Greatest science fiction novels - true science fiction quality -
Science fiction, science fiction novels and Fantasticfictiontogether
make up a vast area with many different movies, books and authors. I
spent my teens/twenties and now half of my thirties readingscience
fictionnovels with different authors, watching all the bestscience
fictionmovies and playing a lot ofscience fictiongames.This site is
about spending your time with sciencefiction-quality -- great science
fiction!It is devoted to SciFi nerds/geeks, both male and female.
One of the firstI ever read was_The Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy._Later, in 1982, one of the bestscience fictionmovies, "Star
Wars," was on my curriculum. My parents couldn’t get me away from
the TV and a few months later my friends and I could repeat the lines
word for word.
Later on, the search forsciencefiction-quality, i.e movies, novels
and authors actually worth your time, continued. Think of this site
not as a wiki ofscience fiction, but as a SciFi primer--a subjective
opinion of what comprisesquality Science Fiction. Don’t waste your
time with poor quality science fiction, young apprentice – join the
dark side!
I have taken no consideration of what's currently popular on the net,
or whether the novel, short story, or author has won an award, like
the Hugo or Nebula, or not (but often they are spot on and_have_won
A word of caution
* On this site I have made in depth analyses of some classics (and
avoided crap), given my opinion on thewho have written them to give
examples of the novels and authors that should be on your SciFi "To Be
Read" list.
* I have found some of the, and you may not see movies like "Avatar"
or "Titanic" (some of the absolute best-selling movies). What you'll
see here are more comments onqualitystuff in this genre.
* is the category in which I will comment on what the world looks
like after the 2010's and compare it with the views some of these
authors had or have today. (Where are all the flying cars as predicted
in Blade Runner?)
* - here I have found some interesting sites you might enjoy related
to thescience fictiongenre.
* represents other forums or places where you can get discounts on
books or be inspired and get lists of great SciFi that others
* In the category -- you are invited to write to me, to join in and
give others hints as to what you considerscience fiction qualityto
be.Happy sci-fi'ing with some of the bestscience fictionnovels,
movies, authors and Fantasticfiction of all--that's
PS, since this is a heavy duty site that requires a least some brain
activity on your part - please remember to
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