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even if:

 You’ve tried crazy diets

You’re busy as hell

You hate doing cardio

All Thanks To A Recent, Game-Changing Breakthrough In Hormone Science!

As Featured On:

Look, I know you’re probably skeptical right now because this sounds way too good to be true, but pay close attention…

Because I’m About To Prove Abs Are Possible For You.

You’re about to discover…
The counterintuitive exercise that shreds fat 10X faster
than anything else. A simple, flexible eating plan that’s so easy to follow,
eating junk food is actually a requirement! The 1 critical hormone that’ll slaughter your chances
of getting a six pack if it gets too high. And WAY more too…
This is information that only elite personal trainers, celebrities and sports stars have access to, but I’m about to reveal it all to you right now…

So, If You Finally Want To Feel Real Confidence All Day Long And Have HOT GIRLS Unable To Keep Their Eyes Off You…

Then make sure you read this entire page.

But before we continue, it’s vital that you understand one thing…

Being Fat Or Chubby Is Not Your Fault!

See, nobody’s ever told you the secrets I’m about to share with you.

Heck even so called “experts” you see on TV are still giving out bad, outdated advice that just doesn’t work.

…useless tips like eating low carb, doing cardio for hours and even damaging crunches or sit-ups!

It’s crazy!

But Don’t Worry, I’m About To Show You Why Losing Belly Fat Has Been So Damn Hard For You Up Till Now…

But most importantly, how it can become BRAIN-DEAD easy!

So this is me, Alon Shabo with my awesome, jaw-dropping abs:

Ok, so you might think I have great genetics or was born sexy…

So here’s a pic of me only 3 years earlier when I was a scrawny weakling and losing at life big time…

I don’t even look like the same guy do I?

I went from a 5 at best to a 9.6, just like that.

But I’ve never shared how I made this extreme transformation because, frankly, it’s pretty embarrassing.


I Felt Uncomfortable About My Looks
For As Long As I Can Remember.

I would stare in the bathroom mirror and wish that my nose was smaller, that I was taller, that I wasn’t so damn skinny and that I had abs.

I was always thinking about ways to look better – and it got so bad at one point, that I even considered plastic surgery!

And since I’m being totally honest here, the only reason I wanted to get into shape and get a 6 pack was to get more looks from girls and respect from guys.

I Know It’s Shallow, But Basically, I Just
Wanted To Feel Good About Myself.

I wanted to look in the mirror and think: “Ahhh yeah baby!” instead of feeling like a loser and that everyone else was better than me.

And then, one day, I met Jake.

And that’s when my self-esteem got REALLY bad!

See, Jake was a new recruit at my old, crappy job and was one of those naturally ripped guys that barely exercises, eats whatever he wants and STILL manages to look incredible all year-round.

Yeah, one of those lucky bastards! Lol.

The kind of guy that no matter where we went…

Cute Girls Would Appear Out Of Nowhere And Beg:

“What’s your name?”

“Where you from?”

“Are you single?”

And guys would slap him on the back and buy him a beer.

Our boss would even take him out for drinks regularly and give him huge promotions.

And this is when he kept his clothes ON!

…When He Was At The Beach Or Pool Shirtless, He
Was Treated Like An A-List Celebrity.

And I know it’s terrible of me, but even though he was my best friend at work, I secretly hated him.

I wanted to feel “cool” and “worthy” as well, instead of standing by jealously in the corner.

And then one day it dawned on me…

 Becoming Lean And Getting A 6-Pack Was
My Golden Ticket To Getting This Kind Of
“Instant Respect” And Admiration Too.

Deep down I felt that having abs would let me compete with Jake all the other guys who were better looking than me.

And that’s when I decided to do whatever it took to make it happen…

So I started on my mission by reading every book, blog or magazine that mentioned abs, belly fat or getting ripped.

Recommended To Get Lean…

I did the painful crunches, the boring cardio, ridiculous ab machines, intermittent fasting, crash diets, juicing cleanses, bodyweight workouts, bulking and cutting, bodybuilding split routines, paleo, yoga, Atkins, you name it!

And for my whole year of hard work all I got was…

A Growing Waistline, A Destroyed Bank Account And
A Deep Feeling Of Dread That I Might NEVER
Figure It Out At All.

Not exactly the ripped and muscular goal I was aiming for ☹

…I Felt Like A Baby Beached Whale, Never Taking My
Shirt Off At The Pool Or Beach.

And the worst part was, the more I worked out, the fatter I got.

I had this nasty roll of fat that flopped over my jeans whenever I sat down to work or eat that just wouldn’t go away.

Needless To Say I Had Never Been More
Confused In My Entire Life!
Was it my genetics?  Was I doomed to be either unhealthy-skinny or skinny-fat? Were abs only for “those guys” who naturally had them?
Well turns out…none of the above.

Because after some digging I discovered that…

Almost Everything We’ve Been Told About
Getting A Six Pack Is Totally Wrong!

All the so called “EXPERTS” I’d trusted were just repeating old, outdated studies and hadn’t kept up with the latest science for years!

…so basically, they were totally clueless!

So I decided to put an end to it all and read through hundreds of the most cutting-edge scientific studies for myself.

And in the process I discovered…

7 HUGE Myths That Guarantee You’ll Stay Fat For The Rest Of Your Life If You Blindly Follow Them.

But if you avoid these nasty pitfalls, not only will you get killer abs, but you’ll also keep them permanently once you get ‘em.

…without killing yourself in the gym, following crazy diets or becoming one of those “health freaks”.

So buckle up!

Here are the 7 “six pack myths” just waiting to trap you out there on the internet…

MYTH #1:

Everyone has a six pack, it’s just hidden under belly fat – WRONG!

