[Gender Communication Training](http://gendercommunicationtraining.com/)
with Andrea Jones
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Welcome to Gender Communication Training
Menglish and Womenglish in the Workplace
Businesses have fallen into the trap of trying to negate the differences between men and women.
However, men and women are different – in potentially powerfully complementary ways.
Diversity, especially gender diversity, unlocks tremendous growth and leads to higher performance within your company.
There is no question that men and women in your organization are willing to work hard. It is just a matter of getting them to work together without trying to adopt masculine or female behavior or leadership styles.
In our workshops your employees will learn
How to identify gender specific behaviors How to use tools to effectively manage gender related issues How to prevent gender cultural barriers How to identify and implement different leadership styles effective
Improve your team’s effectiveness.
Women have started to outnumber men in University degrees and the consumer and earning power of women is continuously rising – do not miss out on these oportunities.
Our eCourse Training Site is available to those who want to learn more about Gender Communication. Please click on eCourse Tab to view our latest eCourses.
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Take our Gender Communication Quiz
Click here to take our Gender Communication Quiz and test your knowledge about how Men and Women differ in the communication styles.](http://www.gendercommunicationtraining.com/gender-communication-quiz)
Contact Us
Email us: [support@gendercommunicationtraining.com](mailto:support@gendercommunicationtraining.com)
To learn more about Andrea, visit her website at [www.menglish.com](http://www.menglish.com)
Copyright 2013 Gender Communication Training • eCourse and Website by [Express Yourself eLearning](http://www.expressyourselfelearning.com)