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-The secret behind the power of conversational hypnosis!
-A mind boggling mystery of why conventional therapy fails!
-Why indirect suggestion is such an important mechanism to create positive change!

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When I first began attempting to master conversational hypnosis back in 2007, one of the things that I began to learn is that sometimes I can be a REAL Idiot!

It’s Too Bad They Didn’t Have Conversational Hypnosis Training For Dummy’s Because The Skills And Abilities That Conversational Hypnosis Claimed To Add To A Person's Skill-Set Seemed Too Good To Be True!

And  even though at times I can be a real idiot …You should take a look at some of my hypnosis credentials below in order to realize I do know what I’m talking about sometimes….

Dear Internet Friend,

When I first began learning conversational hypnosis, some conversational hypnosis techniques seemed absolutely outrageous too me!

Like when my conversational hypnosis mentor was teaching me to create various emotional states within a person and then to anchor those emotional states to myself in such a way that I could set a hypnosis trigger within the person’s neurology and fire this trigger off anytime I wanted to by simply touching the area of my body I had anchored the emotional states to so that the person I was hypnotizing would experience whatever emotional states I wanted them to experience.

Now it is just me…or does that sound a little bit on the unbelievable/too hard to do side? I mean, really…doesn’t it sound a little too good to be true to be able to learn a skill like that, because if it were really possible to learn how to control people’s emotions, then how could you not easily control anyone you wanted? As I continued digesting the information in these teachings about controlling another person’s emotions…not only did it sound unbelievable, it also sounded very difficult.

In fact, it sounded WAY too hard. What would you do if a hypnosis mentor walked up to you and said, “Hey, go anchor the emotional state of happiness to your knuckle when you are talking to your friend, and then simply touch your knuckle when your friend is feeling a bit down so that you can cheer them up a bit by firing off the emotional state of happiness within their neurology by touching your knuckle”.

And then before you can ask him what in the BLEEP he was talking about, he says, “Oh…and by the way…make sure that you test the hypnosis trigger to make sure that you have set it properly”.

Yup! To a complete novice like me…that sounded absolutely outrageous. And I mean OUTRAGEOUS!


Jonathan Conrad Groves Also Needed A Conversational Hypnosis For DUMMY’S Course When He Heard About The Art Of Hypnosis Storytelling.

Storytelling is a BIG part of conversational hypnosis. I mean it is true that there are lots of hypnosis techniques in conversational hypnosis, but storytelling is perhaps one of the most important conversational hypnosis techniques, simply because storytelling is the major vehicle we use to communicate all of the other conversational hypnosis techniques into a person’s unconscious mind.

Master the art of storytelling and you master conversational hypnosis, but if you were sitting in my seat when you heard about all of the finesse that needed to go into a single conversational hypnosis story, you may understand why I felt I needed a conversational hypnosis storytelling for idiots manual.   You see, I have always been an excellent storyteller, but telling a story in conversational hypnosis in a systematic format can be a lot different than just telling a story. Yes, there is a lot of overlap between normal storytelling and conversational hypnosis storytelling, but some of the storytelling techniques in conversational hypnosis seemed just as OUTRAGEOUS to me as the hypnosis trigger teachings!

How you would feel if your conversational hypnosis trainer walked up to you and said, “Okay, tell your friend five stories, but don’t finish any of your stories until you start telling your fifth story. Then, go ahead and finish the fifth story and go in reverse order and finish off all your other stories until you finally finish off the first story you were telling last”.

I was deeply distressed when I heard about that…and mind you I’m just touching the tip of the iceberg off all the hypnosis techniques that comprise conversational hypnosis storytelling. First off…how can you remember what story was what as you continue telling all the other stories? Plus, it didn’t seem practical to try to remember what story was in this order or that order while you were in the process of having a real conversational with a person.

Think about it…if you’re having fluid conversation with a person, how in the world does it seem logical  to try to do all this stuff in a single conversation? What if you get interrupted? What if you’re trying so hard to remember “all” of these stories you’re telling and what order you told each story in that the only person you end up hypnotizing and putting into a deep trance is yourself while you’re distracted trying to remember all that information during your conversation?

Conversational hypnosis had impressed me in a ton of ways…and I knew that many conversational techniques were real gems. In fact, in spite of the fact that I had a few hang-ups with learning conversational hypnosis, I had learned and mastered a lot of its other techniques.

