Excerpt from product page

$3,500 to $677,152.99 with low risk to high reward. The ultimate scalper powered by H1
timeframe with cleaner trading data, and clearer trade signals.


Trade the Forex market  with greater reward.  Flexible scalping and less trading server demands.


[ ](http://fxcapitalist.com/fxc/sell.php?prodData=cb%2C1%2C9051)
60 - Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee / One-Time Price: $87

From: James O'Reilly

Dear fellow Forex trading friend,

If you want to win big profits in Forex, here's what YOU need...
A scalping strategy is important for long term success for retail traders such as yourself. A scalper is needed that is more flexible when trading on brokers And the following of these 3 important principles is key to YOUR success
First, a scalping strategy or robot makes trades that typically last no longer than a few minutes or a few seconds. This is important, because signals can change at any moment.

So if you have a good trade signal you can capitalize on that opportunity and avoid any major news or movements that can possibly put you in a bad position.

BUT, the biggest issues that scalpers have that have unfortunately resulted in failure for traders are...
Execution Issues - Broker is overwhelmed by multiple rapid trades and is unable to execute trades quick enough or with proper accuracy. Stop level limitations - Many brokers impose stop loss limitations meaning you can only have stop loss greater than 2 pips and some cases 3 pips. 

Almost all scalpers have stop loss at these low numbers and with execution issues and slippage these stop loss are not able to set properly causing improper trading. Slippage - There's a multitude of reasons for slippage, but one is an overwhelming number of trades can cause brokers' servers to have slow down in processing resulting in trades executing off a few pips.
As a result we need scalpers that are more flexible in their trading styles for more brokers.  This is exactly what FX Capitalist is designed to do.

FX Capitalist offers more flexibility with more options.  By default FX Capitalist works with a 4 pip stop loss, yet still maintaining an incredible reward potential for every trade.

The 4 pip stop loss accomodates stop level limitations. 

FX Capitalist is NOT demanding, it does not trade rapidly, but rather scalps with ease.  It utilizes the H1 timeframe which has cleaner trade signals.    Trades are not as rapid protecting you from execution issues.

For the 3 most important principles key to your trading success... a little more on that in a bit.


My name is James O’Reilly.

And we probably have a lot more in common than you think.

No one starts trading Forex for fun, they do it because they NEED or WANT to make money.  

Anyone who’s been investing in retirement funds up until this recession started has lost a significant amount of money.  

You can count me in, because it hit me hard as well.  

Doesn’t leave me or anyone for that matter with much confidence in the current system or future system for protecting ourselves for retirement or from getting laid off.

You see, I had spent 20 years of breaking my back for a company that would let me go in favor of cheaper labor. To me this was heart breaking.

I didn’t understand how a company that I poured my soul into could just let me go like that.

I found it extremely difficult to find a new job. I went on countless interviews but had very little success.

I had to take part time gigs as a waiter, delivery guy, and a whole bunch of others I don't want to remember just to put food on the table.

 I was barely able to take care of my family and barely able to pay our bills.

One day, I snapped, I couldn’t take it any longer.  I had a break down.  I’m not proud of it, but I felt helpless, frozen, like I couldn’t do anything right, I felt like I couldn’t go any further.

For a few weeks, maybe a month, it’s all a blur now, I just broke down and did nothing.  I couldn’t move, I couldn’t look for work, I couldn’t do anything, it was bad.

Next, something happened, I was searching the internet and about ready to give up on life when a friend I knew from when I was younger messaged me on Facebook.

This friend, his name is, Charles, was messaging me just to say hi and catch up after not talking for a few years, he use to be one of my best friends.

We got to chatting, and let me tell you it was a relief, I finally felt connected to the world again, I forgot about my current situation and was enjoying our conversation.

Then we started talking about what we were doing with ourselves...

At that moment, I spilled my heart out, and luckily Charles was willing to listen, I would imagine it wasn’t easy to deal with my negativity.

But Charles was always positive, always looking towards the light, I love that about him.

Anyway, Charles started talking about his life, and boy was I jealous.  He was living the life...
Charles was working only a few hours a day. He has no boss. He could work from anywhere. Charles has no debt, and has all the toys he could ever want. (cars, technology, house, etc.)
I was jealous.  I wanted this so bad for my family, and I bet you would love to be able to have the same for your family too.

