Become a Certified Relationship Coach
Created by Dr. Joe Rubino
One of the World’s Most Highly Acclaimed Relationship Experts
The need for Competent Relationship Coaches has never been greater.
The National Center for Health Statistics tells us that...
59 percent of marriages for women under the age of 18 end in divorce within 15 years.
60 percent of marriages for couples between the ages of 20 and 25 end in divorce.
50 percent of all marriages in which the brides are 25 or older result in a failed marriage.
A recent study on cohabitation concluded that after five to seven years, only 21 percent of unmarried couples were still living together.
The Annual Review of Sociology says... Forty percent of couples who live together break up within that same time period.
Children of divorce have a higher risk of divorce when they marry, and an even higher risk if the person they marry comes from a divorced home.
One study reported by the Journal of Marriage and the Family found that when the wife alone had experienced a parental divorce, her odds of divorce increased to 59 percent.
As a Professional Certified Relationship Coach, you will possess the knowledge to support your clients to resolve impasses, establish more harmonious ways of interacting with each other and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.
Many people study this program simply to gain the life-altering relationship tools that can support them to enhance their own relationship with their spouse or significant other.
Others who learn the effective relationship principles taught by acclaimed life and self-esteem elevation coach, Dr. Joe Rubino can become certified by the Center for Personal Reinvention® upon demonstrating their mastery of the materials presented in this acclaimed self-study program.
Many additionally go on to learn the powerful marketing strategies that can teach you how to make from $60 up to $150/hour as a certified relationship coach!
This is Dr. Joe Rubino and today I invite you to learn:
How you can either Reconnect on a whole new level with Your Spouse or Partner to make your relationship closer and more satisfying than you've ever experienced before - for you both...
Or… how you can learn these skills in order to teach them to others as a Certified Relationship Coach.
Perhaps you are currently experiencing a crisis in your relationship…
or perhaps your relationship is simply less than totally intimate and satisfying…
Or maybe you want to assist couples who are experiencing relationship challenges to learn the secrets to restoring harmony, trust and renewed love and commitment to their relationships...
When you understand what it truly takes to create that special, dream relationship and you simply start listening, behaving, and communicating in an entirely new way that is both far more effective and in alignment with the sort of relationship you want, you can begin to instantly see changes in the way your partner sees you and treats you.
Those who possess this level of understanding and who can teach it to others are in tremendous demand in our world today where infidelity, mistrust, anger, and despair characterize far too many relationships!
Allow me to explain...
Ever since 1991, I've been coaching thousands of people to be more effective in their communication and in their relationships.
I've personally witnessed the MAGIC that results when couples begin to follow some very simple principles that result in establishing an entirely new tone in their relationship and a new way of seeing, honoring and interacting with each other.
I've seen how these small changes can turn a troubled relationship around and restore that loving feeling that once existed between two people but somehow became lost in time as bad habits and sloppy communication wreaked havoc, threatening to destroy the love that once seemed so inevitable.
I've also witnessed countless examples where traditional marriage counseling has failed miserably - simply because these critical principles were ignored or minimized.
During these past two decades plus, I’ve coached thousands of people, showing them EXACTLY how to change the destructive patterns in their relationships, so that they can restore the love and romance that they so desperately longed for.
I’ve seen cold and distant partners be revitalized with the hope that comes when they see their significant other in a different light...
because they NOW understand how they had been unconsciously sabotaging their relationships because of "who" they were being!
And if you are experiencing your own relationship challenges...
Or simply want to learn the rock-solid principles that will promote a warm, loving, and lasting, respectful relationship, I can help you do the same.
Or perhaps you'd like to join our team of light-bearers committed to the successful relationships of others...
Free Video & Gifts
Claim Your Free Video, Self-Esteem Mini-Course
& Success Club Membership:
"How to Raise Your Happiness & Joy In Life"
($129 Value)
You see I realized a few years ago that I could not personally realize my vision of impacting the lives of 20 million adults and 20 million children by myself...
So, I set out upon a mission to teach others the same life-changing principles I have used in my own coaching practice since 1991.
