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First There Was a Strategy now there is a


Events in the Middle East are for ever changing.

Hamas is in now in government and Islamic fundamentalism is rapidly spreading. America has been drawn into a prolonged war in Iraq and Israel is seeking to define its borders.

The Middle East is more violent and more complicated

Have you ever wanted to explain to students what is happening in the Middle East but were not sure how?

If so "Crisis" was designed for you.

"Crisis" is a simulation game of nerves and is frighteningly realistic. It is a simulation game written by Neil Lazarus to explain events in the Middle East. It is suited for the campus, classroom or the youth group. It is suited for an evening activity for adults or university students of the Middle East.

What people said about Crisis:

"Neil we just did this game for a conference of 200, it was truly awesome!" "Just what we needed!"


"Very interesting program that I can't wait to do with my campers this summer!"

"Awesome program that gave real perspective on the intransigent (?) situation and spoke to the importance of interaction when learning."

"Fun and interesting!"

"We were able to learn about politics through an interactive simulation that would be perfect for 16 year old at camp."

To purchase Crisis [click here](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?awesomesem/2/simulationgame).

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