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We all have “Stress” in our lives.  When stress, becomes nearly constant fear and worry it is known as "Anxiety." Anxiety if left untreated can destroy your life.
Anxiety slowly robs you of your freedom, your connection to people and your ability to live a normal life.  Eventually Anxiety can even lead to a state of hopelessness and depression.
Take The Stress And Anxiety Test below to discover if Anxiety is making you a prisoner in your own life.
You'll Get Personalized Results That Reveal Your Score

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
  Yes No Within the last week I have experienced pounding heart, shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or cold hands and feet? Within the last week I have experienced racing negative thoughts? Within the last week I have experienced a fear of losing control or going crazy? Within the last week I have avoided going out with friends or family because of fear, worry or embarrassment?

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