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How To Sell Stones 

All you need to know about sales tips and techniques that will lead to a  Biggest Benefit for your life and work 



Afraid of Sales : Act Now!

Feel Hard of selling people? 
Do you want to increase your income and achieve your goals??
You don’t know how to deal with types of customers
or you want a strong personality and strength you communication skills and more 
this book  made for these purposes 

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You will learn in this book and master the following : 

Why Sales is importantWhat is 4P's and 7P'sCommunication skillsWhat are the types of customersHard & Soft SellingChange and control your body languageBreaking the iceDress for success

Why I wrote this book

When i was a new salesman i faced many problems with customers that i didn’t even know why i lost them, also i tried hard to push on  customers to close the deals and suddenly the customer deal disappeared.

 Sales team is strong and will force you to have any potential customer and most of them will not give you any tips that will lead you to success, after I learned in hard way of sales and I became a sales manager for the biggest leader media in Jordan I decided to coach all my sales team and trainthem every single minute to give them the necessary tools and techniques to sell anything they want and keep in telling them " if you know all sales tips and techniques, then you can even sell stones"


About the author

“Go Innovation…Or Go Past”

Zuhair Abu Alrish is a Digital & traditional Sales and marketing professional, who worked for reputed brands in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. He has more than 11 years of experience and respected track record; He has generated seven figures of direct sales revenue when he was a sales manager. He worked as a sales manager for both offline & online products and services and mastering all sales techniques that always lead him to achieve his goals.


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A one time paid, no monthly costs or payments, the book format is PDF file and you need an adobe reader to read it, the fill will be available to download when you end the purchasing process, the book size is 3.58 MB, and less than five minutes to download via 3G connection

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If you need any help, concerns, suggestions please contact me at [z(dot)abualrish(at)gmail(dot)com]

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