Sure cutting one’s belly fat is important, but without gaining abdominal muscle as well, you’ll just look like a weakling. Here’s proof:

Both of these guys have a very low 10% body fat. One has visible abs, and the other doesn’t. One looks great and the other looks scrawny as hell. So what you really need is a decent amount of muscle for your abs to “pop out” and then cutting belly fat works great to show them off. Don’t fall for this myth!

MYTH #2:

Your abs are determined by your genetics – WRONG!

It’s been proven time and time again that literally any guy can get a bulging six pack. Sure, some guy’s genetics make it easier since they’re naturally leaner or put on muscle easier. But, genetics will never stop you from having a visible six pack. It all comes down to diet, training and one other secret I’ll reveal in just a minute.

MYTH #3:

You need to do a lot of cardio to burn fat – WRONG!

In fact, too much cardio can make your body think it’s in danger and switch your metabolism into “fat storage mode” as a survival mechanism, not to mention your fat burning hormones are virtually unaffected. This will turn you into Jabba The Hut way faster than not doing any cardio at all. Actually cardio is one of the least efficient exercises for burning fat, plus it’s boring as hell. What I’m about to reveal is 10X more effective at melting fat off your frame than traditional cardio.

In 2011, researchers published a huge study in the scientific journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology, and came to the conclusion that:

Cardio dramatically increases the fat-storing hormone Cortisol.

(Skoluda, N., Dettenborn, L., et al. Elevated Hair Cortisol Concentrations in Endurance Athletes. Psychoneuroendocrinology. September 2011.)

MYTH #4:

Crunches are the best exercise for a six pack – WRONG!

Crunches are actually the worst exercise you can do period. Sit-ups and crunches have been proven to damage your posture and are inefficient at burning fat or building any muscle at all. Even worse, is that “experts” are now recommending the plank as an alternative. And while it’s true that it’s a safer exercise, it’s still totally inefficient and a complete waste of your time. Later I explain why doing exercises which target your abs is a really bad idea if you’re not already lean.

MYTH #5:

You need to work out for hours per day to get abs – CORRECT!

This is actually 100% true – but that’s ONLY if you’re doing crunches, sit-ups, the plank or any other useless other exercise that “targets your abs”. Don’t do this, ever. There are breakthrough exercises I recommend in just a minute, where you only need 45 mins, 3X per week to see your waist size drop FAST and feel yourself becoming more muscular.

When Research Scientists at East Tennessee State University analyzed these training methods in a study on traditional cardio, this is what they concluded:

After 8 weeks of training, the group performing the shorter workouts burned over 200% more fat than those doing cardio.

(King, J.W. East Tennessee State University, 2001.)

MYTH #6:

You need to take fat burning pills – WRONG!

This is not only incorrect, it’s also dangerous. Not only can these fat burning pills you see advertised everywhere damage your adrenal glands and cause serious health problems, but they can also kill you.  Also, while they may work for some in the short term, they actually cause many people to gain even more fat in the future PLUS making those pounds harder to lose too. This quickly becomes a vicious cycle so avoid fat burners at all costs!

MYTH #7:

You must be on a low-carb diet – WRONG!

Carbs are not the enemy despite what almost everyone is shouting from the rooftops these days. Carbs are totally fine and required to build muscle. The real trick is learning when to eat carbs, and how to keep them balanced with the rest of your nutrition. This will prevent you from gaining fat while still eating delicious, satisfying meals. This eliminates your chances of giving up out of sheer boredom too.

A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the effects of a low carb diet with a high carb diet, and this is what the scientists concluded:

Both high carb and low carb diets were equally effective in reducing body weight, but the low carb diet was associated with adverse metabolic and emotional side effects.

(Johnstone CS, et al. Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 May;83(5):1055-61)

So there you go…

These are 7 of the biggest mistakes you might be making right now that are killing your chances of becoming ripped and sexy for good…

I made all these mistakes for years, so don’t be a dumbass like me.

However…There Is 1 Last Secret!

One secret fact that 99.99% of fitness experts know almost nothing about.

Before I discovered this secret I was in pretty good shape but…

I was still STRUGGLING my ass off to eat perfectly and nail every workout otherwise I’d quickly gain back all the weight I’d lost.

But once I found this last nugget of wisdom, not only did dropping fat become easy and enjoyable, it also let me…

Keep My Six Pack Abs Year-Round Without
Being Strict With My Workouts Or
Even Obsessing Over What I Ate.

I was stress-free and still ripped, just like Jake.

Thanks to stumbling my way onto the “Holy Grail” of fat loss and muscle gain.

So what was the secret you ask? Well it’s simple…

It all comes down to one’s hormones.

Once I got all my hormones in balance it was like everything clicked into place and having a naturally ripped, sexy body became effortless for me.

Like I was one of those naturally lean, muscular guys all along.

And without even trying too hard…

 I Started Putting On Slabs Of Muscle While
Fat Melted Away Like A Snowman
In The Sun.

This was the secret behind Jake’s year-round perfect physique despite eating crap and never working out.

But here’s where things got SUPER weird…
Just walking down the street, women would lock eyes with me. On the subway, hot women in short skirts would stand REALLY close to me. More guys wanted to hang out and grab beers after work.
But Best Of All, My Mild Depression And Anxiety
Vanished And I Finally Felt Great!

Not sometimes, or on rare occasions, but every single day.

Everything became different with some muscle, low fat and a six pack.

Life became truly FUN!

But To Make Sure It Wasn’t All In My Head I Decided
To Run A Much More Scientific Test…

So I overhauled my long-abandoned Tinder profile of course

Fresh new pics of me shirtless, wearing tight tees and basically just being a shameless man-whore.