I guess this is why I wished I could have simplified the more advanced conversational hypnosis techniques, because it turned out that the conversational hypnosis techniques that I had the most problems mastering were some of the most important conversational hypnosis techniques to learn because they made all of the other conversational hypnosis techniques work easier.

Yes, it equally true to say that the BIG things in conversational hypnosis make all the small things happen, as it is to say that the small things (like minor adjustments in your voice tonality) in conversational hypnosis make the big things happen.

Anyway, those are but a few of my stumbling blocks along the path to mastering conversational hypnosis, and even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with encountering stumbling blocks on the path to mastery, as I look back to those days and recall the trouble I was having with implementing those techniques in my conversations, I’m left scratching my head and sort of wondering within myself,

“What’s so hard about that stuff?”

And make no mistake about it: You too will have some sort of hang up mastering conversational hypnosis. This means you too are likely to experience:
Frustration Uncertainty Impatience

And other emotions that are the result of mere growing pains that every person needs to experience when they are in the process of mastering anything. In fact…it is only those who try to succeed who will ever understand the inevitable difficulty anyone must face who wants to be successful.

In other words, the path to success is often paved with uncertainty. For example, some people who study conversational hypnosis have a difficult time separating fact from fiction. “What do you mean by that”, you may be asking? What I mean is that when you are in the process of mastering conversational hypnosis, you must practice…and practice often involves you participating in some types of exercises that are usually designed to be practiced within a context that does not resemble a real life situation.

For the sake of argument…we could say that practice is the fiction part of conversational hypnosis, as conversational hypnosis exercises often involve us going to fictitious extremes in:
Voice tonality (no need to sound good…just have fun practicing!) Storytelling (when you’re just practicing…you can say whatever you want however you want) Embedding Suggestion (no need to embed it perfectly…just start embedding it!)

And other fictitious extremes during your practice of many other conversational hypnosis techniques!

The fact part of learning conversational hypnosis that many people have a difficult time separating from the fiction part of learning conversational hypnosis is this:
 Truly understanding the conversational hypnosis techniques you’ve learned.  Effortlessly being able to use these conversational hypnosis techniques in your conversations.  Consistently noticing actual results in your real life situations.

Notice how when we’re talking about the difficult time that many people have separating fact from fiction, is that part of the reason why they have so much of a difficult time separating fact from fiction is because they are trying to do something that they cannot and should not be trying to do in the first place. In other words: They are trying to avoid the necessity of immersing themselves in the practice of using conversational hypnosis in numerous ways that they don’t plan on using conversational hypnosis in real life situations.

Most people have heard the saying that says, “Practice makes perfect”…and notice how that saying doesn’t say, “Practice is perfect”. This means in order to master conversational hypnosis (or any skill for that matter), you must embrace both fact and fiction on your journey to mastery and allow yourself to not take the practice part of learning conversational hypnosis so seriously!


To What Shall We Compare Learning Conversational Hypnosis Like? How About To Learning How To Play A Musical Instrument?

And if learning conversational hypnosis can be compared to mastering how to play a musical instrument, then notice how incredibly ridiculous it would look for a musician to attempt to separate fact from fiction whilst they were in the process of mastery. Indeed, it is fictitious events (like rehearsals)  that actually lead the musician to FACT.

This means it is the numerous mistakes that the musician makes whilst in the process of trying to learn how to play their instrument that lead to them no longer needing to make those mistakes. So some of the fact/fiction relationships here would be:
Making many mistakes/leads to making few mistakes. Agitation during mistakes/ leads to patience during mistakes. The need for making mistakes/leads to not having the need to make mistakes.

Notice how the musician’s emotions also are naturally altered and processed differently during the times when they make mistakes, because a novice often gets frustrated or feels ashamed when they first begin making mistakes, but a master of an art naturally will mentally process patience and other positive emotions when they make mistakes.

Also notice how nowhere in the above fact/fiction relationships was it written,
Novice=One who makes mistakes. Expert=One who does not make mistakes.

Because it is not logical to conclude any human being can ever attain any status in life where they never make any mistakes. THAT would be a fictitious claim indeed! We all make mistakes, but on our path to mastery we must understand that the number of mistakes changes as we get better at something, that the need for making those mistakes changes as we continue improving, and that our emotional state of mind changes when we make a mistake because after you have been on the path to mastery for a while, making mistakes doesn’t bother you very much. .

This means it isn’t not making mistakes that you should be concerned about…it is learning from your mistakes that you need to be concerned about.


