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WARNING:This could give you the most important ANSWERS you will ever read about becoming RICH – about making Money to enjoy a Lifestyle.

At LAST! All your questions answered and more in this easy to follow and apply Guide to health, wealth, happiness, relations, spirituality and business.

Learn these NEW IDEAS and Seldom Talked About ANSWERS given in the “Synergies to Be RICH… and Get a LIFE”

An essential GUIDE that EVERY ONE SHOULD Know about Generating PROSPERITY to assure YOU Enjoy a LIFE style of your DREAMS, starting Immediately.


HEY! The best time to plant a Money Tree was 20 to30 years ago. The second best time is NOW!

And that is why the “Synergies to Be RICH and Get a LIFE”… is regarded to be our #1 LIFE CODE e-Course to help you can get ANSWERS to ‘CRACK the CODE’ to BE as RICH in Health, Wealth, Happiness, Relations, Spirituality and Business as YOU WANT.”

After doing this #1 LIFE CODE e-Course, there will be NINE THINGS you will agree to be true:
You were exposed to NEW and quite different ideas. You made a number of significant CHANGES … and you MADE MORE MONEY. You got a bit uncomfortable addressing some of the issues that you typically never think about – but it was necessary to do so. You wound up knowing more what being enlightened – becoming self sufficient – and the real power within enterprise…is all about You were notably affected in a positive way on an emotional level, not just an intellectual level – a true transformation of your life. You would have identified the Key Changes to make; Action Plans to apply, Priority Options to take, and Multiple Strategies to set The profound TRUTHS about the severe flaws that existed in you, which were blocking you; and how you were missing out in life, The Synergies to Be Rich and Get a life is an Ever Green Guide; that you want to keep handy… to refer to it, time and again. You wanted to share many of the new ideas and the new ways of doing things with your partner, family, friends and work mates. For what you got out of it and what you have gained, this e-Course Synergies to Be Rich and Get a Life – was underpriced.
BUT better still…

If you judge those Nine Statements as untrue, after going through the e-Course and did the assignments in it, at least once, and substantiate that you did not get any improvement in yourself or your wealth and you want to return it in 60 days, you can do so by email and get my FULL REFUND



“Synergies to Be RICH and Get a LIFE”

Is like “Growing of your own Virtual Money Tree” ANSWERS for Beginners through to Veterans

Insights from an # 1 Aussie Life Coach and Business Mentor that supersedes any old, out dated routines and life coaching methods being sold on the Internet.

To: Anyone serious about learning what will lead you to more Money and Freedom, here are the ANSWERS to learn what actually triggers the Synergies to Become RICH

From: Noel Spann, an Australian veteran small business Mentor and Life Coach with a Virtual kaleidoscope full of Life Skill and Entrepreneurial Insider ANSWERS.

Dear fellow Traveller on the Journey of LIFE

If you have ever worried or stressed about life; or if you are looking for answers are overwhelmed with all the information on the net – and don’t know where to start?

Then this may be the most important message you will ever read! Big call? Maybe.

And here’s why. So let’s not beat around the bush. I want to do a bit of straight talking, mixed with some tough love. The fact is, I want to do my best to convince you … that it is high time YOU TOOK SOME ACTION to improve your life and affairs.

Look, in 60 days you could be enjoying massive changes to get a life.

Think of it like this. Say you could get good ANSWERS to change some things about on how you think, feel and do things in your life – Just a Few – and you experienced an skyrocketed influx of Multi- wealth generating opportunities, how’d you feel?

Imagine what it’d be like to have a decent Cash flow; or you having a High Positive Impact on others – like your family friends and work mates? What would it be like?

What would it be like if Life synergized into people, opportunities and amazing never thought of ideas and ways that rapidly brought your Desire or Mission into being.

And with it came a transformation – a lifting of all the sad feelings… the Stress, Fear, Struggle, Anxiety, Frustration and Uncertainty – all faded or easier to deal with?

How would you feel if you had a life like this? Or should I say …a synergized Life

Wouldn’t it be Great? So then, why wouldn’t you at least want to have a look at the YOU CAN ANSWERS… and look at HOW you’d get synergies to happen in your LIFE??