My success rate before, with my old, skinny loser profile was not so great. Out of every 20 messages I sent out, I would get a reply from maybe 1 woman.That’s it.

But With My New, Half Naked, Douchey Profile, My Response Rate Skyrocketed To 1 In 5.

That’s a 500% increase for you nerds out there!
Plus they responded faster, were hotter and WAY more flirty than I’d ever had before.

And for the first time in my life, my phone was blowing up with slutty pictures from these girls.


Here’s just a few screenshots from my iPhone to see what I mean…

The Only Difference?
Six Pack Abs And Not Being A Little Bitch.
Pretty Simple.

But then things got even nuttier…

One night I went out with my buddy’s to some sketchy dive bar.

About 2 minutes after we arrive a group of girls posted up next to us at the bar.

Just minutes later, out of the blue, the hottest one walks right up to me, lifts up my shirt, stares me dead in the eyes, and with a coy look on her face, she says…

“You look like you work out.”

Then she started pawing my abs while her friends let out a few naughty squeals.

I must’ve gone bright red because I suddenly felt was a hot surge of blood rush to my face. Oh, and other places too, which she fully appreciated that night

Naturally my buddies just watched in shock as it happened, mouths hanging wide open, seething with jealousy.

But It’s Not Just Me, You Can See This For
Yourself Any Day Of The Week…

Just head over to an Abercrombie & Fitch store in your area.

What you’ll see at the entrance is a shirtless, ripped dude with a badass six pack, surrounded by girls.

They’ll be giggling uncontrollably, taking pictures with him, stroking his abs, going bright red in the face and…

Soaking Their Panties Because They’re
Near A Guy With A Killer Six Pack.

It’s no wonder why the editors of Mens Health Magazine ranked Abs as #1 on their list of The Top 10 Muscles Women Love.

Yeah, abs really are that powerful!

And NOBODY was more shocked than me!

I was so taken aback by how quickly my life changed that I became obsessed with figuring out why this had happened.

I wanted to know the science.

I wanted the cold, hard facts of how this could possibly happen and why nobody else was talking about it.

It took me a few years, but finally…

I Discovered Why Guys Like Jake Were Getting
All This Attraction From Women,
And Respect From Guys.

And why I was now enjoying the same, exact benefits ;)

Remember those hormones I was talking about?

Well it turns out all those rumors about women being attracted to guys with high testosterone are 100% true.

And for good reason.

This “Man Hormone” Makes Us Live Longer, Feel
Happier, More Confident, Respected By Other
Men, Better In Bed, Faster Learners, More
Honest And A Whole Lot More…

…all the qualities a woman is looking for in a man who might be taking care of her future babies – never mind providing healthy genetics for her offspring!

So, just like with bonobo chimps and other animals, the guys with the highest testosterone get to bang the hottest females.

Plus guys look up to them when they sense their confidence and dominance levels.

This has been proven over and over again in high-profile studies.

A recent study compared how women viewed men with different testosterone levels. Scientists concluded:

Attractive women not only preferred men with higher T levels, they also reportedly “clicked” better with those same men.

(Slater, RB, et al. Testosterone and Self-Reported Dominance Interact to Influence Human Mating Behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2011 Feb)

Interestingly, here are my current testosterone levels straight from a lab blood test…

Way above average!

So how do women know which men have high testosterone?

Well You Guessed It
…Six Pack Abs.

Turns out that to get a six pack you have to have a lean waistline and higher-than-average muscle mass which is exactly what testosterone does to your body.

Women can spot it a mile away and they LOVE it.

But us men are exactly the same…

We’re attracted to women with large breasts and curves because they signal that she’ll be able to produce lots of milk and give birth easily.

These physical clues reveal potential partners that have the highest chance of reproducing with us healthily.

Which means…

Six-Packs Are Basically Sex-Packs.

But it’s not just about testosterone…

There are 2 other important, but often ignored hormones, which, in the right balance, behave like anabolic steroids – shredding fat and packing on muscle in record time:

1. HGH or Human Growth Hormone - This miracle “fountain of youth” hormone controls how fast you build muscle, and how fat you burn fat. This stuff is so powerful that countless celebrities now pay top dollar to get HGH injections to keep them thin and looking young.

One study coming out of England showed that:

Short and Intense workouts boosted this “fountain of youth” hormone by 450%

(Stokes, K. Journal of Sports Science. 2002 Jun: 20(6):487-94.)

2. Then there’s IGF-1 – Insulin-like Growth Factor.  This hormone helps you shed fat around your belly and lower back, while building muscle. Low IGF-1 levels are directly related to abdominal fat.

And I’m going to show you how to jack up these “good hormone” levels through the roof with just a few simple tricks…

But First, There Are 3 “Bad Hormones”
You MUST Avoid:

Let’s start with testosterone’s enemy…

1. Estrogen – the “female hormone” that controls how much fat your body stores and hangs onto. If this hormone gets too high your hips, legs and ass will balloon up and you’ll get the dreaded “man boobs”. Plus you’ll act like a total wussy and girls will be 5X more likely to make you their buddy rather than their fuck-buddy.

And the last 2 members of the gang…

2. Cortisol – This “stress” hormone will rob you of muscle mass and get you get a beer belly faster than being a raging alcoholic. Cortisol is directly responsible for fat storage in the belly. It’s critical you get your cortisol under control otherwise your muscles will be buried under a layer of fat.

3. Insulin – This hormone helps your body use sugar as energy instead of turning into fat. However, too much insulin causes your body to become resistant to it, increasing fat storage in the love handles and lower back area.

These Are The Culprits Responsible For You Trying
EVERYTHING To Lose Belly Fat But
It Just Not Budging…

Starving for months to see results but then quickly gaining back all the weight. Exercising every day but only getting tired and weak in the process.

