How Would A Doctor of Metaphysics Finally Put The Law Of Abundance On Steroids For You?
What If I Could Give You That Power Mindset And Guarantee You That Breakthrough?
On This Page, You'll Discover A Simple Metaphysical and Spiritual Truth That Literally Forces You To Think Like The Divine Person That You Really Are.
Dear Friend,
[]Imagine what your life would be like without a worry in the world?
Think of the joy you would feel living a rich, fulfilling and abundant life.
What if every day you work up with a wonderful feeling of peace, warmth, well-being and complete satisfaction?
As a world traveled Doctor of Metaphysics for well over 30 years of my life, and as a student of metaphysics all of my life, I can tell you without doubt, that very life you crave is at your fingertips starting right now.
Before I go any further, I will tell you about myself, so you know who you are talking to you is real and qualified.
First let me start by telling you what I am not. I am not a salesperson. I am not trying to sell you on anything you don’t want or need. I am sparing you of sales hype tactics and false truths!
Everything I share with you is Metaphysical and Spiritual Fact. It is up to you to take this knowledge and run with it, or not run with it. In a moment you will read testimonials from my students of many years, but now I will tell you who I am.
My name is Dr. Danielle Jackson.
I am an ordained Minister an Author, and I hold a Doctorate in both Metaphysics and Psychology, with a specialization in Mediation and Conflict Resolution
I have worked with hundreds of groups and individuals in experiencing the adventure of exploration of the new, exciting, and mystical.
I have spoken to audiences in several countries and have authored many books.
My metaphysical travels have included the heights of Mt. Shasta, the Andean Ranges of Peru, and the fertile valleys of the Nile.
I consciously channel energy, as information, and healing tonal sounds.
I have been working actively with groups, across the United States, assisting in their inner growth, increased awareness, expanding untapped potential and opening doors to new creative experiences for over twenty years.
You Were Not Created To Simply Survive, You Were Created To Live A Prosperous And Bountiful Life
An abundant life is yours for the taking...
But first you must know how to activate your Divine Intelligence, and then how to receive what is divinely yours.
You must ask for it...
[]You ask for the experience... you ask for the experience of love.
Q. I want to know what it feels like to be loved?
Q. I want to know what love feels like?
Q. I want to know what peace feels like?
Q. I want to have an experience of what prosperity is like?
Q. I want an experience of that?
Q. I want an experience of manifestation in my life?
Beyond the asking you have to get still enough to get the answer... because there always is an answer if we create a place to receive it.
I have put together my life’s works, studies and practices of Metaphysical and Spiritual law, in a way that will help you do just that!
You cannot be a true success in life, until you have succeeded within spiritually.
When you understand and practice spiritual law, metaphysical law goes into effect.
Metaphysics is harnessing your energy and “imagining” exactly what you want to happen in your life.
How do you harness and imagine?
You Meditate Correctly!
[]You can only get into your inner self to receive answers, fix and reorganize through meditation.
Meditation allows us to access our resources, the resources trapped in our mind that want to come out.
There is no greater resource than our mind and there is no better way to access that resource than through meditation.
And to not make use of this valuable resource of our mind is like going out and buying a real expensive computer system with every imaginable program that has been produced, and never turn the computer on.
The only thing that has been standing in the way of experiencing more prosperity in your life is your belief that it has somehow eluded you. Well it hasn’t, but if you have been looking for it outside of yourself, you won’t find it there.
Your prosperity comes from the same source as your desire to have it… in your mind. Where you will find it is within you.
In The Present Moment There Is No Fear
You must relax and let go of the past...
In your past archives you will find, brightly highlighted, all of the fears you hold. You will also find there the reason that it is important to hold on to your fears.
What you hold on to you cherish and value because you believe that they (it) will eventually bring you all that you want. So your archive of the past states that you can never be more than the sum of your past!
What can it offer you when it is the witness to your helplessness, your victim hood, your lack of love, your sadness, your sorrow, and your pain?
[]What can you desire that is not wrapped up, no matter how attractive the package is, in your past fears of not having enough and not being enough.
The past has only one main significance… when it is gone it no longer exists! So the same holds true of fear, it is no more than a momentary event that can last no longer than we are willing to cherish and value its passing.
The past is an egoistic attempt to make you less than you were created as… to keep you imprisoned in a belief system that can not satisfy, comfort or empower you to be that extension of the Creator.
The past is a place of fear and in the present moment there is no fear.
In the present moment you begin to realize who and what you are for all eternity throughout all dimensional experiences. You are more than any event, any circumstance, any perceived failure or success.
Finally, The Ultimate Guide To Changing Your Life Forever...
Meditation has always been the key to unlocking a person's true potential. It allows you to tap into the powers inside of you that you would never have imagined exist.
When you understand the true power of meditating, you will change your life for the better.
Here’s the cold, hard fact:
99% of the world are settling for less than what they are truly capable of!
