Excerpt from product page

Business Ideas for Career Changers


Are you under 40? Is your job about to end within the next 12 months,
or has it recently ended? Have you ever considered any business ideas?

If you’ve answered yes to these questions this website is for you.
It will help you map out various business ideas.

You may be wondering why you should take a stranger’s advice. My
simple response is that I’ve been there. I know the emotions you
have and will experience. This isn’t about giving you some
guaranteed solution. Success is up to you. This is about guiding you
through the transition.


Back in 2004 I was faced with a dilemma. My job was about to end and
I wanted to find a way to service humanity in a more significant way.
I had several business ideas but had no clue where to start.

I lasted about 10 months outside the workforce. By that time I was
scared out of my wits so I took a couple more traditional jobs.

If wasn’t long before the ‘but to serve’ returned, but in a
greater way. I started to evaluate myself. Who was I? Was I in control
of my life? How could I take charge of my life while being of service
to others? The time had come to face my fears. I know that I had to
leave this job as well. This time, planning would be key.


You may be in a similar situation. You want to contribute to a
greater cause, or you want to control your destiny. You feel limited
by your current career path. Also your current employment is about to
end within12 months or maybe its already ended.

You find yourself at a crossroad and you have to make a decision.
You can either find another job or you can live your lifelong dream of
becoming a business owner.

DISCLAIMER: This site is not for persons requiring an immediate 'fix'
to unemployment. It is meant to help persons who want to develop a
long-term meaningful strategy in starting their business. Business
Ideas for Life in no way confirms the accuracy of the content
contained within this site. Even though we do our best to provide our
visitors with quality content we cannot and do not guarantee that you
will make money by using any of the strategies outlined. Neither do we
purport that future guarantees can be made and that you will make
money or achieve results utilizing the contents contained herein.

This site suggests business ideas the viewer may wish to consider.
Due to a number of factors unique to each individual we cannot
guarantee your success; only you can determine the rate of success you
achieve. The ideas presented are based on the opinions and experiences
of the site owner and thus cannot be constituted as actual or typical

The content provided on this site is NOT intended to offer legal,
personal, financial or professional advice. Ultimately the advice of
trained professionals should be sought. This includes but is not
limited to, financial and legal advice. Business Ideas for Life will
in no way be liable for any damages that result from the use or
improper use of the information or strategies communicated in the
materials outlined. You agree not to hold us liable for any actions,
decisions or results that you undertake as a result of utilizing the
contents of this site.


©Business Ideas for Life 2013

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