I know all about that, listen…

Trying To Get Lean Without Balanced
Hormones Is Like Trying To Build
A House On A Swamp.

At some point all your hard work is going to sink.

But, when you get your hormones right, suddenly you’re on solid ground and everything becomes easy.

So how do you balance you hormones? Glad you asked…

The First Step Is By FORCING You To
Cheat On Your Diet.

Yes, you did read that correctly.

Instead of suffering in silence over nothing but plates of dry chicken breasts and steamed broccoli, I’m going to force you to gorge on beer, pizza, ice cream, Nutella and whatever the else you want.

But not all the time of course.

This actually accomplishes 2 important things:

First, It allows you freedom in your diet, so you can stay consistent and not quit out of guilt or boredom.

A recent British study came to the conclusion that:

Regardless of assigned diet groups, 12-month weight change was greater in the most adherent compared to the least adherent groups.

(Alhassan, S, et al. Dietary Adherence and Weight Loss Success. International Journal of Obesity. 2008 Feb)

See, consistency is by far the most important thing in an eating plan. So instead of pretending that we’ll eat perfectly all the time (yeah right!), we plan for periods of falling off the wagon beforehand.

In fact, we schedule it in.

You Must Understand This…

You only need to eat perfectly 85% of the time to keep losing weight steadily. What really screws us over is that wretched GUILT of falling off the wagon. Even once!

We think:

“Ah what the heck! I’ve already messed

up today, I’ll start fresh tomorrow”.

This drives to stuff our faces in the next few hours, leading to a downward spiral of self-loathing and of course, general fat-ass-ness.

So on this program, you’ll have freedom.

Allowing for imperfection is a massive weight off your shoulders. Once you allow for failure in your mind and don’t beat yourself up about it, everything changes.

So that’s the first reason. The second is that …

Strategic cheat days after periods of dieting boosts our Leptin levels (the hormone responsible for fat loss). Leptin controls how hungry we feel, and how much fat our body stores, amongst other things.

When we diet, our Leptin levels lower, and our bodies begin to stubbornly hold onto more fat. As Leptin gets lower, fat burning slows down. A strategic cheat day skyrockets Leptin levels back up, speeding up our fat loss.

This also prevents you from feeling miserable (as I’m sure you’ve experienced if you’ve done a crash/starvation diet).

So cheating is the first step, the second critical step is…

You Must Work Out Hard AND
You Must Work Out Smart!

You know those workouts which recommend hours on the treadmill or doing endless crunches or sit-ups? Well guess what…

They’re USELESS!

When Research Scientists at East Tennessee State University analyzed these training methods in a study on traditional cardio, this is what they concluded:

After 8 weeks of training, the group performing the shorter workouts burned over 200% more fat than those doing cardio.

(King, J.W. East Tennessee State University, 2001.)

Those exercises burn the absolute minimal amount of calories, and your fat-burning hormones are virtually unaffected.

So instead of all that outdated stuff, we’re going to use exercises which not only work your entire body at once, but also ignite your natural fat-burning and muscle-building hormones naturally, leading to fat loss for up to 48 hours after your workout.

These Miracle Exercises Are So Brutally Effective, You
Only Need 45 Minutes For The Entire Workout,
Only Stepping In The Gym A Measly
3 Times A Week!

A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology proved that these workouts kept the fat burning hormones going for 48 HOURS after the workout ended.

This is why you only need to work out 3 days per week on this program. You’ll train your body to burn fat on the 4 days you’re not working out, so you’ll only need to workout for about three hours per week to burn fat 24/7.

You might have noticed that the average bro in the gym loves the treadmill, bicep curls, and hates pushing themselves much.  They spend about 2 – 3 boring hours in the gym, slaving away for the bare minimum of results around 4 times per week and…

…they’re STILL in the same exact place after MONTHS of this boring torture!

While they could be in and out the gym in 45 minutes flat, hitting every muscle group in their body, boosting their “good hormones”, LOSING FAT steadily and feeling great afterwards.

If Only They Knew…Poor Bastards!

These “revolutionary” exercises I recommend instead are known as…Aggressive Hormone-Blasting Multi-Joint Compound Movements

You’ll see badass bodybuilders, elite personal trainers, celebrities, fitness models

and anyone who knows anything about fitness doing them….

These movements, done in the right order, at the right time, are your golden ticket to unleashing your hormones and transforming your body.


New Research in the Cell Metabolism journal showed that:

When people start doing training with compound movements, the body instantly improves it’s capacity for fat burning.

(Egan, B. 2012. Cell Metabolism 15(3), 405-411)

The elite know first-hand how potent and effective they are, and yes they’re 100% safe when done the way I show you inside my program…


Your Body Is About To Be Transformed So Damn Fast You Might Just Be Accused Of Using Steroids…

Jaw Dropping Abs is a groundbreaking exercise and eating plan modeled on the most cutting-edge programs in existence today. Plans used by elite sports stars, celebrities, fitness models, body-builders and personal trainers.

Jaw Dropping Abs Is The First Body-Reshaping Program
Guaranteed To Make You Hotter, Happier
And More Confident.

Don’t blame me if women start smiling at you a whole lot more…

“Honestly shocked”

I’m honestly shocked. I was eating 6 times a day and losing weight, now I’m eating 2 a day, working out for less than an hour a day (I was doing 2 hour sessions) and losing fat while putting on just straight lean muscle.

John Patrick
Law School Student

This program is my life’s work and nearly a decade in the making.

I’ve tested every program, diet, exercise and workout plan on the market.

And while some programs I’ve done were AWESOME…

None Of Them Worked As A “Total Package” – Helping
Me Get Stronger, Build Rock Hard Muscle, Lose
Fat, And Gets Abs, Simultaneously.

