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Hi, I am René - CCIE #41726
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[Cisco CCIE R&S Book Reading List]
Posted on April 29, 2014 by [Rene Molenaar] in [CCIE R&S], [Cisco]
Before you can tackle the CCIE R&S lab there is a lot of information you have to absorb and one way or another you’ll have quite some reading to do. Some of the CCIE R&S reading lists might have 10 – 20 books but I believe you don’t have to read that many. In this […]
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[Cisco IOS Router Password Recovery]
Posted on April 24, 2014 by [Rene Molenaar] in [CCNA R&S], [Cisco]
It happens to the best of us, you are doing some labs and forgot what password you set for enable mode…perhaps another student was working on the router before and you have no idea what password he picked. Maybe you need to reset the password of a router you didn’t configure… Whatever the reason, let […]
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[Cisco Terminal Server Configuration Example]
Posted on March 17, 2014 by [Rene Molenaar] in [Cisco]
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to configure your own Cisco Terminal Server. This is a great solution for your home or remote lab when you want to have access to the console of multiple devices. There are a couple of hardware products that we can use for this, below is an example of […]
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[Static MAC Address Table Entry]
Posted on March 14, 2014 by [Rene Molenaar] in [Cisco], [Switching]
Normally your switch will automatically learn MAC addresses and fill its MAC address table (CAM table) by looking at the source MAC address of incoming frames and flooding frames if it doesn’t know where to forward the frame. This process is vulnerable to layer 2 MAC address spoofing attacks where an attacker spoofs a certain […]
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[Cisco 3G Wireless WAN Configuration Example]
Posted on March 14, 2014 by [Rene Molenaar] in [Cisco], [IP Routing]
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure your Cisco router to use its 3G / UMTS / HSPDA WAN interface. I’m using a HWIC-3G-GSM WAN card but the configuration will be very similar for most of the cards out there. Even if you are using 4G / LTE this will be very useful. […]
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[Cisco CCIE R&S Book Reading List] [Cisco IOS Router Password Recovery] [Cisco Terminal Server Configuration Example] [Static MAC Address Table Entry] [Cisco 3G Wireless WAN Configuration Example]
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