So this is my Invitation to you to think about the Synergies to be RICH and Get a LIFE – the #1 on-line Life Code learning e-Course that took me 4 years to write.

Maybe you can relate to the story about how it all came about.

In this eCourse of Information and Instruction, you will…

Discover the 20-lesson pragmatic formula to help you elevate your human potential so you do lead a truly epic and exciting life. You will learn the keys that I discovered, to live a passionate, liberated and exhilarating life … Skills you should have learnt in school, but never had a chance to.

You will learn how life happens through you, not to you; how we tend to be trapped in a humdrum life, doing mediocre things we don’t really want to be doing. Stress and fear rules our life and has us creating restrictions. But the good news is this! You can reverse it all, by following the formula.

This fascinating eCourse will help you learn new secrets that go beyond “The Secret,” Goal setting and the Laws of manifestation. As you read, you will learn different techniques … like Quadrant Thinking and Master Planning Methods, and tapping the P-X factors of your Spiritual Synergies, the Creative Force; and the “right way” to raise your consciousness for manifesting your destiny; ways that’ll better position you in your calling; to “turn” your life, career and business affairs around.

It’s a big transformation – from feeling “life is not good enough” into enjoying the life you deserve.
It’ll be where you’re up among the geniuses, the creators, the successful ones, the happy ones, the zany ones…They have a way about them, a spark, a sense of charisma, an elusive state of being…

What is their secret – or is there a secret? No, it is not a secret anymore. It’s not a secret because we made it into a YOU CAN Formula… as a way that you too can unleash your own greatness?

Look, to turn that formula into your reality, you don’t need a high education. What you do need is a real desire – one where you will do what ever it takes to transcend what is going on in your life. It is your birthright to release your “greatness“ and have everything good. We teach you “how to.”

In the 20 lessons, I will share my never before revealed formula to tap the Synergies to get Rich and get a Life, to help you transform your self-sabotaging attitudes it into a mindset of being Rich.

One: Sparking your Urge to Become Wealthy. Two: Is there a Specific Way to become Rich?
Three: Opportunities are everywhere… Four: The First Principle in the Synergies to get Rich
Five: Escalating your Life toward Wealth and Prosperity. Six: How Riches will come to you
Seven: Harmony and Gratitude. Eight: Turning Thoughts into Visions. Nine: Will Power Wins
Ten: Getting in Step in order for YOU to Get Rich Eleven: Getting in Step with Spiritual Synergies
Twelve: Search for the Golden Boomerang. Thirteen: The Quadrant of Think, Feel, Look and Act
Fourteen: Taking Action… in a Certain Way. Fifteen: Self-Positioning and Effective Efficiency
Sixteen: The Right Enterprise so YOU DO Become Rich. Seventeen: To Transform, Progressively.
Eighteen: Thinking Quadrants to Raise Consciousness. Nineteen: PLANS to Position your LIFE.
Twenty: The Synergistic secrets are in creating a Visuality and applying it into your Meditations.

I guarantee it works and gets results. It changed my life! I can’t see why it won’t change yours!

Just be prepared to experience these kind of RICH side effects: Every day unfolds perfectly – Every interaction goes amazingly well – your happiness levels go soaring – You feel optimistic about your future – Your aspirations climb to even higher goals. And much, much more. It is your call.

Some 5 years ago I was a Productivity Business Coach. As an outcome of the Global Recession I saw how so many managers didn’t have a life. Some were about 6 weeks off “going broke.” But 80% of managers had been intensive care cases for years. I saw they were looking for a sprinkle of success that “gave business owners a life.”

I asked, “How did making money fit in with having a life”. Bit I found only 1 or 2 out of 10 who had attended my small business skills classes, were applying what I taught

Those business owners who did apply my secret sauces and strategies “took off” like a rocket. They made “big bucks” and lived a lifestyle to match. What I taught them, worked well. I caught up with 6 of the other 9. They’d got differing successes. The last 3 loved the warm fuzzies they got, but loved getting networking leads, more.

