Female Fat Loss Formula | Female Specific Advanced Fat Loss
Already A Member? secured payday loans online A cutting-edge &
science-based program especially designed for female specific fat
loss. Menopause, PCOS, and stubborn lower body fat. It is all here in
this program. Most programs make no distinction between males and
females. As far as most people are concerned it makes no difference if
you are male or female, the trick is to simply eat less and exercise
more. But ask any woman and they will tell you hormones matter and the
female hormones can matter a lot. The female hormones play a key role
in proper metabolic function from thyroid function to adrenal
signaling. For those who are dealing with female specific fat loss
resistance the only way to get results is to address the underlying
hormonal physiology. This program is designed specifically for women
and designed by the entire Metabolic Effect team. It uses proven
techniques that have worked for thousands of our clients in the
personal training environment as well as the clinic. This is the most
complete female specific fat loss program available anywhere. Here is
what you'll learn:
* 8 weeks of fat loss coaching emails specific to female issues
* 8 weeks worth of workout videos
* Female specific nutrition program
* Weekly educational video lectures
* How to balance estrogen and progesterone
* The simple fat loss trick that unlocks fat burning even in
* Learn why the upper body can shrink while the legs dont change and
how to specificaly target lower body fat
* How to address hormone specific issues such as PCOS, PMS, Menopause
and more
* Advanced female fat loss supplements and techniques
* And more.
Copyright (c) 2011 Metabolic Effect Inc.