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Are you afraid of aging, poor health and no sex life?  All your answers and everything you need to know about feeling young, great health and a great sex life …… 2013 version of…

Discover the Secret to Feeling
Young Healthy and Sexy…
Feel like You’re 30 Again

Embrace aging with great health and a great sex life

Embrace aging with great health and a great sex life
The Single Most Important Thing To Do To Feel Young Healthy & Sexy How Aging Can Be Exciting And The Beginning Of A New Life Why Up To 80% Of Women Tested In Japan Had Great Results What Never To Do When You Are Over 40 The Secrets To Great Health And A Great Sex Life There Is A Natural Solution For Both Men And Women How You Can Have Passion Back In Your Life Why Most People Are Given No Hope By Their GP Or Specialist Why All The Women And Men I Have Treated Have Improved Dramatically The 4 Secrets All Men Need To Know As They Get Older What Never To Accept From You Doctor Why Most People Are Scared Of Aging & Feel It’s Downhill Once You Hit 40

How a 50 y.o. went from feeling like she would never have sex again to feeling passionate, energetic and alive again

Julie N felt like she would never have sex again.  She had painful intercourse, no sex drive, hot flashes all the time.  After some blood tests she discovered she had no progesterone and hardly any testosterone.  After a course of bio identical hormones Julie got her mojo back, she can’t believe it!

This ebook has everything I wanted to know when I was going through these problems and a whole lot more.  Words can’t explain the changes that occurred after we used bio identical hormones.  We want the same great things for you!

To: all people who are going through midlife and need help and guidance to navigate their way through it and beyond and tips to help you avoid the health issues and risks

From: Christine & Thom McDonnell – natural health practitioners, mid life coaches, educators specialising in antiaging natural solutions.

Dear Friends

We have been where you are now!  We both had horrendous changes when we hit our mid forties that affected our health and wellbeing and how we lived our lives.

Let me explain my story….

Hi I’m Christine, and I have been a practitioner for over 30 years in nutrition, herbal and homeopathic medicine, so I should have been well-equipped to deal with any health issues.  So I thought, but nothing prepared me for what my body was going through. I started putting on weight for no apparent reason, I could go all week and hardly eat and still put on weight.

I had pain in my right ovary, had a scan and there was a 4 cm cyst on it but the pain would not stop so I made my first mistake I had it removed and of course they took the ovary as well!

So….What Do You Think Happened Then?

It threw me into menopause when neither I was nor my body was ready for it and I started experiencing hot flashes day and night, probably 20-30 a day.  All I wanted to do was sit in the fridge! I had to have the fan on me 24/7 no matter where I was.

Then my thyroid went and I had hypothyroidism and more weight went on.  I was not sleeping at night, I felt very overwhelmed.

So you would think that this would have been picked up by Doctors but no, I had to do so much homework myself and ask for tests that I thought I needed so I could work out what was going on and what I needed to do.

Have you felt like this….. overwhelmed and not getting answers from your Doctor?

Heaps of symptoms but no-one gives you an answer or solution that works? Maybe you can relate to what I am saying, maybe this has happened to you?

So I started thinking, wouldn’t it be good to put all the answers that my husband and I have discovered into one great ebook?  I mean what do people do that don’t know anything about their bodies and medicine?

We Can Save A Whole Lot Of People Experiencing The Same Frustrations And Anxieties.

Sound Good? We Think So…..

Hi my name is Thom (Christine’s better half!)

I was only 45 y.o. when I started feeling fatigue and depression.  I was anxious all the time.  I did not recover well after exercise.  I really did not understand what was happening to me.

After speaking to my mates I discovered that a lot of them felt the same.

Does This Sound Like You Too?

My sex drive declined, I couldn’t believe it!  Here I was ready to enjoy my sex life and relax, the hard bit of life behind me and I was feeling like I wanted to sleep all the time!  After going to work I had no  energy for anything else.  I felt like I had lost my physical strength.   Hey I’m 6’ 5” and a strong guy but I didn’t feel like that anymore.

