Growing orchids is suddenly so much easier when you discover…
“The 'Can't Miss' Shortcut To Growing Stunning Orchids That Bloom For Months On End”
Believe it or not... you don’t need magical powers to grow stunningly beautiful orchids.
You can grow nearly any orchid you want and get them to produce beautiful blooms when you follow a proven step-by-step roadmap.
These time–saving shortcuts will give you the essential skills you need to truly understand your orchid’s needs and the confidence to diagnose problems if they ever occur. Never again, will you be ‘in the dark’ when it comes to orchid care.
David Finney
Orchid Enthusiast and Author of
“Orchids, Step-By-Step... The Essential Skills”
Dear Orchid Enthusiast:
You’re in a tough spot…
I know because I’ve been there before.
You want the satisfaction of being able to grow beautiful, exotic orchids in your home…
After all, how thrilling would it be to see…
Your own exotic orchids that produce spectacular flowers that last for months at a time
Orchids thriving in your own home
All your orchids growing seemingly on autopilot
But you’re not sure how to pull it off.
You know there must be secrets to growing these special plants and your hunch is dead-on because…
As you read this letter carefully you’ll quickly see how an easy to follow road-map is about to scratch orchid problems off your worry-list for good.
Because no matter how much experience you have growing other types of plants, or what kind of problems you’ve had growing orchids in the past…
You’re about to discover how to…
“Instantly Become An Orchid Whisperer…”
You’ll discover exactly what your orchids need to thrive in your home and turn your past orchid disasters and frustrations into a new deep understanding of the essential orchid growing skills that few enthusiasts possess.
Best of all, you’ll do it…
…without having to continually search the internet for information.
…without worrying if you’re caring for your orchids properly.
…and without having to learning on your own, as you kill orchid after orchid.
Fact is, the knowledge that successful orchid growers have isn’t something they were born with.
To truly understand what it takes to grow healthy, beautiful orchids you simply need to follow the little known shortcut I’m about to guide you through. But before we go there, I’m sure part of you is thinking…
“Me..? An Accomplished Orchid Grower…
You’re Kidding, Right…”
You’re right to ask… is this even for real?
If I hadn’t seen my own success in applying these principles in such a short time, I wouldn’t believe it either. In other words, I know how you feel.
Just don’t let your natural skepticism stand between you and this unique opportunity.
No serious grower would turn their back on this information and here’s why…
“There’s A Long Rocky Road To Becoming A Successful Orchid Grower… And Then There’s A Cinch Of A Shortcut… And I’m About To Hand You That Shortcut …”
A step-by-step roadmap anybody can use, regardless of past orchid growing experiences, to easily and confidently grow stunning orchids in your own home.
Of course, you could set out on your own like I did to crack the code to orchid growing…
You might call my adventures…
“Sad Times In The Greenhouse …”
Hi. David Finney here…
I haven’t always been an accomplished orchid enthusiast.
You could say I had a ‘brown thumb’ when it came to orchids. And I’m sure I was a lot like you … constantly searching the internet for a miraculous orchid care tip that would solve all my problems. Believe me… I know of many, many orchid tales with sad endings.
And let me tell you… (like you don’t already know)
…no matter how successful you’ve been growing other plants, orchids can make you question everything you do when growing them.
Am I watering too little …
Am I watering too much…
Do my orchids need re-potting…
Why can’t I get my plants to flower?
Are my plants getting enough sun…
How much fertilizer should I be using…
On and on and on…
It’s a never-ending stream of questions. And you’ll continue to beat yourself up until you understand that growing orchids is not impossible or even very difficult at all for that matter.
Once you learn the ESSENTIAL orchid growing skills…
You can grow any orchid.
I’ll tell you how I finally got all my questions answered and how it changed my ‘orchid Karma’, but first I want to ask you…
What’s YOUR plan to…
Increase your orchid success rate?
Help your plants bloom for months at a time…
Honestly know what your orchids' needs are to maintain maximum health…
Should you enroll in your own school of hard knocks like I did… absorb the body-blows of trial and error and just try to ‘figure stuff out’ eventually.
Or will you join an elite group of orchid enthusiasts who discovered the secrets and are now…
“Reaping The Rewards Of
Simple Step-By-Step Orchid Growing”
Because faster than you can say ‘bud drop’ the shortcut I’ve got for you will bump off any thoughts of failure you may have.
In fact, whatever type of orchid is currently causing you problems, you’ll soon have the essential skills to nurture it like an expert.