Even then, I found, they would even stuff up that simple skill.

Don’t get me wrong; they were great hard-working men and women. But their fears and trepidation just killed what they learnt. Most wanted a “silver bullet” solution – a join the dots system; or hire a “fairy godmother” to “make it all better.” Crazy!

Look, let me say this. If you are not prepared to put in some time every week if not daily, to work on you and your enterprise … to be making some serious money so you “can get a life,” stop reading now. Keep doing whatever you do… and good luck!

Maximizing one’s enterprise is not to be like an amateur dog breeder trying to make a few extra passive bucks – like you introduce your darling little girl doggie to a good looking, keen, boy doggie, avert your eyes, and pretty soon, you’re selling puppies.

If you are happy to spend the time in front of your computer making Google Search your research friend to patch what needs to be done all together, it’s okay. That is, if your aim is to become a big time professional dog breeder, going for the big bucks.

But if you want to “fire up the synergies” to open up unanticipated support to make the money you need “to get a life,” to find those Answers you must go a lot deeper. I’d say, “If you are going to join the dots together, make sure you are one of them.”

This is relatively easy to do… But…

Look, the action step to get ”into the zone” for the synergistic impact to happen… to generate wealth so you “have a life” … it is relatively easy to do… But it is a lot more involved process to prepare your mind – raise your consciousness – for it to happen.

“If you want to grow a money tree, you’ve got to prepare the soil before you plant.”

That is where the work is… to look at the psychology of your thinking and feelings. Don’t let the academically learnt “work or business skills” take priority over finding and unleashing your Spirit. This is when the Synergy in what you think feel, look say and do multiplies and accelerates what ever you do – and it is in and through this dynamic that your destiny morphs into being what you desired and envisaged

Believe it or not, most old goal setting routines don’t “cut it.” Nor will learning new geeky work skills or buying into get rich quick scheme accelerate you making your fortune – if your sub-conscious is on negative and your attitude tank on “glug”. Nor can you just “give lip service.” For the Synergistic impact to work to advantage you must be committed to make it a “way of life’, totally. By this you need to quit your “baggage” and trigger the synergies that’ll make money so you get a good life.

Fact is…time after time, I saw negativity and fear deplete keen, smart, hard working people. They desperately wanted to change – a better job; start or fix a business; be someone. They were trapped by their crappy thinking, of fear of failure, of poverty. It stuck in their minds. They thought negatively, so they got more. And it got worse.

Do you know what synergy is? And how it works?

Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a natural system, like the Laws of Creation. It produces results different from or greater than the sum of the individual inputs. For example the synergistic result of the product of 1+1=2 can be greater. The Answer could be 3 or 23. It can be new elements or parts showing up in a result, which could be …people, hardware, opportunities, facilities, another leg: all things.

The synergy in teamwork produces a better result than a person alone. It’s the same for couples. In sport, it is why a champion team will beat a team of champions. This dynamic happens in the workplace. It is like when fans cheer their home Team. That team seems to “grow another leg.” It’ll do it in you, after raising your consciousness.

You are a TEAM of ONE … with the POWER … having all the Potential Positive Synergistic Dynamic of 1000’s, as soon as you “Set it UP… Switch it on … and KEEP it ON!”

In short, it is in how and what you think …is what you’ll get back. If you are inclined to think negatively you get more of it. If you are inclined to think positive and up beat you will get more of that. It is a Law of Life that successful people use to WIN.

Now, let me Wind it Back … way, way back…

If you are like me, I am sure you have sensed the positive results of the synergies happening for you since you were a kid. And if you were one who applied your imagination in your child hood exploits, you would be more keenly aware of them.

For me I felt the synergistic movement happening at 10 years of age as it got me into my first business venture selling kindling wood for stoves to every house in the neighbour hood. I made money. I had a Life back then as a “kid with money”. So the entrepreneurial bug bit me, way back then. And my life ever since has been like that violin music piece “the flight of the bumble bee…but it was with my Synergies flying.

How about you? Have you had the feeling?

Many folk have said things like, “Yes, but it gushes on and off like a wildcat oil well. It only blows in a positive mode every now and then … then defaults back to worry and stress mode …and my life tends to going to hell in a hand basket.”