Some were meant for guys that were already lean – making me lose hard-earned muscle. Not good.

Others helped me gain loads of muscle – but also made me gain fat.

Others destroyed my hormone balance and made me feel terrible all the time.

While others were just plain unrealistic…

I Simply Was NOT Willing To Spend More Than
45 Mins, 3X Per Week In The Gym, And
Neither Were My Clients.

So I took everything I’d learned and made it WAY better.

I used the strengths of one program to make up for the weaknesses of another.

I mixed and matched, tested it on hundreds of clients (and myself), and turned it into what’s now known as the Jaw Dropping Abs system.

I Even Ran A Wild Experiment…

I let myself get really out of shape for 30 days, and then started the program as a “fat fuck”…

Just to see how effective it was and how it felt…

From “Fat Ass” Back To “Six Pack” In No Time.

But this wasn’t a credible test – you see, rebuilding muscle you already have is much easier than building it from scratch. Same thing for losing fat.

So I decided to test it on friends and coaching clients around the world and the feedback was overwhelming…

“Trimmed a solid inch off my waist while gaining a little over 9 pounds of muscle”

Just wanted to let you know, I fucking loved the workouts you recommended. I trimmed a solid inch off my waist, while gaining a little over 9 pounds of muscle (the girlfriend said it’s 5 pound in each arm). Compound lifts are my new jam, and I’ve definitely got you to thank.

Christopher Raeside
Marketing Strategy and Design

“I feel so good about myself and it’s only the beginning.”

These workouts are insane, but I love them. I’ve finally realized what it means to go hard in the gym. Usually when I used to eat a lot and I would take a deep breath, I would feel like I’m gonna puke. Now I take a deep breath and I feel like my abs are trying to push through my skin. I feel so good about myself and it’s only the beginning.

David Bitan

“Within a month, my abs have never looked better”

I’m a pretty self motivated guy and never needed someone to guide me in the gym before. Boy was I wrong. Alon opened my eyes to things I would never consider when working out. Within a month, my abs have never looked better.

Josh Hoffman

Jaw Dropping Abs is split into 3 main modules:
Winner’s Workouts Anabolic Eating Plan Support Network
Jaw Dropping Abs is a flexible eating plan and smart workout program that is carefully designed to boost all your “anabolic” (fat burning and muscle-building hormones) while slashing those nasty “catabolic” (fat storage hormones) quickly and easily.

Jaw Dropping Abs Is About Looking Incredible, Being
Respected And Having That “VIP” Feeling
All The Damn Time!

Here’s What’s Inside:


Winner’s Workouts:


This training plan contains over 100 pages of fitness information. Inside is EVERYTHING you need to know to succeed with this plan.
The mindset shift you need to succeed (and why even the most motivated fail miserably if they don’t do this) The 6 biggest fitness lies you’ve been told your whole life. 16 intelligently designed progressively planned workouts. How to establish a starting point for how much you should be lifting (and how to continue making progress every week) How to substitute exercises and alter your training based on equipment access and your fitness level. Training principles – safety, sets, rest times, warming up, and cooling down How to track your body progress every two weeks to make sure you’re on the right track and motivated. How to continue making progress after this 12-week program.


Not only are you getting 18 done for you workouts for the beginner or intermediate level, you’re also getting a 12 week schedule that shows you exactly what workouts to do on what days.


If you’re busy like me and don’t want to spend 45 minutes going through the training plan, you don’t have to. This super-easy to follow quick-start guide will help you get started with the program in less than 5 minutes.


Learn how to track your results with the guidance of a professional. Seeing the progress you’re making on paper is the most effective way to keep you motivated and pushing forward.


12 HD follow-along videos with coaching tips to make sure you nail perfect form and stay 100% safe.

Anabolic Eating Plan:


This handbook covers the entire principles of the ground-breaking concept of flexible-dieting.
Learn how to see results with a flexible diet based around your preferences. The 21 success foods you should be eating. How cheat days work to get you leaner. How flexible dieting works with a busy social life. The 3 tools you need to keep you on track. Sample meal-plans to get an idea. Most importantly, learn how to eat for life (and enjoy it)


Learn exactly how much you should be eating based on your body type, and how to track your results, WITHOUT crazy formulas or annoying tracking methods.

Support Network:


Private, lifetime membership to my Platinum Facebook Group filled with like-minded dudes all chasing after the same goals.

Let me explain what each of these 3 modules delivers…

1. Winner’s Workouts:


Total Body Strength and Power Building

Stimulates your critical “man” hormones – testosterone and GH – through aggressive, compound lifting. You can’t build rock hard muscle without a good hormonal base and strength profile. This phase builds total body strength, so you can lift more later in the program when it matters most for your physique: muscle isolation.


High Speed Density Fat Loss

This phase incorporates one of the best-kept secret training modules of all time, Density Training. Density training makes you do A LOT OF WORK in a little bit of time, boosting up your total work volume, and jacking up your Growth Hormone, allowing you to handle more work in the next phase. Also, as you gain mass from the first phase, this trims down any excess fat gained, before moving onto the next.


High Volume Targeted Hypertrophy Training

The last two phases were meant to prepare you for this one. Here you’ll be building rock solid muscle, using muscle isolation, and more traditional bodybuilding splits (but with a twist). This ain’t your dad’s “back and biceps” workout! The strength you get from Phase 1 will carry over into how much you can lift, and your increased work capacity from Phase 2 will allow you to lift even more of that heavy weight. The result? More weight, more reps, and more muscle growth.


Finishing Touches and Shredding

People will respond slightly differently to this program so this phase teaches you to identify and focus on your lagging body parts with specific, targeted workouts. The emphasis here in on fat loss, or “polishing” your total body recomposition achieved in the first three phases.

