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You're Doing It Wrong! | WHEYVOS






___You're Doing It Wrong!_ is the 405 page end result of one
stressful year of work where I put together my ideas and philosophies
on health and fat loss. The main reason that I put together a book is
because I felt like there weren't many resources that put together a
simple way to lose weight and get healthy, so I decided to do it
myself. I just tackled all of the reasons why people can't get healthy
or lose weight and created a "how-to" book on how to overcome those
reasons. I know that 400+ pages may sound lengthy, but you don't have
to read all of it at once. The book is divided into 4 main parts
titled Thinking, Eating, Moving, and Tracking. You can begin anywhere,
you don't have to read Part 1s Thinking before you can read Part 2s
Eating. Besides, would you rather have a 400 page book of original
content or a 50 page book of recycled "eat less and move more" advice?

Just to give you an idea of what you are getting into, I have added
the Table of Contents below along with a more formal
description/advertisement for _You're Doing It Wrong! _


It doesn’t matter if you have 100 pounds to lose or just have to
lose those last 10, if you are a male or female, or if you are a young
adult or a senior citizen, You're Doing It Wrong! will work for you.
You're Doing It Wrong! is the barrier breaking book that helps you
lose weight and get healthy by focusing on eliminating common hurdles
including, “It costs too much to be healthy, I don’t like to diet,
I don’t have time, and I am just not sure what to do.”

“It costs too much to be healthy." You can expect to put money in
your wallet upon completion of the book instead of emptying it out on
expensive “diet” food, supplements, and memberships. You will get
lighter and healthier while your bank account gets fatter which is the
ideal scenario for any dieter. You will learn how you can get thinner
and healthier than you have ever imagined on a “food stamp”
budget. You will learn how to create a healthy diet that costs less
than $5 a day.

“I don’t like to diet.” Does anyone like to diet? Of course
not. This book will show you how to get a food “high” on a daily
basis, so it never feels like you are dieting. You will learn how to
eat what you want while losing weight and inches. Ice cream,
cheeseburgers, chocolate, French fries, and doughnuts are just a few
of the things that you will find on the menu.

“I don’t have time.” You will learn why it’s actually better
to not have free time when it comes to losing weight and getting
healthy. You won’t have to spend a lot of time grocery shopping or
cooking in the kitchen. More importantly, you will not have to spend
hours exercising. So, if you “don’t have time” or simply hate to
exercise and cook, you can still expect to succeed.

“I am just not sure what to do.” You have probably heard that you
should “eat less and move more” in the past. You have also
probably heard that it’s all about “calories in and calories
out.” You will see why these statements are false and will never
result in lasting fat loss and health. You will also learn what you
should really be eating in order to be healthy.

And those are just a few of the things that you will learn. You will
also learn the following

• Why the United States and the rest of the world has been gaining
weight and getting unhealthier
• Why eating as many as 24 eggs a day will NOT give you high
cholesterol and can actually improve cholesterol numbers
• Who’s profiting from obesity and ill health
• Learn the truth about “healthy” foods and products
• How those that want to “help” aren’t
• How you can eat a 14,000 calorie ice cream sundae and still lose
weight and be healthy
• How to ensure you get what you pay for at the grocery store
• How to make your own supplements at home for a fraction of the
• A simple recipe section with recipes that have 3 ingredients or
• How to get a good night’s sleep every night
• Why exercise may be doing you more harm than good
• How you can lose up to 20 pounds in 4 weeks
• And so much more!

Start losing weight right now for only $29.99!

Still not ready to commit? I have added Chapter 12 below which is the
first chapter in Part 2s Eating section just to give you an idea of
what you can expect in terms of writing style and tone. I feel that
the book is entertaining, but I have heard in the past that everyone
likes the smell of their own brand which I think means that people
like the smell of their own farts but not other people's.


If that brought you off of the fence then click below to get the rest
of the book for only $29.99!


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* February 2013
* January 2013





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