Excerpt from product page


“Dharma The Cat – Philosophy With Fur”
      Features clever, thought-provoking cartoons
that appeal to all ages, blending
philosophy and spirituality with humor. 

DHARMA THE CAT SAYS: "Sometimes when you think
you're teaching others, they're teaching you!"

“It's havoc, farce and mayhem on the rocky path to nirvana,
with a Buddhist cat, a novice monk and a mouse hell-bent on cheese!”

DHARMA THE CAT SAYS: "Comparisons are odious!"

      These cartoons have been published in magazines in 28 countries,
and translated into 18 languages.

DHARMA THE CAT SAYS: "Some things are better left unsaid!"

[click here to preview the eBook](preview/DharmaTheCatCartoonsPreviewOpt.pdf)
(right click on link, then "save target as")

[Buy Dharma's Cartoon e-Book for US$15!](http://www.dharmathecatcartoons.com/dlgTOON/sell.php?prodData=cb%2C1)
 from ClickBank: a secure, instant online transaction

 A paperback copy book of these cartoons was published (in black & white) by Simon & Schuster Australia, and is still available from [www.Amazon.com](http://www.Amazon.com).

      Now all the old favorites are in this e-Book in full color, with some new cartoons never seen before.   There are also some succinct articles and a glossary that makes this an excellent and amusing presentation of philosophy, spirituality and a little Buddhism, in a way that appeals to all ages.  Here are two screen shots of the eBook's Table Of Contents:

(screen shot of eBook page)

(screen shot of eBook page)

      With each cartoon, Dharma The Cat, always the King Of Cool, hands down his wry observations on the misfortunes of being born a human.  And Siam The Mouse also puts her two cents worth in, giving young Bodhi the novice monk some extra spiritual challenges he doesn't really need.

DHARMA THE CAT SAYS: "I'm a results man!"

      It's 76 pages of inner laughter, and much of it will surely be out loud.  The price is US$15, with a free preview available (see link below).

"Dharma The Cat's Cartoon eBook" is a computer file (a .pdf document) which
you can read on your Computer or print out on your computer printer.

You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program which is free to download from http://www.acrobat.com/ to read the book. There are versions of the reader available for all common types of computers but not Web TV.

After paying for your book at Clickbank, you should be able to start downloading it within a few minutes. You will also be sent an email with the information you need to download the ebook. 
The time you will need ro download the book will depend on your computer ana Internet connection.

If you have any question or concern about getting the file or using it, please [contact me](http://www.dharmathecatcartoons.com/contact/contactus.php).  David Lourie


  [Valuable Links](links.htm)
[ See the Author's other writing samples & resume](writer.htm)

  See the Artist's web sites: [www.vizargo.com](http://www.vizargo.com) and [www.bigideapics.com](http://www.bigideapics.com)
[Contact Us](http://www.dharmathecatcartoons.com/contact/contactus.php)

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