My recovery after exertion was poor.

I was still tired the next day!

Sound Familiar?

Now don’t get us wrong, we know there is a lot of information out there about how to balance your hormones but it’s really difficult to get it all in one place and to navigate your way around it and know what questions you should be asking!

What Blood Tests Should You Really Be Having?

It can be very confusing and in some cases we know from our patients that they were told they needed antidepressants or worse HRT.  Some were put on anti-anxiety medicines but the underlying issues weren’t often found and certainly weren’t dealt with.

Can You Relate To This?

In The End We Said To Each Other, We Have To Give People Good Information In One Simple Place……This Is Too Difficult, It Shouldn’t Be This Hard!

So back to our story………..

We Discovered How To Look Younger, How To Feel Younger, How To Feel Healthier And Have A Great Sex Life.

Can you relate to what we are talking about?

Are You Afraid That Now You Are 40 Your Life Feels Like It’s Finished As You Knew It And Your Body Just Doesn’t Co-Operate Anymore?

Do you still feel like you can do the things you used to do in your 20s and 30s?  Climb a mountain, go bike riding for long distances, play tennis competitively, swim 5 km?  Do you exercise each day and feel great and then go to work? Do you come home and feel like you still have energy to connect with your partner or children, or friends….No?  Then you understand what we are talking about!

Do you have

Fear Of Never Being Able To Have Vaginal Sex Again Or That You Are Only Going To Have Painful Sex From Now On Fear Of Not Having Great Erections And Sex Not Lasting More Than A Couple Of Minutes
Anxiety  That You Will Never Feel Healthy And Sexy Again Fear That You  Have Not Done Everything You Wanted To Do In Life And Now You Feel You Can’t And Will Never Achieve These Things
A Feeling That You Have Lost Desire For Life And Don’t See A Great Future Ahead Fear That You Will Never Have A Good Nights Sleep Again
The Experience That When You Wake In The Morning Your Body Feels Stiff And Sore And You Have Difficulty Getting Out Of Bed Constant Suffering From Hot Flashes And Night Sweats That Are Relentless

We Did, We Hear You and Empathise. There Is Nothing Worse.

The worst thing is feeling overwhelmed all the time, even little things that you used to do standing on your head all of sudden seem too hard!

Do you feel like every time you cough or sneeze you have to cross your legs?
Are you worried about bladder leakage when you walk or run?

Do you feel like your uterus is going to fall out?  Does it feel heavy and painful?
Are you experiencing irregular heavy painful periods?

Are you looking older than you really are?  Is your skin aging fast and are you getting brown spots on your hands and face?  Is your hair thinning or falling out?  These can be symptoms of hormone and thyroid issues.

There are so many health issues that start when your hormones decline.  It is one of the biggest precursors to ill health.

So What Do You Do….?

There is a solution but it’s not HRT.  All this will do for you is give you some nasty side effects.  The FDA in America have concerns about it causing blood clots, strokes, and cancer, among other things.

And what do the men do?   Synthetic testosterone gives you a lift but then it has side effects too.

Bio-identical hormones on the other hand are made to be molecularly identical to the hormones produced by the human body, whereas synthetic HRT are made to be structurally different so that pharmaceutical companies can patent them and make money.

Benefit for you: The Bio identical hormones will be much better received by your body with significantly less adverse side effects.

Bio-identical hormones are produced from an organic substance derived from Wild Yam.  Synthetic HRT is commonly made from the urine of pregnant mares, known as conjugated equine estranges and progestin.

Benefit for you: It’s so great to know that you are using the closest thing to natural hormones other than what you own body makes itself.  It’s even better to know you are not putting an animal substance in your body which is not molecularly the same as human hormones.

With HRT one size fits all with prescriptions.

With Bio identical Hormones you have an individual prescription from your GP and it is made up by a reputable compounding pharmacist just for you.

