Excerpt from product page


How 1 "Non-Techie"


Made Over $100,000.00


Profit in 1 Week.






from 1 of our virtual businesses:

(we generated over $22,000 in 1 day!)



Here's some SCREENSHOT PROOF of Traffic

from 1 of our virtual businesses:

(we generated over 13,000 visitors from FREE Google traffic)



from 1 of our virtual businesses:

(here are over 500 live leads from 1 of our businesses)



Here's what is looks like when you get a sale:

(here's a sale from 1 of our virtual businesses using Wufoo.
We use wufoo and it costs us only $10/mo)





you create a digital product or service

and re-sell it over and over.


You sell this product DIRECTLY to customers through your website!

LaptopExec provides you with a site that captures customer leads.








LIFESTYLE DESIGN is a "SHOCKING" new business concept

that can give you a UNIQUE, HAPPY LIFE and "banker's hours"...

It freaks people out!

So, what exactly is lifestyle design?



Lifestyle Design can provide you with a CRAZY, Successful Business.

The overall goal of LD (lifestyle design) is to THINK HUGE and

FULFILL your monetary and personal dreams!




The innovative LaptopExec Virtual Business

Course contains:


25 Information Packed Modules:


It includes Virtual Business Ideas, Online Advertising Step-by-Step,

Hiring Virtual Employees 101, and Running an

Outsourced Business from your laptop (or iPad).




QUESTIONS? We answer your TOP 6:


1) Q: Will a virtual business (VB) work for me?

A: You are the boss of your VB and you use cheap outsourced workers to do your day-to-day grunt work. If you can day-dream a basic business idea, LaptopExec can help you build it...

2) Q: What products can i create with virtual labor?

A: we recommend that you create a digital product/or service which can be built by your "virtual assistants". BUT, you can create anything! From a web design business, graphic design company, article writing service, to an public relations firm, you can create a sellable product with outsourced labor!

3) Q: How do i get new customers and sales?

A: our "lead capture website" allows you to easily grab vital info from your customers (email, phone number, address) and will even process payments for you! You buy ads (on Google, Yahoo, etc.) and send the visitors to your site. Then, you collect the checks from sales you generate!

4) Q: How do i set up my cool new website?

A: setting up your website is very basic. It was designed for non-techies! You fill out the basic product info, and upload it. Our step-by-step guide will walk you through the process.

5) Q: Is it hard to advertise online?

A: we provide over 10 guides alone on the advertising process. Valuable info. is jam-packed into these modules! We will also continue to provide NEW content, which you will recieve for FREE as a LaptopExec customer.

6) Q: Is this a real, growing business?

A: LaptopExec can help you create a real business that will continue to grow as you develop it and learn it inside and out. If you take it seriously, it should get bigger and become more profitable as time goes on.



For Just $27.00...


A 25 Module: Virtual Business E-Course

($227.00 Value)


A Pre-Built Website:

Designed to Turn Web Visitors into Sales

($147.00 Value)








Get Instant Access NOW

for $27.00



[Contact Us](mailto:contact@laptopexec.com) | [Earnings Disclaimer](http://laptopexec.com/earnings.html) | Copyright Laptop Exec. 2013

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