Who wouldn’t want the freedom to NOT worry about money.  It’s liberating.  Trust me I know now. 

As you could guess what happened next...

Now, you are probably wondering yourself what is Charles doing?!?

And I’m about to tell you, I’m going to tell you exactly how Charles lives that way, and me, I’m now happy, successful, and free.  

Because I listened and learned from Charles, and let me tell what happened next.

Charles made his fortune trading Forex.  He’s a smart guy so unlike myself and probably 95% of the other Forex traders out there, I don’t think he struggled much.

This guy learned all the technicals and fundamentals of trading.  He analyzed the markets with tenacity.

Charles discovered patterns in the market and exploited them to make huge profits for himself daily, specifically over a few hours a day.

I didn’t ask, I begged Charles to teach me, mentor me, and take me under his wings.

Charles taught me 3 incredibly important things about trading Forex that made him successful and I'm going to share them with you.

You need to be able to manage the amount of money you are betting on a trade.

You need to be able to sustain multiple losses if things go against you and still have a good account size to be ready to go again.

Because lets face it, no matter how great of a trader you are there is NO such thing as winning 100% of the trades.  

But that’s okay, because Charles and I, we don’t win 100% of the time, and we are making an amazing living trading Forex.

This one is extremely important.  Every trade you make has a max risk for the amount you can lose and a max reward amount you can win.  

Of course there are exceptions to this rule with trailing stops and such.

Let me explain this one further.  With Forex you can win or lose money in terms of pips ( the movement of value in one direction or another ).  

So let’s say you place a trade and you set your max take profit amount, you will close your trade, if a win at 20 pips profit.  

And the amount that your trade will close out at if it is in a loss would be 5 pips loss.

Look here, if you win the trade that’s 20 pips.  

Lets say you win the first trade.  That means you can lose the next 4 trades (5 pips loss 4 times = 20 pips), and still break even.  

That means your strategy doesn’t have to win 100% of the time.  You can lose 3 trades for every trade you win and still come out a huge winner.   Pretty cool right?

The odds are significantly in your favor.

Most traders make a huge mistake risking 100 pips for only 20 pips, and that’s no way to trade.  

To really make a full time and successful living trading Forex you need to scale up.  This means you need to increase your trade bet size.  (Lot size).  

Do this as your account grows and you will be exponentially growing your account with ferocity.

You are about to learn how you can do this with absolutely no trading experience.

Put it this way, my 100% automated Forex robot that I built from my own blood and sweat use these important principles with an extraordinarily unique strategy to trading.

Please give me a few more minutes of your precious time.

 I was running scenarios and strategies.  I didn’t have money when I was learning so I was running them on demo accounts.  

And boy was I losing badly, I had destroyed demo accounts left and right, good thing I couldn’t afford to fill a live account yet, because I would have lost all of my deposit.

I spent more and more time with Charles, I was sucking up every bit of knowledge I could from him. He was such a powerful resource to learn from.

Soon enough, I was killing it,  I was making loads of “fake money” on my demo accounts.  My excitement was beyond belief, I just don't have the words to describe it.

Can you imagine making tons of fake money and not being able to do it in real life?  Boy was I itching to trade live.  

I’ve never been so inspired to actually work a shit job in my life just to make money so I could fund my trading account with real money.

I was newly inspired and reborn, I had to get a job fast, it didn’t matter what the job was.  I took a few side gigs, worked my ass off, I needed money and I needed it fast.  

So I gathered some money and quickly funded my Forex account.

This horrible period of my life was finally over.  I was finally making money.  

I was finally able to …
Catch up on my bills Free myself from debt Provide for my family Finally buy myself a gift for all the pain and struggling (Bought myself a brand spanking new computer) And best of all, I freed myself from the daily grind of 9 to 5 work.
OKAY, so now time goes by, I continue to trade, improve my skills, and gain momentum building my bank account.

But some issues arise...
Trading at times can be very stressful, I stare at the charts for hours non stop sometimes.  