Next up…chow time!

2. Anabolic Eating Plan:

The Anabolic Eating Plan is all about being realistic.The Flexible Eating Handbook shows you how to make eat right without obsessively counting calories, measuring your food, or having to do weird math on the go. It allows you to eat well consistently and live your busy life without annoying, strict rules getting in your way. Inside you’ll discover exactly how to eat during each of the 4 training phases as well.

But what’s infinitely more important than WHAT you eat is HOW MUCH you eat…

So I built a Nutrition Calculator with the same scientific formulas I’ve been using with my clients over the years, making all the jargon about calories, macronutrients and resting metabolic rate…irrelevant.

Just plug in your weight and goals and it tells you exactly what to eat. It’s that simple.

This is the simplest, most flexible eating program on the market.

But I’m well-known for going above and beyond by over-delivering to my clients like crazy, so I’m not going to stop now.

And that’s why I added a…

3. Support Network:

This may just be the most important module of the entire program. This is where you get lifetime membership to my Platinum Facebook Group. Inside is a community of like-minded dudes just like you, ready to help you with your goals. Inside you’ll also get 1-on-1 access to me, tips, recipes and of course, plenty inappropriate jokes. Expect a fun, awesome community of like-minded dudes to support you, pushing you further than you ever could on your own.


When you join Jaw Dropping Abs today, I’m going to give you 3 massive bonuses as a thank you that are worth even more than the value of the program itself…


Super Sleep ($17 Value)

Did you know that most of your hormones, muscle-building, and fat loss happens while you sleep? It’s true. So this bonus mini-course is all about slashing insomnia, waking up 100% refreshed, having more energy, feeling sharper and way happier with a few simple, but genius “sleep tweaks”.


Supplemental Science ($17 Value)

The supplement industry is shady. This research-backed guide will teach you exactly what works, and what doesn’t. Supercharge your hormone production with my secret “stack” of targeted nutrients and supplements that are proven to fuel hormone production, burn fat and build muscle effortlessly.


Testosterone Surge ($17 Value)

Take your “man hormone” even further with a few of the smart “hacks” I’m about to show you. These are the same lifestyle tweaks I personally used to get my testosterone WAY above the average guy…

That’s a grand total of $51 worth of products I’m throwing in 100% FREE as a bonus when you buy right now…

And because you are visiting the site during our 50% OFF pre-launch sale, you have the opportunity of getting the whole Jaw Dropping Abs Method and all bonuses for a special discounted investment of:

$97 $47


You’ll Be Stunned At Just How Fast You Get
Ripped With This “Hormonal” Approach
To Training And Eating.

“I dropped my body-fat percentage down to professional athlete levels”

The changes from Alon’s program were incredible. I dropped my body fat percentage down to professional athlete levels, got full definition in my abs, and gained muscle mass. He also motivated me along the way if I started to get off track. His program changed my way of life overall.

Phil Rowland

“I have never been leaner than I am now in five years”

I have never been leaner than I am now in five years. I feel great. Haven’t felt this great in a while. Alon’s program covers the range of nutrition, training, goal setting, and motivation at an incredible value! He will motivate you to reach your goals quickly. Most importantly, his advice sets a tone for lifestyle changes that can be sustained rather than quick (and often unhealthy) fixes.

Daniel Kattan

“Allowed me to indulge in ice-cream”

Alon’s program was the perfect solution. He understands that exercise is part of a lifestyle, and not your entire life, and his program fits that framework. His program allowed me to indulge in ice-cream and even let me know that missing a day at the gym was okay.

Alex Kojfam

You’re about to save yourself years of pain and frustration trying to figure it out for yourself. Finally stop being mislead by clueless “experts” and witness your new, lean body manifest day by day.

Finally see abs in the bathroom mirror and have women or your partner giggle, asking to see your abs wherever you go…

The fact is, having a 6-pack makes you feel good.

Maybe It’s Superficial But Taking Your Shirt Off And
Having Everyone Stare In Amazement
Is An Amazing Feeling.

But this is about more than just abs…

It’s about personal achievement.

It’s about proving you have the dedication to achieve goals in life.

It’s about putting yourself first and going after things that are important to you.

It’s about creating a better life and feeling good about yourself.

Not only are your friends going to be jealous as hell, you’re also going to…
Feel more energy Say goodbye to depression and anxiety Have more confidence Sleep better Get more respect Attract hotter women
So if you’re struggling with any of these:
Not having a plan to follow. Wasting time because you’re not getting results. Being unable to kill your belly fat no matter what you do. Feeling confused about what to eat.
…then you are an ideal candidate for this program and you’re about to join our growing list of success stories.

So Who Am I And Why Should
You Trust Me?

Well first off, I’m not some “fitness guru”.

My name is Alon Shabo and I’m just a regular, ex-skinny guy turned Personal Trainer.

A few years ago I figured out how to easily get killer abs and how to keep them for life, without sacrificing my fun, awesome lifestyle.

And now I spend my days teaching others to do the same.

I tried and failed a million times but I’ve been lucky enough to learn from some of the greatest trainers and experts in the fitness world.

Without them I would no doubt still be skinny-fat.

I’m a regular contributor to some of the biggest fitness sites on the planet, like bodybuilding.com and others…


My blog, ShaboFit, has helped over 50,000 readers from 41 different countries (and growing everyday).

I’m based in Los Angeles based and am a Certified Personal Trainer with the American College Of Sports Medicine. I’ve helped countless people take control of their fitness and their lives 1-on-1 (I have a long waiting list), and I’ve helped hundreds more around the world through my online coaching program.

