[Mobile App Development Pro](http://www.mobileappdevelopmentpro.com/)
Mobile Apps for Pros!
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[]Premium Mobile App for Business
Set-Up / Design only $2,499 -5 stages, 5 monthly payments
Stage 1 - Portal Set Up $500
Stage 2 - Design & Review $500
Stage 3 - Revisions (up to one round at no additional cost) $500
Stage 4 - Submit to App Stores $500
Stage 5 - App approval and portal access $500
[Monthly hosting](http://<a href="http://5APPMO.appdevpro.pay.clickbank.net" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-butcc.gif"></a>) is $49 / month and begins when app is live in the marketplace.
[]Premium Mobile App for Non-Profit
Set-up / Design: $2,000 - 4 stages, 4 monthly payments
Stage 1 - Portal Set Up, Design & Review $500
Stage 2 - Revisions (up to one round at no additional cost) $500
Stage 3 - Submit to App Stores $500
Stage 4 - App approval and portal access $500
[Monthly hosting](http://<a href="http://5APPMO.appdevpro.pay.clickbank.net" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-butcc.gif"></a>) is $49 / month and begins when app is live in the marketplace.
Once your mobile app is in the market place, you will need to start your monthly hosting ($49 ) here:
* Why do we have you set this up separately? So that we can ensure that you do not get charged for your apps hosting until it is live in the marketplace.
[]Get Started on Your App Today!
Mobile App Development PRO introduces cross platform mobile apps for Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, and BlackBerry devices. All of our app packages offer a host of all-inclusive, al-a-carte [features](http://www.mobileappdevelopmentpro.com/features.htm), including: Push Notifications, QR codes, GPS Directions, Click to Contact, Appointments, Calendar/ Events, Mailing Lists, E-Commerce, and more. We empower you to reach and engage your audience were they are, and how they want to be reached. This establishes credibility and encourages them to choose YOU over the competition!
Need a payment plan? [Contact Us](http://www.mobileappdevelopmentpro.com/contactus.htm) to learn more about our consumer financing program.
[Click here](http://www.mobileappdevelopmentpro.com/products.htm#840727201) for details on pricing and the app development process
[]Pricing and Process
For each app, there is a set-up fee to build your app(s) and a monthly hosting fee. There is a 30-day grace period in which we do not charge to have your app hosted on our platform.
This lets us build your app, let you to review it and request changes (one round included at no additional cost), and submit you app to the marketplace.
After 30 days, you will be charged $49.95 per month as long as your app is live in the marketplace. The process for creating your app is as follows:
1. After you submit payment, you will immediately be directed to a thank you page where you will submit basic information about your business/ organization / brand.
2. Most apps will be submitted through our developer accounts, unless you request otherwise. If you plan to charge for your app, you must have your own accounts. There is a set up fee and annual renewal fee for developer accounts. In some cases, if you app is very similar to another (e.g. real estate agents licensed under the same broker), you may be required to set up your own accounts - but we will help you! If you want have you own accounts, you can learn more here:
[Apple Developer Account Info ](https://developer.apple.com/programs/start/standard/)
[Android Market Developer Account ](https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=androiddeveloper&passive=true&nui=1&continue=https://market.android.com/publish&followup=https://market.android.com/publish)
3. Once your site is built, you will be given an app preview code, which you will enter in the [Preview Page](/MembersB/EditPage/previewyourapp.com)[.](/MembersB/EditPage/previewyourapp.com)
To demo this feature, click the play button, enter one of the app codes, below, in the email field. Leave password blank. Click "Next" then click "Go."
SHB (Law Firm)VALHALLA (Kitchen & Bar)SHARKEEZ (Bar & Grill)TORELLI (Realtor)LASMARG (Restaurant)HURRICANES (Bar & Grill)SUMMIT (Financial Services)
4. Once you approve your app, we will submit it to the marketplace for approval. Android may approve approve apps in as little as one week. The Apple store make take up to several weeks. If for any reason your app is not approved, we will work with you until it is approved!
5. You can make updates to your app via the web portal we provide you. We will provide training on how to update your content and will make one content update for you per month, if needed, at no extra charge.
If you have further questions or need assistance, please use our contact form, or submit an email to [Support@MobileAppDevelopmentPro.com](mailto:Support@MobileAppDevelopmentPro.com)
Mobile App Development Pro makes no guarantee that your mobile app(s) will generate revenue or increase traffic to your place of business or website. You success depends on your efforts and how you implement your mobile marketing strategy. We cannot guarantee you will be accepted into the mobile marketplace, however, we are familiar with the guidelines for submission and will adhere to the best practices for app approval.
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[Recent Blog Entries](http://www.mobileappdevelopmentpro.com/apps/blog/)
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by [Mobile App Development Pro](http://www.mobileappdevelopmentpro.com/apps/profile/86882970/) | 0 comments