I've made a few careless trades because of fatigue. I am not spending as much time as I would like with my family. There’s room for emotions and human error to get in the way (this has cost me some great trades).
With these issues, I’m still pulling in a nice full time income and loving my life, but something had to give.

You see, I’m not the type of person to listen when others talk, I like to be in charge, do things my own way. Little did I know, this approach got me absolutely NOWHERE.

You know that gut feeling, when you finally realize you’re WRONG?

That's how I felt when I spoke to Charles.

Charles changed my life, I owe him a debt of gratitude.  When I talk to him, I LISTEN, I suck up everything I can.

One conversation I had with him, was another life changer, this time it taught me to dechain myself from the computer.

I told Charles about my issues that have arose and the dreadful stresses of trading.  He was able to sympathize with me, but quickly said...

“I rarely stare at the screen for more than 20 minutes a day...”

At that moment, in shock, I said, “WAIT, WHAT, HOW?  That’s not possible...”

That’s when Charles explained his process for turning his most profitable strategies into full blown 100% automated trading workers, as I like to call them,  also known as, Forex robots.

For some time now, Charles has been developing his strategies into automated Forex robots.  

So now it was my turn.

One of my most valuable strategies, the signals happen very fast and only last for a few minutes at most.

And as you can imagine it can be stressful spotting these trades and acting on them quickly.  

If I could just automate this strategy it would be a delight and a breath of fresh air, and that’s what I did, Charles showed me how and I continued to learn and now one of our best strategies is automated.

But first, let me tell you why I’m making this available to you today, and what exactly my system can do for you.

You are probably thinking this is crazy if you are making so much money trading Forex, then why are you going to simply give your system to me?

And that’s okay, I would ask the same question, because in some cases it makes no sense.  But I’ll provide some clarity, I’ll explain why and then it will make sense.

Ever heard of “paying it forward” or “kharma”?

If not, it means doing something for someone else. It can be something as simple as holding the door open for someone or teaching someone how to create their own income source to freedom. 

And in return the same will be done for you for something you need help with at some point in your life.

I’m a firm believer in this.

I had my share of suffering, but now after Charles helped me, I’m a success and I owe it to him.  Now it’s my turn I feel to help someone else.

There’s no better way to help than to provide a solution to a lifetime of daily working, a full time independent and automated trading system that can help you take the first step to independence from your job, debt, and limitations in life.

So you might ask, why not give this away for free? 

First, I want people who are serious about being successful.  There’s a lot of people who will download it and just waste  the potential of my software, ask for help, and do absolutely nothing but spin the wheels and waste my time and theirs.

I want you to be serious about making money trading Forex.

So by donating a small investment, you allow me to re-invest in improving my system and provide support staff to help you.

But, in order to help “pay it forward”  I’m going to give you a significant discount, more on that later, but it’s going to be worth your while trust me.

I’m going to be here supporting you and FX Capitalist and make sure this winner continues to work for you like it does for me.  As I pour my heart and soul into this system.

Now you know my story, you know why I’m doing this, why I want to help you.  Let me now show you exactly how I’m going to help you.

I’m going to allow you to download my 100% automated Forex robot called FX Capitalist, let me now show you everything you need to know about it, then it’s all yours!

I created this system based on minimizing risks as much as possible with low risk to high reward, then scaling up the bets.  That’s why it’s able to generate such huge profits.

Here are some important facts you should know about FX Capitalist...

FX Capitalist is a scalper, but not like just any scalper.  First a scalper is a system that typically takes short trades that usually on average only last a few minutes at most.

This is important because as you know a lot can happen during the day, even the week, while trading Forex.

News comes out, countries manipulate markets, banks manipulate markets, and so much more can arise. If you are in a trade for an extended period of time these manipulations can completely kill your trade.  

So I’ve found that if you can get out of a trade as fast as possible, collect your profits, and look for the next opportunity, then you are in the best possible position to come out on top.

I’ve taken scalping to another level, most, if not all scalpers, trade on M1.

And that’s fine, because M1 can be good for scalping, but M1 can have some flaws as well.  See with M1 price movements are rapid and sometimes it’s hard to analyze the data properly as a result.  

