Excerpt from product page



Hi, my name is Mark and I have been involved in the fly in fly out
(FIFO) mining construction industry for 3 years now. It has opened
up a world of opportunities, mainly in oil and

Companys that are employing full time ...........................

Positions for trade qualified

Infomation Links and info to training organisations............

Unskilled entry level positions for adminstration. ...............

Where to start/ what cities to be based in.........................

To put things differently between mining and mining construction in
perspective , The entry level wage in the construction industry as a
trades assistant/ Labourer can be $160,000 and entry level in 'the
as a drillers offsider you will earn between $60,000 to $80,000.
Take your pick!

Let's face it, most people don't want to work on a mine or remote
construction site for the rest of their lives, or for more than a few
years, so obviously take the high paying jobs.

Construction! Construction! Construction! Male or female, you will
be paid a premium for working in construction. I can't emphasise it

The information in the e-book will assist you in finding employment
in this lucrative industry!

So why you should choose my e-book?

Find lucrative jobs as a Tradesman, Trades Assistant or Labourer.  
A comprehensive list of employers in the industry that are
Industry secrets that will get your FOOT IN THE DOOR FASTER....
Discover the major differences between construction margin-top:10px"
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by minisiteindustry

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