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“You Lost 12lbs in Just 3 Weeks?”

The author of Prime Your Mind for Automatic Weight Loss, Paul A. Williams, tells of his own amazement and surprise at readers who thanked him for his breakthrough priming technology -

"It was never meant to work this fast", Paul explains, "I know this is a powerful, easy and safe method for losing weight but it was designed to work effortlessly and possibly take a little longer".

"These results are fantastic, hearing how people have lost 12lbs in only 3 weeks or 35lbs in less than five months is something other companies promise with hype but knowing this has worked in the real world for real people makes me very happy".

This unusual method was first used by a controversial doctor to trigger spontaneous weight loss, without the use of surgery.  His patients didn't even know what happened to them!

How did he do it?

And how can you use this powerful fat loss technology to trigger your own spontaneous weight loss - and KEEP IT OFF forever?

The answer below will shock you. . .


“I have lost 12 lbs and am at my lowest weight in several years!”

“I have not been doing extra exercising or intentionally doing anything different during these 3 weeks.”

“I just love the results!”



Carbs Are Not The Enemy – Sabotage is!

New weight loss books, fad diets and exercise machines are invented every month promising an easy way to lose weight, yet there are more overweight people now than ever before in the history of our planet.

So why do these traditional approaches fail more than they succeed?

It’s not your fat cells that are the problem, they are simply the end result.

It’s your brain cells where the problem comes from. Your subconscious mind has been primed for survival.

If you have tried to lose weight before but ended up even bigger and heavier it would be easy to blame yourself for not trying hard enough, but this is not true. In fact, scientists have discovered the real truth…

Obesity is in your brain,
not in your stomach


Latest advances in neuroscience and neurobiology reveal we have been primed to crave fatty foods by evolution. Our brains have been programmed to “want” food.  This inbuilt hunger cycle has been with us since prehistoric days when there were no supermarkets and food was scarce.  Our biological brains have evolved to defend against the slightest threat of weight loss, and will activate any time we go on a diet.

We are drawn to high calories so much that we even have a built in chemical that gets released when we eat that makes us feel good.  This is why diets make us so miserable and uncomfortable.

Our natural instinct is to stay alert for food and enjoy it when we find it.

The problem is our own evolution which simply has not adjusted to our current lifestyle. We live in an instant age with a brain and body system still wired to prehistoric times!

This is the age of instant food. . . instant drinks. . . instant entertainment. . . and now we’re being sold instant fat loss with the help of a surgeon. . .

Is Surgery Really a
Quick-Fix Solution?


A chance to wipe the slate clean and start afresh?

Putting aside the huge costs for a moment, a number of reports are suggesting a dark side to weight loss surgery with as high as 80% of patients regaining weight AFTER surgery!

In the UK, the Daily Mail newspaper reported “evidence is emerging that this very modern approach to losing weight may not be the panacea it was hoped to be. A worrying proportion of patients fail to keep the weight off long term, largely because although their stomachs have physically shrunk, their addiction to food remains”.

Read a few forums and similar comments keep popping up from patients who have suffered the pain of surgery but are now shocked to see the weight return.  Comments from people like Sheri, “I have gained 12lbs, I am frantic, it comes back so fast”. . . and Wendy, “so fed up after 2 lots of surgery in two years and have put on 3 stone”. . .

Doctors and scientists aren’t surprised.  In a study titled “Behavioral Predictors of Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery”, they disclosed 79% of the respondents reported some weight regain and concluded “. . .weight regain after bariatric surgery include increased food urges, decreased well-being, and concerns over addictive behaviors”.

As you now know, the big problem here is surgery treats the end result, not the cause.  But this is the equivalent of bailing water out of a sinking boat without plugging up the holes first.  More water is going to make its way on board and the boat will start sinking all over again!

Based on post-op feedback, many hospitals are recognizing the importance of behavior modification in the months following surgery, which is adding to the overall costs – but this is essential.

Surgery will remain a quick solution for some, but apart from the expense and pain, it is not guaranteed for the long term.  So if cutting fat out doesn’t last, what about burning fat off by doing exercise?

