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Eileen Lichtenstein is Your Peak Performance Success Coach for Your Life and Career!

Promoting Optimal Wellness and Productivity in Your Life
Imagine a life free of worry and anxiety Easy and effortless relationships Improved self esteem Healthy and well-adjusted mind and body When you work with Eileen you will experience the freedom and peace of leading a balanced life.

She will guide into the awareness of a successful life with her private life coaching and workshops.

As your personal Peak Performance Success Coach Eileen has the ability to recognize what isn't working in your life and assist you in the awareness necessary for your transformation.
Promoting Optimal Productivity & Performance in the Workplace

Workplace Bullying Prevention Programs

Balance & Power, Inc. has been addressing stress and anger management issues for two decades, corporately and in the educational and private sectors, and is now facilitating Workplace Bullying Prevention trainings. Bullying in the workplace has reached epidemic proportions - it is our goal to help eliminate these type of situations. Eileen Lichtenstein, CEO, believes inner strength and being centered are keys to optimal productivity and happiness. She is a Certified Anger Management Specialist, accepted by the US courts, a former Biofeedback Practitioner, and former faculty member at Hofstra University.

[Download: Workplace Bullying Prevention Programs (pdf)](pdf/corporate-programs.pdf) ------

Balance and Power™ offers organizational, corporate, executive and personal life management workshops, training, coaching and speaking. Eileen specializes in work-life balance, stress reduction, stress management and career issues. Access the power you already have within you to bring about work-life balance. Balance brings power to the process of decision-making!

If you or your employees experience stress, frustration and insecurity as a result of... the economy and cutbacks company growth and mergers departmental friction multiple job responsibilities juggling personal and business life [Eileen Lichtenstein your peak performance success life coach](meeteileen.php) can help you and the people in your organization effectively deal with these situations. Increased confidence, creativity, commitment and company cohesiveness are proven results of her engagement with you. Additionally, Eileen's unique style of blended coaching and training facilitates: reduction of stress and anxiety symptoms improved relationships [anger management](anger.php) [stress management](stress.php) understanding communication styles and resolution of conflict increased self-esteem and boosted morale balanced work and personal life goal attainment and effective prioritizing skills
Learn more about Eileen's [Workshops](workshops.php) and
Peak Performance [Success Life & Career Coaching](coaching.php).


Lifestyle and Business Coaching - Stanford Who's Who Certified
An extraordinary entrepreneur and executive in the lifestyle and business coaching field with over 25 years of diverse professional experience in the field, [Eileen Lichtenstein](http://www.ibwire.net/eileen-lichtenstein-lifestyle-business-coaching-stanford-whos-who-certified/
) has enjoyed an enormously successful career leading to her inclusion in the exclusive network of premier professionals with Stanford Who's Who.

She specializes in the provision of executive and lifestyle coaching services designed to help people to succeed in their personal and professional development. She offers a comprehensive range of products and services to assist clients in becoming well-rounded individuals as well as organizations in becoming successful entities.
([Read More Here](http://www.ibwire.net/eileen-lichtenstein-lifestyle-business-coaching-stanford-whos-who-certified/


Also From Balance & Power™:
[Anger Management Nassau County Long Island, Wantagh and New York metro area](anger.php)

[Stress Management Nassau County Long Island, Wantagh and New York metro area](stress.php)

[Court Mandated Anger Management, Nassau County Long Island, Wantagh and New York metro area](anger.php)

[Bullying/Cyber-Bullying Prevention Support Groups Wantagh, Nassau County Long Island, New York](schoolprograms.php) and surrounding areas
[Sensitivity Trainings Wantagh, Nassau County Long Island, New York](workshops.php) and surrounding areas
Stress Management, Anger Management and SOAR! with Resilience®/Workshops
in Long Island, New York Metro Area, on your site, via Skype, telephone, webinar.
[ ](http://www.thinkbuzan.com/a_id/4fd560007b72d)

Workplace Bullying
Prevention Programs
(pdf)](pdf/corporate-programs.pdf)Home [Events](events.php) [eBooks/Products](balanceandpowerproducts.php) [Workshops](workshops.php) [EFT](eft.php) [Stress Management](stress.php) [Success &
Career Coaching](coaching.php) [SOAR! with Resilience® Book](soarwithresilience.php) [Anger Management](anger.php) [Stress Reduction Tips](tips.php) [School Programs for Faculty, Parents & Students
including Anti Bullying](schoolprograms.php) [Moving Meditation®](movingmeditation.php) [Meet Eileen](meeteileen.php) [Eileen's One Sheet](pdf/Eileen_Lichtenstein.pdf) [Inspirational Quotes](archive.php) [Contact](contact.php) [Media](media.php) [Eileen's Blog](http://www.balanceandpowerblog.com) [](http://www.youtube.com/eileenlichtenstein) [](http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=5291507&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro) [](http://twitter.com/BalancPower) [](http://www.facebook.com/pages/Balance-Power-Inc/134027079964068?v=app_4949752878&ref=ts)


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About Long Island
NYC Metro Events!](longisland.php)



Wantagh, NY 11510
Copyright © 2013 - Balance & Power℠
[](http://www.webtimegraphics.com) Eileen Lichtenstein, MS. Ed.

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