"Learn the Secrets to Seducing Strippers and Earn VIP Status in the Club in LESS than 30 Days!"
Dear Friend,
If you are looking for a simple and flawless game plan that will enable you to walk into any strip club in the world and pull any stripper you want, night after night, without spending ridiculous amounts of your hard-earned money then you have come to the right place. Not only does Strip Club Mastery lay down a fool-proof method that ANYONE can use to seduce strippers, it also lays down a step-by-step plan for earning VIP status in ANY club ANYWHERE in the world!
But, before I get to far...
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Strolicious Diggs, but you can call me Stro Diggs for short. Now, that's obviously not my given name, but it is real enough. It has been earned through years of study and practice and I'm proud of it. Ask about me in the next club you're in and listen to what they say about me. It will make sense... it might even get you laid! I've spent almost every night in strip clubs for the last 15 years and I know just about everything there is to know about gaming strippers. On top of that, I know how to get VIP status in a club in less than 30 days without spending a ton of money! It may sound hard to believe, but trust me, it's easier than you think. I have had long and short-term relationships with strippers from all over the world and am friends with dancers all over the country... and, the one thing that I have learned is that they're all looking for the same thing. But, here's the catch! Strip clubs are set up to give the clubs and the staff an unfair advantage against you. Much like a casino, the odds are stacked against you.
Here's where I come in.
I've been on the inside for so long and played the strip club game so well, I can teach ANYONE how to do it! It doesn't matter what you look like or how much money you have or spend in the club... it's all about attitude and personality! I even have word-for-word lines that I use over and over again to help me pull strippers out of the club and into the bedroom effortlessly and flawlessly... although we usually don't even make it out of the parking lot! :)
I rarely go to strip clubs with other people, but when I do, I tell them what to say and BOOM... out into the parking lot or bathroom they go. That's how powerful this stuff is! You can use it on ALL women, but strippers are more fun so I highly recommend that you stick to the strip clubs with this material. After all, they're strippers... they're used to this kind of thing!
So, enough about me... let's take a look at my book Strip Club Mastery and see why it's the ultimate player's guide to gaming the masters of men.
"Take a look inside and see what you'll find..."
- What the four levels in the process of mastery are and how to pass through them quickly... page 2
- The TRUE meaning of VIP status and the one thing you must do to get it... page 4
- What Hive Theory is and how to use your understanding of it to work strip clubs... page 7
- How to use stereotypes to elevate your perceived social status the second you walk in the door... page 9
- What the frame of mind of a master is and how to project it flawlessly... page 10
- How to avoid the most common rookie mistake men make in strip clubs and how to avoid making it... page 12
- The most important personality trait of a strip club master and how to acquire it immediately... page 14
- How to use your body language to send all the right signals to strippers... page 16
- How to use the most successful eye-contact technique to silently seduce ANY stripper... page 18
- How to use simple facial expressions to communicate that you must be treated with respect... page 20
- How to tweak your personal style to ensure a fail-proof experience with strippers... page 22
- The real meaning of "vibe" and how to use it to demonstrate that YOU are the life of the party... page 26
- What FOUR items of gear you cannot be without in a strip club... page 28
- How to use your language to say all the right things at exactly the right time... page 32
- How to use your body posture to demonstrate that you are the highest status man in the club... page 34
- How to use voice tonality to ensure you are ALWAYS interesting and never boring... page 36
- What words to make part of your vocabulary to attract and keep the interest of any stripper... page 39
- How to use active listening techniques to make strippers think you care about what they say... page 40
- What the TEN motivations of a stripper are and how to use them to your advantage... page 44
- The number ONE rule of strip club mastery that you must NEVER break... page 59
- What the first thing you should do to a stripper to make her positively remember you FOREVER... page 61
- What TWO things you must NEVER do in a strip club... page 66
- What SEVENTEEN routine lines you can say to strippers to make them instantly love you... page 77
- What FIVE things you should say to strippers to demonstrate that you are a worthy challenge... page 80
- Where you should sit in a strip club to ensure you get all the attention... page 84
- The ONE thing you should make strippers do BEFORE you talk to them... page 86
- What time you should show up to the club... page 89
- How to IMMEDIATELY improve your inner game to guarantee success in strip clubs... page 92
- A STEP-BY-STEP game plan for you to follow to get VIP status fast... page 96
- How to make the TEN elements of strip clubs are and how to make them for FOR you... page 98
- The SECRET person in a strip club that you MUST win the affection of in order to achieve mastery... page 101
- How to turn bouncers into your personal bodyguards... page 104
- How to get bartenders to keep your glass filled and not charge you ANYTHING... page 105
- Who your biggest threat is and how to make them pawns in your game... page 111
- How to deal with your new mastery lifestyle so you can stay at the top of your game... page 115
Order now and I'll include The Strip Club Master's Cheat Sheet absolutely FREE! This two-sided, 8.5" by 11" Adobe Acrobat PDF copy is the key to my success while in the club and in the middle of my game. Contained on this cheat sheet is every pick-up line, conversation starter, disqualification, ball-breaker, shit-test comeback, and interesting story I've gathered during my extensive experience pulling hot stripper after hot stripper night after night. This cheat sheet is written in font size 6... so the writing is tiny... and every inch is JAM-PACKED with game all at your fingertips!
Print out your own double-sided cheat sheet, fold it up, stick it in your back pocket, and refer to it whenever you have a private moment to quickly diagnose and assess all possible situations and get the appropriate response with flawless timing and effectiveness. This cheat sheet is priceless and I have literally had to fight people just to keep this wisdom safe from the wrong hands! Initially, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to share this with you, but the time has come for me to pass this knowledge with you as I know it will be put to good use with you. I trust that you can handle it... because you are the NEXT strip club master!
Get your game-face on and here's to your next home run!
Stro Diggs
Here's what you get when you order:
Place your order now and you'll be able to instantly download both Strip Club Mastery: The Ultimate Player's Guide to Gaming the Masters of Men and The Strip Club Master's Cheat Sheet for a one-time payment of ONLY $49.95!
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"Order now and receive a SPECIAL BONUS!"
I spent over 15 years meeting and learning from people who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to buy the attention and affection of strippers and learn what I share with you in this ebook. All too often I would hear that they spent all this money in strip clubs and left feeling unsatisfied and feeling guilty and depressed that they ever even tried. But, now I've just got done spending the last seven months putting everything I know down onto paper and in an easy-to-read ebook that you can download immediately and get started right away for less than the cost of a private dance. Simply scan the pages after downloading to learn lines that you can use at the club tonight!
Strip Club Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Gaming the Masters of Men is available in an Adobe Acrobat PDF format for immediate download on this website for ONLY $49.95... and, it's only available here. If you see it for sale anywhere else... don't trust it... this is the real deal here!
"For less than the price of a private dance you can order your copy of Strip Club Mastery and NEVER pay for a stripper's attention ever again!"
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