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Chris Ervin presents...

Clear Head Clean Desk Productivity System

Advanced Time Management Techniques for Today’s World

Discover how a burned out Veterinarian turned it around by creating a comprehensive productivity system that actually works!

Learn how traditional time managment techniques failed me and how they are failing you as well!

Odds are you are feeling like I was, stressed out, burned out, and with too much to do.

Last year I felt like this and I knew something had to change.  Luckily I stumbled upon two little known books that helped me fill in the missing pieces of a complete productivity system.

If you are reading this page then you are likely already very productive, but how much more productive could you be?

Imagine being ultra-productive without any of the stress or anxiety that is normally associated with it.

My goal and your goal should be effortless productivity, which I also like to call Relaxed Productivity (Part 3 of my system). 

Which means being ultra productive without all the stress and frustration that comes with it.

My Clear Head Clean Desk System goes beyond time management to make you more productive.  It is a 5 part comprehensive system.

Many traditional time management courses teach a random collection of ideas that you can’t really use.  

I will teach you a comprehensive system.  The same one I use everyday to support my demanding lifestyle.

If you have viewed my 7 Questions to Better Time Management webinar then you know this will be practical and actionable stuff.  

This is not a webinar where we talk about theory.  After viewing this webinar you'll know exactly what you need to do to become even more productive.

Anyone who has too much to do and not enough time will benefit greatly from this course. 

Most people are not truly busy even though they complain a lot, so any basic time managment technique would help them greatly.

But my goal is to help people like you who truly have too much to do, and have worriers about what needs to get done in your head all day long.

It's aimed at business people, aspiring entrepreneurs, working parents, stay at home moms, and even students could greatly benefit from this system.

This is for people who want to squeeze the most out of life.  But if you want to use all the extra time you get from using this system to relax, then go ahead.  

But why not start a side business to earn extra income or take up a new hobby?

I’m a full time veterinarian, manage a full staff, have on-call rotation, a father, a husband, and run a successful part-time pet website that has brought me an additional $3,000 a month.  And I still manage to play with my daughter every night and spend weekends with my family.

But it wasn’t always like this.  I was struggling under a paper pile, and my stress level reached levels of burnout where I lost all motivation.

But in 9 months, I turned it around and I have even more responsibilities and feel great.  Gone is the stress.

I stumbled upon 2 little known books published over 30 years ago that helped me put it all together!

I read a lot of books on time managment, productivity, and self improvement.  In the system I talk about 2 obscure books that had a huge impact on my life and allows me to practice what I like to call: Relaxed Productivity.

One secret that tipped the scale was a little known book written in 1980 that likely no one has ever heard of.  

Most of the book was the usual business stuff, but one little tip in there has made a HUGE difference not only in my productivity, but in how people unconsciously perceive me.

Much of the success I've had in the past year I attribute to this book because it caused all the parts of my productivity system to fall into place.

Here is Why this System is Unique

This sytem is build around the 3 cores needed for any prodouctivity sytem to be effective:

A.  Attention Management

B.  Sustainable Mental Energy

C.  Highly Conducive Work Environment

Those 3 cores are comprehensivley covered in the 5 parts of the system:

1.  Clear Head

2.  Guarding the Mind

3.  Relaxed Productivity

4.  Time Compression Skills

5.  Clean Desk Magic

The product is delivered as a Guide Book and a Work Book, both are in downloadable pdf format.

The product is available for reading and downloading instantly.

Why Waste Another Minute Felling Burned Out and Stressed Out?

Buy Now!

Only $27

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