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“How I Cleared Up My Aggressive Eczema and Lost 5kgs In 2 Weeks, Just From a Vegan Lifestyle”

Atopic eczema is the most common forms of eczema and is described as being an allergic over-sensitive skin condition, which can result from direct contact with allergens that are found in products including:
Jewelry Cosmetics Fragrance Dyes Detergents

Its not surprising that 10% – 20% of people suffer from eczema at some stage in their life, but not many people know how to relieve their outbreaks. Not only does eczema look and feel uncomfortable but it also leaves you more prone to bacterial, viral and fungal infections due to broken and vulnerable skin.

I was born with a severe case of eczema that covered 80% of my body from my eyelids to my legs, back, arms and neck. My condition was so extreme that I saw specialists for prescription steroid creams, visited Chinese Herbal doctors for bathing concoctions and I even tried hypnosis; to my dismay my symptoms were still active even after I had been to professionals.

My eczema was itchy, inflamed, sore and unsightly. This resulted in low self-esteem and poor social skills not to mention restless nights and exhaustion. All of this weighed heavily on my mental and physical health to a point where I was too ashamed of my body and would hardly ever go outside and enjoy my life.

Losing weight and keeping it off stood to be one of the bigger challenges I faced in my early twenties and this is due to the fact that; when rigorous exercise was involved the sweat and heat that my body would produce would trigger my eczema to become inflamed.

After many years of trail and error I have finally managed to relieve my eczema and achieve my goal weight along the way. I have found, trailed and tested a vegan diet with light exercise and have seen amazing results after only just one week. The key to my success was my 5 key steps to a healthier life, which are easy to implement and follow once you, know how. It really is quite simple you just need the right tools.

The reason I looked into veganism is frankly because I had exhausted all of my other options. It was one of the best decisions of my life. One of the quickest improvements I saw within myself was an increase of energy. I used to need at least 10 hours sleep per day, with an hour nap in the afternoon and this was due to medication I was prescribed that made me extremely drowsy. But after starting a vegan diet I no longer slumped out of bed, or felt the need to nap during the day, it was really incredible. Once I saw my skin start to clear up and stay itch-free along with my newly increased energy, I knew this was the lifestyle for me.

Being vegan doesn’t only incorporate what you eat, but it also impacts what you wear and what you put on your skin. A well-planned vegan diet is rich in protein, iron, calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients tend to be low in saturated fat, high in fiber and packed with antioxidants to help fight against obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Anyone can go vegan, you just need to know a few basic things before you dive in. Like where to get your much needed vitamins and minerals from and how much of each you need.

The 5 Key Step to a Healthier Life

1. Diet

Diet is such a huge part of how well our body functions and it may be a no-brainer, but sometimes we forget how much of an impact our foods make to our health. First things first, you want to cut out any dairy. This was a huge challenge for me, as I love any type of cheese. However after over indulging on a Christmas lunch consisting of brie, camembert, gouda and cheddar, I experienced one of the worst breakouts of my life. I soon realized I had a strong food allergy to diary and overtime I found out my symptoms where triggered by wheat as well. Food allergies can develop anywhere from 2-24 hours after ingesting, unfortunately they can only be recognized after testing different foods and monitoring the effects.

The most common types of food that triggers and outbreak are:
Dairy Wheat Eggs Shellfish Tomatoes
This particular breakout was what got me thinking strongly about my diet and this is when I discovered veganism.

Veganism is eliminating meat, poultry, fish, eggs, honey, and dairy products. It means cutting out any animal by-product in your diet including royal jelly and beeswax.

One of the most common concerns when adapting a vegan diet is whether it is nutritionally adequate. If you are taking on a plant-based diet it is helpful to know which foods do what and where you are going to get the most out of your food.

Leafy greens are a stand out when I comes to nutritional value. Rich in calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin K; they will be the bulk of your intake. Along with whole grains, fruits, nuts, beans, legumes and many more there is without a doubt you will get your recommended intake. Below is a vegan diet food pyramid to help you get an idea about what percentage of your daily intake each element should take up.

Graph 1: Vegan Food Pyramid[]
2. Exercise

Exercise  is one of the major keys to living a healthy lifestyle. It helps to reduce stress levels, tension and any built up anger. It also assists the body in producing a chemical called endorphins which make you feel good about yourself, who doesn’t want that?

However when it comes to eczema, sweat can make the skin sting and burn due to perspiration and overheating.

I struggled for a long time with weight and exercise because after every attempt at trying to lose some kilos I would break out and be worse off than I was before. After some research and trail and error, I’ve managed to reach my goal weight and keep my eczema at bay. Here is what I’ve found when it comes to exercise.

