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How To Build a Great
Future in Sales

This “Non-Salesperson Type” Made Good
By Doing What Came Naturally

I didn’t think I was a “sales type”, that is to say  it was not in my nature to stand before a prospect customer and keep hammering away at him until he gave in, which is what I thought “good” salesmen did.  How wrong I was!

I was in my early thirties, having resigned from a job I was clearly not suited for, with a home loan to pay,  a wife and two small children to support, when my father suggested I work for him selling an imported range of products on commission to farmers.  The product was a quality item and the rural industry was prospering with broad acre farming taking the place of grazing.  This was a good mix for a salesman I was told and my father’s sales staff were earning good money.

Frightened The Living Daylights

However, I had no experience as a salesman and the thought of commission-only selling frightened the living daylights out of me, so I held out for a guaranteed minimum weekly amount against commission, and I’m proud to say I was never in debit once I started.

The deal was that I was to receive sales training by working with the sales manager for a fortnight, which would have been okay if the sales manager was a true salesman, but he wasn’t!   Even I could see he was no salesman.  For instance, we would drive along in a small crop area and he would drive straight past a farm gate with the farmer on a tractor inside, saying, “He’ll wonder who we are and he’ll be interested in us when we come back.”

Ignored Common Courtesy

Even I knew you don’t go past a prospect!  And then when we did come back he would lead the way over to the farmer who would ask, “Who are you?”

“I’ll tell you that in a minute.” My tutor answered, ignoring common social courtesy.

Worse, he wasn’t even honest towards me.  For the second week of my so-called tutorials we were to work in my new territory a couple of hours drive from home and meet at a local landmark.  He arrived shortly after me, parked beside my car and I got out to discuss tactics.   He said, “John, you and I tell two different stories.  But I’ll work with you if you really want me to.  Just say the word.”

He was driving a van and I could see the entire interior from where I stood, but there was no suitcase inside!  He clearly had no intention of working a week away from home with me!

Followed My Nose

I sent him on his way without a word, never told my father, and went to work. I called on factories and workshop in the town, simply by entering every one I came to in what is called “cold calling”. Cold canvassing is not a recommended method nowadays unless you are in a specialised business visiting a specialised market, such as selling fire fighting equipment to farmers at harvest time when fire risk is very high.

I made sales that first day,  following my nose and doing what came naturally, but I soon learned that effective selling involves much more than that.  This simplistic approach would not work in a market in which you had to discover prospects who need your product, how to approach them, and how to  generate their interest.

Experience is a great teacher and I learnt my lessons well, becoming the top salesman in my father’s business,  later advancing to sales manager/trainer for his staff and eventually branching out into businesses of my own, developing  first class sales staff.  So I’m now offering you the wealth of 50 years’ experience in sales and sales training to do the same.

This is offered in the Ten Steps to Top Sales following.  These are easy to learn and just as easy to apply in countless different sales situations.  There’s a bright and profitable future for you when you complete the coupon below.  Do it now.

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