Burning extra calories with exercise is great but it’s not enough on it’s own.

Are You Spending More Than 30 Minutes in the Gym and Still Not Losing Weight?


Thousands of well intentioned people spend hours each week in the gym doing endless cardio but remain stuck at the same weight.

Does it ever feel like you’re fighting an unseen force when trying to lose weight?

Perhaps you make some progress, lose a few pounds but something happens and the weight comes back again.  Despite your best, hard working efforts you are aware that something inside of you is about to ‘snap’ you back to your old ways.

If you’ve ever thought this isn’t fair – you’re right, it isn’t.

It’s not your fault!

Something is working against you
and finally you can do something about it


Your subconscious mind is in charge of all your thoughts, feelings and habits. Your programming started early in life and your current feelings and behavior are a result of that early programming.


“Is working for me already”

“And I feel better and calmer. Very interesting! I never thought it would really work!”

“Thank you!”



How a Controversial Doctor From Louisiana Discovered a Safe and Easy Way to Trigger Spontaneous Weight Loss. . .


And Keep it Off Without Expensive Surgery!


At his weight loss clinic in Louisiana, Dr Becker performed miracles on hundreds of obese patients. His method was so successful, the New Orleans Medical Society sent him their toughest patients by physician referral. Frustrated overweight men and women who had tried endless diets, pills and weight-loss programs suddenly began losing weight automatically and more importantly, keeping the weight off.

One woman lost 100 pounds in 12 months and other patients maintained 100% of their weight loss even two years after they finished the program!

They were NOT given any starvation diets or forced to take part in any exercise torture. NO expensive surgery took place and NO uncomfortable devices were used.

But day by day, faster and easier and safer than they had ever known before, the ugly excess fat around their bodies began to disappear.

What was the secret to their dramatic transformations?

Dr Becker was no ordinary doctor.

He was also a scientist. He had a distinguished career in scientific research and spent 25 years on the Tulane University Medical School staff. Dr Becker received in today’s equivalent over $8million in research funds and published over 40 scholarly papers in science books and journals.

But it was his biomedical communication and clinical engineering experiments that were to cause amazing transformations with overweight patients. Unlike ordinary doctors, fitness gurus and surgeons, Dr Becker did not focus on the body.

His secret was in what he did with his patient’s minds!

“If you’ve ever tried to make
a change in your life and failed to do it,
I have great news for you”


Madilyn struggled with weight gain and tried various attempts at losing which worked for a while.

But then no sooner had the weight been lost, it reappeared again and Madilyn’s life became a nightmare pattern of the up and down yo-yo effect.

Her life was a constant series of diets, weight loss camps, spas and doctors. Each one would result in her winning short term battles.

It wasn’t until her basic, subconscious attitudes changed towards food and her body that she finally felt she had “won the war”. The psychological drive to use food to fulfil many needs other than fueling the body is a strong and persistent one.

When Madilyn’s subconscious psychological attitudes changed, she was able to change her eating habits easily.

Are You Making This Common
Weight Loss Mistake?


The big mistake is trying to solve a subconscious problem with a conscious solution.

Going on a diet makes sense, especially when the “experts” all tell you to do this. But this is a conscious strategy and now you can understand why it rarely works and makes us miserable.

Buying the latest fitness dvd seems like a good idea but it’s not long before the subconscious mind puts a stop to that by making you “not feel like it”.

If you had an apple tree in your garden, you would never expect it to grow anything other than – APPLES! It will never grow peaches no matter how positive you think and no matter how hard you “push” the tree.

You can pull off all the apples and new ones will grow back.

You can cut off the branches, and new branches will grow back.

You know the only way to grow peaches is by changing the roots, and planting new seeds – peach seeds.

It’s the same with us. No matter how positive we think, the fat remains. No matter how hard we push ourselves, the fat sticks to us. We can even have surgery and cut the fat out and it will soon “grow back”.

We need a new program that changes our roots so the fat falls off automatically


This is why no matter what you do, eventually you always go back to your “old ways” and put the weight back on.

Dr Becker carried out scientific experiments to solve this subconscious problem with a subconscious solution.