Okay! But now … How about if I could show you a way to TRANSFORM…

A way that you could get your consciousness into a frame of mind where positive “P-X Factors” would trigger 24/7, to help support, attract and expand the synergistic dynamics that goes into morphing whatever it is you truly desire… into your reality.

I am sure you’d be interested? Right?

Okay! Well, the GOOD NEWS is this.

“Synergies to Get Rich and Get a Life” e-Course I wrote as 20 lesson Plan to Raise ones Consciousness… actually does that. It will transform your Mind and your Life

To develop the tools and support to help examine beliefs and desires; to raise the glass ceilings; to unblock past mental conditioning as in fears and self-limitations, has been a life’s work. It took 4 years of writing and testing to get it into a system.

Now, let’s be doubly clear.

I am NOT promising you won’t be challenged. I am sure you will be. I am NOT promising you won’t fervently disagree with some things I’ve written and answers given. You probably will. And I am NOT promising you a wishy-washy reading and very vague learning experience. Because, I doubt that will happen.

What I am promising is a very different kind of Journey to find YOUR Answers.

And because of it, you will wind up agreeing that the nine statements I set out on page two of this letter are absolutely true and inarguable. This e-Course is the Source to develop a lot of crucial thinking and considered answers on your part.

So, allow me to introduce my comprehensive e-Course that could make all the difference for you and your loved ones.

First, this is what this e-Course is not.

Prompting your … Synergies to Get Rich and Get a Life, whether it be in wealth, health, happiness, relations, spirituality or business.. is not an ego trip … of where you rush out in a frenzy exercising your intellect and brainstorming and massaging the tactics into becoming a project plan with all the critical activities listed out. And it is not a dubious stocks or property investing process to jump-start your wealth.

This e-Course tunes your consciousness to bring on the synergies to boost your LIFE.

And, by the way… just in case you are wondering. There is a bit of a time consuming self-searching analysis you need to do of you, to sort out the incapability’s in your thinking… to unlock and open the doors of your mind and get on to the right path.

Grab it now for only $97 AUD!

“Hi… My Name is John Gregg. I am a Lawyer offering Legal services to my niche market… The support Noel Spann gave me as in what he outlined in his Program “The Synergies to be Rich” made a big impact on me. For instance, over the past few years I have halved the resources I was using in my practice; doubled the income; and completed some “wild” ventures, way outside of my comfort zone. To be shown how it’d all happen and I did it, is priceless in anyone’s money. John Gregg Brisbane Australia

Hi Noel, From where we were, facing ruin, to what we are achieving now in life and business, we have been Doubly Blessed. 1) To have met you. 2) To have had the Opportunity to Work with YOU. Hector and Rondell Johnson of Logan City Australia

What – Exactly – Will You Read and Learn?

What now follows is a list of the key points answered in the 20 lessons 0f this eCourse. Even as good as these revelations may be, there is more. Greater “ah ha” insights will appear as you do the assignments.

I would urge you to take a slow, careful, thorough look at this short list of potentially life-transforming changes.

There is even some value to be had just by studying this list – even if you don’t buy the Program. Try thinking of this list as a “quiz” or “test” about your own knowledge, skills, ability and attitude that’d trigger what you need to be and do to be Rich.

By Rich it may be in health, wealth, happiness, relationships, spirituality or business. Ask yourself how many of these you are certain you know the answer to, right now?