Simply put: Don’t just get ready to keep your ‘problem plants’ alive… prepare to see them thrive and bloom over and over. Prepare to say a sweet “See-ya-later" to…
“The Orchid Care Doubts That Gnaw Away At You Night After Night.”
I hear about the same stories time after time. It begins innocently enough …
After receiving an orchid as a gift or purchasing one on a whim you have ideas of where you want to grow it in your home… how you’ll care for it… how beautiful the blooms will be… and how your friends will be so envious of your orchid success.
Things are going according to plan.
But stay with me…
Because no matter how well thought out your initial plan is… nothing can send the heebie-jeebies down your spine like the thought of…
“Losing Yet Another Orchid”
Before you know it you’re…
Doubting your orchid knowledge… as the blooms fall off the orchid you were given just a few short days ago…
Struggling yet again to come up with a real care plan to rehabilitate your fading orchids…
Losing another orchid when it just won’t respond to anything you do…
Leaving you wondering where you went wrong this time.
From my experience with orchids and orchid growers… odds are you’ll do just fine. Probably far better than you think. Largely because you’re about to discover…
“Why Questioning Your Orchid Growing Plan Is Actually A GOOD Thing…”
First of all… it’s perfectly natural.
Even orchid experts have had them. So if you’ve got questions about how to care for your orchids… you’re in great company.
The good news is…
Like turning lemons into lemonade… you can effortlessly turn your orchid doubts into ‘I’m sure I can do this’ excitement. The secret is a slight change in approach you can learn in an hour or less.
You have to know what I call…
“The Essential Skills”
Or, in other words, how to…
Choose the orchid that has the best chance to grow in your environment saving you money, time and frustration.
Truly understanding your orchid so you know exactly how much light, water, humidity and circulation to provide so it will thrive seemingly without any effort on your part.
Know when and how to repot so your orchid can live for many years.
Know when and how much to fertilize so your orchid will receive all the nutrients it needs without over-fertilizing it… causing it to slowly die because of salts buildup.
Help your orchid bloom month after month
Don’t have these essential skills down already?
It’s not your fault.
No-one automatically knows how to grow orchids, because they’re not like any other plants you’ve experienced. Let me say that again… They’re not like any other plants you’ve experienced!
In fact, what’s so frustrating is…
“Growing Beautiful Orchids Is As Easy As 1-2-3 When You Know How… But It’s Almost Impossible To Find All The Key Information Without Jumping Through Hoops …”
Consider how many growers are interested in orchids and how many problems the average grower has, it really is amazing that the really important information isn’t easier to find and more organized and understandable when you do find it.
So when you’re in a rush to learn better orchid growing techniques – where do you turn?
One option is the internet.
In fact, in the past, I’ve tried to find the help I needed on the internet. I found that there is almost too much information available. Because it isn’t organized, it makes it almost impossible for anyone to know what to do in a methodical manner.
Another option are books.
I have many books about growing and caring for orchids. They generally have a lot of the needed information. But who wants search for the important information in a 200 page book?
Let’s face it… most of are out of school now and we’d rather learn exactly what we need to know and not have to wade through a bunch of theory.
So one thing is for sure…
A shortcut, right about now would be a godsend.
That’s why…
“I’ve Put Together A Step-By-Step Video Guide That Makes It Simple For You To Grow Any Orchid And See It Bloom Month After Month…”
“Orchids, Step-By-Step...
The Essential Skills Video Guide”
The guide is a proven cheat-sheet for buying the perfect orchids for your environment by taking all the most important factors into account. It will arm you with the inside knowledge you need to be able to truly giving your orchids the care they so desperately need.
Getting them to bloom more often and for longer will happen like clockwork and most importantly you'll gain the confidence needed to solve almost any orchid problem so you can actually relax and enjoy these exotic plants for a change.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover in the guide…
How to make your orchid bloom year after year for months at a time. Finally get the satisfaction you deserve and be the source of envy of all your orchid growing friends.
What common problem causes orchids stop blooming and how you can fix it. Discover how to get the most bloom time from each of your orchids so you can enjoy your orchids month after month.
Exactly when and how to water your orchid. (Root rot and sick orchids will be a thing of the past when you follow these steps).
When and how to repot your orchids. Discover how to give your orchids the strongest root foundation possible so they're almost indestructible allowing you to simply relax and enjoy them.
What the best growing medium to re-pot your plant in. You'll know for sure that your plants will be healthier and you'll reduce the number of times you'll have to re-pot saving you time, money and frustration.
What is causing your plant's leaves to turn yellow. (This is not always a bad sign. You'll learn how to tell the difference between a sick plant and a healthy plant and be confident in your diagnosis. No more second guessing yourself.)