The most powerful technology he found was using special subliminal messages that his overweight patients were not aware of.

Using complicated sound machines, the patients could only hear music or nature sounds like ocean waves. But under these sounds were hidden messages that their subconscious minds could hear and understand.

Changes were taking place at a deep level and new ways of thinking began to happen.

The idea of subliminal programming has been around for a while but just because something is subliminal doesn’t mean it will work and be effective.

Dr Becker’s methods were not like subliminals you may have heard of before.

These contained a special process.

They formed a subliminal solution based on scientific research into behavior modification using a process called “priming“.

The Secret of Subliminal Mind Priming

Subliminal technology means the audio is below the normal range of what we can consciously hear, but still within the range of our subconscious minds.

Priming is the psychology of carefully spoken suggestions, different in each ear, that your subconscious mind can understand so it can make changes.

This is how new thoughts can be programmed to help you achieve your ideal weight automatically.

Things are going on in our minds all the time at a subliminal level.

When you are travelling down the street your brain is taking in millions of pieces of data that you are not aware of. You will notice things like the color of the car in front of you, or the person on the sidewalk with his dog – these are all on a conscious level.

But the very act of driving or walking… hearing a plane in the background… the colors of the houses you are passing… the faces of the drivers coming towards you… the sounds of a motorbike coming up from behind you… and millions of other bits of information are all being processed by your mind at a subliminal level.

The cars stay at a subliminal level until your brain believes one might be a threat to your life and suddenly you are aware of a car swerving towards you – the focus changes from a subliminal level to your conscious focus. Instinctively you move out of the way and it all happens in the blink of an eye.

That same part of your brain that pays attention to everything in your surroundings can also pay attention to new commands for losing weight.

Now you can use this powerful technology on yourself today

Dr Becker’s program was designed to access the subconscious part of his patient’s brains and give them new instructions for weight loss, without them even knowing what was being said.

When Dr Becker was performing his experiments he had to invent a device which was capable of sending the subliminal suggestions to his patients without them being aware.

This was such an expensive and complicated instrument that he took out scientific patents on all his machines for protection.

This also meant all his patients had to visit with him personally for their unique treatment.  But it worked so well that patients travelled hundreds of miles just for a single session!

His specially designed clinical program involved a series of subliminal audio and visual stimuli, and the sessions brought happiness and sustained weight loss for hundreds of obese patients.

My name is Paul Willams and for the last 19 years I have been following Dr Becker’s original research into subliminal technology.

Using his scientific findings along with the research of biofeedback genius Dr Budzynski, who was a world leader in priming, I have been helping people around the world using subliminal primes. This has been made possible with the Internet and latest audio technology being even better than it was in Dr Becker’s time.

Dr Becker would be impressed that today you could benefit from the power of subliminal priming without having to leave home and travel to his clinic.

Now it is possible to download my latest subliminal priming program no matter where you are in the world and listen to them at any time on your own mp3 player.

About Paul A. Williams

Paul Williams is quickly becoming recognised as a worldwide expert in the field of audio subliminal priming and subconscious influence.

An avid researcher into human potential, Paul has explored all angles of personal development including psychology, NLP, mind power, neuroscience, subconscious communication, hypnosis, the science of peak performance and subliminal programming.

Learning from pioneers on biofeedback, leading authorities on human behavior modification and psychologists on brainwave activity, brain lateralization, dual track brain messaging and priming, Paul began consulting with audio engineers and experimenting with preconscious processing.

After 19 years of first hand experience using subliminal technology in the real world, Paul has recorded and developed a unique range of peak performance audio priming solutions to help people make positive changes in their lives, including weight loss, stop smoking, sleep and confidence.

Could It Really Be Possible to Lose 100lbs in Less Than a Year Without Surgery?

I am delighted with the results from my best selling Amazon book Prime Your Mind for Automatic Weight Loss, with readers like Moana writing “I noticed a significant difference in my behaviors within the first day” and Chip who wrote “I have lost 12lbs so far”.