The Answers that reveal themselves in this Program:
The Mental Disciplines and Emotional Positions that Enable and Empower how you think, feel, look, talk and act to get into the Zone where you “hit the sweet spot” – for becoming RICH to afford the life you’ve wanted Ways to Liberate Yourself from the negative dynamics that stand In the Way Of becoming Rich for most People… more than any other Obstacle.
Rethink the Morality of making Money gained from childhood conditioning that keeps many supposedly good, decent, hard-working People in Poverty. Rejig how you were programmed and conditioned as a little kid by “What you heard at home, church and school room” to think about getting a Life How you can do the same as the celebrity Entrepreneurs to easily hit their “Purple Patch” Mindset and attract prosperity generating opportunities The Secret To WEALTH ACCELERATION: How to Speed up the Achievement of a worthwhile Desire by triggering Synergies that’ll transform your Life.
How you can find and cultivate a Prosperity Consciousness that works for YOU and Your Family, Career and Business, automatically. Powerful stuff! Know the most important Philosophical Belief privately shared by wealthy Entrepreneurs – And the Tremendous Operational Advantages it provides.
Understand what Makes Opportunities and Money move in your direction to form Practical Strategies for Creating HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS The Myths about Generating Your Wealth while, “Sitting on your backside.” Find Answers for what you need to BE and DO to Re-Engineer Your Work Environment, Relationships, and Home to enjoy the outcomes you want.
The Types of active and passive options available to you to make money and how many of these strategies can be built into your daily life? The Most Important yet hardly ever spoken about Difference Between Rich and Poor People … and be on the Right Side of this Distinction.
How unexpected support and gains show up; doors will open in ways you couldn’t have predicted when you’re fully aligned with the Synergy of Life. Escaping the Trap of where you just exchanging your Hours For Money.
Doing the most Critical and Important Decisions a Business Owner must Make – like doing the Metrics – And writing a powerful one page plans.
Stop the ‘Plain Vanilla’ tactics and focus on Invention and Imagination. Find Riches In Niches - quit limiting ideas that “money needers” cling to. Insider SECRETS that explain WEALTH – readily visible yet often unobserved. Fixing just one MAJOR FLAW can open floodgates to wealth generation.

It’s the Best Feeling in The World…

Words can’t explain feeling the intense buzz of satisfaction that filled my heart when people write of tell me how got their thinking together, raised their consciousness and successfully made lots of money – so they got a Life – and changed their world.

Call me crazy, but I swear you’ll have to suck lemons to take the smile off your face.

Anyway…you’re going to absolutely LOVE what this e-Course can do for you!

This e-Course has EVERYTHING I wished we had when starting in Business! And a lot more…

So what do I mean when I say “a whole lot more”? Let me explain…

I wanted you to have a little bit more at your finger tips so that you didn’t have to go searching for anything more online to stimulate your thoughts and feelings!

So I’ve put together these EXTRA SPECIAL BONUSES for you…

FREE Extra Special Gift Bonuses


And what you can do about it”

This YOUCAN Mini e-Course Normally Sells For $69.70

But it’s Yours FREE


“How to GROW your Very Own Money Tree”

This YOUCAN Mini e-Course Normally Sells For $69.70

But it’s Yours FREE


“Quadrant THINKING and Master PLANS
Switches On Your Prosperity Factors”

This YOUCAN Mini e-Course Normally Sells For $69.70

But it’s Yours FREE

Let me do the Maths for you..

All up, that is a Total of $209.10 worth of FREE Bonus Gifts for you…

It’s a pretty good deal, right? In truth these Bonus gifts have some powerful stuff in them to help you reach the “Purple Patch” in your life. I know because I wrote them. I know you are going to love them as much as I did with the feedback I got of them.

I gave a copy of each of these Bonus Mini eCourses to my Lawyer John, for a critique read of what I had written and give me some feed back. He read them all in a week and phoned me saying, “Noel, each one of these eBooks would be worth any kind of investment on their own. And you want to give them away in the total deal? Crazy!”

That was a nice complement, in a round about kind of way. Never the less I thought I should give you a brief synopsis about these Bonus eCourses. And all the eCourses complement each other. Each Mini eCourse has its own 40-day Self-Coaching Plan.

FREE BONUS GIFT #1 Synopsis of the Mini eCourse.
“Why We Fail At Setting GOALS… and what you can do about it.”

All the old Goal Setting routines we know and use won’t ever work properly… to make money and improve our Life… if we continue to set them on a foundation of your emotions being constantly out of sync with your thoughts. And those thoughts are directly influenced by our beliefs, attitudes, emotions, experiences and actions.

