Dear Fellow Beauty Seeker,
My name’s Annabelle Chung. I’m a 31- year-old beauty therapist and author of the popular How To Get Whiter Skin book that has helped 68,175 people just like you achieve natural, whiter skin.
That’s me on the right in August 2013, with smooth, glowing white skin.
But my skin didn’t always look this good, and if you have just 2 minutes to spare, I’ll tell you my story…
★ Are you suffering Low Self-Esteem because of how dark or uneven your skin color is?
★ Are you Embarrassed by the way your skin looks?
★ Are you tired of wasting your Hard-Earned Money on expensive Skin Whitening Products that NEVER Work?
★ Are you using products that have made your skin look Darker, Dry, Tight and Leathery?
★ Are you scared of using Dangerous Skin Bleachers or creams that can cause Skin Cancer?
My mom is from New York and my father from Singapore. My mom is pale skinned because she is of Irish descent, whereas my father has a tanned skin tone because his family originates from Southern China.
I was born with very white skin, yet as I got older my skin got darker and patchy in places due to my mixed heritage.
As my skin tone changed in my teens I began to get bullied at school.
I was called “patchy” and other horrible names.
I’d come home in tears. My mum would always tell me I was beautiful, but that wasn’t enough to stop me feeling embarrassed and insecure.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my father and my Asian roots, but I like the look of my skin when it’s lighter and the pigmentation is even like my mum’s skin is. It just looks nicer, period.
I guess I just want my skin to look like I did when I was a child.
When I reached 21 years old my skin was of mixed tone. The patchiness had calmed down but it was darker in some places than others.
The milky white complexion I had as a child had all but disappeared.
I wanted it back.
So I set out on a mission to whiten my skin naturally.
And, after a year or so of research, without using any whitening products, I achieved my glowing white skin again.
So how did I do it?
Through extensive reading, studying different people from all corners of the globe and trial and error with many different holistic methods, I realized that there were a number of things I was doing to make my skin darker without knowing it, and that there were many completely natural ways to whiten the skin that few people knew about.
I discovered powerful techniques to make my skin lighter without having to use dangerous whitening products such as hydroquinone.
To be honest I surprised myself, but it was my friends who were most impressed, especially considering that most of them had been using all sorts of creams since we were in school, and a few had suffered scaring, acne and permanent damage as a result.
Now they all come to me for advice on how to get whiter, healthier looking skin using natural methods. Even my darkest of friends have benefited from a more even and radiant skin tone.
Without using any whitening products I achieved glowing white skin again, and my book will help you do the same.
Give you Permanent Whiter Skin in 2 weeks.
Teach you the secrets for Maintaining Radiant, Glowing Skin all year round.
Teach you how to Eat Your Way To Whiter Skin.
Teach you Secret Whitening Treatments you won’t find anywhere else.
Give you awesome tips on how to Even Out Pigmentation.
Help you completely eliminate the need for harmful whitening products.
Teach you a comprehensive lifestyle routine for natural whiter skin, fast!
I know people make you feel guilty for wanting whiter skin; they say the same stuff to me, too.
But here’s the reality…
If you are born with dark black skin, you will never be milky white, and why would you want to be?! All skin is beautiful, that’s a fact.
However, what I appreciate and other people often don’t understand, is that you want the lighter, glowing, healthy and even pigmentation you had as a child, because that’s how you feel most comfortable in your skin.
You don’t want to look like someone else , and you’re proud of your roots. But you like the look of your skin when it is light and radiant.
That’s nothing to feel guilty about. This is your life. Your skin. Your choice.
Book 1: 101 Weight Loss Tips
Make the rest of your body match the beauty of your new, whiter, glowing skin with these essential weight loss tips everyone should know. This is the ultimate guide to shaping a beautiful body that will complement your beautiful face.
Book 2: Cooking Like A Chef
Diet is a major aspect of achieving and maintaining lighter and more even skin tone, as you’ll find out in my book. Eat your way to healthier skin with these tips and techniques for cooking like a real chef!
Book 3: 10 Ways To Fight Off Cancer
If you’ve been using harmful skin creams with bleach or hydroquinone in then you could be at risk of skin and other cancers. Boost your immunity and optimize your health using this guide to cancer prevention.
Book 4: Work Less Accomplish More
Now that your skin looks great it’s time to take advantage of the new opportunities opening up in your life. Learn 101 awesome principles for accomplishing more in all areas of your life. Become more productive, work less and have more time to take care of that pretty face of yours.
Book 5: Improve Your Memory
No point looking good if your brain doesn’t match the beauty! Stop forgetting things, improve your ability to retain information and skyrocket your learning ability. The tried and tested techniques in this book will have your brain supercharged with genius brain power in no time.
Book 6: How To Eliminate Stress & Anxiety
Stress is the #1 cause of wrinkles and sleepless nights, two major factors that cause darker, unhealthy looking skin. Relax and eliminate your stress and anxiety with this simple guide to meditation. Learn to meditate deeply and increase relaxation, improve sleep and make yourself look and feel healthier.
Don’t forget, I was in your shoes not so long ago, and I know exactly how you feel.
I felt alone and was often rejected by popular people.
They called me “patchy” at school.
My uneven skin tone held me back from getting jobs.
I lost my confidence.
I lost my self-esteem.
I stayed home a lot and got quite depressed.
I tried every cream I could, but all those commercial brands sell a dream, not a reality.
Now Imagine what life would be like if you could have that beautiful even-colored white skin you seek. You could attract more potential partners, find jobs easier and earn the highest salaries – because you’ll be looking your best!
How To Get Whiter Skin shows you how to get whiter skin naturally using methods that are kind to your skin and won’t harm your complexion in the long term. My book contains easy techniques and practical recommendations which have worked for me, and I am 100% confident will work for you too.
I share all my secrets in this book. This is everything I have learned packed into one book that costs less than a skin whitening treatment at a salon!
How much have you spent on trying to whiten your skin so far?
$5,000 for laser treatment?
how many treatments have you had? How many creams have you bought?
I can tell you I wasted over $10,000 on commercial creams that didn’t help one bit!
Now, let me ask you this…
How much would you pay to have all the advantages of having a beautiful, even-colored white skin and the highest possible self-confidence?
If you asked me a few years back what I’d pay to have the beautiful skin I have now, I’d say… ALL MY SAVINGS!
Well, what if I told you I’m practically giving my best kept secrets away, and the 6 health books for the mere price of $36!
Yes, that’s a one time cost of only $36, a one off payment that will change your entire life almost instantly and forever!
That’s not even the price of one trip to the salon!
60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee.
I’m so confident you’ll see a massive improvement in the whiteness of your skin in just 2 weeks that I’m offering you a generous 60-day money back guarantee.
If How To Get Whiter Skin has whitened your skin tone in 14 days, then just ask me for your money back. Hassle free. No questions asked.
Imagine how broke the pharmaceutical companies, doctors and dermatologists would be if they had a guarantee like this!
How To Get Whiter Skin and your 6 BONUS BOOKS come in digital PDF format, which means there ‘s no need to wait for it to arrive.
You’ll be able to learn the secrets to natural skin whitening in just 2 MINUTES from now…
$48 $36
I look forward to hearing your Skin Whitening success story!
P.S. If you any need any assistance with your purchase, please don’t hesitate to contact me by [clicking here.]
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