Benefit for you: Bio-identical Hormones are tailor made to your needs.  It is your individual prescription designed to maximise the effect of bio-identical hormones to address any hormonal imbalances specific for you.

How a 66 year old went from putting her house
on the market and going into an old folk’s home to
feeling like she had a new lease on life

Patti G from the Sunshine Coast was emotionally depressed and unable to cope with a part-time job.  Even the thought of washing the dishes was too hard.  She decided to sell her home and move into a retirement village because she felt too old to cope with simple every day things.

After she went on a course of bio identical hormones she became more motivated and her energy improved dramatically.

She felt so great she is now in a new relationship, doing art classes, walking 5 km daily and handling her job with ease.    How great is that?

Martin is a 54 y.o. from Brisbane, he was exhausted all the time.  He had no passion for life or work, definitely no energy for his relationship.  He had no libido, had stopped exercising and wanted to sleep all the time.  He was found to be very low in Testosterone and DHEA.  After he was given some bio identical Testosterone and DHEA he improved greatly.

He now feels stronger, his libido has returned and he feels motivated again.

Veronica 52 y.o. from Brisbane could no longer have  intercourse with her husband because it was too painful.  She was anxious and getting hot flashes.  After taking some bio identical hormones that were specific for her she no longer has hot flashes and her libido and sex life have returned to normal.

So if you are like me and you want the best advice then keep reading and see what you get.

Here’s a quick preview of what valuable information you will get…………

Information On How Bio Identical Hormones Are Received Well By Your Body Because They Are Molecularly Identical To The Hormones Produced By The Human Body.(Page 5) Understand The Difference Between Bio-Identical And HRT And Avoid The Dangerous Side Effects Of HRT.(Page 7)
Understand How They Work In Your Body And What They Can Do For You(Page 14) Early Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance And What You Can Do About It (Page 6)
How To Correct These Hormonal Imbalances Naturally And Quickly, Within 4 Weeks In Most Cases, So That You Start To Feel Younger And More Sexy. (Page 25) Progesterone, Estrogen, Testosterone And DHEA Explained (Page 14)
Alternatives And Strategies To Correct These Problems (Page 17) Information On How To Get The Correct Pathology And Testing Done To Ensure You Get The Right Prescription For You. (Page 26)
Essential Advice And Information On All The Different Methods Of Delivering Bio-Identical Hormones (12) Signs And Symptoms Of Health Issues That Can Affect The Health Of Your Hormones And The Simple Solutions To Them.
How Fatigue And Burnout Affect Your Hormones And What You Can Do About It (Page 20) How To Have A Great Sex Life No Matter What Age You Are (Page 24)
Chart Of Differences Between Synthetic HRT & Bio Identical Hormones (Page 19) Controversies & Safety Of Bio Identical Hormones (Page 24) Are Bio Identical Hormones For You? (Page 25)

And that’s not all we are going to give you:

I couldn’t help myself! You’re going to love this book and the great bonuses I am going to give you.  Here they are.

FREE Extra Special Gift Bonuses


“10 Day Detox”

This E Book Normally Sells For $29.00

But It’s Yours Free


“Boost Your Metabolism”

This Will Get Everything Moving – Weight, Thyroid And Hormones

This E Book Normally Sells For $37.00

But It’s Yours Free


“A Guide To Healthy Living”

Great Advice For A Healthy Life

This E Book Normally Sells For $47.00

But It’s Yours Free


“Looking Ageless”

Great Advice About Your Skin, Its Health And How To Look Younger

This E Book Normally Sells For $39.00

But It’s Yours Free

Let Me Do The Maths For You….That’s A Total Of $152 Worth Of FREE Bonus Gifts For You….Pretty Good Deal, Right?  In Truth I Love The Fact That I Can Give You These Special Bonuses!  I Just Know You’re Going To Find So Much Great Information You Can Use For Your Health And Wellbeing And That You Will Love Them Just As Much As I Do…

Sound good?……so you are probably asking how much is this going to cost?