Which can lead to some bad trades.  Don’t get me wrong,  M1 can be great, but FX Capitalist utilizes the H1 timeframe.

H1 is a better chart to trade on, data is cleaner to interpret, and it can be traded successfully on.

Many professional Forex traders use H1 and H4 timeframe, typically for longer term trades, but as you can and will see FX Capitalist actually benefits from making scalping trades on the H1 timeframe.

This is important, every trade needs a take profit and stop loss to prevent trades from losing control and it’s good to know for purposes of risk to reward.

FX Capitalist, based on my designs, must trade with a low risk to a very high reward for every trade.

Specifically on average if a trade loses it’s only 4 pips, nothing crazy, and if it wins, it wins 13 pips on average.

Both of these may not sound like a lot right now, but when you read about trade management next you will understand why this can be quite profitable (also refer to the risk / reward screen at the top of this page).

Anyway, look at it this way, if FX Capitalist loses 3 trades and wins just 1 trade, it will still be in profit!  That’s some pretty good odds on your side.

And this management of the trade stops allows my system to work really well.  

Not to mention, the strategy itself is really strong so you’re looking at an efficient money making system.

You may have heard about presets.  If not, presets are different settings that can be inserted into the robot to manipulate how it trades.

FX Capitalist comes with preloaded efficient and reliable presets, and I’m confident in them, I use them personally.  And everything you see on this page was based on using these presets.

But I understand, sometimes you might want to tweak the system, adapt it to your style of trading.  If you are a beginner there’s no need to worry about this, as it will work right away from the installation.

Let me give you a quick example of another preset that is available for FX Capitalist, this preset is interesting and it’s not for everyone, it significantly increases the reward for every risk.  

So this preset, makes it so every 1 trade you win would be enough to sustain you for up to 25 losses. That’s right you could lose 24 trades in a row after losing 1 and you would still be in profit!

Pretty crazy right?

Anyway more on that later, when you get access to the members area.

As soon as you gain access to members' area for FX Capitalist.  You will have all the tools you need to get started reaping the rewards plus my full support.  Here's what you get.

A simple installer that essentially loads all the proper files into your broker platform, sets the appropriate settings, and gets everything properly setup for you.

All you have to do is click a few buttons and activate your license and your good to go (really easy).

It's all beginner friendly so you don't have to worry.

BONUS: Included is a surprise addition to FX Capitalist when you purchase.  A bonus version. 
As I mentioned a second ago, FX Capitalist is user friendly.  But to ensure it works out right for you, I'm including a detailed manual and video guide so you know exactly what's going on when you install FX Capitalist.

I don't want you to have any confusion or doubts.  And if by some chance you do have a question or need some help...
Whatever questions you may have or concerns you might have before joining me.  Or maybe you already joined and have some setup questions or technical questions...

 I've got your back.

I'm going to personally help respond to your e-mails, to make sure your helped as you deserve. 

And know that I can't work 24 hours a day 7 days week, it's nearly impossible.

BUT I've arranged to have a few highly trained technicians help me to help you, when I'm not able to get on e-mail, so you are always in good hands.

And to add to it.  I have arranged to make sure all e-mails are monitored by a manager.

All technicians are native English speakers who are able to use translators if necessary.  They are trained to be respectable, prompt, polite, and helpful.

So again, I'm here for you, and so are my close team of technicians. 

You are in great hands.

Within seconds of becoming a part of FX Capitalist you will have access to my special members only area.  You will have lifetime access to this area.

You will have access to download FX Capitalist, the manual, support videos, and recommendations for best performance possible.

Any updates we release will be instantly placed in members area for free for you to download at your convenience. 

As mentioned a few seconds ago, updates are included for free, for life.

And when they are available I will notify you by e-mail and make them easily downloadable from your members' only area.

These updates will be anything from...

Improvements to trading strategy

It is expected there will be lost trades, we can't win 100% of the time, but FX Capitalist has an amazing risk to reward ratio.  Nonetheless, I don't like to see loss trades just like the next person. 

So every time there is a lost trade I try to analyze it and see what went wrong, maybe I can add another filter or improvement to the strategy to prevent that trade from occurring again.

And this is where we improve the strategy and for free of course.

