Are you thinking of getting a Siberian Cat or Kitten?
Discover How To Keep Siberian Forest Cats and Kittens!
Get in Depth Facts about Siberian Cats and Kittens including: Care, Owning, Showing, Feeding Tips, Diet, Behaviors, Breeding, Pregnancy, Rescue and
Re-homing, hypoallergenic traits and
diseases and health care!
Dear Siberian Cat and Kitten Lover,
If you are passionate about having a kitten or cat one
of the cutest, easiest to care for and raise are -- loveable
Siberian Cats and Kittens!
This page covers everything you want to know about sharing your life with Siberian Cats and Kittens!
Siberian Cats or Siberian Forest Cats are
soft-voiced cats, more given to chirping than meowing, and are also deeply affectionate and
loyal companions.
Their intelligence and problem-solving ability make them wonderful family cats. Siberian Cats and Kittens possess many truly lovable qualities and which makes them a wonderful family pet.
Owning and raising a Siberian Cat or Kitten is easy to do and very rewarding as they make a warm, friendly and loving pet.
If you have seen the cute, cuddly Siberian Kittens in pet stores you may have been intrigued with the tiny and lovable creatures and want one for your own!
They really are cute and loveable creatures with their little paws wanting to bat and play. They are really fun to watch as run and play with toys or yarn. Siberian Cats and Kittens are easy to care for pets, and can be a joy to your family.
Being a Siberian Cat and Kitten owner is a unique experience and is very rewarding to cat lovers everywhere. Siberian Cats and Kittens can be easily housetrained. Many Siberian Cat and Kitten pet owners simply enjoy playing and cuddling with them and can adapt to traveling so you can take them with you.
If you are thinking of buying a Siberian Cat or Kitten as a pet...
You will find having your own Siberian Cat or Kitten is pure joy!
If you are considering owning a Siberian Cat or Kitten you will need to be sure you know how to properly care for them with regards to their daily care, feeding, diet, behaviors, adoption, rescuing, re-homing, breeding, pregnancy, health care and life span.
When you have a Siberian Cat or Kitten as a pet you will find they bond very well with their owners and make a nice addition to any family.
So what exactly are Siberian Cats and Kittens?
Siberian Cats and Kittens are considered a National Treasure in Russia.
In the 1980s, an interest developed in Russia for breeding pedigreed cats. The first breed standard for the Siberian Cat was developed by the Kotofei Cat Club in Moscow. The International Cat Association (TICA) accepted Siberians imported to the U.S. in the 1990s into the New Breed program in 1992 and granted championship status to the Siberian in 1996.
What sizes and colors or patterns do Siberian Cats and Kittens have?
Siberian Cats are one of three big bodied, heavily-boned cats who are well loved for their status as goofy, gentle giants. Siberians, like the Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest Cat, are seriously large cats. Some males will reach a size of 20 lbs (9.07 kg), but females are smaller.
They are available in all colorations and patterns, including a blue-eyed, pointed variety, there is a Siberian for everyone. Once you have lived with one of these big, lovable beauties, you may well be spoiled for any other breed.
So how did the Siberian Cats become so popular and widespread?
Originally native to Russia these eye-catching, expressive and beautifully furred cats were only exported abroad in large numbers after 1990. In the past 23 years, their popularity has widely spread, and they are now one of the most beloved of all domestic cats.
Siberian Cats are naturally calm and quiet, with an endearing, intuitive streak. They seem to know when the humans they love are in need of comfort and attention. When they speak, it’s in a quiet series of melodic mews, chirps, and trills. Best of all, they purr loudly and often.
So are Siberian Cats and Kittens Hypoallergenic?
Their popularity has seen a significant boost because of their reduced allergens. A semi-longhaired breed with a thick, triple coat, they are amazingly easy to groom and have a very low concentration of the allergen Fel d 1.
Most breeds produce about 63,000 micrograms of Fel d 1, whereas Siberians put out about 1300.
Although not truly hypoallergenic, they do elicit a much milder response in sensitive individuals and so are treasured as one of the cat breeds with less allergens.
Siberian Cats and Kittens can make very friendly, and loving companions.
Siberian Cats and Kittens enjoy human company, and they will interact with the people who care for them.
Raising and caring for Siberian Cats and Kittens can be a fun and rewarding experience, simply because these fun-loving pets are a truly warm and friendly companions. The benefits of owning and raising Siberian Cats and Kittens are a pleasure for young and old alike!
In order to find a perfect Siberian Cat or Kitten you want to find one that suits your personality so you are sure to have a good match between you and your new pet.
I want to help you to take your first step towards owning your own Siberian Cat or Kitten...
When I was looking to purchase my own Siberian Cats and Kittens many years ago, I discovered there was very limited information available for help purchasing, showing, owning, raising, breeding or the health care of Siberian Cats and Kittens.
After searching for many hours for Siberian Cat and Kitten information both on the web and by talking to Siberian Cat Breeders and Cat Fanciers, I found there was little information available which was easily accessible.