My vision is to create legions of self-esteem coaches, life optimization coaches, and relationship coaches who in turn, can teach these principles to others and impact more lives!
Over the course of the past nearly three decades, not only have I experienced how implementing certain simple "Dream Relationship" principles have transformed cold, unrewarding relationships to loving, nurturing ones...
But I've seen how these same principles have impacted my own marriage of 30 years!
When I've followed them myself, my own relationship has worked magnificently...
and when I've forgotten and reverted to previous habits, I've got to once again witness the damaging effects!
In a few minutes, I'll share with you a couple of these principles and how taking them on can make a world of difference in how your partner or spouse responds to you...
Imagine how you will feel when your partner or spouse:
Begins to respect you more fully
Wants to be with you to share more of life's greatest moments together
Stops reacting to you as if you are an enemy or a threat to his/her happiness
Starts to put you first over his/her friends, hobbies, or interests because they now truly WANT to spend more time with you
Responds to you with loving respect and a return to far greater intimacy - even when these may have been missing for far too long from your relationship
- or imagine as a life-impacting relationship coach, how you can impact the lives of others just by sharing these principles with them!
"We had tried everything. Three marriage counselors, our rabbi, friends - nothing worked. I actually think the counseling drove us further apart. When I saw an ad for the Dr Rubino’s Relationship Coaching program, I figured, "What do I have to lose?"
I can tell you that your program was so simple but it made so much sense. I started to watch my angry, nagging mouth (which drove my husband, David crazy) and things started to quiet down. I added a new principle a week and could see that each time I shifted my behavior,
David became easier to live with. For the first time, I now see there just may be hope for us! Thank you, Dr. Rubino. You are a marriage saver!"
- Shelley, Toronto, Canada
Allow me to share one very simple dream relationship secret with you now...
It's one I discovered from coaching countless couples over more than 20 years...
Don't let the simplicity of this principle fool you. It is awesomely powerful in any relationship.
Here it is: Give Up Your Right to Be Right!
Now, this secret may seem to be so simple that it is an obvious prerequisite for happy relationships...BUT MOST troubled relationships completely ignore its importance.
When one person tries to control, dominate or outdo the other... it could look like:
speaking with a disrespectful tone in your voice (manage this one thing and miracles will happen in your relationship!)
tit for tat bickering (one upsmanship - oh, yeah, well, BUT.... or mine is better than yours)
getting in the last word (a clear sign that you choose being right over living in harmony)
getting even (I'll show you type behavior - you might as well hire that divorce lawyer now if you are not willing to give this one up!)
constant nagging (a sure way to drive your partner crazy - and out the door!)
doing whatever it takes to exert control over the other person...or to avoid being dominated ALWAYS leads to a deterioration of the relationship.
The reason it is so destructive is that those who INSIST on being right keep their partner's opposition or negative attitude firmly in place.
You know...What you resist persists...
So, if you and your partner are in constant need to decide,
Would You Rather Be Right or Happy?
You can't be decide NOW which is more important to you...
When YOU give up YOUR right to be right, in a short time, a miracle WILL happen...
Your partner will no longer need to be on guard to need to protect himself or herself from being dominated.
And when that happens, tension decreases and the vacuum can be filled by a return to love and harmony.
Now, I am NOT suggesting that anyone become a doormat... In fact, the exact opposite is far more likely to happen, that is, your partner will begin to treat you with a newfound respect that would be impossible to muster in the previously hostile environment that existed.
This is Just one of more than 20 Critically Important Dream Relationship Secrets that will give you the power to MIRACULOUSLY transform your relationship - or allow you to assist others to transform THEIR RELATIONSHIPS - with velocity!
…and without manipulation, dishonesty, or groveling
…and without needing to change appearance or lose weight...because these are NOT the source of anyone's relationship issues...
"For years, my wife literally drove me to drink. I would NEED to go out with my buddies just to get away from the constant nagging. A friend of hers had taken Dr. Joe's program and swore by it so she decided to give it a try. At first, I was skeptical when her attitude and behavior shifted but I liked the change so I went along with it. After a couple of weeks, she confessed that her shift was because she was following Dr. Joe's advice. I was curious and agreed to have a look at his program too. And, you know what, it made sense! Now, we are both committed to following it as we can see it means the difference between being happy together or miserable. I never thought I'd say this...but I actually now like spending time with my wife!