Whether or not watering your orchids with ice cubes, as promoted on the internet, is a good idea. The answer to this question and others like it will seem to come to you naturally as your understanding of orchids grows.
How to successfully propagate your orchids. You'll learn how to increase the size of your orchid collection without spending a dime.
The ideal amount of light needed to keep your orchid healthy. Learn how to acurately measure the light in your orchid's growing area and what to do if you don't have enough. Getting this right will put you in the best possible position to grow big, beautiful flowers again and again.
What to do when you've got a plant with roots coming out of the pot. You'll truly understand what's going on with your orchids so you can always take the appropriate care step.
How to diagnose potential problems and care for your sick orchids. Gain the confidence you need to be able to successfully diagnose your plant's problems and reduce your stress level at the same time.
The correct amount to fertilize to apply to your orchids. (Understand why proper fertilizer amounts and the time of application are key to producing healthy plants and blooms that give you the flowers you deserve.)
What orchids are the easiest to grow. You'll be armed with the knowledge you'll need to choose the perfect orchid for your environment. You'll save money on 'lost' plants along with months and months of frustration caused by trying to get a plant to grow that has no chance in your home.
What kind of pot is best for your orchid's health. Get this right and you'll stop to many plant problems dead in their tracks before they even have a chance to get started.
Whether or not your home tap water is of high enough quality to use to water your orchids. You'll now know exactly what water to avoid so that you don't slowly poison your orchid collection.
And much more...
Here’s how it works:
This is an eight video series. You’ll open each of the eight videos with one click and start discovering the essential skills needed for that subject area.
The guide is designed so, if you need to, you can whiz through all the easy-to-follow videos in one intense burst. Or jump right in at the point you need the most help.
Even if you just focus 10 to 15 minutes on each subject area you will come out the other end confident you can solve any common orchid problem.
“Even if you have had NO success with orchids in the past, are completely frustrated and don’t know where to turn next, You CAN grow beautiful orchids in your own home…”
By using the skills taught in “Orchids, Step-By-Step... The Essential Skills Video Guide” you will be able to achieve your dream of:
Growing orchids that bloom month after month. Which will give you a sense of pride and satisfaction you’ve been missing until now.
Truly understanding what your orchids water needs are. So you’ll know exactly when and how much to water them so they thrive as they would in their natural habitat.
Knowing when and how to repot your orchids. So they can be with you year after year and you can finally stop second-guessing yourself.
Having an intimate knowledge of the environmental needs of a variety of orchids. So you can confidently answer almost any orchid growing question you’ll come up against now and in the future.
And much more...
“You’ll Be Growing Your Own Exotic Orchids In Your Home Sooner Then You Ever Thought!”
Until now, you would have had to learn the hard way about how to successfully grow orchids. It takes forever to find the information on the internet.
And the key orchid growing information you need to be successful is usually hidden in most of the books on this topic. The information is too scattered and is not organized well. THIS VIDEO GUIDE PUTS IT ALL IN ONE PLACE AND MAKES IT EASIER TO GROW ORCHIDS THAN EVER.
"Think Back On How Much You’ve Spent On Orchids That Didn’t Make It And How Much Time You’ve Wasted Searching for Answers Online And Getting Nowhere…"
If you’re like most orchid enthusiasts, you’ve wasted dozens and dozens of hours searching for information online. And hundreds of dollars more on books that didn't answer your questions and orchids that just didn’t survive for one reason or another.
If you read every book on the subject, looking for tips on how to grow beautiful orchids that will bloom in your home, it would take weeks of your time. And you may never discover the ‘Essential Skills’ that you will in “Orchids, Step-By-Step... The Essential Skills Video Guide”.
Can I ask you a question? Looking back… and now knowing how much time you spent searching for answers and how much money you spent on books that didn’t help… and orchids that just didn’t make it… Would an investment of $100 for the real answers have been a bargain?
Well, you will be very happy to know that you won’t have to pay anywhere near $100 in order to discover how to successfully grow orchids in your own home.
“Plus… If You Purchase Today You Can TEST It And We Will Take All The Risk!”
The “Orchids, Step By Step... The Essential Skills Video Guide” comes with a no-questions-asked, no-hassle, 60 Day, money back guarantee. If for any reason whatsoever you decide this product isn't right for you, just let us know and we will issue you a 100% refund!
That's two FULL MONTHS to put these strategies to the test - all the risk is on us. I don't think we could be any fairer than that!
