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How-To’s for Digital Immigrants

The term ‘digital Immigrants’  begs [a good definition]. You are a digital immigrant if you were born before development, sale and common use of the Personal Computer and then the cell phone.


Not being a [digital native] (or being [born digital ]like the average five-year old today) isn’t the end of the world, but it does mean exclusion from today’s society if you don’t know how-to — use a computer, use a search engine, navigate the internet, create and/or exchange documents, images, information, money, creative innovation, and ideas.

[]Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook,  just bought a company that developed a text [messaging  ’app’  for $19 billion]. In the United States, sadly, money tends to define our value or worth as a human being. Although, in this instance Zuckerberg’s money is about to define use of technology in the future, probably largely on a global platform beyond the borders of United States where text messaging may or may not be free.  Instead of felling an industry Goliath with a slingshot — ala Amazon  – [Whats App] is a David that  has seduced Goliath with an idea as powerful as a weapon. WhatsApp is huge on other continents in other countries that are skipping the Industrial Age infrastructure step and leaping right into the information era.


We have transitioned from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. The Industrial Age was based in hard goods, moving tons of physical matter, and short term winner-take-all use of the earth’s resources to the long term detriment of healthy human society and civilization as western culture experiences it.

The Information Age is built into the carcass of the Industrial Age; it still uses fossil fuels to power infrastructure but now commerce combines hard goods infrastructure with using light to exchange information.

Perfect example of this changes of ages? My family invested in a set of books, Encyclopedia Britannica knowing having as much information about the world and its history — even from the perspective of history’s victor paradigm of  white male warrior domination — was essential to being well-educated and fully able to participate in adult life when the time came. Today, most of this history plus thousands of non-victor versions of history contained in cultural stories and traditions before all of this information was lost to the Industrial Age, can now be found on the internet through the use of a computer. Children in my life use the Internet as their version of an Encyclopedia Britannica.

This is a very powerful How-to.

Tech Talk Cooperative is a bridge-building enterprise across the digital divide that is the cultural lag, the gap, between people raised to function in the Industrial Age and people raised to function in the Information age.  Whether this digital divide is a function of age, class, or financial resources matters not. Since this digital divide can get very personal very fast when you are starting a solo-preneur or mompreneur business, tech coaching is valuable and you can get great tech coaching here as well as online project management services for your small business.


However, my best community partner is the public library where you, O Glorious D.I. can learn basic how-to computer skills and where (for free) you can borrow dozens of library books all about the internet. This one choice brings an entire new universe of life-long learning, commerce and social movements, both economic and political,  literally into your personal learning space and right benearth your fingertips.

How-to? Yeah, Baby.

Why would you choose not to participate in this transition from one age to another?

You’ll find How-to Information under this page tab — video demos and other related posts.

Many of my well-educated Digital Immigrant friends, family, colleagues and coaching clients have been blind-sided by the speed with which they are becoming and socially irrelevant.  Add to this significant psychic and economic pain of employment redundancy, the emotional embarrassment of admitting that you — a well-educated professional — don’t know some of the most basic how-to’s to see you safely across the “other side” of a huge cultural divide, you have millions of people over the age of 40 who are in a subtle but insidious identity crisis.


Enjoy talking tech and learning ‘how-to’ to use basic online internet resources here on this website.

Why not start with learning how to organize your browser tabs — the first set of “folders” you find yourself in the moment you connect to the internet.

No one needs to know you’ve been here at Tech Talk Cooperative, but I encourage you to support my care and concern for your well-being and continued relevance in our society by becoming a member of this technology cooperative.
Anaiis Salles,

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