But Look, I Don’t Expect You To Just Take
My Word For How Groundbreaking
This Program Is…

So here’s what some of my clients had to say about the Jaw Dropping Abs System…

“Allowed me to indulge in ice-cream”

Alon’s program was the perfect solution. He understands that exercise is part of a lifestyle, and not your entire life, and his program fits that framework. His program allowed me to indulge in ice-cream and even let me know that missing a day at the gym was okay.

Alex Kojfam

“Trimmed a solid inch off my waist while gaining a little over 9 pounds of muscle”

Just wanted to let you know, I fucking loved the workouts you recommended. I trimmed a solid inch off my waist, while gaining a little over 9 pounds of muscle (the girlfriend said it’s 5 pound in each arm). Compound lifts are my new jam, and I’ve definitely got you to thank.

Christopher Raeside
Marketing Strategy and Design

“I dropped my body-fat percentage down to professional athlete levels”

The changes from Alon’s program were incredible. I dropped my body fat percentage down to professional athlete levels, got full definition in my abs, and gained muscle mass. He also motivated me along the way if I started to get off track. His program changed my way of life overall.

Phil Rowland

$97 $47


What Makes This Program Better Than Others?

Great question.

Many of the so called “experts” who create fitness products have never worked with a client in their life.

Personally, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, both in-person at my gym in Los Angeles and remotely through my distance-coaching program.

And what I’ve noticed is that the single biggest problem my clients have is consistency.

See, diets and training plans are temporary fixes, and even the most motivated burn out after a while if the program is hard to follow or takes too much time.

Then there’s the issue of willpower.

I know that you’re going to get cravings for junk food just like I do, so…

I’ve Designed This Eating Plan To Include Plenty
Days When You Can Eat As Much Ice Cream
And Burgers As You Want.

Look, I know hearing about a program where you can eat ice-cream and still get ripped seems a little “out there”.

I get it.

But this is based on science so new and so radical that it will be a good few years before the rest of the world even catches up to this.

So you’re way ahead of everyone else.

See, when you “cheat” the way I show you, it won’t affect your fat-burning hormones at all because the timing tricks your hormones into continuing to burn fat.

…So The Pudge Keeps Dropping Off Your
Body Like You Were Eating
Celery All Week.

It’s almost too hard to believe…but it works!

Look, you and I both know what happens when you’re on a diet that’s boring and makes you miserable…

You rapidly gain back all the weight after you’re done “dieting”. 

Bye bye abs!

But this program uses flexible, easy-to-use nutrition formulas, personalized for you and the training takes only 3X per week.

Yep. Three Workouts Per Week
For 45 Minutes A Pop.
There’s no crash dieting involved. No starving yourself. No hours of mind-numbing cardio. No rigid, hard-to-follow dieting plans. No denying yourself your favorite foods.
This is brand-new science from REAL scientific studies. Not the bro-science you’ll hear from the ‘roided out guys at your gym.

Science is how I created a program where you can still enjoy beer, pizza, ice cream and still get a six pack.

Plus Other Programs On The Market
Stop WAY Short…

Most of them provide weak workouts and VERY outdated diet advice.

But Jaw Dropping Abs covers your hormones, mindset, training psychology, supplementation and more on top of cutting-edge nutrition strategies and workouts.

Jaw Dropping Abs realistically fits in with your lifestyle and turns your body into a fat-burning, muscle-building machine by leveraging the most powerful tool you have…your hormones.

So, Since You’re Getting This Invaluable, Cutting Edge
Program, What Would You Think A
Fair Price Would Be?

Considering that I get paid over $3,800 to take a client through this 12 week plan, $599 would be a great deal.

But the truth is, this program is even more affordable than that.

Actually, you won’t even be paying $399 today.

In Fact, You Can Get The Whole Shebang For
Less Than Of What I Charge For One 45 Minute Training Session.

Heck, you’ve already probably wasted hundreds of dollars of workout programs, gym memberships and weight loss pills already!

And considering that this program will save you a minimum of $100 on bogus fat loss pills or juice cleanses, this is a total no-brainer!

When you consider that investing in my entire program and your new body will only cost you $47 today, you’d be an idiot to turn this down.

It’s Less Than What You’d Spend On A
Few Beers And Dinner.

This is what you call a no-brainer.

Plus, there’s no risk for you because if you don’t like the program for any reason I will give you a hassle-free, no-questions-asked refund any time within 60 days of testing it out.

So now it’s time to make a choice.

Option number one is…

Train With Me And Discover A Proven System For
Getting A Ripped Body And Six Pack Abs
With Results In Weeks Not Years.

Women will whisper secretly about your new ripped body and your friends will be jealously wondering what the heck you did to get in shape so fast.

Or, there’s option number two…

Keep Doing The Same Things You’ve Been Doing And
Keep Getting The Same Weak-Ass Results.

Look, I’ve heard the same excuses over and over for years. If you’re thinking things like:

“I’ll start tomorrow” – Know that tomorrow NEVER really comes.

“I’m burnt out and tired” – Well JDA will give you WAY more energy!

“It won’t work for me” – JDA has been tested to work for EVERYONE.

“It only works for guys like you” – I was a skinny-fat loser once remember!

I’ve wasted years of my life trying to get in shape because I didn’t know the right way to eat and work out. I’ll never get those years back.

Maybe You’ve Wasted Even More
Time Than I Have.

Well you’re about to learn the quickest way to get a six pack that most guys have ZERO clue about.

Believe me…life is good with the body you’re always wanted.