All fantastic results but I started hearing from readers wanting to lose more than 15lbs. Worried that they had too much weight to lose, several readers got in touch asking if there was an advanced program that could help them lose 20lbs, 50lbs even 150lbs. Fearing surgery was the only answer, they had almost given up hope.

The research revealed several key areas that were responsible for weight gain and these prevented weight being lost in the long term.

The stubborn fat that refused to budge was in fact due to psychological and biological conflicts within the mind and body. These areas were often responsible for other types of eating disorders such as anorexia in some patients and obesity in others.

But there was a problem.

Although we had a formula for weight loss, it wouldn’t be possible to create a “one-size-fits-all” subliminal mind priming CD that would instantly solve all your weight problems. Each area needs a specific and intense focus to ensure the inner scripts could be changed and the body would let go of the weight.

New scripts can reprogram the mind to
keep the weight off for good

The solution was simple. To create a high-intensity subliminal mind priming session for each psychological and biological zone which you can listen to for 21-30 days. Then you would be ready for the next month’s session. A new inner script could be installed to lose weight and keep it off in just seven months!

For maximum effect each priming session should be listened to for a minimum of 21 days, prefferably 30. This allows us to set up a special website for you to receive each new session over a period of 7 months. Every 30 days you simply log in to a members only area to download your new session.

Too good to be true?

If this seems amazing to you, you’re right, it IS amazing.

But don’t make the mistake of thinking just because it’s easy for you that it can’t work.

It takes us a LOT of hard work to create this level of priming and get it right.  This isn’t some hacked together subliminal set of the type commonally available.

There is more to making subliminal priming work than just recording a bunch of affirmations and making them subliminal by masking them under sounds.

Some of the other subliminal mp3s on the market right now contain affirmations that can do more harm than good.  For example, many have affirmations that are spoken by people in a very authoritarian or parental role “You will not eat sugar”, “You will exercise every day” etc.  Most people listen to these types of commands in a negative way because a lot of problems are parental to begin with!

Others even say things like “eating sugar will make you sick”.  At best these sort of subliminal commands will simply not work.  At worst, they could cause you to put on even more weight and feel miserable.


“I have listened about twice a day and I have already noticed the following changes;”

“I am eating more rationally and thoughtfully, not just shovelling in whatever is closest; I’m not really craving unhealthy things; I have not deprived myself of anything I want – ice cream for example, but I seem to be wanting to eat more healthfully. And without seeming to do anything at all, I have lost 4lbs!”

“I find the scientific explanations fascinating and appreciate that folks like Mr Williams are making tools like this one readily available to everyone.”



The “Missing Link” in Your Weight Loss


My latest program Body Primes has been designed with one mission – to help serious people lose serious weight.

It contains the most up-to-date research available.  I have invested more time and resources into making this effective than any previous program I have worked on.  It takes the most powerful psychological mind primes to counter the toughest of early negative subconscious scripts.

With these special primes aimed at your body you’ll begin to notice things happening all by themselves.

The best part is you might finally end your battle with weight without fighting. Once you have your subconscious mind on your side it will direct you automatically to take positive actions and lose your weight without you having to “try”.

There will be no more willpower or forced exercise. Just as you automatically put on the pounds in the first place without thinking, the pounds will now start to fall off without you thinking.

All you need to do is download the specially prepared mp3 sessions which you’ll love. Then listen to the audio once a day and let the science do the work for you.

The results will take care of themselves.

Anything could happen. You might start doing a little light exercise because it’s fun, or stop feeling the need to indulge in a certain high calorie food item.


When the subconscious changes,
losing weight just feels normal

Your results will be unique to you but you will not do anything you don’t want to do. This is perfectly safe and I promise you will NOT be turned into some crazy weight lifting, fat burning hyper exercise junkie that only eats a cracker a day and runs everywhere!

This program doesn’t brainwash you, it works with the thoughts and memories already in your brain to establish new patterns of thought based on your individual goals.

For some it might be to lose a few extra pounds around the waist, lose baby weight, or for others it might be to lose 40, 80 or 150 pounds and transform into slim and toned.

This is not just an ebook explaining “what” to do.

This is a full on “includes everything” program that “does” it for you.