[]Ask yourself, have you ever faced any of these problems in your life?
[] You are not living life at your highest standard
[] You are totally lost and confused to where you want to go in life
[] You suffer in the areas of health, wealth and relationships
[] Do you wish all your problems were yesterday’s news?
[] Do you have a problem or roadblock?
[] Do you find yourself worrying about something that may never happen?
[] Have you had disappointment after disappointment?
[] Are you struggling with relationships, finances, spirituality, health or anything at all?
[] Have you tried pulling yourself up by your bootstraps once too often.
[] Are you tired of not feeling “alive?”
I have been there, so I completely understand your dilemma.
I’ve once walked down this lost path and I told myself that I would do whatever it takes to help others succeed in if I were to find my way.
I have discovered the secret powers of meditation and how it changed my life, and I'm going to share them with you today:
My journey became one of changing my beliefs about others and myself; learning compassion and love for my brothers; and finding and strengthening my connection to God.
The many stumbling blocks and challenges that I have faced were changed to stepping-stones that have led me to an awareness and understanding of who and what I am.
By birth I am a Psychic, by education I am a Doctor of Metaphysics and a Doctor of Psychology, by practice I am a Mystic, by creation I am the same as you… a child of God.
Having said all of the above, here is what I know for sure… you have to get out of your own way and allow Divine Energy in.
By surrendering your worries and woes to the universe, you unblock channels and acceptance begins to embrace you. Allow what is divinely yours come to you.
Discover And Live The Art Of Meditation Mastery To Achieve Your Ideal Lifestyle
Dance the Spiral Meditation Mastery is a digital package of eBooks and Mp3 downloads.
It is a step by step meditation process. I personally instruct and guide you to your higher self.
The package also includes channeled musical tones from the Chakras. Tonal music that awakens the mind to remembering its Divine Connection.
Tonal music is very different from traditional music. Whereas traditional music is solely meant to entertain, tonal music’s purpose is to promote healing at all levels of experience and open up the doorway for entry into the spiritual realm of awareness.
Through the tones you begin to experience facets of your psyche that have been un-known that take you deeply into the celestial presence of all power, all love, all peace and the awareness of your unique creation.
Through these tones you began to have a greater understanding of your Source, the Universe, and the many kindred spirits that are joined with us.
The Secret is... "Metaphysical Law and Spiritual Law Combined"
Today I want to give you the mind of that divine being who already knows the fastest and easiest way to lead you to health, wealth and happiness through your own natural resources.
You must strike a balance between the inner and outer aspects of your body. Metaphysical Science proves we were created with the power to energize our thoughts and our words and manifest what-ever we desire.
How do we do that? By Meditating Correctly!
Activate The Law Of Abundance To Bring Everything Your Ever Wanted Into Your Life! []
[] Completely Overcome Fear and Self Doubt
[] Build Self Confidence at Every Level
[] Develop a Healthy Abundant Mind Set
[] Achieve The Ideal Weight And Body Image You Desire
[] Attract The Right Life Partner into Your Life
[] Achieve Complete Inner Peace and Well Being
[] Enjoy a Balanced Wellness and The Fruits of Your Labor
[] Eliminate All Self Defeating Patterns
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With that inner peace and inner harmony your mind is still enough to be able to hear your next step and the best direction for you to go to fill your own hearts desires.
Dance The Spiral "Meditation Mastery" Guides You On Your Spiritual Journey!
Where Can The Chakra Tones Take You? Find Your Source. Allow Profound Metaphysicist and Spiritual Leader, Dr. Danielle Jackson To Guide And Coach You Through Your Meditation And Awakening Process. Relax And Let Go As You Listen To The Celestial Channeled Harmonic Tones of the Chakras.
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I Have For You The Tried And Tested
"Blueprint Of Meditation Mastery"
"Meditation Fused With My Channeled Musical Tones Puts Your Conscious And Sub-Conscious Mind Together Where They Create A Powerful Source Of Energy Taking You To Your Higher Self."
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What Are Dr. Jackson's Students Saying...
I own everything that Dr. Jackson has been inspired to publish and produce. From her book to her toning CD’s she is truly a gift to me and all humanity. She offers something truly unique and unlike anything else out there.
Edward AlvarezCity, State
Very quickly, in the beginning, it was obvious to me that Dr. Jackson’s support, based in an elevated awareness and grounded in her own experience, simply surpassed anyone else with whom I would speak.
Shiranda Deerwoman, M.A.Payson, Arizona
I’ve known Dr. Danielle Jackson as a Spiritual Advisor, Mentor and Friend for more than twenty years. Her guidance, clarity, and friendship is of extraordinary value to me. She has helped me see the truth of love.
SherrieCity, State
For those with a desire to hear, Dr. Danielle Jackson is the clear tone of love and truth. I am thankful for the song she brings. I am also grateful. The melody that fills my life, is in no small part present for me now.