This eCourse will help you break that “mould” and get started on understanding the mind dynamics within goal setting failures and successes. In the process you will gain a mindset boost on your Journey to finding the Secrets to Live a Successful Life.

FREE BONUS GIFT #2 Synopsis of the Mini eCourse.
“How to GROW your very own Money Tree.”

The central theme to this Mini eCourse expounds the reality that Thinking Smarter Makes You Richer in Health, Wealth, Happiness and Relations. I have used the analogy of “ Growing your own metaphoric Money Tree” to help you Learn how to be Spiritual and get really, really RICH – Generous, Peaceful, Balanced and Kind.

You will discover how to plant the right seed in order to use the seldom talked about wealth generating secrets the natural way to raise your consciousness; to stimulate your “P-X Factors that switch on the synergistic multipliers to manifest your desires and from areas and opportunities that you never thought possible.

FREE BONUS GIFT #3 Synopsis of the Mini eCourse.
“Quadrant THINKING and Master PLANS … Switches On Your Prosperity Factors.”

This eCourse focuses on helping you achieve a transformational makeover of your full potential. It outlines the Quadrant Thinking techniques to raise your three levels of Consciousness to achieve a harmonic balance in your thoughts and feelings.

From reaching that point in the manifestation process, your prosperity comes under the influence of the synergistic factors that exponentially multiplies the outcomes. Part of the process is teaching you how to prepare a simple one page MASTER PLAN

Okay Noel, It looks like you have put a lot of time effort into them. So, how much is this e-Course going to cost?

No doubt you’ve been doing a mental calculation … thinking … this investment in this pretty powerful 20-lesson eCourse with bonuses will cost me a fortune… right?


Frankly, that is the best part – the price. To be honest with you the countless hours over 4 years in research and writing plus the invaluable years of business and life coaching I have tapped into, then I would have to charge you thousands of dollars.

Even so, to turn this e-Course into a one to one tele-mentoring sessions; 20 hours over 13 weeks as an Intensive Tutorial, with me, custom coaching you to go where you’ve never gone before and what to do when you get there, the price you would expect to pay would be about $8000. It could be more if there were complications,

I know a small number of you would readily be sold at that price. But as a practical realist, I have no interest right now in taking on the challenge of so much personal coaching. On the other hand, one can buy a self-development online program, all brand packaged, from $800 to $1200. Some offers are different and higher.

To give you some further relevance on the value of a good self-education let me share that some 23 years ago I paid well over $12,000 to get involved with Paul Meyer’s Success Motivation Institute. I’d guess today it’d cost me $24,000 or more

I would love you to get started on tapping into your Synergistic Powers to discover the joys of self- sufficiency, your way. But, in reality it all has to work in your favour.

So here is my offer….
Download “The Synergy for Be Rich and Get a LIFE” for $397.70 AUD.

I have no idea how you would react to my OFFER – is it too little or too much to you? When working out the price I reckoned that the 20 “life transforming” lessons at $19.85 each, presented as a total, all-inclusive eCourse package, seemed fair.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent more than $397.70 on a weekend away with my family. So I am sure you’d agree that $397.70 is a tiny investment for you to reap more “Get a Life” benefits than an occasional weekend away, right? … Thought so…

But… here is another Happy SURPRISE for YOU…

Since this is all fresh, new, “pushing the boundaries” information – being the launch of our e-Course the “Synergies to Get Rich and Get a Life,” I would like to give you a $300.70 Super Bonus REBATE, as a helping hand – to “fast start” you getting a LIFE.

I am not sure how long I will keep this e-Course at this Super Bonus REBATE Price, but if you are ready to start – you can grab the lot for $97 AUD. But you’ve really got to get in quick. Like I said, the price will go back to the original $397.70 AUD.

Grab it now for only $97 AUD!

My accountant George said I was crazy to offer all that..

“What are you ON?” he asked. Then he warned me, ”People are going to get on the Internet – buy your stuff real cheap – get a lot of your secrets to running a successful business, let alone get a life – then ask for their money back – and laugh all the way.”