The modules included reveal the secret of weight loss, what subliminal priming is and how it works – but you don’t even have to read them!

The real magic is in the digital mind priming technology.  And these are included! You can experience the power for yourself first hand by priming your mind to give you the weight loss you are looking for.

The specially prepared subliminal weight loss mp3s that you can download contain everything you need – all you need to do is listen to the audio tracks. It will be like rewiring your brain so that weight loss just happens, naturally and automatically.

All you have to do is be open-minded enough to just try this and listen to the sessions.

Of course you will need an mp3 player, but they are so inexpensive these days I strongly urge you to get one of these if you haven’t already. After joining the Body Primes program it will be the next best thing you ever bought! Consider it an investment into your health.

Then just sit back and let the subliminal priming do its work. Once its rewired your brain to a new directive, you’ll find yourself thinking new healthy thoughts automatically – an easy way to lose weight.


“Thank you I lost 35lbs in 5 months!”

“I wanted to see if subliminal mind priming would help me lose weight so I gave this a try.  Paul Williams explains how your subconscious mind is keeping you overweight, why willpower and diets don’t work.  The weight loss mp3s are of a high standard and are professionally produced. ”

“I have been listening to the mp3s most nights when I go to bed and play them in the background for the last 5 months. I am not on a diet but I do eat a lot more healthy now. The weight loss has been consistent and not like anything I have done before.”




This Isn’t For Everyone

Although anybody can benefit from joining Body Primes, male or female, young or old, there are 4 main conditions that you must ideally meet:

1. You are looking to lose more than 15lbs of fat

Body Primes is an advanced mind priming program designed to help clients who want to lose between 15lbs and 150lbs without resorting to surgery as their only option. If it’s only 15lbs or less you want to lose, then you could achieve this goal with just the Prime Your Mind for Automatic Weight Loss book available on Amazon.

2. You understand the difference between real weight loss and weight loss hype

Body Primes is a scientific course for real people wanting to lose real weight. It is not a flash in the pan “beach body abs in 1-week” waste of time. Rapid weight loss sounds good but it is impossible to lose 10lbs in one week without it consisting of water and essential muscle mass. Body Primes is designed to lose weight naturally, gradually and above all, safely.

3. You must be able to commit to listening to the program for a minimum of 30 minutes a day

These Body Primes are complicated and sophisticated audio technology that have been meticulously designed to override years of negative scripting. They do all the hard work from the inside out so you don’t have to consciously push yourself to do anything you don’t want to do. But they can only do their work if they are listened to EVERY day for a minimum of 30 minutes. As they can be played in the background, you should aim to listen as often as you can. Listen to them on the way to work. Listen to them while doing the housework. Listen to them while you relax. Just make sure you listen to them!

4. You have a device that can play mp3s

No special equipment is needed but you will need to be able to play mp3s and listen with headphones. Body Primes can be played on any mp3 player, iPad, iPod or computer. They do work well with normal speakers, however, for optimum results I always suggest listening to with headphones to allow the special suggestions to reach the right and left hemispheres of your brain.


“Very well written. Easy to understand. The mp3s work great. I started losing right away.”

“I used to snack a lot after dinner while watching TV to try and stay awake. Now I don’t eat anything from dinner until the next morning. I also eat less during meals. I feel full a longer time. I usually feel full until it is time to eat again so then I have to make myself eat sometimes as I still feel full from earlier.”

“I have lost about 12lbs so far. I have been doing this for about 3 weeks. I tried to listen at least 1/2 hour every day but some days I listen to all the mp3s while I am working. I have also been walking more and that feels great.”

“I recommend this for anyone who wants to lose weight without all the problems that go with other diets or weight loss programs.”



Fed Up Fighting Fat With Willpower?

Best selling positive thinking author, Christian Godefroy, wrote in his best selling book Mind Power;

“Why do all these miracle diets fail?

“They fail because they don’t deal with the real cause of obesity. The only way to lose weight permanently is to break your bad habits and replace them with new ones. Habits originate in the subconscious. That’s why, even though you may sincerely want to lose weight, even if you make a tremendous effort of willpower, you will fail without the participation of the subconscious. It’s stronger than you are”.

