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Can One Monthly Wellness Newsletter 
Really Transform Your Health?

With all the health and wellness information out there today, shouldn't people be healthier? No, absolutely the opposite! People in are sicker than ever before.

It is not the volumes of health information out there. It is the QUALITY OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS INFORMATION! People don’t know who to believe, don’t know what to do, and what not to do to improve their health!

Health Information In This Country Is Corrupt, Misleading, And Deliberately Keeps You Uninformed. If You Follow What They Say, You Will Become One Of The Dismal Health Statistics We See Today!


When You Really Know And Understand Your Own Health And What You Can Do To Improve It, You Can Completely Change Directions And Have Vibrant Health Once Again.

Heart disease, cancer, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes... These diseases are what you get to look forward to as a result of modern healthcare. In advanced societies you would think that these chronic degenerative diseases would not be so common. But they are. Far too common!

If you continue the way you are going, you will fall into one of these statistics. That is, unless you do something completely different. It's time for a new change in your health and wellness information and advice.

Who Is Dr Peter Lind?

You might know me from the any number of books and reports I’ve written. You might know me as a former health and science columnist for washingtontimes.com. 

In fact, my articles have reached tens of thousands of readers in a little as a few days of being published. My radically contrary opinion about health gained thousands of loyal people desperately searching for an alternative  

to their health problems. My most popular and controversial article about the Gardasil Vaccine has tens of thousands of page views and as many angry citizens. I uncovered and reported the devastating effects of this drug that Merck, the drug company that manufactures and promotes it, do not want you to know.

Then I discovered that many of my articles were being sabotaged by conventional medical plants -- scientists or practitioners or drug goons  - routinely poisoned my articles by their comments, casting doubts to the average readers. I was completely disillusioned by major news networks, "health" studies and reports, and the thousands of articles that you see every day. So I quit writing for them!

Now I’m bringing the same, even more important, health and wellness information to you by way of THE WELLNESS DIARIES! Please read on to discover why...

I Believe This May Be The Most Valuable
Wellness Letter You’ll Ever Read!

If you want to get healthy, you have to do healthy things. You have to live a healthy lifestyle (I call the wellness lifestyle). You cannot take in all that lousy "health advice" out there from journalists, hired medical goons, drug companies, the Food Industry or the government!

As Long As You Are Sick, They Make The Money! Keeping You Sick Is Their Secret Goal

I have helped thousands of people over the years I have been in clinical practice and many more thousands through my ALTERNATIVE WELLNESS WRITINGS - reports, newsletters, programs, self-paced wellness modules...

You are fortunate to have found this letter, for you are about to radically improve your health and overall wellness just by reading my thoughts and ideas about what you can do to steal back your health and protect it from anyone who tries to take it away from you! (This is happening right before your eyes.)

Introducing...The Wellness Diaries! A Monthly Health and Wellness Newsletter...

Health Alerts ~ Wellness Advice ~ Personal Diary

There are three very big ideas inside THE WELLNESS DIARIES newsletter. 
It is a collection of documents loaded with Health Alerts - plots and attacks to your health. I warn you about medications that destroy your body and mind. I warn you about medical scams that you will be quick to avoid. I warn you about the "next greatest medical procedure" that will soon be banned in conscionable countries (the U.S. is NOT one of them! Case in point --- the Gardasil vaccine cover-up that I wrote about). It is rich in Advice - Personal Wellness Advice. In each issue you will find secrets that you can use immediately to improve some aspect of your health. I cover everything from diet (I wrote a book about), exercise (I wrote a book about), brain function (I wrote a special report about and I have hundreds of hours of postgraduate study in it), emotions and stress (I wrote a BIG book about), environment, rest and relaxation, creativity (you won’t believe some of the things I’ve come up with that I will be sharing with you that will improve your own creativity and your health), genetically modified foods (I wrote a novel about), quantum mechanics (love it and I will soon be sharing insights with you) and meditation (I’m getting really good at this)...I cover more aspects about health and wellness than almost anyone in the wellness industry! I love doing this! It is my personal diary. I spill my personal life to you; what I do, how I eat, how I exercise, how I meditate; really, everything I write about I will give you an inside view of my personal life so you can see how I apply the things I write about each month. You get to see me behind-the-scenes as I tell you what I do. I believe what I teach and I live what I believe. Now you can learn how to live a wellness lifestyle. I feel awkward bringing it up and I almost didn’t let you read this… (and I tell you this only because it’s important to help you understand how powerful the writings I am going to reveal to you are)... but a brief list of my accomplishments:
At the age of 25 I began a clinical practice from scratch. It all began by taking care of one person in 1988. I then went on and created a successful clinical wellness practice. This is unheard of in the world today.  I have written literally hundreds of articles, professional articles, online news articles, reports, books, and programs about health and wellness that have helped thousands of people outside of my immediate circle. I know what people need and write simple guidelines for them so they can improve the quality of their lives. I have attended more advanced educational programs related to health than almost anyone I know about. I have spoken at these programs as well as sat in the audience taking notes rapidly. Most professional seminars are very good, some are not worth my time but I always take away something from them. I continue studying to this day on the subjects of how to improve health and wellness. I have a vested interest in wellness as you should too. My clinical practice has gotten to the point that many people come for our care as their last hope. Sad. This point is sad to me because of the shoddy health many people are in - despite the care from the ‘best doctors in town’. How can such bad health be possible in this new millennium? It is and it’s getting worse! The Bottom Line - I know about health inside and out. I study physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, neurology, quantum physics - to keep myself sharp and then I’ve find gems that I get to pass on to my readers - gems that I know will improve their lives. Wouldn’t you like to have this for yourself?