That's when I decided that there was a definite need for a comprehensive book all about Siberian Cats and Kittens that covered Siberians Cat and Kittens from A to Z to help people who wanted to own and love one.
With that thought in mind, I created this brand new book, called
"Siberian Forest Cats As Pets" Siberian Cats and Kittens The Complete Guide -- to cover everything a new Siberian Cat or Kitten owner would want to know!"
This book includes everything you want to know about buying, adopting, re-homing, raising, feeding, caring for, breeding, diseases and health care of Siberian Cats and Kittens, and much more!
I cover from A to Z all about Siberian Cat Care -- It's full of up-to-date and sound advice with answers to all your questions about Siberian Cats and Kittens -- including some questions you probably didn't even know you had!
This book is written in exacting detail, including tips on diseases and veterinary care.
Anyone who is passionate about owning, keeping raising and breeding Siberian Cats and Kittens will be very pleased at the comprehensive content included in this guide.
You can get everything you need to know about keeping Siberian Cats and Kittens – including handling, the different colors and types, their health, housing, breeding -- you get everything you need to know to keep healthy and cute Siberian Cats and Kittens!
How do I find a Siberian Cats and Kittens to buy or adopt?
Good Siberian Cat breeders want to know about you and your home. They are concerned about the kind of life the kitten / cat will have with you. You want a breeder who both asks and answers questions to ensure you have a healthy pet.
Think of what you are doing in terms of an adoption, because that’s what it is. You are assuming responsibility for a living creature.
The care of that creature is passing out of the hands of the breeder and into yours. You want a breeder who is actively interested and concerned with the process, and you need to prepare yourself to be open to that.
While it is optimal to buy from a breeder in your area, see Appendix II inside the book for a list of Siberian Cat breeders with an online presence you can contact to purchase a new pet.
For better understanding, let’s sort out some of the many coats, colors, and patterns of the Siberian Cat and Kitten.
Siberian Cats and Kittens coats, colors and patterns include:
Brown tabby with white accents
Tabbies are “mackerels” with a classic or marbled (circular) pattern
Dark gray (blue)
Pattern variations (other than tabby) are Tri-colored Torties and Torbies
Shaded and smoke patterns
In the book, I cover the wide assortment of colours between the colour variations.
This is great information for someone that is interested in owning a particular color of Siberian Cat or Kitten and for Siberian Cat and Kitten breeders when mating different color combinations.
Here's a sneak peak at what is inside the book!
I answer these common questions people have about Siberian Cats and Kittens and keeping them:
Do Siberian Cats and Kittens make good pets for children? Yes, they do!
How do I choose a Siberian Cat and Kitten and where do I get one? (Find out what to look for when buying or adopting a Siberian Cat and Kitten and how to check if they are healthy.)
What are the different varieties and colors of Siberian Cats and Kittens? (The different coats, colors and patterns are outlined in detail in the book.)
How easy is it to care for a Siberian Cat and Kitten? (Siberian Cat and Kitten care is easy and is selection, care, feeding and health are covered in detail in the book.)
Do I buy or adopt a kitten or an adult cat?
Should I buy a male or a female? (Find out which is best for you and why.)
How much should I pay for a kitten or an adult cat?
What would a cat breeder want to know about me to sell me a kitten or a cat?
If I want to adopt is there any place that offers adoptions and is there anything I need to do to adopt a kitten or cat? (Adoption and re-homing is all covered in detail in the book.)
What do I need to bring my Siberian Cat and Kitten home? (Read about simple travel tips for your Siberian Cat or Kitten after you purchase or adopt it in order to bring it safely home -- it's all covered inside the book.)
How to handle a Siberian Cat or Kitten properly and how to bond with them and introduce them to my home?
What are the best toys for my Siberian Cat or Kitten?
Are their any materials that may hurt them I should keep them away from and make sure they don't play with?
What type of litter box and litter box filler is best and why?
What do Siberian Cats and Kittens eat and what type of food do I buy?
Should I give my cat raw food and if so what kind?
Is there any food my Siberian Cat and Kitten should not eat?
Can I give my Siberian Cat and Kitten treats?
What toys are best for my Siberian Cat and Kitten?
What grooming supplies, brushes etc. should I use?
How do I clean my Siberian Cat and Kitten’s eyes, nose and ears?
Does my Siberian Cat and Kitten need any special care and do they need another cat or dog as a companion?
Do Siberian cats get along well with dogs?
How do I find my Siberian Cat and Kitten if they get out of the house?
Should I de-claw my cat, why or why not? If I don't like de-clawing what do I do instead to prevent them from scratching the furniture?
Do I need to spay or neuter my cat and if so when?
My Siberian Cat and Kitten is making sounds and doing funny actions what are they trying to tell me?
(Comments about what these sounds and actions mean and what your Siberian Cat and Kitten is trying to tell you are inside the book.)
When does my Siberian Cat and Kitten need supplemental vitamins and minerals? (Proper care, feeding and giving your Siberian Cat and Kitten supplements are all covered in detail.)
Does my Siberian Cat and Kitten ever need worming?
