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Vicious Eating

How to Permanently Get Rid of Cravings

...and Take Control of Your Eating Habits


Why is it so hard for some people to stick to a diet?

I see it all around me…

Individuals who are often successful in other aspects of their lives keep trying to eat right, but somehow always seem to fall back into their old eating habits.

They keep trying new diets with ever increasing determination, but always seem to fail and gain the weight back without ever reaching their goals.

If Simply Finding an Effective Diet Was the Key to Losing Weight… There Would be a Lot More Lean People Walking Around




People in western countries are heavier than ever before:

[+] Despite an immense amount of different diets that all work on some level.
[+] Despite gyms and fitness clubs being everywhere.
[+] Despite an abundance of health and weight loss advice on the internet.

If losing weight was as simple as eating less calories and exercising more, we wouldn’t be in the midst of an obesity epidemic.

Why it is Downright Impossible For Some People to “Eat Less, Move More”

Every single human behavior is controlled by hormones. Sleeping behavior,  sexual behavior, drinking behavior. It is all under hormonal control.

When we get a craving for something, such as ice cream, it has a biological basis and is driven by hormones and neurotransmitters in a certain area of the brain.

Eating junk foods (especially sugar) changes our hormonal environment and it involves several hormones.

Trying to exert willpower against these powerful hormonally driven signals can be difficult… and sometimes impossible.

This is the reason people can’t just “Eat Less, Move More” and live happily ever after.

It’s not enough to just try to use willpower or self-discipline in order to break the habit of eating these foods. It is necessary to get to the root of the issue and “fix” the hormonal environment that is driving our consumption of these foods.

Junk Foods Stimulate The Same Areas in Our Brains as Drugs of Abuse

Do you know what added sugars have in common with drugs of abuse like cocaine and amphetamine?

Well… they all cause release of a large amount of dopamine in an area of the brain called the Nucleus Accumbens… also known as the “reward system” or the “pleasure center.”

When people eat sugar, they experience pleasure.

Pleasure, generally speaking, is good.

But a lot of pleasure, however… a LOT of dopamine released in the reward system… can lead to a disorder known as addiction.

The reward system was designed by nature to make us want to repeat things that give us pleasure. Natural things that give us “reward” include sex and eating, both behaviors that help our species survive.

But added sugar (and abusive drugs) are so-called super stimuli. They release such an immense amount of dopamine that the brain becomes programmed to seek out the behaviour again and again, even though it may be causing harm.

This is how sugar and other junk foods can lead to addiction in certain individuals with a certain predisposition.

If you feel unable to control your consumption of sugary junk foods despite wanting to, then chances are that you are starting to display symptoms that are typical for addiction.

Regular Consumption of Sugar Can lead to Classic Signs of Addiction


According to a recent study titled: Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake.

“The reviewed evidence supports the theory that, in some circumstances, intermittent access to sugar can lead to behavior and neurochemical changes that resemble the effects of a substance of abuse.“

Do you show symptoms of addiction to junk food?

Ask yourself these three questions:

[+] Do you ever get cravings for  unhealthy foods, despite having just eaten a fulfilling, nutritious meal?

[+] Do you ever get a guilty conscience after eating unhealthy foods but find yourself eating them again soon?

[+] Have you tried setting rules about unhealthy foods (such as cheat meals/days) but been unsuccessful?

If you answered “yes” to any of these, then chances are that you have what is generally known as “food addiction.”

Food addiction is, quite simply, being addicted to junk foods in the same way as smokers are addicted to cigarettes.

The symptoms are exactly the same and it can be just as difficult for a food addict to give up sugar as it can be for a smoker to stop smoking.

What does this mean?

Quite simply, if you have food addiction (some people like to call it an “unhealthy relationship” with food) then I’m afraid you will never be able to control your consumption of junk foods again.

You will continue to be plagued with cravings and struggle with your diet despite your best intentions, unless you do something about it to overcome the addiction.

Food Addiction Feels The Exact Same as Being Addicted to Drugs of Abuse Like Amphetamine

Food addiction is a relatively new term in the literature and many doctors and nutritionists don’t know about it.