But you know what? I don’t even have to be in this online business. But I walk my talk. I’ve chosen to believe that most people out in Cyber Land are too fair-minded to want to do that. I am sure that the good people out there would appreciate the Answers they will get from this online e-course to not act deceitful like that. Besides when they read its material, they will know exactly how such intent deletes them.

Grab it now for only $97 AUD!

What You Get VALUE INVEST The YOUCAN e-Course “Synergies to Get RICH and Get a LIFE” $397.70 $97 FREE Bonus #1 “Why we Fail at Setting Goals” $69.70 0.00 FREE Bonus #2 “Grow your Very Own Money Tree” $69.70 0.00 FREE Bonus #3 “Quadrant Thinking – Master Plans” $69.70 0.00 SUPER Bonus REBATE – Special DISCOUNTSlash $300.70 ($300.70) TOTAL VALUE $606.80 YOUR INVESTMENT $97
You get the “Synergies to Get Rich and Get a Life” eCourse at 24% of its full Value That is a Good Deal! For under $7.50 a lesson you get the “Keys to Crack the Code” … To Learn to be Spiritual, Peaceful, Balanced, Kind, Upbeat and really, really RICH.

Even so, if my introductory Fast Start offer with its three powerful Bonuses still feels “too much” to you, then I’ll only ask that you question your-self about what exactly do you mean, and whether or not you ‘d be correct in rejecting this offer. If you say, “I can’t afford it,” you definitely need this Transformational e-Course. Desperately!

In fact, you need to urgently erase ‘I can’t afford it’ poverty thinking from your mind. There is truly nothing that a successful or success-oriented person cannot afford.

Just think for a bit, on how you can make it happen … and the Answer will come. Yes, I agree, the folk who “have a life”, do make reasoned, hopefully prudent, some-times frugal decisions about what to buy or not buy – no matter if it is simple or sophisticated. But at least they are not squashed by what others say, think or do.

If this is your case, or if the price is a barrier, then you may very well need this e-Course more than any other person reading this letter. If it means you think this Program ought to be cheaper, or you resent what you guess would be my profit, then you are looking at Rich… as in Health, Wealth and Happiness etc… all wrong.

You’re looking at the wrong person… me… Instead; you should be looking at you. You’re too focused on cost, not the value in investing, not the value in the Process and how it can release your mental blockages about becoming Rich so you get a Life.

These are profound lessons here, just in you thinking about buying this e-Course. And you know what. When you get your consciousness aligned, and $1000s come rolling in from the synergistic and serendipitous opportunities, price worries fade.

Well my friend, that’s as hard as I’m going to work to justify price and investment.
You know, if I still had a selling career, I’d work a lot harder to spread the love.

So for now, I will leave it up to you, not so much out of my laziness but out of my growing a strong preference to sift and sort people for my team of high achieving clients; to be able do more with those who “get it”, and less with those who don’t.

This is one of the rare privileges of me being a veteran high-achiever. I attract the winners in life and we have a whole lot of fun talking about achieving mucho stuff.
And you can be RICH – with or without money. But with money, it is a lot easier.

Grab it now for only $97 AUD!


It’s important that you start asking yourself the question…”Am I ready to DO THIS?”
Because if YOU ARE, then this e-Course DIY Transformational process is different to what you’d normally get when you are learning new skills and operational secrets.

The YOUCAN training process, because of it is experiential adult learning methods, is aimed at helping you to “smash through your glass ceilings” and open the “Window of Change.” When you start working on the routines to effectively change YOU and Your LIFE, your abilities lift and what successes you want out of this world, happen.

You are going to get the “Synergistic Life CODE Building Plans” for things to happen. This IS a fantastic investment for you, and I know it’s going to pay off in a big way.

Your Life need NOT be dismal … because this is what we discovered … as you will … when on our Journey of Transformation – to change, to become RICH and get a LIFE.
They are the WAY to LIVE your DREAMS with CONFIDENCE
Know How to Acquire the SECURITY of SELF SUFFICIENCY
And YOU will SEE IT as soon as YOU BELIEVE IT to BE.

So if you’re ready to Transform Up to the next level in life – and you are ready to DO IT properly this time, then we’re looking forward to helping you make it all happen.

All the best

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