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Dear Bedwetting Adult, Partner and Loved Ones,

Let's face it, adult bedwetting is a tough one. Chances are you've been trying to STOP bedwetting for a long time and failed.

Don't worry. It's not your fault. Here's why...

Most adults will never stop bedwetting because:-
You continue to seek a "Silver Bullet" type, free solution on the internet.
This free information comes in the main from websites of National/International Organisations and secondly from people that simply choose to write about it in their articles.
While you may find some information on these websites helpful, they tend to discuss this condition within the "framework" of their overall field. This means the information provided is hardly specific and you find no tangible solution to this most debilitating condition.
The complete converse is true when reading articles about adult bedwetting. This is where you quickly become confused about your affliction.
The more articles you read about this condition on the internet, the more confused you become. This is hardly surprising as this happened to me too!
Your confusion is not your fault. These articles are almost exclusively written by people who are not technically, research orientated or skilled writers.
Your confusion stems from their confusion!
Even if there are a few good writers on the subject (and there are!), they are forever lost like people "overboard", bobbing around in a "sea" of confusion.
Next you try the online forums to seek answers but you find no solutions there. You do though find other people like yourself who are also confused (and its not their fault either!) and desperately looking for someone to help them.
And so the myth's surrounding this dreadful adult affliction now start to take hold and begin a life of their own. It just becomes a vicious circle of mis-information that is continuously fuelled by anyone who has an opinion on this subject.
It's like a merry-go-round that you can't seem to get off!
So now being totally confused you recall from the forums other sufferers visiting their Doctor. So you convince yourself (by putting your embarrassment aside) that this must be the way to find a solution to this problem that "dogs" your life.
With trepidation you build up enough courage and make the appointment and visit your Doctor looking for a solution.
Are the above events surrounding your condition about right? Granted, your journey is likely to have been a little different, with other bumps, twists and turns. I guess though, if you are still reading this then the end destination and results have been much the same.

Does all of this make sense to you now and aren't the thoughts above a bit like "deja vu" for you?

Are you "dogged" by this debilitating condition and know not why this is and wonder if it is ever possible to lead a "normal" life? These are questions you think, that should have simple answers in the technologically advanced world that we live in today. Rest assured you are not alone looking for these answers.

Ok, how do I know this? Simply, because I have done the research. It became abundantly clear that good, reliable information on this condition was not being found. Also, that the overriding majority of adults suffering this affliction (their partners and loved ones too) are simply "crying out" for someone or something to help them.

I actually started researching the adult bedwetting condition years after having helped my Son over come his problem. It was whilst helping my Son that I was shocked to discover that this condition not only blighted the lives of children but also very many adults too. I have since become fascinated with the subject and condition but at the same time troubled by your plight.

Having researched this condition in some immense depth, I would like to say, please don't worry. It's not all doom and gloom. There is some good news...

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