They tend to think that weight gain is a matter of self-discipline… that people who can’t lose weight simply lack self-discipline.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

If someone is addicted to the unhealthy foods, it will be impossible for them to lose weight unless they overcome their addiction first.

For individuals with a certain predisposition to addiction, “willpower” simply does not work.

But who am I and what do I know about addiction?

My name is Kris Gunnars: I am a 26 year old medical student and personal trainer. I’ve been pretty much obsessed with health and nutrition for years.

Despite a massive amount of interest in health and knowing exactly how unhealthy and damaging junk foods were, I had severe problems eating healthy myself.

The thing is, I used to eat junk all the time.

I could eat an entire pizza, then a large tub of ice cream afterwards.

I could make some of the worst bingers and un-health conscious people out there look like amateurs.

My background as an addict

I am a recovering alcoholic and a drug addict, with a history of 6 rehabs, jail, a week in a mental hospital along with several trips to the emergency room due to overdose.

During this time, I hurt a lot of people, did a lot of bad things, wasted several years of my life and quite a few brain cells.

Luckily, my mom never lost faith in me and she was the one who practically forced me into each and every rehab. Without her, I’d probably be dead, and to her I will forever be grateful.

I also used to smoke cigarettes, but managed to give that up after multiple attempts.

But this is who I was in the past… which ended on January 4th of 2007 when I stepped into rehab for the last time.

Addiction to unhealthy foods?

When I had been sober for a few years, I started developing an addiction to unhealthy foods.

Full blown addiction. Nothing more, nothing less.

These foods almost invariably contain either sugar, or wheat, or both, with a few exceptions.

The symptoms are exactly the same as drug and nicotine addiction, just a different substance and the social consequences aren’t as severe.

The obsessive-compulsive nature, the thought processes, the lack of self-control…

Craving ice cream feels the same as craving a cigarette or amphetamine… exactly the same.

I tried to stop more often than I can count

Believe me, I tried to stop. More often than I can count.

Sometimes, when I felt motivated, I managed to stay away from these foods for about a week or so.

Everything went well… the scale started going down and I started to feel a lot better. I actually started feeling good in my own skin again.

But then, one moment, this “idea” would pop up…

The idea that it would be a good idea for me to have a “cheat meal.” I would suddenly have a hard time remembering why on earth I’d ever thought that cheat meals were a bad idea for me.

I would forget the fact that the last 100 times I had a cheat meal it ended with a long binge, I would forget the fact that I knew I was addicted to the food and I’d forget all the wonderful reasons I had for wanting to abstain from it.

What usually happened, is that I would indulge and have pizza, ice cream or whatever I was craving at that time.

Now, I would go on a week-long binge where everything but the unhealthiest foods was as appetizing as vomit in my mind. I would cringe at the thought of a healthy meal and binge on crap every day.

I would gain weight, feel like crap, sleep like crap until I finally got sick of all of it and decided to eat healthy again.

Rinse. Repeat.

This is how it went on for years.

I now haven’t touched sugar or gluten for many months.

For almost 6 months now when writing this, I’ve been completely free of my addiction to junk foods. I’ve lost a lot of weight and I feel better than I ever have in my life.

My self-esteem has improved immensely and I actually feel good in my own skin again.

I have since spoken to many, many people about their eating habits and many of them feel the exact same way about food. They show the same symptoms typical of addiction.

I have also spoken to many of my friends, who are also recovering addicts, and they also say that craving ice cream feels the same way as craving a drug. Exactly the same.

From my reading and my conversations with people, I have realized that this issue is incredibly common. People, despite being highly motivated to be healthy and lose weight, just can not control themselves around the addictive junk foods.

They are plagued by cravings and find themselves unable to control their consumption despite them knowing that the foods are causing them physical harm.

For that reason, I have assembled much of the knowledge and experiences I have with addiction and applied them to food addiction for the sake of helping others replicate my results.