Well the best part is the price……to be honest  I have spent countless hours and a lot of research in putting all the information you could need into this one Ebook, so if I was to charge you for all the labour it would be thousands of dollars!

I Could Easily Sell This Book For $97 – Even Though The Value Is So Much More And I Could Sell It For So Much More – But I Really Want As Many People As Possible To Have This Information And Start To Feel Young Health And Sexy So …….I’ve Come Up With A Price That’s Fair For Both Of Us.

Doctors bills and medicines and naturopathic visits and supplements would be hundreds of dollars, if not thousands spent trying to get an answer – as I said it’s my passion that as many people as possible have access to this information ….you can have my special book AND all the FREE bonuses (valued at $249) for only $47.00 and that’s it!

Now I know you will agree that $47 is a tiny investment to ensure your health, energy and sex life.  Thought so……

But here’s another great gift to you…because this is the launch of this special book….I’d like to give the first 100 people an extra discount.

SLASH $10 off the price as a Special Launch Price

I’m not sure how long it will be before the 1st 100 books go at that price, but since you’re  here now, you can grab the whole lot for $37.00! But you really have to jump on it quick because like I said, I will be bumping the price back up to the original $47 soon.

I really want to eliminate any excuses you may have for not buying this book.  So for a tiny price of $37??? I’m sure you can never complain about it being expensive.  That’s cheap in anyone’s language.

I am going to be very honest with you but I wouldn’t forgive myself if you missed out on this fantastic information to ensure great health, great energy levels, and great sex life surely you are worth it.

Was that a bit forward of me, Sorry, as you can tell I am very passionate about helping people  and about this topic.

100% Money Back Guarantee

I personally guarantee that if you follow the tips and advice in this book your health and love life will improve like ours did.

So there you have it…..

You’ve got nothing to lose right?

If you are like me and my husband and don’t want to waste another minute of your life…..if you want to ensure you Recapture Your Youth And Vitality And Feel Fantastic For The Rest Of Your Life….

Then the smartest decision for you is to buy right now.

This is a time sensitive decision, remember it’s only the first 100 people who are going to get the discounted price of $37 and I have already got orders coming in ….so if you don’t want to miss this great deal and special Ebook then BUY NOW.

I Really Hope You Do, Then I Know That Our Mission To Help As Many People As Possible Feel Young Health And Sexy Is Well Underway!

Okay, so let’s recap…

What you get


Your Investment

Feel Young Healthy & Sexy Ebook

$97 $47
Free Bonus #1:
“10 Day Detox”
$29 Nil
Free Bonus #2:
“Boost Your Metabolism”
E Book
$37 Nil
Free Bonus #3:
“A Guide To Healthy Living”
$47 Nil
Free Bonus #4:
“Looking Ageless”
$39 Nil
$249.00 $47.00
Special Early Bird Discount $10

So there you have it – you have two choices:

1. You can keep doing what you are doing now and hope and pray that things will get better and you will miraculously Feel Young Healthy And Sexy again….OR

2. Take Action And Recapture Your Youth And Vitality.   Feel Younger With Bio-Identical Hormones.  Live A Happy, Healthy Life And Do The Things You Want To Do.

So Don’t Miss The Opportunity For This Great Discount And All The Fabulous FREE Bonuses You Get, Do It Now…

Thom And I Wish You Great Health, Energy, And Hope You Too Feel Young And Sexy Again.  In Good Health, And All The Best.

PS:   So If You Are Serious About Your Health And Your Life, Be One Of The First 100 People To Take Advantage Of This Offer For Only $37.00

PPS: Don’t Forget, Next Time You Come To Our Site The Price Might Be Back Up To $47 (Which Is Still Very Cheap) AND Remember You Get $249 Worth Of FREE BONUS GIFTS As Well And That’s Awesome.

PPPS: Let Us Remind You Of Our Guarantee: You Are 100% Covered “No Questions Asked” So There’s No Risk On Your Part At All.  So What Are You Waiting For? Enjoy!

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