I can attest that this program saved our marriage."
- Harry, Daytona, FL.
Please do NOT confuse this program with the common, lame, and ineffective advice offered by so many well-intentioned but too often incompetent marriage or relationship therapists or counselors. Many of their methods simply keep people debating their challenges ad nauseam and little changes materialize to impact the troubled relationship...
Relationship coaches are NOT therapists. They listen to their clients and share sound principles while assisting others to discover their own insights and breakthroughs.
Perhaps you or someone you know has been disappointed by counseling that did little to move the relationship forward...
I assure you that this program is nothing like the hackneyed advice offered from far too many of these so called "experts"
The Secrets you will learn are not gimmicks. They are not based in manipulation or covert behavior. Instead, they are sourced in sound personal development principles... fundamental truths that, when learned and practiced, produce Life-Changing results!
Each lesson comes complete with exercises you can map onto your own personal behavior and the challenges of your relationship...
It's like connecting the dots or painting by numbers...simple and effective and when you are done, the beautiful picture of a dramatically improved relationship that results will be certainly worth the effort!
Perhaps your own relationship "dance" has deteriorated to the point where you may think that creating a "dream" relationship is unrealistic or too good to be true...
But I can assure you that when you change your dance steps, your partner has no choice but to change theirs...
And as a relationship coach, you will be armed with
the tools to champion people to 'dance differently!'
The "Dream Relationship Secrets" you will learn are based upon proven principles that have worked successfully for thousands.
Here are just a few things that you'll learn - for your own relationship or for that of your clients:
Why it's foolhardy to expect your partner to change when you are stuck in the same drama cycle
How to effectively bring about the changes you do want to see
How the way YOU communicate affects how your partner relates to you
The #1 Secret to effective communication - without this your relationship does not stand a chance
How to get your needs met without nagging, coercion, or manipulation
How your emotional addiction is driving your partner further away from you a little more day by day...and how to shift this trend in 3 simple steps
The key to getting your partner to truly want to be with you - more than being with friends, watching TV, or distractions that exclude you
The one daily exercise that will turn a frog into a prince or princess
The #1 relationship killer and how to avoid it
The keys to fully understanding, respecting, and honoring your partner - and getting him/her to do the same for you
What your partner wants the most from you - watch this skyrocket your relationship!
Why the give 50% expect 50% back principle will spell certain doom for your relationship - and what you can do about this to remedy this faulty thinking
The one thing you can do for your partner to get him/her to communicate fully and openly with you
The 5 steps to getting your needs met - you'll be amazed at how easily you can master these
The one component you can change that will most dramatically impact your relationship
The one thing you MUST give up if you are to live in harmony
The secret to an upset-free life and relationship
How to craft your dream vision for the future together
The one "right" you must be willing to give up to preserve all your "rights"
The critical key to guarantee a union founded upon fidelity and trust
The magic quality required to set the reset button on a failing relationship
The best way to attract and develop in your partner the behaviors you most desire
And much, much more!
This program is based on principles that have proven to work for thousands of couples all over the world.
Follow them, and you will see dramatic changes for the better in your relationship. Teach them to others, and they will thank you for sharing such effective wisdom, exercises, perspectives and strategies.
When couples continue to violate them, more conflict, frustration, sadness, and fighting will result... guaranteed.
"I had all but given up on my marriage. I was just so sick of the constant fighting, the icy energy and lack of loving respect between my husband and me. Thank God, I discovered Dr. Rubino's program. I did exactly what Dr. Joe suggested and in less than a week I began to see a marked shift in my husband's sour attitude. I kept following his advice and now, 7 months after I began, I feel like I am married to a new man! Love has returned to our relationship and I can honestly say I have not been this happy in years!"
- Sandra, Niagara Falls, NY
You see, relationships are like an intricate dance. Strange as it may sound, we actually attract into our lives the sort of person who is likely to "bring up our stuff." Because we, as human beings, are emotional addicts, even though we hate being angry, sad or afraid, we are ADDICTED to at least one of these reactive emotions.