Eliah Reilly City, State
This world needs Dr. Danielle Jackson. She speaks with the voice of Holy Spirit. At all times, in every moment and in all circumstances, Dr. Jackson is always a voice for truth, love and forgiveness. You could find no better guide
Katherine EmanuelCity, State
Danielle teaches with the expansive love of truth, and guides firmly. My life is now filled with more joy and peace than I had ever thought possible. The teaching tools she uses are vast, and I have learned to be more-steady with my heart.
Kate BurgenCity, State
I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Danielle has used tonal alignments to help me get through some very rough times. Her readings have been incredibly accurate Danielle shares her many gifts for the betterment of all.
JB Burns City, State
Dr. Danielle Jackson is a huge help in my life, and has been for years. One of her many strengths is her awesome ability to simplify matters and banish all confusion as we focus on the present moment. I rely on her lots, frequently.
Betsy Rayna RayFairfield, OH
You Do Not Ask Too Much Of Life, But Far Too Little!
As long as we hold on to our past archives we will exclude ourselves from all that the Universe has to offer.
When we relinquish our past we make a conscious statement that we are not what we appeared to be before; sad, ill, unloved, lacking of anything that would reap the benefits of love.
When we let go of the past, shut the book of our past archives, we are affirming that we are willing to receive the love that will nurture, fertilize and support our becoming what we were created to be.
In letting go of the fear we welcome the state of love, not an emotion, but the love that heralds the reality beyond what we can now see. But you will see it!
[]You will know it! And ultimately you will become what you have always been in creation.
Your mind is holding on to fear thoughts.
Meditation will diminish your fears and bring you a quality of living that you have desired. Just know that, ‘There is a Presence and Power within you now. It is all loving, all caring and all knowing.
It is the completeness of the Universe individualized as you! It is who you are. It is what you are. It is God as you now!
You have the power within you to bring forth all that you desire through the power of your super mind (Holy Spirit) it is given to you as you have asked.
You are not alone because you were not created to be alone, but always joined with your Creator. In the awareness of your joined place with the Creator, what can you ask for that will not be given… what can you desire that will not be satisfied?
Here’s an overview of Dance The Spiral "Meditation Mastery"
This encyclopedia on meditation will empower you with the tools you need to bring your life to the next level. It contains various components which will help you to excel in areas such as your mind, body and spirit.
Also, the content in this guide has many gems of wisdom which will help you improve your health, wealth and happiness in relationships
[]Let me shed some light on some things that may be on your mind:
Q. Will this help me change my life for the better?
Short answer: Absolutely! The ideas and words of wisdom from Dance The Spiral "Meditation Mastery" will help you to change your life and empower you in ways like never before!
Q. Will I be able to understand and apply the content in this guide easily?
Most definitely! Everything has been laid out methodically so that anyone can benefit from it!
Q. Wow, this is too good to be true! Will this cost me a fortune?
Here’s the good news, NO. I want everybody to be able to have access to Dance The Spiral "Meditation Mastery" content because I knew what it was like, struggling hard to succeed in my life.
Now that I’ve made it, I want this Ultimate Meditation and Life Changing Product to “jump start” your meditation and abundance journey regardless of your circumstances.
If you’re still sitting on the fence, here’s 5 great reasons to invest in this guide to manifestation:
[] The ideas you learn from Dance The Spiral "Meditation Mastery" can help you succeed in every area of your life, including your financial area and easily cover the cost of this Ultimate Meditation and Life Changing Product
[] []Your peers would start to notice the difference within you.
[] You will start to feel better and confident in life.
[] Difficult tasks suddenly become much easier.
[] Your friends would be begging you to share your secrets to success in life!
Finally, I am going to show you how to wrap all this up around simple 3 principles
1. Specific Dance The Spiral Meditating Practices
2. Dance The Spiral Channeled Musical Chakra Tones
3. Your Power Of Thought.
Meditation is a process of healing deep unconscious material. When you achieve "Meditation Mastery" you master your mind and create abundance.
Abundance has such a snowball affect it is almost impossible to turn off. You will experience magic, your true self, and The Law Of Abundance On Steroids!
Try Dance The Spiral "Meditation Mastery" For 60-Days Risk Free
I am so confident that you will absolutely love Dance the Spiral "Meditation Mastery" that I am offering a full 60-Day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee! I take all the risk so you don’t have to…
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You Will Also Receive My Special Bonus Package "Five Amazing Free Gifts!"
[]P.S. In case you're one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S. before you read the page, here's what this is about:
[] Mastering Meditation
[]Connecting To Your Divine Self
[] Using Your Super Conscious Mind To Bring Forth All That You Desire...
... All at the same time.
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Secure Your Copy of Dance the Spiral "Meditation Mastery" Take Control of Your Hearts Desires And Ignite The Flame To Put Your Abundance on Steroids!
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