(Read about proper worming inside the book.)
What vaccinations do they need an how often? (The book includes a list of common veterinary expenses and how often your cat should be health checked by a vet.)
My Siberian Cat and Kitten is not looking well, how can I tell? (Signs of illness and their symptoms are covered in detail in the book.)
What do I do if my Siberian Cat and Kitten gets sick? (In depth health care are covered and tips to keeping your Siberian Cat and Kittens healthy.)
Are there any diseases I need to watch out for?
I want to breed Siberian Cats and Kittens to sell, what do I need to know to do this? (I include my recommendations for breeding Siberian Cats and Kittens and the cost considerations.)
What do I need to know to show a cat? (The book includes popular cat show standards for: TICA, FIFe, GCCG Siberian Show Standards.)
How do I find Siberian Cat Breeders? (The book includes links to popular cat websites and breeders websites.)
How long to Siberian Cats and Kittens live?
The book also includes a complete Glossary of Terms.
All this and much more are covered in the book!
The many benefits of owning a Siberian Cat or Kitten include: they are beautiful, quiet, easy-to-care-for, and loving pets that are a joy to own!
It makes sense that if you are looking for information on Siberian Cat and Kitten selection, adoption, re-homing, care, feeding, breeding, showing, diseases and health care it is best to stop wasting your time by surfing the web of bits and pieces of information which may or may not be correct.
Your time is more valuable
spent elsewhere enjoying your new Siberian Cat and Kitten pet!
Don’t wait to buy this until experience the frustration of worrying about your cat or kitten after you run into problems because when they get sick, it is too late!
This book is guaranteed to answer all your questions about Siberian Cats and Kittens or your money back!
It’s full of up to date and sound advice and answers to all your questions – including some you didn’t even know you had and it is ready to help you solve any problems you might encounter with your Siberian Cat or Kitten too!
Because most people need this information right now, I have priced this super low so that you can get the vital information you need in just minutes from now!
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Only $24
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With this complete paint-by-numbers guide for "Siberian Forest Cats As Pets" will give you everything you need to know to feel good and safe about getting your first cat or kitten. Then there's no stopping you now from indulging in your Siberian Cat and Kitten fancier thrill by getting your first Siberian Cats and Kittens!
You get detailed instructions on how to keep Siberian Cats and Kittens based on my years of experience keeping and breeding Siberian Cats and Kittens.
The guide is an easy read and is packed with useful hints and tips and is 100% guaranteed to answer all your questions about Siberian Cat Care.
So what’s the catch?
Why am I practically giving this comprehensive Siberian Cat and Kitten guide away that took months of my time to create?
Well it’s really quite simple. I want to give everyone, including you, who wants to own a Siberian Forest Cat or kitten everything they need to take proper care of their new pet. And with that thought in mind...
I’m offering You a 60-day 100% Risk Free Guarantee:
If for any reason you truly believe that this book doesn't help you in keeping your Siberian Cats and Kittens, just ask for a full refund within the next 60 days. No question asked and no hard feelings. We'll refund you the FULL price of what you paid for. It's that simple!
That means you can try out "Siberian Forest Cats As Pets" at my risk. Because if you don't like it for ANY reason I honestly want to you to ask for your money back!
I'm sure you'll be able to easily see how easily this comprehensive book will benefit your Siberian Cat and Kitten keeping in no time at all.
I wouldn’t have spent the time and effort creating "Siberian Forest Cats As Pets" and writing this letter to you if I didn’t think it would certainly help you enjoy your new life with your first Siberian Cat and Kitten!
Right now aren't you excited about getting your own Siberian Cats and Kittens?
You should be! Now with the help of my guide you can buy or adopt your Siberian Cats and Kittens and take care of them with total confidence!
Find Out Everything You Need To Know To Buy, Adopt, Keep and Raise Your Siberian Cats and Kittens!
Only $24
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But don't take it only from me that this book is a great reference for a Siberian Cat and Kitten lover, here are what other happy Siberian Cat and Kitten owners said after they purchased the book.
"As a new Siberian Cat owner I would definitely recommend this book, it gave me lots of insight into my Siberians nature along with some great tips. My only problem now is my daughter wants another one of these majestic creatures!"
~ Jane Hendrick
“I own 2 Siberian Forest Cats it was nice to see all the relevant information in one handy book as there is very little out there. I particularly found the section on hypoallergenic properties and diet very useful."
~ Maxine Jones
“Really nice book with sound advice, being a complete novice I found it essential. It covered everything I wanted to know about the breed and I'm sure I'll keep referring back to it."
~ John Wood
Get Ready to Enjoy Loving Your Own Siberian Cats and Kittens!
Only $24
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Get "Siberian Forest Cats As Pets" and you'll know things other Siberian Cat and Kitten fanciers don't!
Find out how to buy, keep and take the best care of your own cute, cuddly Siberian Cat and Kitten now!
To Your Siberian Cat and Kitten Raising Enjoyment,
Alex Halton
Siberian Cat and Kitten
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