Because You Are Ordering Today We Are Also Including FIVE Bonuses
Special Bonus #1: Orchids, Step-By-Step... The Essential Skills (Audios)
This is a set of 8 high quality audios that is the audio track of the video guide. Listening to these on your computer, smartphone or in your car is a great way to review what you learned in the videos. This is delivered in electronic format (MP3) and will be available immediately after purchase.
Special Bonus #2: Orchids, Step-By-Step... The Essential Skills (Transcripts)
These are complete, word for word notes of the audios. This valuable bonus includes the entire transcript of all 8 videos that make up the video guide. No need to take notes when you watch the videos as you'll have all the information easily at your finger tips in these transcripts. This is delivered in electronic format (PDF) and will be available immediately after purchase.
Special Bonus #3: Essential Skills Cheat Sheet
An invaluable reference that lists ALL the ‘Essential Skills’ covered in the 8 videos. Skills are broken down by subject area and are easily searchable. This is delivered in electronic format (PDF) and will be available immediately after purchase.
Special Bonus #4: Answers To The Most Asked Orchid Growing Questions We regularly survey our readers to find out what’s on their minds. We hear many of the same questions time after time. This bonus discusses these in depth so you know the answers ahead-of-time. This is delivered in electronic format (PDF) and is available immediately after purchase.
Special Bonus #5: Orchid Growing Matrix
There are many questions that you have to ask before you can make a smart decision regarding which orchid to buy. This handy guide takes the 10 most popular orchids and gives you the pertinent information you need about each. For example, temperature and lighting requirements, fertilizer needs, when they bloom, etc. This matrix will help you easily choose orchids that are compatible with those in your current growing area. There’s nothing worse than making a purchase just to find that your new orchid will need a completely different type of environment to survive. This bonus is delivered in electronic format (PDF) and is available immediately after purchase.
So Let’s Review:
When you purchase your 100% risk free copy of “Orchids, Step-By-Step... The Essential Skills Video Guide” you will receive:
Eight videos detailing the ‘Essential Skills’ you’ll need to grow beautiful, exotic orchids in your home.
And ALL FIVE of the special bonuses so you can take your orchid growing to the next level.
You will get instant access to your information in a downloadable format. Once you have processed your order, we will email your pass codes to a secure site where you can view all of your information.
The investment for the video guide and all 5 bonuses is now only $27.00.
So what are you waiting for? We have taken all the risk! Test it, try it and if you don’t like it… Let us know and you get a full refund! [CLICK HERE NOW TO ORDER]
Still not sure this is for you?
If you're like most orchid enthusiasts you've spent countless hours scouring the internet for tips and secrets that you either never find or find, but discover that they don't work. Frustration is usually the outcome.
If you're like most orchid enthusiasts you've wasted hundreds of dollars trying to learn how to grow these beautiful plants. It doesn't matter whether you're buying more plants, or books or tools dropping $100 here and there is very easy.
There is a proven shortcut to discovering how to grow beautiful, exotic orchids in your own home. It is the “Orchids, Step-By-Step... The Essential Skills Video Guide” plus the 5 Special Bonuses for a one time investment of only $27.00.
I want to give you fair warning. We do reserve the right to pull these bonuses out of the offer at any time. As you can see, for what you are getting the price is extremely low! And because we created a special download page for you, you can get all this information within minutes after your order is processed.
So, if you are thinking of buying and want the five bonuses along with the low price, please don't delay!
If you've always wanted to grow exotic orchids in your home, now is the best time ever to learn how! And now for less than the price of eating dinner at a nice restaurant you can learn how to grow your own orchids that bloom over and over. Not only that… You have no risk!
Order now and discover how much fun growing your own orchids can be. [CLICK HERE NOW TO ORDER (100% RISK FREE)]
To Your Success,
David Finney
P.S. At this point you are probably thinking, "Do I want to gamble my money on this orchid growing program?"
Just remember - That's EXACTLY why I am offering my "Nothing To Lose" guarantee! If this program does not exceed your expectations then you get ALL your money back and still get to keep access to the program as my way of saying thanks! I am the one who loses - guarantee! If this program does not exceed your expectations then you get ALL your money back and still get to keep access to the program as my way of saying thanks! I am the one who loses - not you!
Plus you are also 100% covered by the credit card companies as well... So you literally have nothing to lose! In fact, your biggest risk is not testing this amazing risk free orchid growing program...
P.P.S. Remember, I can't guarantee the current special price I’ve arranged for you! If you come back and this special price doesn't exist anymore, you may have to pay over 3 times as much...
Test this program now and then think about it. Your credit card bill doesn't come for a month anyway! If you don't like it or can't afford it in 60 days, you'll get a full refund... No questions asked.
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