Improvements in features / functionality

Sometimes there are simple improvements to the system that I throw in to give you more control.

This is not urgent to understand, because it is beginner friendly and can be used out of the box.  With little effort.

Improvements are made from requests by other traders like yourself

Sometimes you might have an idea or someone else to improve my system.  And that's great, I'm open to suggestions and comments.

If they seem like they are worth doing, I'll happily work on it and release it to you and members.

And keep in mind the robot functions great, but I'm always striving for perfection, and this will benefit you, because I'll give you those fixes free to help better your trading.

I want you to have full backing and support, because I needed it so bad while I was suffering.  I know exactly what it feels like to need a lifeline, but only to have no one around to help you or guide you.

Fortunately for me, meeting Charles, was a lifeline and a ticket for a new life.

And you may not experience what I went through, I don’t wish that upon anyone.

But I still want you to have the feeling of knowing someone is there to help you if you need it, just like I had with Charles.

So look at me as your friend, because I’m going to be there for you.  

I will be working on FX Capitalist making sure it’s updated, making sure it’s strong, and I’m doing it for myself and I’m doing it for you.

There’s trillions of dollars traded daily in Forex and there’s no reason more people can’t have a piece of the success with me.  I’m more than happy to share!

Now, that we have gone over everything you need to know, I’m hoping you are ready to jump into action, but in case you are not, maybe you are reluctant, maybe you are scared, it’s okay, I understand.

But I’m going to give you an iron-clad 60 day money back guarantee that I don’t think you will want to turn down.

My HONORABLE Iron-Clad 60 Day Moneyback Guarantee

Here it is.  You have nothing to lose.  I’m going to put all the risk on myself.  You can trade my software on a demo account or live account and test it out.  

Ask me questions if you need help, whatever you need I’m here, and if you are not happy within 60 days send me an e-mail, and I’ll refund every penny.

I want to help you see success, I want to pay it forward to you. By making a difference in your life, I believe it will impact me in the future in a positive way.

Maybe we can become friends, maybe I’ll meet new people, whatever it is I’m excited to share my system with you, so please give it a try, you have nothing to lose.

More importantly now you are probably thinking, can I afford is? And the answer is YES.


As I’ve been saying I want to see you succeed, I want to make new friends, I want to share my success with others.

And I know that sometimes we can’t always commit a lot of money to Forex, I was there, I’ve seen rock bottom.

So I’m not going to ask you to make a huge commitment, I want you to try my system and see this is the one for you.  

I want you to run it, and see for yourself and say, "wow, he was right, this is the real deal."

Here’s your chance to own, keep, and profit from my FX Capitalist system with all the perks, not for a ridiculous price, but only $87.

Yes, only $87.

[ ](http://fxcapitalist.com/fxc/sell.php?prodData=cb%2C1%2C9051)
60 - Day Money Back Guarantee / One-Time Price: $87

That’s an incredibly competitive price for some an amazing system that I’ve created.  And that comes with my 60 day money back guarantee.

You have absolutely nothing to lose.

So join me lets do this, I know you will be happy.

I’ve told you my story, showed you my system, and showed you it is possible to become successful even if you are starting from absolutely nothing.

As I said before, my life has become all about helping others, and today I want to help you.  

I will be personally responding to as many emails as possible and I’m happy to address any questions you may have about FX Capitalist, or if you just want to have a friendly chat, I’m here for that too.

So to recap, when you sign up now, you get my full fledged support, lifetime updates, a generously discounted price, and an iron-clad 60 day moneyback guarantee.

Let us be successful together!


James O’Reilly

[ ](http://fxcapitalist.com/fxc/sell.php?prodData=cb%2C1%2C9051)
60 - Day Money Back Guarantee / One-Time Price: $87

 P.S.  This low price won’t be available for long, so please get your copy today, and don’t forget, I’m fully supporting you with lifetime updates, and full 24 / 7 support.

P.P.S.  Download FX Capitalist today and discover how only a few trades nearly doubled my account, it’s amazing stuff.

 P.P.P.S.  Don’t forget you have a 60 day money back guarantee.  Try it out, on live or demo and if you’re not happy I’ll refund every penny.



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