* Mindtamer- Taming the mind for fitness, nutrition, and life success
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Page. Each Of Our Lessons Give You Multiple Ways To Absorb The
Hey what’s up? Its Jason Yun. . Welcome to all you future
Just wanted to write an introduction for you of what Mindtamer is
all about, and what its going to do to change your life.
Change is hard, it doesn’t happen at the snap of a finger. It takes
action everyday. Consistent action. Mindtamer program is basically
taking you and making you into the strongest version of you. So taking
action everyday to be what we call an IMPROVEMENT WARRIOR.
All Warriors Improve- What Do You Want To Improve
A warrior can be anything. Most people when they think of warrior,
they think of war, battles, Rambo or gladiator; that kind of thing.
That’s a warrior. But anybody can be a warrior, you just to be on
the right path and know what you’re fighting for. And what Mindtamer
is fighting for is basically we are fighting for YOU and making YOU
better, every single day.
And how we do that is every month there’s a new module. Each module
contains a certain number of lessons and those lessons are going to
help you become the strongest version of you and become the
improvement warrior. There’s certain daily practice that we do. I
would say the most important things with Mindtamer program (not in any
order) is the:
Goal setting is very very high on the list of making a success of
your life.
Each module we introduce new ones.
We also combine what we call the 6 positive strengths. These are
things that we are working on throughout the program. So maybe on one
module we will work on one a little more. But each module has a
certain aspect of each of these positive strengths. And those are:
1- Physical
2- Nutritional
3- Mental
4- Emotional
5- Intuition/ Awareness/ 6th sense so to speak
6- Spiritual
So they’re all connected but we put physical as the most important.
We use physical training, physical workouts to help build you into a
better person. You can't be the strongest version of yourself without
strong workouts. For instance, this past Monday I did a mile bear
crawl. One mile. Took me 62 minutes to do it. My shoulders, upper body
has never been as sore, ever. Not saying these are the kind of
workouts we have the Mindtamers do. But we work up in a progressive
fashion and we have challenges every module. So that helps build
your physical strength but it also helps build your mental capacity,
your mental toughness. Because if you’re mentally weak then your
life is going to be weak. It’s not going to be a strong life and its
not going to be a happy life and that’s what we want. We teach you
workouts; we have plans for you.
We teach you all about nutrition, what’s good for you, what’s not
good for you. The “whys”- why its good for you and why its not
good for you. Some of the things that you think are good for you _are
not good for you._ I’m going to divulge that to you. Show you why
their not good for you and show you how you can feel absolutely
amazing everyday.
Being in the moment. It’s a very important lesson that we teach as
well. So give it a try. Let me know what you think. If you have
questions you can email me. There’s a contact box, just hit that box
and send me your questions OK? I want to be your guide. And as your
guide you better get used to seeing my face. Because I want you to
take everything that I teach, everything I used to change my life
around, owning multiple businesses and staying awesome and happy
everyday. I want you to take those lessons and come up with your own
meaning. Because everybody has their own opinion and own meaning of
different things in life. That’s life. That’s what makes it
amazing, that’s what makes it fun.
That’s what Mindtamer is all about. You can think of it like
homework only it’s the most important homework your ever going to do
in your life. So each of the lessons I teach in the modules, are
things that I have personally done to change my life around. To make
it the best and make me the strongest I can possibly be. And everyday
I’m learning. There was a period in my life when I stopped learning,
I stopped reading and those days were the darkest in my entire life. I
was very depressed and had thoughts of suicide; bad things. So I never
want to go through that again. Everyday you have to stretch your brain
and you got to be learning. Take no days off.
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