And subliminal expert, Dr Eldon Taylor remarked in his best seller Choices and Illusions;

“Telling ourselves that we are going to do something, such as losing weight, has value, but that value is mitigated by our own true inner belief. Our inner belief must change for change to occur. When subliminal information is processed, it enters our stream of consciousness. It literally becomes our own self-talk”.


Now You Can Finally Relax and
Let it Happen Automatically

The Body Primes program has been designed to make it as easy as possible for you.

There are no huge up-front fees to pay. No hidden admin charges.

For a small monthly payment you will have exclusive members-only access to each monthly module and set of Body Primes audio mp3s. The full course lasts only seven months and each monthly treatment is designed to be listened to for a minimum of 30 minutes a day for the full month. Then the following month the next module and Body Primes audio mp3s become available for you to download and listen to.

Each month targets a new area from rescripting inner beliefs to busting sugar cravings. You’ll notice changes during your first month! And just when the body plateaus on normal programs around month three, that’s when your mind will have been primed to receive a new inner script to accelerate your fat loss even further.

Each monthly Body Primes audio sessions are available on a choice of seven different soundtracks, so you won’t get bored.

There is a selection of music tracks, nature tracks with real sounds (not computerized synthesized fake sounds), and a special combination of nature and music. Each track has subliminal mind primes embedded under the sounds allowing you to experience an inspiring or blissful soundtrack while your subconscious mind hears the commands in full.

You can listen to the tracks while you work, relax, play. . . and even drive!

Here’s what you’ll receive each month
as a Body Primes member:

Body Primes Module

In this first module, New Beginning, you'll discover the real secret of losing weight that the "gurus" don't want you to know about.

Find out why you should NOT do exercise to start with and why your body will react with more fat storage if you do. Here's how you'll turn it all around faster than you ever thought.

Digital eBook - pdf and Kindle


Body Primes - Music

Mind Primes subliminally embedded under gentle and uplifting music - perfect for early morning listenings or when you simply want to chill and relax.

Audio MP3 - approx. 30 mins


Body Primes - Ocean Waves

Real life ocean waves washing up on the shore with Mind Primes subliminally embedded.  Ocean waves have their own theraputic value and can cause creative and inspired thoughts.

Audio MP3 - approx. 30 mins


Body Primes - Ocean Waves with Music

Mind Primes subliminally embedded under a fantastic combination of real life ocean waves washing up on the shore with beautiful music.  Great to listen to as background or absolutely perfect for destressing and taking a refreshing break all to yourself.

Audio MP3 - approx. 30 mins


Body Primes - Nature Sounds

Step into an enchanted woodland full of real life nature sounds with babbling brook, birds and the occasional clip clopping horse, with Mind Primes subliminally embedded!  Wonderful for a mental escape.

Audio MP3 - approx. 30 mins


Body Primes - Nature Sounds with Music

Mind Primes subliminally embedded under real life nature sounds with babbling brook and birds combined with gentle uplifting background music.

Audio MP3 - approx. 30 mins


Body Primes - Storm

Real life thunderstorm with rain and thunder claps with Mind Primes subliminally embedded.  One of our most requested soundtracks!

Audio MP3 - approx. 30 mins


Body Primes - Energy Music

High energy upbeat music to get you started in the morning, keep you going in the evening or energize your workout at anytime of the day with Mind Primes subliminally embedded.

Audio MP3 - approx. 30 mins


Subliminal Mind Primes

The transcript for this modules weight loss mp3s.

There is a belief amongst many psychologists that subliminal priming is more powerful and effective if you do not know the specific suggestions.  My philosophy is that you have a right to know what you are listening to.  This ebook contains my secret suggestions should you wish to know what is hidden on the mp3s.

Digital eBook - pdf and Kindle


Quick Start Guide

With all this information where do you start?

This Quick Start Guide will put you on the fast track to weight loss success and you'll be able to begin in just minutes after your order is processed.  The Body Primes program is really simple and this quick guide makes it even faster.

Digital eBook - pdf and Kindle


FREE Body Primes Bonus!