Drink plenty of water before you exercise

Because we lose so much fluid through sweat when we perspire, our skin becomes dry and dehydrated causing itchy flaky skin. To keep hydrated remember to drink enough water before you exercise and keep hydrated during your work out.

Wear breathable material

Wear 100% cotton. One of the only fabrics that is kind to our skin, it is a good idea to look for it when choosing workout gear. Also keep in mind that short sleeves and short shorts will stop any extra irritation on your skin.

Take regular breaks between intervals

Taking regular breaks will help minimize any overheating you may experience as you are allowing your body to cool down.

Keep cool

Try picking shady spots to exercise or some place that is cool and well ventilated.

Moisturize after exercising

We still lose vital fluids when exercise, so to stop your skin from drying out, moisturize after your work out.

Exercise doesn’t have to be limited to running or the gym. It can be anywhere from swimming in the pool to gardening or even pilates/yoga. The main thing is to keep active and keep your body producing those endorphins. Once you get your daily exercise in, you will feel better, look better and start seeing improvements in your skin.


3. Body

The skin is the largest organ in the body and 60% – 70% of everything we apply to our skin gets absorbed into the blood stream. Many of our skincare and personal products contain animal by-products and hidden chemicals that are potentially damaging to the skin.

It’s not uncommon to find dairy products in skincare or many other animal ingredients including ground up beetles, hyaluronic acid from rooster combs, fish scales and the list goes on. Whenever we experience flare-ups, some of us may be overlooking ingredients in our cosmetics, we may be avoiding fragrance but most of the time that isn’t enough.

For many people suffering from eczema, doctors often prescribe steroid creams that are applied topically to the effected area. I was once prescribed such creams and used them for many years despite the high price point. Although it worked, it stung and I found my skin becoming brittle. It wasn’t until I researched the cream I was using and discovered they are known for thinning out the skin and suppressing the immune system. After this I looked very closely about what I was applying to my skin and what my body was absorbing.

You need to look at what is in your skin care regime. This step is very important, as you will not only benefit your skin, but your long-term health as well. Makeup and cosmetics have incorporated animal products and harmful chemicals into their ingredients for sometime now, and most of us are unaware of their presence. Not only does skin care cover lotions and soap it also ranges from laundry detergent, to types of linen/clothing, and even household cleaners. It is also important to cease use of any steroid creams as they leave your more vulnerable to diseases, and thin out the skin.

Remove from your skin care:
Lactose Alcohol Artificial Fragrance Kathon CG (or also know as MI and MCI) Steroid Creams
As you can see, veganism encompasses your whole life. Being vegan means more than saying no to meat, it means saying no to animal by-products in your skincare, lotions, cosmetics and clothing. It might sound tedious but when you know what to look for and where to shop it is easy to get the hang of. A helping hand doesn’t go astray either.


4. Meditation

It is widely acknowledged that distress, trauma and stressful periods of a person’s life are often triggers of the initial development of psoriasis and eczema.

Although meditation is not a formal relief of eczema I have found it has been beneficial to my condition. Because stress is one of the major triggers effecting eczema, it makes sense that we try to control these under lying issues as well as the physical concerns.

Meditation has been proven to improve the signs of eczema and modify negative behavior associated with the symptoms such as itchy and scratching. Not only has it helped eczema sufferers, it has also shown improvements for people suffering with psoriasis and acne.

Two to three times a week I try to set aside an hour for myself to really relax and meditate. It allows me to focus on what I want from myself and where I want to be in the future. It is a very effective technique especially for visualizing goals short term and long term.

Types of meditation
Mantra meditation Yoga Thai chi


5. Keep a Journal

To allow you to keep track of any progress keeping a journal is vital. Often our changes are gradual and subtle, something as small as sleeping longer or having more energy in the morning is a sign of improvement. If we don’t have a record of our progress that we can look back on and reference, we might become discouraged that we are not making any progress.

A journal is also a great tool to helping you set goals that you can revise regularly and keep you on the road to a healthier lifestyle. You can also note any of your favorite recipes and any tips and tricks your find along the way.

Ultimately it’s there for you to set and achieve your goals, and trust me, with all the knowledge you have now, there is nothing stopping you from reaching your ideal body.

Now it’s your turn. Think about what goals you want to achieve, and where you want to be in the future. Now think about what time frame you have. Whether you want to have clear skin by summer or even just to lose 10 kgs, if you make the time and put in the effort with the right tools there is nothing stopping you.

I would love to help you achieve your goals and have that healthy lifestyle you’ve always dreamt about.

I’ve put together a program that shows you step-by-step exactly how to clean up your skin and achieve your goal weight. It shows you the exact process I took to help me clear up my skin for good and lose 5kgs in 2 weeks.


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