You can see that I’ve been doing this for some time. I shake my head at all the ‘new diets’, ‘new health fads’, ‘new magic pills’, 'new health gurus'. Some people will never learn. But you will when you subscribe to...

The Wellness Diaries 

... a monthly newsletter that you will rip open and read immediately and know that you have just been warned about some health atrocity you may have stumbled into otherwise - you will have been given many valuable health secrets and personal wellness advice that you can use to greatly improve the quality of your life - and you get an inside view into what I do (I used to get nervous about this but now find this one of the most helpful insights that people can use...to see how what I say works in real life).

How Am I Able To Share
These “Health Secrets” With You?

Over the years, I have attended hundreds of doctor seminars, conventions, workshops, and programs. What I can tell you is that while there are many fine doctors out there, there are very few doctors who can put all these subjects that I have mentioned above, into an easy, understandable, simple system, let alone be able to write about them. With some doctors who I’d have conversations with I’d walk away shaking my head trying to understand what we’d just spoken about - I had no clue. It was their inability to make the complex simple. Instead, they’d make the simple complex. Has this ever happened to you - trying to understand what the doctor was talking about?

I have a vision --- it’s crystal clear. I write about health and wellness in The Wellness Diaries --- you read it and improve your life. Simple, simple.

But you still may not be sure so let’s talk about it.

Why Do You Need The Wellness Diaries Monthly Newsletter?

Because you need an unbiased health and wellness opinion.  You need a health and wellness opinion that is not subsidized by the drug companies.  You need a wellness guide that will steer you clear from the bunk that is out there in the popular media (and is getting worse daily).  You need the motivation, encouragement, and simple tips that you can use from the moment you open The Wellness Diaries to improve the quality of your life. You need accountability and a coach as you make these changes.  You need a health opinion that is based upon the sound sciences of physiology, biochemistry, and neurology, of which I am an expert on --- not one jaded by ulterior motives.  Ultimately, for no better reason, you are trying to improve your health and you need a clear, truthful, up-to-date, simple to understand, easy to implement valuable Health and Wellness guide.

Why Wouldn’t You Want 
The Wellness Diaries Newsletter?

You wouldn’t want The Wellness Diaries if:
You don’t want to spend $120 (I'm being conservative) per office visit and have to squeeze out information from your doctor. [The Wellness Diaries is not $120.] You are not interested in the best wellness information that has shown time and again, how to get well and stay well. [I don’t think Dr. Oz has mentioned the carbohydrate shunt to cholesterol pathway resulting in high triglycerides because of high sugar and insulin and how statin drugs block this pathway creating diabetes - I’ll show you how you can avoid diabetes and what statin drugs do to your biochemistry some time in the future. Or, do you think you need testosterone that everyone’s talking about? You’re fooling yourself and your hormones. Testosterone is made out of cholesterol. Low cholesterol, low testosterone. Hot flashes? Might be low progesterone which is made from cholesterol! I meant this to be a little complicated here to make my point.]  You already have enough good information and are making the changes in your health every month. [I need to speak with you because you are truly an exception.]  You are too busy. [All the more reason you must stay on top of your health. The Wellness Diaries is a concise document, taking out all the extra big words most writers put in to confuse you. You will not waste your time reading it.] You do not care. [Yes you do.] It costs a lot. [No it doesn’t.] In The Wellness Brief that I published, I talked about the Diseased Healthcare Bystander - the person who does not take any interest or responsibility in their health. In fact, these people think they are victims of the world. You are not anywhere close to a Diseased Healthcare Bystander. You are reading this letter, my friend! You want to continue improving your health.

You take an active interest in your health. You are what I called in The Wellness Brief, a Progressive Wellness Champion. You have an active interest in taking care of your health because you want to improve it and improve the quality of your life. 

This is exactly why you will find The Wellness Diaries so empowering in your on-going wellness journey. It arrives every month!

