
To educate and empower you is first and foremost.
So we made the decision to broaden the educational horizons of our program by including many inspiring and knowledgeable professionals speaking on a variety of topics related to purification, mental health, the role of nutrition and environmental toxins.
This is the way of the future, to gather the most knowledgeable teachers into one classroom, in this case our online purification library, and to share their wisdom and insights with those who are teachable, who want to step outside their limited beliefs and to incorporate what they learn into their lives.
It’s all about personal change through knowledge, experience and wisdom.
What if I feel a bit hesitant about doing a cleansing program?
Purification can be like opening Pandora’s Box…you never know what’s going to fly out!
I’ve been a physician for 30 years and purification has always been a part of my practice. In the ‘old’ days people on the program went through 1-2 days of releasing stored toxins. They were uncomfortable but they knew (and hoped) it would happen. Of course we provided therapies to assist them, to minimize their symptoms but never to suppress them.
Nowadays these crises seem more intense for people.
I remember my first water fast, which I no longer recommend. I became violently and acutely ill for about an hour, puking by the side of the road.
As a child I had been exposed to DDT and had, on one hot summer’s day, drank the cool refreshing water from a watering can…turned out to be diluted herbicide… stomach pumped several times, 3 hour ride to the best hospital (San Francisco), comma for 3 weeks… but I did meet God at the end of my out-of-the-body experience.
So there was a lot of shit in my system and my innate wisdom took advantage of the water fast to get it out…hooray and omg.
But after that convulsive expulsion of toxins from my body by the side of the road I felt fantastic and maybe had the greatest sense of mental clarity and physical vitality in my entire life. Well, luckily there were many others.
So, yes, I understand your hesitation but our program offers plenty of instruction about modifying the program and provides many tools and therapies to use during our Purification Program.
What will I need in addition to your program?
It’s important to have access to a sauna. It doesn’t matter what kind it is as long as you sweat.
If you don’t have access we provide instructions on getting very similar results through hot baths with Epsom or sea salts and then wrapping in a cotton sheet with several blankets for 30-45 minutes…you will sweat profusely!
A juicer is essential. Hopefully you already have one but if not we cover affordable juicers which have really improved over the last few years. This is covered in one of the digital modules.
One of the recommended therapies to improve the metabolic and excretory functions of the liver is the coffee enema. These really help in passing more rapidly through a purification healing crisis. I’ve used these extensively in my clinics. Bags are very inexpensive and complete instructions on preparation and usage are in our module Adjuncts to Purification.
I do cover the use of natural supplements in most modules but they are not essential for benefiting from our program though they help you to recover your health more rapidly.
I have recommended the higher quality supplements which I’ve come to trust over the years. Most are reasonably priced and you can purchase them off our website or find them on the net or though Amazon.
What makes your program different from all the others?
Most of what I see on the market these days for purification are a combination of detox supplements along with a dietary plan. There are a few which would seem to be effective but from what I can tell all you get is capsules, powders and an instruction booklet.
A change in diet, like avoiding low nutrient foods and allergic type foods, will benefit a lot of people. But unless you are engaged in some active purification (juices, saunas, coffee enemas, etc.) you’ll only be scratching the surface.
Besides, these programs leave it all up to the consumer. You receive the program and that’s it. People need daily support when they are going through a purification.
People buy things with good intentions but the excitement fades when they get into it for a week or so. They loose interest or they loose hope.
This is what makes our program different and how we stand out from other companies.
There’s another difference as well…
Our program doesn’t just deal with the physical body.
We recognize the interwoven relationship between the body, the mind and the Spirit.
You cannot fully access the Spirit when you feel unwell.
And you will never recover your health if your thoughts and emotions are negative or programmed to make you feel unworthy or unlovable.
We devote a good portion of our MP3s, digital modules and webinars to this important topic.
And another thing… illness is in part created by our exposure to toxins in all their forms. If you are going through any purification program and you do not understand and rectify the silent, invisible toxins you are being exposed to every day then you will eventually slip right back into the same symptoms once the purification program is finished.
We are, to say the least, very proud of the program we’ve designed. We are certain that it will help to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.
Will your program help me to lose weight?
There are several causes for weight gain.
The primary one is the accumulation of chemical toxins.
Most chemical toxins are fat soluble and are rapidly compartmentalized in fat cells.
These residues disrupt the function of tiny organelles within fat cells called mitochondria.
Mitochondria make energy or what’s called ATP.
When ATP production declines the body cannot burn fat making it very difficult to lose weight.
The solution?
Get toxic residues out of fat cells to increase their activity.
One thing we know is that people who are overweight have accumulated an abundance of environmental toxins and during purification the release of toxins can be extraordinary.
We therefor advise people to be patient and to modify the program. They may consider eating one meal a day in addition to the juices and to incorporate all the supportive therapies and natural supplements in order to up-regulate all the pathways of elimination.
Our Purification Program for weight loss is highly successful because it addresses the underlying cause (accumulated toxins) and at the same time provides the body with all the nutrients required for rejuvenation.
What if I can't get organic vegetables and fruits for the program?
It’s OK, just do the best you can.
Non-organics still contain lots of live enzymes even though they do not have all the nutrients and trace minerals found in organics.
If organics are not available we recommend using powdered organic products which are specially processed through a flash dehydrating, low temperature process which retains all plant rich enzymes with minimal oxidation.
These products are included in our storefront.
If you do use non-organics it’s important to remember that herbicide and pesticide sprays are made from petroleum…so these are oil based.
Be sure to use a chemical-free, good quality soap like Dr. Bronner’s Castile to remove these chemicals.
More details are explained in our Purification & Rejuvenation through Nutrition module.