Visual Blast

A visual blast video which can be watched on your computer or tablet containing subliminal messages and audio mind primes set to beautiful moving images of scenery.  A perfect way to start or finish the day with.

Video MP4 - approx. 7 mins


So How Much Does This Advanced, Life-Changing Program Cost?

If you are serious about your weight and you really do want to do this, you’ll be able to start today for less than you could imagine.  It’s a fact that weight loss surgery is both complex and costly. The average bariatric surgery procedure ranges from $18,000 up to $35,000 depending on your area.

Just take a look in the Consumer Guide to Bariatic Surgery and you’ll see how fast the costs of surgery stack up:

“The cost of gastric bypass surgery generally comprises the pre-op lab and X-ray fees, anesthesia, hospital facility and surgeon’s fee. Post-procedure costs are additional, such as for dietary plans, a fitness regimen, behavioral modification, nutritional supplementation and body contouring surgeries to remove excess skin, lift sagging body areas (body lift) and improve loose muscles or treat fat deposits. Since gastric bypass is a complex surgery, costs can escalate quickly”.

The good news is not only is subliminal mind priming safer and long lasting, it also costs you much less than any form of surgery. For me to design you a custom weight loss priming program would cost a little over $2,000 which is also a bargain compared to weight loss surgery, saving you in excess of $16,000 to $33,000!

But if you take advantage of joining the Body Primes program today, it won’t even cost you a fraction of this.

In fact, the whole 7-month Body Primes program costs less than just an initial chat with a surgeon!

But I don’t want you to even pay this small amount up front.


Start Today and
Receive My Best Selling Book FREE!


Prime Your Mind for Automatic Weight Loss
& The Power of Positive Priming

Included with your first months membership of Body Primes is my best selling book Prime Your Mind for Automatic Weight Loss which includes Book 2 – The Power of Positive Priming.  As a member, you can download these ebooks right now in both pdf and kindle.  This ground breaking book reveals my secrets behind the science of subliminal mind priming for weight loss and will blow your mind!

PLUS – The Secret Of Losing Weight
While You Sleep!


Normally $97 Yours FREE – Limited Time Only

From the science of sleep learning comes a new method to use the deepest thinking part of your brain, while you sleep, for the purpose of weight loss.  Using mp3 technology you can program your mind for appetite control and break bad eating habits.

This eBook explains the exciting creation and development of a new and productive learning system used by professionals in every field.  From students and instructors to sales and corporate executives, sleep learning offers the dynamic and unlimited potential to deliver any information directly to the subconscious mind. . . overnight!

This program includes a specially formulated Night Time Track combining the power of subliminal mind priming with binaural and Isochronic tones to help promote healthy sleep.  Investigating into the mysteries of sleep, scientists have discovered this to be an important time not only for the brain to rest and repair, but also in the formation of new memories.  The mind primes are designed to take advantage of this “night work” and be absorbed at a subconscious level allowing you to start the day making new decisions to help you lose weight.

The perfect compliment to your monthly Body Primes audios, WAKE UP THIN! can help you accomplish your weight loss goals much more easily and rapidly while you sleep!

Normally $97 from my main MindPrimes.com website, but I’ll give you full access to the WAKE UP THIN! course FREE when you agree to try out my Body Primes program for a 60-day RISK-FREE trial.  This is yours to keep even if you decide not to continue for any reason.


“The audio mp3s have literally been life changing.”

“I am a perpetual yo-yo dieter, because I just can’t seem to maintain motivation to really stick to a plan.”

“Listening to the mp3s has totally helped change my mental and emotional response to food, as well as being very relaxing to listen to. I LOVE them and recommended them to my mom and sister.”



After the first few minutes, your body and mind start to make new fat burning changes

You won’t have to wait the full seven months before you start seeing the results.

Changes will begin almost immediately and you could lose several pounds from the very first month!

You’ll also start feeling better from the first day. This programme isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about changing your life in so many wonderful ways, others will notice the difference in you too. You’ll become more confident in dealing with people and making decisions. You’ll have more energy to enjoy your work and your free time.