Here are some things coming your way in The Wellness Diaries...
Diet - never again be tempted by the latest diet craze or be tricked by the bad advice in popular articles about diet. I expose them for you! Exercise - learn how your physiology dictates the best kinds of exercise for you. Stress Management - when you control your stress response, you literally reprogram a new health direction in your life. You will learn how to do this. Emotional Health - learn how to uncover the emotions that you have buried alive and turn them into positive health attributes.Brain Health - why is dementia and Alzheimer's Disease continuing to affect more people? These diseases are only going to get worse. I will show you how you can avoid these most dreaded brain degenerative diseases. Circles of Environment - some of the most powerful affects on your health are your many environments. Little do you know how much each of your environments improve or destroy your health. You'll learn to spot these and change them. Rest and relaxation - how to program rest and relaxation into your life to get the most out of your health. What ever cycles up, must cycle down. You will learn how to do this effectively using rest and relaxation times appropriately. Many other topics about health and wellness from the basics: biochemistry, physiology, neurology...I promise this will be exciting, never boring!Medication problems that you won't read anywhere else. Side effects, complications, the list goes on and on. And, I show you alternatives to their devastating affects. In addition, I read a lot of articles you may also read. When I find an article that is wrong, I go ballistic and will write about it in The Wellness Diaries, almost immediately. I explain what is wrong with it and will guide you carefully back on track again. There are so many bad and deceptive but popular health articles out there. As you see more and more of my insights about these lies you will begin to understand how you have been lied to over the years. I will point these bad articles out to you so you will learn to avoid them yourself. It takes me hours to read through the latest health and wellness information each week. It takes me hours to sift through the garbage and pull out the gold nuggets of helpful, healthy information for you (yes, I admit to rooting in the garbage of a lot of bad information out there trying to find what may be very important health and wellness information for you; most of it is buried!). It takes me hours to construct The Wellness Diaries to bring life into it for delivery to you.

But it is totally worth it if you find just one helpful nugget of information that will improve your health and your life! But I’m going to give you many more nuggets. The Wellness Diaries will be your map to a hidden treasure of health you have buried inside. It will be a compass to show you the correct direction you need to proceed to improve and maintain your health.

I Cannot Think Of One Good Reason You Would Not Be Jumping Out Of Your Chair Right Now Reaching For Your Very First Issue!

In my clinic, my consultations run between $89-$140 per 15 minutes. Yes, I charge for my time to counsel for all the topics that I have been talking with you about: nutrition, diet, exercise, stress...every time. So a person who comes in for care over six months may spend around $6,200 in my clinic for great service they won’t get anywhere else. Of course, they are receiving treatments but about one-third of that time is spent in clinical counseling; counseling them on health and wellness information that you are going to receive monthly. (A person may spend about one-third of their money on health and wellness counseling...$2,000 for six months or $333 per month.)

You are going to receive close to $333 of monthly health and wellness advice for only...

$29.95 Each Month!

In addition, you won’t just receiving one issue of The Wellness Diaries, you will be receiving...

2 Issues Each Month! 

You Will Receive The Wellness Diaries Every Two Weeks!

  “Issue A” is about the health scams and otherwise current health news that I throw strong comments towards. You will begin to see health trends that happen in the media that are directly targeting you. I don’t want to let this happen to you so I’m on a mission to expose shoddy and untruthful health information so you can avoid it.   “Issue B” is the latest health and wellness advice that I have gleaned from my studies. I condense it, package it, and send it to you. This is where we’re going to get serious about improving your health and lifestyle! There are so many thing I have to share with you! In addition, this is where I spill my life out to you in painstaking detail (well, I'm not going to get carried away). Now realize, in The Wellness Diaries, you are getting clear health and wellness advice  based on lifestyle improvements you can make to improve your health, without my direct interaction with you. If you ever suspect you have an illness you must consult a health care provider of your choice and not rely on The Wellness Diaries for medical advice. I am not giving you medical advice!!! I am giving you Health and Wellness advice. No one else can give you the quality I give you.

Are you ready to get started, right now?

I look forward to working with you so we can improve health in our communities starting with you and put you on a path of wellness where you won’t get lost in the confusing jungle of ‘health information’ out there. 

Two issues of The Wellness Diaries every month for the price of one low monthly fee! Of course, if you do not wish to continue receiving my Alerts and Advice, you can cancel anytime. 


Get Your First Issue Right Now!
One final detail, decide on...

Only $29.95 per month

This is an automatic recurring billing of $29 that will occur one time per month. You can cancel your Wellness Diaries subscription at any time if you no longer wish to receive it.


3 Months For Only $59!

Save $30 over 3 months! If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter you can cancel for a complete refund. To continue, you will then be charged $59 every three months.


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I am happily looking forward to our relationship and improving your health and quality of life,

Dr. Peter Lind
Writer, Author, Lecturer, Clinician 


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