I’m Talking Chiseled Six Pack Abs That’ll
Make Women Crave You And
Guys Want To Be You…

So, take that first step to getting a ripped body and chiseled six pack abs by taking action now…

$97 $47


But look, I know there are a bunch very shady characters in this industry. So, to prove I’m not one of them, I’m going to make you an offer you’ve never seen before that is literally impossible to turn down…

My “Platinum Promise” 100%
Money-Back DOUBLE Guarantee

(part one)

If you use Jaw Dropping Abs for 60 days and honestly feel that it failed to deliver on anything I promised you, I’ll give you a complete refund. Just send me an email with nothing more than “refund request” in the subject line and I’ll refund the entire cost of your membership within 24 hours. Simple as that.


So No Matter What Happens For The Next

Two Months, You Can Get A Full Refund If It
Doesn’t Work For You.

$97 $47


So…Now There’s REALLY Zero Risk In
Joining Jaw Dropping Abs Today.

“I have never been leaner than I am now in five years”

I have never been leaner than I am now in five years. I feel great. Haven’t felt this great in a while. Alon’s program covers the range of nutrition, training, goal setting, and motivation at an incredible value! He will motivate you to reach your goals quickly. Most importantly, his advice sets a tone for lifestyle changes that can be sustained rather than quick (and often unhealthy) fixes.

Daniel Kattan

You know, it’s funny…

Before I ever started working out, I used to ask my female friends how important it is for a guy to have a good body and chiseled six pack.

I genuinely wanted to know if women even cared about that stuff. And interestingly, they’d always say the same things…

“No way, it’s all about the connection”.

“It’s about how they make me feel…not their body”.

“I care about a guy’s personality first”

“Chemistry and humor over abs any day”

YEAH RIGHT!!!! Cos you know what? All their boyfriends were jacked!

Plus My Buddies Who Were Ripped Always
Got More Female Attention Than Me
When We Went Out.

PLUS I have a better personality than all of them!

Women LOVE guys who have a good body, but most importantly, a sexy, washboard six pack.

So I wanted to take my shirt off at the pool and have every woman stare at me, thinking… “

Wow, I would love to sleep with that guy…he’s hot!”

I wanted to walk into a bar or club in a tight white shirt and have gorgeous women approach me, which always happened to my friend Jake.

I Was Tired Of Doing All The Work
To Get Women…

And thankfully my crazy experiment worked! Ever since then I’ve had more hot women than I ever believed was possible for me.

But even when I’ve been in relationships, it was nice to have other women notice me, flirt with me and be nice to me. It made life a lot more fun.

And loads of guys who take this program agree with me. They regularly tell me that their wife or girlfriend is far more attracted to them and wants to have way more sex right away.

$97 $47


“I dropped my body-fat percentage down to professional athlete levels”

The changes from Alon’s program were incredible. I dropped my body fat percentage down to professional athlete levels, got full definition in my abs, and gained muscle mass. He also motivated me along the way if I started to get off track. His program changed my way of life overall.

Phil Rowland

Got A Question?

No problem.

Here are all the most commonly-asked questions about the program along with their answers…

Question: I’m really busy. Will I still be able to do this?

Yes, the workouts are incredibly short – only 45 minutes. And you only need to work out 3 times per week for maximum results.


Question: What kind of equipment do I need?

At the bare minimum, a set of dumbbells would work. You can modify just about every exercise to work with very limited equipment. The best setup though, is a barbell for exercises like squats and deadlifts, a heavy set of dumbbells and a pull up bar or very sturdy door frame. You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership.


Question: I’m a beginner. Will I be able to keep up with this?

If you’re already somewhat active you shouldn’t be able to jump right in. If however, you’ve haven’t been active, you’ll just start the “basic training” program included until your body gets stronger.


Question: How does the Jaw Dropping Abs program work so fast?

The JDA system is based on a “hormonal” approach to exercising and eating. This system works to jack up your body’s natural hormonal response unlike most of the programs out there today which seem to just ignore it. This makes it far more effective and in less time, because your hormones are burning fat and building muscle while you’re not in the gym.


Question: What if this doesn’t work for me?

Well, then it’s free. This program has been thoroughly researched and tested in-depth to work with guys of all ages and fitness levels, It works like crazy to help you lose more weight, increase your strength, build more muscle and perfect your overall physique in record time. I believe so strongly in this program that I fully guarantee it. So, on the off chance it doesn’t work for you, just email me and I’ll give you a full refund.


Question: How long does it take for this program to arrive?

No more than 3 minutes, depending on your Internet service provider. As soon as you complete your purchase you’ll be given instant access to your member’s area. No need to wait or pay for shipping.

Question: What if my question wasn’t answered?

Send me an e-mail at support@shabofit.com and expect a response in less than 48 hours.

$97 $47


“I feel so good about myself and it’s only the beginning.”

These workouts are insane, but I love them. I’ve finally realized what it means to go hard in the gym. Usually when I used to eat a lot and I would take a deep breath, I would feel like I’m gonna puke. Now I take a deep breath and I feel like my abs are trying to push through my skin. I feel so good about myself and it’s only the beginning.

David Bitan

NOTE: the Jaw-Dropping Abs program is an online membership site containing video, ebooks and audio files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get instant access all product components (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format can be viewed on mac or pc.


The FTC requires me to identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people don’t do anything with the products they buy, and their typical results are zero. You are the biggest factor in making this program work. I transformed my body using this diet and training system, along with everyone featured on this page. You shouldn’t expect to transform your body like we did unless you approach this system with consistency and dedication. This is not a magic solution, instant cure, or crash diet. This is a healthy and sustainable solution for transforming your body, getting a six-pack, and keeping it. To get those results, you need to be very consistent with your training and nutrition. Although I am an educated and  Certified Trainer through the American College Of Sports Medicine, I’m not a doctor, and my advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician before making any changes to your nutrition and training routine.


Copyright © Jaw Dropping Abs. All Rights Reserved

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