What specifically is Conversational Hypnosis Supposed To Be Used For IN real Life?

Can it be denied that the power of words affects each and every area of your life? Think about it…marriages are both built up and torn down through the power of words. We have developed relationships with our loved ones through the power of words, and it is the power of words that we are using to raise our children. And this isn’t to mention how much of a vital role the power of words plays at your workplaces!

It is the power of words that sells people products that are good fits for their personal needs and wants, it is the power of words that has created some of the bestselling books that were ever written…and this isn’t to mention how it is the power of words that a person uses to create those small pieces of poetry that are miniature, linguistic masterpieces perfectly designed to communicate whatever type of message it is that you are trying to create!


Three Examples Of How Conversational Hypnosis Can Be Used In Real Life Situations!

Conversational hypnosis can be used in a lot of areas that you may not have thought about using conversational hypnosis in, such as: Facebook, poetry, and public speaking.

Conversational Hypnosis Example Number One-Introducing The “Discover Your Rainbow keys” Conversational Hypnosis Facebook Induction:


This induction, entitled, “Discover Your Rainbow Keys”…was a nice and yet entertaining sort of way to use the power of conversational hypnosis to suggest positive things to other people through Facebook.

This means that you too can use the power of conversational hypnosis as a force for good to suggest positive things to other people in interesting ways anywhere and anytime you want!

The opportunities that will open up to you are endless because your communication skills will skyrocket when you learn conversational hypnosis!

Sometimes I find myself tempted to give conversational hypnosis a nickname: “The best communication skill set on the planet!”

Conversational Hypnosis Example Number Two-Introducing A Short Poem, Entitled, “A Lost Time”:


Believe it or not, this poem you just listened to was LOADED with conversational hypnosis techniques, some of which were:
Ambiguities Embedded suggestions Subliminal Messages Time Distortion (Remember the phrase, “A Lost Time”?) Enriched and Vivid Descriptions Hard Loops And  Hot Words GALORE…

And that was only making mention of some of the conversational techniques I used, and if you don’t know exactly what techniques I’m referencing right now or exactly what these conversational hypnosis techniques mean, this simply means, “Welcome to learning conversational hypnosis!”

Yet, notice how small and compact this poem is. This means that conversational hypnosis will also enable you to avoid one of a writer’s and speaker’s BIGGEST pitfalls…

Saying more than you ought to say.

Let’s face it…it isn’t uncommon for even good speakers to ramble on and say more than they actually needed to say. The consequences of them not knowing when to stop are:
They lose people’s interest. They accidentally build emotional resistance in the very people they were trying to persuade. They take two steps forward in their conversations and speeches only to take a step back because they simply don’t know when or how to stop.

Conversational Hypnosis Example Number Three-Integrating Your Conversational Hypnosis Techniques With Public Speaking:


Now I know many of you weren’t fully aware of what each technique was that flashed on screen during the various parts of that video clip and that’s perfectly alright. The names of some of the conversational hypnosis techniques that were being used were listed so that:
You could see a rare glimpse of how conversational hypnosis neatly integrates itself into a public speech. That conversational hypnosis can indeed be a systematic part of your conversations.

This means that any doubts that conversational hypnosis isn’t exactly what we hypnotists say it is are not built upon gold, silver, and precious stones…but on wood, stubble, and straw.

Also, these three examples that I have provided you with as to how conversational hypnosis can be used in real life situations prove:
I practice what I preach. You too can use conversational hypnosis anywhere and anytime words play a factor in your social interactions!


Conversational Hypnosis Also Can Be Used On Job Applications, In Your Emails, And In Your Letters To Your Significant Others

Most importantly, conversational hypnosis can be used to make any person you have a conversational with feel better about themselves after having their conversation with you. THAT is a huge win/win situation…here’s why…

They go away feeling better about themselves as you continue to create and build within yourself a powerfully addictive personality. I mean how… (or maybe I should ask why), wouldn’t you develop a magnetic presence around other people that caused them to want to be around you more? People like to feel good, and you deserve to feel good too!

I know a lot of people may not have thought about the possibly of using simple and everyday conversations as tools that you can use to actually enhance the quality of other people’s lives…and this means that there is that much more of a need for someone like you to become this type of person.