The words and actions of our partner allow us to continually "get our emotional fix." That strangely enough is what attracted us to them in the first place (although few realize this as it is largely invisible to us).
Our partner says "x, y, z...." and it drives us crazy with anger...
Or it causes us to retreat to our victim status, making us sad or even chronically depressed...
Or, perhaps, our emotional addiction is to fear and our partner's threats and behaviors "cause us" to worry constantly...
It really matters little whether we are anger, sadness, or fear based... we have become accustomed to dancing with our partner in such a way that has us react in our typical fashion so that we get to be right about something. Our righteous anger, indignation, depression, or constant need to worry makes us a victim and keeps in place the very behavior we can't stand about our partner!
We then get to be right about something.
We get to feel sorry for ourselves.
We get to blame our partners for our situations and unhappy relationships.
We then get to avoid responsibility for changing (after all IT's NOT MY FAULT!)
and the relationship's downward spiral continues to occur...often until one or both parties see no alternative than to either end the relationship or continue on with a life of silent (or not so silent) desperation.
I can promise you...this pattern of pain and destruction need not continue when one partner (and eventually both) change the way they "dance!"
These changes can result in:
a newfound respect and appreciation for each other
a new tone of understanding and non-reactivity
a rekindling of love and intimacy
a deeper understanding on the part of both partners for each other
a decision to stop fighting and criticizing and to replace ineffective behaviors with rewarding ones
no need for begging, coercion, manipulation or threats
Thousands have seen these simple principles contribute to improving their relationship. You Can Too!
If you are ready to end the emotional turmoil, stop the downward spiral of destruction in your relationship, and put yourself and your partner on the path of a respectful, loving, intimate, and rewarding relationship...
OR you are ready to support others to make their relationships more harmonious and their lives more fulfilling... you will want to learn the Secrets that will make this all possible.
Relationship Coaches:
Can earn rewarding incomes by working with individuals and couples to improve communication, repair the damage caused by years of conflict, and strengthen every aspect of a relationship
Can work from home, set their own hours and fees
Enjoy ultra-fulfilling work that makes a huge difference in people's lives
Enjoy the respect, gratitude and admiration of all those they work with
Can take pride in shifting the consciousness of our planet by having a direct impact on the lives of individuals, couples, and families they work with
Will change their own lives and enhance their own relationships as they change the lives of others!
Learn the Secrets to Creating Your Dream Relationship
or Become a Certified Relationship Coach Now…
for Only $77!
Become a Certified Relationship Coach and Learn the Skills that Change Lives!
The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Relationship Coaching Program will teach you what you need to know to become certified as a coach to champion individuals and couples to:
Feel empowered in their ability to competently communicate with their partners and produce improvements in relationships with velocity
Possess greater personal power and have the ability to direct the course of their relationships with calm confidence
Help their partners feel appreciated, significant, accepted, and loved
Feel worthy of love while developing a positive expectation that they WILL receive all the blessings that life has to offer
Develop an appreciation for their partners while possessing empathy for what it's like to be in their shoes
The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Relationship Coaching Program consists of:
24 Audio MP3 Recordings
by Dr. Joe Rubino to guide you to learn the many principles essential to champion people to improve their relationships
24 Written PDF Transcripts
of these 24 Audio Programs
2 Audio MP3 Recordings and Accompanying Transcripts
on Your Role as a Relationship Coach and How to Make Money by Helping People with their Relationships
1 MP4 Video
on the topic of “The Power of Coaching by Justin Sachs”
A 50 Question Multiple Choice Test
required to achieve certification (optional at no extra cost)
A Certified Relationship Coach Certificate
suitable for framing (optional at no extra cost)
3 Bonus Lessons
on Creating a powerful Vision for your Relationship Coaching Practice, Setting Up Your Office, and Building Your Business Plan
The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Relationship Coaching Program was designed to make learning from your own home, at your own pace, easy, convenient AND affordable!