What if I'm taking a prescription?
The decision of whether or not to continue taking a prescription must be answered by each individual.
Very likely the medication was prescribed to control or alter a symptom or condition. We believe that most illnesses are caused by nutrient deficiencies, exposure to a wide variety of negative environmental influences and by self-limiting emotional and mental habits.
So naturally as the body becomes nourished, as toxic residues are excreted and when emotional habits are retrained then symptoms will improve.
This may then warrant the reduction or discontinuation of medication yet we can never make any recommendations along this line.
Only you, with the cooperation of your physician, can make this decision.
Do you offer anything above and beyond the program?
Over the last two centuries we’ve witnessed two separate medical philosophies or belief systems regarding illness.
The first believes that symptoms are a sign that the body is in a state of dysregulation and that substances should be used to bring the body back into balance.
Fever? Take an anti-pyretic Inflammation? Take an anti-inflammatory Hypertension? Take a blood pressure medication High cholesterol? Take a lipid-lowering drug Depression? Take an anti-depressant
This approach counteracts signs and symptoms.
The second believes that symptoms are the language which the body, mind and spirit use to communicate to us that something we are doing, eating, thinking, feeling or are being exposed to is detrimental to our health.
We must therefore investigate what the cause(s) of these symptoms are, to then remove them and to repair the affected tissues.
Yet an even greater and more profound way of thinking of this second group is the belief that humans possess an innate wisdom which has the capacity to restore our physical and mental health if we abide by certain laws of Nature and Spirit.
Yet so many people have become indoctrinated through our culture and the media to believe that drugs are a cure, that any symptom is a foreboding sign. They run to their physician looking for answers and are often given a prescription with little concern or investigation as to the cause.
Do not misunderstand me. Lab testing and other medical information is very important but the investigative part, of looking for the cause, is just as relevant.
So to answer your question…we do offer support beyond the Purification Program.
People can come to our health clinic for purification and to some extent a more in-depth analysis of the underlying causes of their condition.
A person can also arrange for a long distance consultation with either Dr. Haskell or one of his colleagues.
Usually these consultations require some degree of lab testing for added clarity. In most cases we can forward a LabCorp of America lab test requisition for blood testing, a requisition for saliva hormone testing from Labrix and other types of testing including ova and parasites.
If absolutely necessary a prescription can be written and filled by a pharmacy near you.
We are also offering to all who actively participate in the 30 Day Detoxification Program the opportunity to become a Holistic Detoxification Coach.
This is a six month program with monthly modules covering anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, about how to instruct their clients to safely undergo purification, nutrition, juice fasting, the use of food based supplements, marketing, SEO optimization of their websites, working with local and long distance clients and how to use and incorporate our clinical services with their clients.
It is a wonderful opportunity for anyone looking for a new profession in a field that will be of great service to our people.
I do believe that toxins make us sick, but how?
Let’s talk about toxins in general because there are several types and each type will affect the body in a different way.
There are fat soluble toxins and there are water soluble. Let’s cover fat soluble.
First of all the body’s wisdom differentiates between a beneficial molecule like vitamin C and a molecule that it deems harmful.
It’s immediate response to the harmful one is to break it down into a less toxic form and to excrete it from the body through the kidneys and liver.
If the person is healthy then the body does a pretty good job of it but if the person’s health is poor and their metabolic pathways are under functioning then the body is unable to completely clear the toxin. So it chooses another option to protect itself.
It decides the best course would be to store or compartmentalize the toxin inside those cells which are least important to its existence, primarily fat cells.
The primary goal of this innate intelligence is to protect the most vital organs such as the brain, nerves and the endocrine system (procreation) from harmful toxins.
‘So what,’ you ask? ‘What’s the big deal? So I’ve got stored toxins in my fat cells, so why do I feel depressed and tired?’
In the last 2-3 years scientists have determined that chemicals, toxins and many pharmaceutical residues are infiltrating and disrupting the function of an extremely vital part of each and every one of our cells, called the mitochondria.
Mitochondria play some very important roles in our health, the most important being the production of energy known as ATP.
So if the function of a mitochondria is lowered then the energy or function of the cell within which it lives will also be lowered.
And every single cell in the body has mitochondria and every cell can be affected causing a wide range of physical and mental symptoms as well as chronic diseases.
‘But I thought you said that fat cells are the primary deposition site for toxins?’
Yes but at some point the metabolism or activity of fat cells becomes so low due to lowered mitochondrial function within the cells that they can no longer act as a repository. They are just too tired to do their job.
It’s kind of like finishing a huge meal… and you feel utterly satiated… and then they bring out the dessert.
So then toxins which this intelligence can no longer compartmentalize in fat cells must choose other cells.
If we continue to be exposed to toxins then the body becomes overwhelmed and symptoms will be expressed in numerous ways: fatigue, aches and pains, headaches, depression, autoimmune conditions, weight gain, etc.
Purification is truly the ONLY way out.
No prescription, no supplement, no special dietary regime can ever address the toxins stored inside our mitochondria and within our cells.
Nothing… only purification!
No Matter What Your Condition
Don’t Lose Hope!
Integrating Detoxification Therapies
Access to Best Supplements & Lab Tests
Organic, Low-Glycemic Juice Formulas
Weekly Live Webinars with Dr. Haskell & Erin Haskell
30 Days of Support
23 Digital Modules on Detoxification
9 Interviews with Dr. Haskell & Erin Haskell
A Community of Like-Minded People
Questions about our program?
Please email us in the contact section below.
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Please contact us if you have any questions. Phone: 801.875.9292 Email: Support@DailyDetoxification.com
Clinic Location & Hours
3350 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Office Hours: M-F 9am to 5pm
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