Vicious Eating
A Detailed Guide to Overcoming Food Addiction and Permanently Getting Rid of Cravings

Some Highlights From the 130 Page Vicious Eating Manual

How food addiction makes weight loss impossible and causes people to gain weight despite their best intentions. What “the law of addiction” is and how to use that knowledge to overcome your addiction to junk foods. How sugar sets up a hormonal environment that overrides the body’s natural mechanism that is supposed to prevent us from gaining weight. How addictive foods cause a vicious cycle of cues, cravings and binge eating. The 8 symptoms of food addiction, with a quiz that you can use to figure out where you are on the spectrum. How to recognize the foods you must avoid in order to take control of your eating habits. The 6 steps you must take to set yourself up for success before you make a decision to abandon the junk foods. How avoiding these appetite stimulating foods can make you lose weight without even trying. How you can live an awesome life and eat an endless variety of healthy and delicious foods. How to permanently get rid of cravings and never binge again. …and MUCH more!


I Want You to Gain Full Control of Your Eating Habits… And Never Get Cravings Again

I know how hopeless it can be to try to gain control over an addiction when you don’t even really understand how it works.

I have years of experience of struggling with addictions of many sorts. I am positive that other people can replicate what I did using these methods.

…and this course is DEEP. I mean VERY, VERY Deep!

It digs deeper into the science behind food addiction than may have been necessary.

The goal was to give you such a deep understanding of the problem that the increased self-knowledge on its own may be enough to help you overcome these issues.

You will probably want to read parts of it more than once.

My advice is for people to read the whole course and follow the step-by-step guide to overcoming the addiction, then coming back to it for reference if any issues might crop up along the way.



Food addiction is no joke… overeating, especially on junk foods high in sugar, is serious business and can lead to all sorts of diseases; heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, premature ageing and even cancer.

But that’s not what is most directly relevant to your life, today. What IS is that food addiction can ruin your life in other ways.

Feeling miserable about yourself, not feeling in control, having a broken self-esteem… this is serious business.

You only get ONE chance, ONE life… and going through life without living to your full potential is a waste.

If you feel bad about yourself, depressed, low self-esteem, etc. TODAY then you’re not going to feel ANY better in 5 years, if you don’t DO something about it.

If food addiction is a problem in your life, then you MUST act. You MUST get it under control.

If you don’t, it will only get worse.

Get This For Less Than The Cost of a Single Meal at an Average Restaurant

I decided on the fair price of ONE single payment of 27$.

…but while this book is new I’m going to keep it at 9$ for the first week or so (a third of the full price). This is less than the cost of a single meal at an average restaurant.

What you gain here beats anything you might ever learn from any diet book or weight loss program out there.

If you succeed using the plan in the book, you will save a ton of money in the long run. Junk food is expensive, diets are expensive, being unhealthy will be VERY expensive down the line.

This course was a long time in the making and I’m really proud of how it turned out.

…and I honestly think you will Love it!

Click The Add to Cart Button below to place your secure order.

Vicious Eating… where I will receive INSTANT access to this comprehensive food addiction course… that will teach me to permanently get rid of cravings and take control of my eating habits.

I also understand that for this one low price of 9$, I will get free upgrades for LIFE. Every time a new version comes out, I will get the newest version free of charge.

AND I understand that this is backed by a no questions asked 60-day money back guarantee… If I don’t feel that I have received true value and am well on the way of making dramatic improvements in my life, I will get all my money back.

On that basis, I am ready to begin my journey by clicking the “Add To Cart” button below…

Note: This is a downloadable program. You will not receive a physical package. The entire package will be available for you to download and get started with right away after ordering. Vicious Eating is NOT available in any stores and you can only access it through this website.

Here’s to a healthy life, free of food addiction!

Kris Gunnars

My 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Customer satisfaction is very important to me. At the second page of the program is my personal e-mail address. If you are not 100% satisfied, then send me an e-mail to that address and you will get your money back within 24 hours, no questions asked.

Kris Gunnars is a pen name. My real name is Kristjan Mar Gunnarsson.

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