With our program you can learn to coach and guide others to enhance their relationships in all areas without spending tens of thousands of dollars attending seminars and paying exorbitant fees and while saving precious time. You can learn at your own pace and go through all the educational information in a manner that fits your lifestyle and needs.
Many successfully take the program with the solitary intention of learning these life-impacting principles to improve their own relationship!
"This is the happiest we have been in years - and to think, before taking Dr. Rubino's program, we nearly called it quits and got a divorce."
- Nancy and Pete, Long Island, NY
"Dr. Joe's program makes so much sense! There are no gimmicks or manipulation involved. When you see things differently, it makes all the difference in the world in your relationship.
I wish we took this program years ago!"
- Becky and Sam, Billings, MT
"Dr. Joe, you not only saved our marriage, you probably saved my life too.
God bless you!"
- Sylvia, Amsterdam
The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Relationship Coaching Program is packed with effective, relationship transforming insights and principles to champion individuals of both sexes to improve their relationships in every way.
All materials are available by download for immediate access. No physical products will be shipped.
Your purchase of the products is governed by the terms and conditions contained in the [End User License Agreement ]('EULA'). Please read this carefully before completing your purchase. By completing your purchase, you agree that you have read the [EULA] and agree to be bound by its terms.
For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, life-impacting program, Online Relationship Coaching Certification Program for only $895
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who should take the Certified Relationship Coaching Program?
A. Anyone interested in working to improve their own relationship or those interested in working with individuals and couples to improve their relationships.
Q. What is the Certification title I will receive?
A. Certified Relationship Coach by The Center for Personal Reinvention
Q. Do I need to get certified if I am only interested in learning how to better my own relationship?
A. No, the certification is optional. Many purchase the program just to learn how to enhance the quality of their own relationship. There is no additional cost for the certification, if desired.
Q. How long does it take to complete the course?
A. Typically between 2-3 weeks and 1 year maximum.
Q. What will I receive with the course?
A. 26 downloadable audios, 1 downloadable video, 26 written transcripts of the audios, a 50 question certification multiple choice test, a certificate certifying you by The Center for Personal Reinvention as a Certified Relationship Coach.
Q. What do I need to do to become certified?
A. Take a 50 question multiple choice test and submit it with a passing grade of 70% to become certified.
Q. What happens if I fail the test?
A. Most who take the test pass on their first try. You'll have up to 6 chances to achieve a passing grade. There is a $25 exam fee for each submission after the second test submission – the first and second tests attempted are included at no cost.
Q. How long does it take to receive my certification once my test is submitted?
A. Usually less than 2 weeks.
Q. How will I receive my certification?
A. The certificate will be sent via email ready to be printed and framed if desired.
Q. Is the certification accepted everywhere in the world?
A. Yes, to the best of our knowledge.
Q. Who issues the certification?
A. The Center for Personal Reinvention
Q. Will I need any additional training to practice as a certified relationship coach?
A. No.
Q. Are there any licensing requirements for Relationship Coaches?
A. Not at this time.
Q. Will you help me get clients in any way?
A. Certified coaches can be listed with their names, addresses, and contact information on The Center for Personal Reinvention website for a minimal web posting fee of $45or information change fee of $25 should your contact info change.
Q. What fees can I charge my clients as a Certified Coach?
A. You are free to establish your own fee schedule. Most certified coaches charge between $60 and $150 per hour and work by phone appointment.
Q. If I need assistance in coaching any client, can I get help?
A. Yes, Dr. Joe Rubino (and other qualified coaches) are available by appointment to assist by phone. Coaching fees are listed on [] under the coaching tab and would be paid by the client.
All materials are available by download for immediate access. No physical products will be shipped.
For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, life-impacting program, Online Relationship Coaching Certification Program for only $895
To Your Relationship Success,
Dr. Joe Rubino
P.S. – Remember, this is the only program you will find with this specific formula for helping individuals and couples build a lasting loving and fulfilling relationship.
P.P.S. –Isn't it time you acquired this valuable tool to be able to impact either your own relationship or the relationships of others?
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Claim Your Free Video, Self-Esteem Mini-Course
& Success Club Membership:
"How to Raise Your Happiness & Joy In Life"
($129 Value)
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