And as you comfortably allow yourself to become transformed into a powerful communicator who uses conversational hypnosis as a force for good, you need not imagine yourself as becoming a person who waves a pocket watch in front of another person’s face or who makes people run around on stage during a stage hypnosis show clucking like a chicken.   While those can be manifestations of hypnosis…hypnosis is not in any way restricted to those uses. In fact, those are only forms of hypnosis, and because there are several different styles of hypnosis, it is important for you to keep in mind that conversational hypnosis is the type of hypnosis that can be used in any conversation that you are having with any person at any point in time.


There IS A Solid Need In Your Life For Conversational Hypnosis Training!

This is one of the facts about conversational hypnosis that make it so neat: That you can use it anywhere, anytime, in any way with any person.

You can effortlessly and easily speak conversational hypnosis and skyrocket the quality of each and every social interaction that you have!

But you need to know what I mean by, “effortlessly” and “easily”. What I mean by that terminology is that when you practice something long enough and hard enough, that what you are practicing becomes second nature…and that once it becomes second nature to you, it is then that you can practice it easily and effortlessly because there is no need to think about what you are doing anymore.

You just do it without even thinking about it…from beginning to the end. THAT is a simple fact about mastery, because once you master anything, it becomes second nature to you. Now, because it cannot be denied that there are many things in your life as powerful as words, please deeply consider what you are about to read next.


Conversational Hypnosis Expert Offers You A Personal Invitation To Join A Conversational Hypnosis Club And Receive The Five Opportunities!

This invitation to become a full member of the conversational hypnosis club means that you are being offered:
The opportunity to speak into existence a life you’ve never dreamed of. The ability to empower your words so that you can market your products and services better. The ability to use the power of words to write better poems, better books, and better sales letters. The opportunity to enrich your life and the quality of other peoples’ lives through the power of words. The opportunity to develop a relationship with that special person because of your almost magical power of consistently knowing what words to say and when to say them.

This and so much more…all through the power of words alone.

Gym memberships have changed people’s lives…as people use their gym memberships to gradually chisel their appearances into the people who they want to become. How much more will this membership change your life? Because words are THE foundational tools that you need to believe more, become more, and to understand more…

And as you lead others through the power of your imagination to use their imaginations in constructive ways…how could all of these little, special things about you not add up into one big improvement?

This conversational hypnosis club will also make a solid hypnotist out of you, and it will make those who are already hypnotist even better hypnotists.

So what exactly is the conversational hypnosis club?

The Conversational Hypnosis Club

Inside The Conversational Hypnosis Club you’ll discover and learn PROVEN methods that work (I know because I’ve tried and tested them):

You will learn secrets of hypnosis here. You will receive exercises designed to explode your ability to communicate better. You will soon be able to use words like keys to unlock ANY door of opportunity. You will be able to easily understand what people are saying without them actually saying it. You will develop THE most important skill in life: The artistic use of words.

The conversational hypnosis club is a one of a kind conversational hypnosis club! This informative conversational hypnosis club consists of:
Entertainment Hypnosis Videos Conversational Hypnosis Video Lessons Conversational Hypnosis Vocabulary Conversational Hypnosis Notes Conversational Hypnosis Summary Lessons Conversational Hypnosis Exercises

In fact, there are well over two hours of solid video content in just the Basic Training section of the conversational hypnosis club alone…hours of sizzling video lessons that are broken into individual conversational hypnosis lessons in an extremely practical and yet advanced teaching format that has been specifically designed for one purpose only…
To enhance the quality of your life by equipping you with the knowledge of how to artistically use words in ways that makes life easier through your ability to consistently use the power of language to create win/win situations.

In this exciting training some of what you will also uncover:
The Difference Between Deep Trance And Light Trance How Conversational Hypnosis Works Embedded Suggestion Lessons Pain Control Hypnosis Lessons Stop Smoking Hypnosis Lessons Voice Tonality Lessons Differences Between The Conscious And Unconscious Minds Hypnosis Storytelling Lessons How And Why The Power Of Repetition Is Used In Conversational Hypnosis How To Use A Single Word In An Innumerable Amount Of Ways Indirect Hypnosis Lessons Primary & Secondary Suggestion Lessons How To Anchor Various Emotional States To Single Words Or Phrases Hypnosis Secrets (Such as reverse engineering the Storytelling/Embedded Suggestion Format) Conversational  Hypnosis Exercises Confusion Language Conversational Hypnosis Lessons

And much more! You will continually be learning and mastering the small components of conversational hypnosis in order to be able to master conversational hypnosis as a whole.