Relationships will be taken to a new level of excitement while you’ll also feel stronger and more independent than before.

And all this without surgery!

In fact, just knowing that you did it all yourself is going to make you feel amazing.

It’s easy to get started

Right away you can have full access to your first months Body Primes member’s area.

Simply load the mp3s onto your mp3 player, hit the play button and let the process start working for you right now.

See how easy it is to listen to the beautiful music tracks or relaxing real nature tracks. Be amazed at how incredible you feel after just a few listening sessions and weigh yourself for confirmation.

If you are not delighted at anytime during your first 60 days, just let me know and I’ll give you a full refund, no-questions asked.

I will ensure you have access to each new module and priming sessions as they become available. You can cancel at any time so you always have full control. And I’ll always be here if you have any questions as you go.

I know that this method is so unusual, so different, so simple, so easy and so remarkable in its results, that I can’t expect you to take my word for it in advance. Therefore, I ask you to prove them, or disprove them, entirely at my own risk.  What could be fairer?

Here’s all you do. Click on the Get Started Now button below and ClickBank will process your order, sending you to a special download area instantly.  All member materials are digital, so you will receive immediate access.  As there is no physical products, you will not have to wait for delivery and there will be no expensive postal charges.  You can begin right now!

To continue receiving each new instalment on a monthly basis simply do nothing.  Just $37 will be automatically charged every 30 days for each month you wish to remain a member.  There are only 7 payments in total including your first payment.

Once your membership is complete, you will have lifetime access to all the materials including support.

Are you tired of the failure of conventional techniques that cost 10, 20, a hundred times more?

I won’t ask you to believe this will work for you. I just ask that you be open-minded enough to at least try, and judge the results for yourself.


Your members access today will include:

Module 1 – New Beginning eBookMusic Audio MP3Ocean Waves Audio MP3Ocean Waves with Music Audio MP3Nature Sounds Audio MP3Nature Sounds with Music Audio MP3Storm Audio MP3Energy Music Audio MP3Subliminal Mind Primes TranscriptQuick Start GuideFREE Bonus – Visual Blast Video MP4

Only $37

Yes, only $37 today

(plus Vat/Local Sales Taxes as applicable)


Recurring Payment. Cancel Anytime. No Questions Asked.

And you’ll also receive full access to these amazing bonuses:

Prime Your Mind for Automatic Weight Loss eBookThe Power of Positive Priming eBookWAKE UP THIN! eCourse with Sleep Learning Audio Track

All member materials are digital, so you will receive immediate access.  As there are no physical products, you will not have to wait for delivery and there will be no expensive postal charges.  You can begin right now!


Recurring Payment. Cancel Anytime. No Questions Asked.


“A Slimmer, Fitter, More Healthy You
Within 60 Days – Or You Pay Nothing!”

If at any time during the next 60 days being a member of the Body Primes program hasn’t made a valuable and profitable difference in your life, or for any other reason, I guarantee you a full and prompt refund.

I know you are skeptical, you have most likely bought other ebooks and systems that offered little in terms of real practical and sustainable results. What makes this course different is the science behind it. This is designed to get real results for real people in the real world.

I use the excellent services of ClickBank to process safe, secure online payments. Take a look over my modules, watch the video and listen to the Body Primes audios. Try them out for a full 60 days and see what happens! If for any reason you are not delighted with the results, ClickBank will provide you with a full and prompt refund, no questions asked. This program is a seven month course with new modules and audio mp3s being added to your membership area each month, but you are free to cancel anytime if you are not happy.

I personally believe you will begin losing weight during your very first month. It has worked for many others before and is working right now for many other members around the world. I’m confident it will work for you too – today – if you let it. I won’t ask you to “believe” it. I will ask you to just try it – and judge for yourself.






Paul Williams,
Author and Creator


Recurring Payment. Cancel Anytime. No Questions Asked.


“It works!”

“I listen to one of the mp3s daily, more when I can. I no longer have the desire to snack in the evening and my appetite is reduced!”

“I emailed Paul, the author, who responded promptly. I was very impressed with his great customer service. Keep up the great work!”

Joanne Amy


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