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Are you trying to eat healthy BUT have no clue how to?

Not enough time or patience to spend hours in the kitchen?

Are you confused about what is really healthy for you and your family?

Do you want to stop the sugar, gluten, dairy and inflammatory deadly foods that are making you feel like crap

but can’t do it alone? 


Join the iCookNaked Club today and get your “Virtually Live Cookbook” delivered to your email.

This club will educate, support and motivate you to get yourself and your family healthy.  You will get  the skills you need to implement long term healthy habits into your life. These recipes have no refined sugar, no white flour, no gluten.

You can spend hours experimenting with these ingredients and combinations by struggling in the kitchen to figure it out by yourself.


You can subscribe to the only “Virtually” Live Cookbook that teaches you how to prepare healthy meals that are simple, easy and yum-azingly delicious. [Read more about how and why here …](http://icooknaked.com/about-rosi/)
[](http://icooknaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/checkbox-copy32.png) You will learn tips, ideas and skills for navigating your kitchen with ease, grace and delicious healthy style. [](http://icooknaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/checkbox-copy32.png) Your new skills, practices and food will help you lose weight and feel great without starving or spending hours in the kitchen. [](http://icooknaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/checkbox-copy32.png) You will meet other people who have the same feelings about food and cooking as you do, connect with them and find support along the way. There is no time like the present… so give a gift to yourself! Join today!
I’ve worked in my kitchen so that you can play in yours. I’ve kept it real, I’ve kept it simple, I’ve kept it naked for YOU. 

You’ll watch the ease of using only 5 ingredients and experience the joy of taking only 5 minutes to prep your food.

You’ll taste the results of amazing super healthy eating as your skin begins to glow, your body begins to change and your thinking begins to clear.

[Subscribe and get the first recipe emailed to you now.](http://icooknaked.com/partners-sign-up/)

Easy and delicious recipes in downloadable printable format that you can keep in your recipe binder or your customized online recipe box. Just in case you forget to log in, one yum-azing recipe per week will be delivered straight to your inbox to remind you.
 A “how to concoct, create and cook” video demonstration with every recipe All recipes have approx 5 ingredients and take approx 5 minutes prep time All recipes use pure and “naked”  food as close to it’s natural form as possible and unless stated are: gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, white flour free. Only the most super health promoting nutrient dense foods are used in the creation of these recipes. Grocery Shopping List that is delivered to your smart phone friendly and delivered so you’re never stuck in the store wandering around clueless.
Access to a private membership site filled with more “naked” recipes when you want them. Participation in the “What’s Cooking?” discussions where members share “naked” recipes and “naked” food photos and yummy experiences. Weekly reminders to join in the discussion will prompt your participation. A new food/category FOCUS for each month so that you really learn creative uses and yum-azing ideas for easily adding this new healthy food to your diet.
[](http://icooknaked.com/partners-sign-up/) OR

iCookNaked Members are not only cooking and eating, they’re talking. Just Sayin’.

Check out how they are embracing the feeling that “naked” brings to the table.
[](http://sleepingnakedafter40.com/icooknakedtalk ) [](http://sleepingnakedafter40.com/icooknakedtalk ) [](http://sleepingnakedafter40.com/icooknakedtalk )

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