Also with each and every section of the conversational hypnosis club, conversational hypnosis lessons are somehow and someway demonstrated in ways where learning conversational hypnosis will be:
Fun Interesting Easy

But  How Do You Really Learn Conversational Hypnosis?

You learn conversational hypnosis like this, “One small piece at a time”. And after you have learned so many pieces of it, eventually you will begin to start putting the pieces together into a format that fits YOUR LIFE, your personal goals and objectives.   And yes…in order to learn something important in life where a great deal of extensive training is required, there is a cost associated with learning it.

And in spite of the fact that I know for certain a person could spend countless thousands of dollars at real life trainings to attempt to discover the information that is taught at this club-and still not learn it like you will be learning it-I’m not going to charge you thousands of dollars even though I have all the training in the world that would enable me to do so if I wanted to.

In fact, I’m only going to charge you a fraction of the price of what a membership to this club is worth.

This means for the low price of $47 per month I am giving you unlimited access to one of the most advanced and well put together conversational hypnosis trainings on the planet! This gives you complete access to the entire basic training section of this membership, which consist of over two hours of well organized video content, additional audios that elaborate upon specific videos, and lengthy blog posts that offer you an even more unique perspective upon the conversational hypnosis exercise that is being discussed in your conversational hypnosis videos.

Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m so confident that your membership here will create powerful changes on the inside of you that will gradually and mysteriously begin manifesting themselves on the surface of your personality to the point your mouth becomes a solid piece of gold that I’m offering a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee.

All I ask is you try out The Conversational Hypnosis Club for 60 days and if golden conversations do not begin pouring out of your mouth after you study the material I have to offer, then I don’t want your money.

Simply contact me at jonathangroveshypnosis@gmail.com and I’ll happily refund your purchase in full.

This ancient wise saying written below offers each of you an excellent piece of advice as to how you will be mastering conversational hypnosis at The Conversational Hypnosis Club,

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Lao Tzu

You have seen examples of conversational hypnosis on this page, and you have been given many valid reasons why conversational hypnosis is such an important skill set for you to learn, especially in this competitive environment that we live in today.

And you have also seen quite a bit of my credentials as a Hypnotist/NLP Coach/Time Line Therapist, which clearly demonstrate that I am the right person who possesses the necessary qualifications to offer you these magnificent services.

This means that because you have already come here and discovered these things about conversational hypnosis, that you already have begun to take the first step that is necessary for you to learn and master conversational hypnosis.

The next steps are for you to join The Conversational Hypnosis Club and to begin learning conversational hypnosis, one small step at a time.

The value I’m offering you today for a membership at The Conversational Hypnosis Club is really a no-brainer. The information alone that I provide you with at The Conversational Hypnosis Club could easily cost well over $5,000 dollars at hypnosis and NLP trainings. But if you purchase today, you only need to come up with a small fraction of that price – which I’m sure you’d agree is still a steal.

So go ahead and Click the Add To Cart button below now to start learning how to get the undisputable power of words working for you. :
After your order is processed you will immediately have access to two powerful conversational hypnosis training modules, and then afterwards you will be drip-fed an absolutely SMOKING conversational hypnosis module every five days afterwards for as long as you are a member of this powerful conversational hypnosis club! Each module you will have access to consist of a video, conversational hypnosis vocabulary, a conversational hypnosis lesson, and conversational hypnosis exercises for you to do. Sometimes bonus audio lessons are also added to these modules in order to enhance your comprehension even further of specifically what each conversational hypnosis lesson is about.

I’m wishing each of you unlimited success through your membership here at this exciting and one of a kind conversational hypnosis club!



“A Breath Of Fresh Air”

The Conversational Hypnosis Club is a breath of fresh air! Not only can anyone use the information here in ways that make them a more powerful communicator, a person can also use the information here to become a much more insightful hypnotist.

Mark Hamptom. New York, New York

PS. Remember, you’re covered by my “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee. All the risk is on me, and all the benefits are on you. If it turns out that you don’t like The Conversational Hypnosis Club, simply contact me at [jonathangroveshypnosis@gmail.com]  and I’ll promptly refund you in full.

PPS. Which one is more valuable to you? $47.00 or getting your mouth transformed into a piece of gold in 30 days?  I’m sure the answer is the later…

Get your mouth transformed into solid gold by Clicking the Add To Cart button to get started immediately:

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