"Learning Practical Reiki was one of THE smartest things I've ever done! I've taken my application of PR far beyond what I originally thought (healing for self & others) and extended it into every part of my daily life - from traffic safety (shooing away deer from the highway), to help with difficult people, situations, telephone calls, clearing negativity...SO SO much more. Everyone should know Reiki and how to use it - this world would be a much safer, happier, gentler, kinder place to live! Reiki ON!"
When you order the book set ($24.99), you will be emailed the link to access the streaming recording of the two-hour video instruction. Then, use your book and workbook to completely personalize your experience - you'll learn mindful practice techniques and immediately understand and start to practice techniques that will effectively exercise and strengthen your intuitive abilities.
(This is a $97 value - FREE as a bonus with this offer!)
The Basics (What Reiki Really is and how it works - and why you don't need symbols,hand positions, or rituals)
Intention and Attention (The two essential elements in all energy healing work)
Clairs (Your Intuition Channels and how to recognize and strengthen them)
Chakras (What they are, why they're important, and simple two-word phrases to remember each one)
The 2-hour Introduction to Practical Reiki video features Alice Langholt, founder of Practical Reiki, guiding you through the first four chapters of the book and workbook, and extending the information through analogies and anecdotes. Her energy and passion will captivate and motivate you! You'll learn:
The Practical Reiki Companion workbook is designed to be utilized while learning Practical Reiki. Use it to keep track of your experiences, practices, and progress. The workbook will encourage you to be mindfully aware of your intuitive sensations and growth, journal your feelings, and enhance your energy by engaging your reflective thought processes throughout your practice sessions. This full color interior is filled with reflective prompts designed to help you tune into your emerging and developing intuitive channels while encouraging presence and awareness throughout each Reiki session. Inspirational pictures grace the pages, making this workbook a beautiful journal you’ll want to keep and review for years to come.
Practical Reiki for balance, well being, and vibrant health is the award-winning down-to-earth guide to this “woo-woo-free” approach to energy healing that’s easy to understand whether you’ve had any experience with intuition, or none at all. Unlike any other Reiki book out there, this shows you how Reiki can be easily understood and practiced without symbols, hand positions, mystery or ritual. And it can be learned by anyone. A fast, friendly read that will leave you understanding Reiki.
The books:
With this special offer, receive the 2 hour Practical Reiki Introduction Video FREE when you purchase the Practical Reiki book and Practical Reiki Companion workbook book set!
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Practical Reiki and The Practical Reiki Companion will be shipped to you via USPS within 2 business days of ordering. You can expect to receive your book set within 7 business days of placing your order.
Ready to learn more?
Why all you need is two steps to access, recognize, and strengthen your intuition Why these two steps help increase the power of any energy work How I learned this, and how it transformed me from "not getting it" to being an awesome Reiki teacher!
Watch this free 6 1/2 minute video now to find out:
taught by Reiki Master Teacher Alice Langholt!
2-hour Practical Reiki Introduction Video
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Only $24.99!
- Sue Ball, Certified Practical Reiki Instructor
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